The New World Order is already here The New World Order is already here ( We're living in it. And things are going to get far, far worse during the coming months because we are now already in the kill phase of the Great Reset. Decisions are made by, or according to the demands of, a tiny group of lobbyists and cultists who have been manipulated into representing the interests of the conspirators - either wittingly or though stupidity and ignorance. We are being controlled by conspirators who control the sort of people who believe that gluing themselves to the road in front of ambulances is a good thing to do. The world is full of people who think that those of us who worry about what is happening are half crazed conspiracy theorists. But the odd thing is that most of those people who think we are conspiracy theorists are themselves concerned about things that are happening and that have affected them. The problem is that they haven't looked at the big picture - they don't realise that all the bad things that have been happening in the last few years are connected. The rebranded flu, global warming, the manipulated war against Russia, the war against us, the deliberately destroyed global economy, the price rises, the inflation - they are all linked. The innocents have failed to put two and two together, partly because they've been too busy worrying about individual threats to their daily lives, partly because they find it difficult to believe that anyone could conceive of a plot as evil as the one that has been underway for years, partly because they're naive, unquestioning and too ready to believe what they're told by an utterly corrupt mainstream media, and partly because right from the start those of us who've told the truth have been demonised, lied about, censored, suppressed and very effectively silenced by the mainstream media. When the Great Reset finally arrives, Sir Klaus Schwab, knighted by Queen Elizabeth for services to conspiracy, will be the unelected King of an entirely corrupt world government. Schwab, a 40s villain from central casting, a cross between Dr Strangelove, Ernst Blofeld and Dr Mengele, will be surrounded by a gang of C list crooks, conspirators and half-forgotten celebrities. If we're not careful we are going to be controlled by those I regard as sad, sorry, second-rate human beings; people such as Fauci, Whitty, shabby little civil servants, and Gates, a friend of Jeffrey Epstein and the BBC. (If Epstein were still alive, the BBC would doubtless give him a chat show.) Dolly Parton and Piers Morgan will be joint Global Ministers in charge of apparently knowing everything but, in reality, understanding nothing. Charles, a 70 odd year old bloke who has to have help taking the top off his breakfast egg and putting toothpaste on his brush, will be in charge of entitlement with William and Kate, a pair of Stepford wives, as his assistants. The Duke and Duchess of California will doubtless be in charge of whingeing and sulking - and a good job they'll make of it I'm sure. If we allow these sad and sorry creatures to defeat us it will be like the Brazilian football team being thrashed by a team of one-legged pirates with the scurvy. But, sadly, we are being beaten. The conspirators and the collaborators are already running the world.' Adapted from Social Credit: Nightmare on your street by Vernon Coleman which is now available as a hardcover book (, paperback and eBook.