Aliens, UFOs, Conspiracies, and Human Mutilations One of the weirdest and most enduring facets of the UFO phenomenon is that of the mysterious mutilations of cattle and other livestock that have turned up in UFO hotspots all over the world. The state of these corpses really runs the gamut of the odd, with carcasses variously found with parts of the body excised with surgical precision, drained completely of blood, missing vital organs, and often reported as showing little to no sign of scavenger activity, decomposition, or even flies buzzing about. Reported throughout the world, the cattle mutilation phenomenon has become a major feature upon the landscape of UFO and alien weirdness, baffling investigators for decades, and although there have been many attempts to explain it all away it remains stubbornly lodged away within the lore. Among these there are occasionally cases that prove to be even weirder than most, and which show that cattle and animals are not the only target of the spooky UFO mutilation anomaly. While the subject of cattle mutilations in relation to UFOs is often discussed, that of human mutilations is much less so. Indeed, this subject seems to be shunned by even those in the field of ufology, where it remains firmly lodged into the far fringe, an area most investigators don't want to delve too deeply into. Yet, these cases, while rare, stubbornly remain, and paint a rather grim picture. One such case occurred in 1979, when two hunters in the Bliss and Jerome area of Idaho were out hunting when they stumbled across the mostly nude body of a man sprawled out there in the middle of nowhere. When the hunters drew closer, they could see that the dead man was only wearing underpants, but what really caught their attention was that the man had been horribly mutilated, with his sexual organs removed, his lips cut off with surgical precision, and several organs removed with similar expert cuts. One of the weirdest and most enduring facets of the UFO phenomenon is that of the mysterious mutilations of cattle and other livestock that have turned up in UFO hotspots all over the world. The state of these corpses really runs the gamut of the odd, with carcasses variously found with parts of the body excised with surgical precision, drained completely of blood, missing vital organs, and often reported as showing little to no sign of scavenger activity, decomposition, or even flies buzzing about. Reported throughout the world, the cattle mutilation phenomenon has become a major feature upon the landscape of UFO and alien weirdness, baffling investigators for decades, and although there have been many attempts to explain it all away it remains stubbornly lodged away within the lore. Among these there are occasionally cases that prove to be even weirder than most, and which show that cattle and animals are not the only target of the spooky UFO mutilation anomaly. While the subject of cattle mutilations in relation to UFOs is often discussed, that of human mutilations is much less so. Indeed, this subject seems to be shunned by even those in the field of ufology, where it remains firmly lodged into the far fringe, an area most investigators don't want to delve too deeply into. Yet, these cases, while rare, stubbornly remain, and paint a rather grim picture. One such case occurred in 1979, when two hunters in the Bliss and Jerome area of Idaho were out hunting when they stumbled across the mostly nude body of a man sprawled out there in the middle of nowhere. When the hunters drew closer, they could see that the dead man was only wearing underpants, but what really caught their attention was that the man had been horribly mutilated, with his sexual organs removed, his lips cut off with surgical precision, and several organs removed with similar expert cuts. What made it particularly odd was that although the country was rugged, with many sharp rocks and thorns, the man's bare feet were not scuffed, scraped or scratched in any way, in fact they were in pristine condition, despite the fact that the nearest road was miles away. There were also no footprints around the corpse and no tire tracks. How had he gotten there through the rough landscape miles from the road in his bare feet without a single cut or scratch? Had someone dumped him there? How or why would they have carried him all the way out there without leaving a trace and why had they mutilated the corpse? Authorities were notified and scoured the area, but could find no clues, and it was over a week later that they found the man's possessions, many miles away from the body and similarly in the middle of the woods. It certainly sounds very much like a classic cattle mutilation scenario, and all the more so in that the region where the body was found had experienced several UFO reports and reports of cattle mutilations at around the same time. Another spooky case comes from a top secret alleged UFO document called "Project Grudge Report 13," which the military denies exists, but which purportedly contains a report on the time an Air Force sergeant apparently became a human victim of the mutilation phenomenon. The case allegedly involves two men, an Air Force sergeant Jonathan P. Lovette and Major William Cunningham, who were assigned to the White Sands missile testing grounds near Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico. In March of 1956, the two were out in the desert tracking down debris that had fallen during a recent rocket test. As they picked through the desolate landscape looking for fragments and pieces, they separated, and at some point Cunningham heard a loud, sharp scream from Lovette from over a dune. The Major ran to see what had happened, and found something beyond rational explanation, indeed beyond anything he could have imagined. Upon crossing the dune, Cunningham alleged that he found Lovette being dragged across the sand by a "long, serpentine arm," like a tendril of some sort, that was wrapped around his legs and yanking him towards a large silver disc nearby. Cunningham was too shocked to react, and as he looked on in horror that bizarre tentacle reportedly pulled the Sergeant into the bowels of the UFO, which then silently shot up into the starry sky. Throughout all of this the only sound was Lovette's screams of panic and pain. As soon as the UFO was gone and he had regained his senses, Cunningham then ran all the way back to the jeep and frantically radioed for help. It would turn out that radar operators had picked up an anomalous signature at around the same time as the strange encounter, and a thorough search of the area found no sign of Lovette despite scouring the area for miles. It was as if he had just vanished into thin air. It would not be until three days later that his fate would become known, and push the whole thing further into the realms of the weird. More: (