Russian cosmonauts filmed a UFO on the ISS Mission Control: Observing the object? Oleg Artemyev: What am I observing? Mission Control: An object in the area of the solar battery, do you see any? Oleg Artemiev: Once again, what am I not watching? I don't understand the word you're saying. Mission Control: Above the far end of the solar array, where we're watching an object through a TV camera. Wanted to ask you to see what it is? Oleg Artemyev: Some object at the end of the solar battery, is it this square, or something, or an antenna? Mission Control: No… Oleg is a free-flyer. Free flying object. Oleg Artemyev: I don't see it. TsUP: Oleg, let's not waste time. Oleg Artemyev: I don't see it. Videos: