It has already started in Sweden. Migrants from the East under attack! I live here in Sweden. It's begun. The first thing to do was to organize a political party that will do something about that. The Sweden Democrats are (as usual) campaigning on a platform of get tough on crime and on gangs, more police, more prisons and expelling criminals who aren't citizens from the country, and on shutting down various Islamic schools. It's been so successful that the Social Democrats (i.e. the party that brought you this mess) have had to promise all sorts of measures to promote-or-require integration, and are now hot to shut down the same schools. They are even campaigning on a platform of Nationalism, and this week are competing over 'who can put the most criminals behind bars'. This really is a 'pigs are flying' moment. This is because the real platform of the Social Democrats is 'whatever it takes to get elected' and right now, in Sweden, you cannot get anywhere by pointing fingers and chanting 'islamophobia, racism, nazi'. The Social Democrats have been saying that for quite some time and nobody is buying it any more. This paper from 2013 is finally making a difference. It says that 1% of the population of Sweden are responsible for 63% of the violent crime. And they get socialized into crime as children and youths. Things are believed to have become worse in the last 10 years .... definitely the criminals are younger. At some point you cannot hide the fact that people who become dangerous violent criminals do not do so because they lack other opportunities, but rather because a dangerous violent criminal is what they prefer to be, despite having plenty of other opportunities. And the immigrants are taking notice. Polls say that immigrants who want the criminals out of their neighborhoods -- most of them -- are now willing to vote for right wing parties that promise to do something about the problem rather than suffer the depredations any more. Immigrants are speaking up, saying that the Social Democrats policy of multiculturalism has made it harder for them to integrate, even though they wanted to very much, and that law and order is more important than a shared ethnic background. So if the Social Democrats can no longer count on the immigrant vote, then they have correctly reasoned they need to get tough on crime as well. Moreover, Covid policy has given globalism a black eye here. Since Sweden is still an export-driven and not a consumer economy, we're all pretty up for the sort of globalism that means we can sell our goods abroad with the minimum of fuss and tariffs. But the notion that we might sign something that gives somebody else the right to lock us up in our houses and not determine our own health policies during a pandemic sits very poorly right now. 'I have seen international leadership, and it's of exceedingly low quality' doesn't surprise anybody here. Latest polls here: Nobody can predict whether we will have a left wing coalition government or a right wing one. Exciting election times.