Formal charges published for Covid-19 vaccinators 1) This proprio motu request was drafted by Hannah Rose and filed with the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court on December 6th, 2021. It is free and available to anyone who wishes to read it, download it, share it, re-use it or otherwise benefit from itÂ’s content ( 2) Lawyers informed the International Court of Justice about the fate of Dr. Andreas Noak, a German chemist, PhD, one of the leading European experts on graphene (carbon modification). Noak argued in his writings that COVID-19 vaccines contain graphene hydroxide, which, being a nanostructure introduced into the human body, acts like a "razor blade" inside the patient's veins ( On November 26, 2021, just hours after Noack posted his last graphene hydroxide video, he was attacked and killed. 3) The legal statement also names the well-known event "Event-201" (, a Chinese coronavirus simulation game hosted by the Rockefeller Foundation, Gates Foundation ( and the University of Johns Hopkins before the coronavirus outbreak. The accusation also mentions the "Great Reset" by the head of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, who announced the entry of humanity into a "new normal". 4) On December 20, 2021, the lawyers sent a statement ( to the "Metropolitan Police Service of London". The case was assigned the number 6029679/21. The main applicants were Dr. Sam White, MD, lawyers Philip Hyland (lawyer for the PJH company that prepared the application), Lois Bayliss, and retired police officer Mark Sexton. In their statement, they turned to the Chairman of the Board of the Agency for the Control of Medicines and Health Products, Stephen Lightfoot. Thus, using international justice and the universality of British law, lawyers were able to publish facts about crimes against humanity by representatives of the "world behind the scenes."