EU Bank: Policy Efforts Must Be Taken to Stop Wage Growth Source: ( The ideology of these elitist minded control officers is really remarkable. The president of the European Central Bank, Christine Lagarde, has given several statements ( to media saying policy measures must be put into place in order to stop wage growth from fueling inflation. Think about this in the most practical of terms. Western politicians have created massive inflation through their collective 'Build Back Better' energy policy. The central banks have raised interest rates, an effort to shrink the economy by lowering energy demand, to offset the skyrocketing costs of the energy problem the politicians created. With workers demanding pay raises to help afford the skyrocketing costs of energy, the central EU bank is now worried that wage increases will fuel inflation. There's a truckload of pretending needed to avoid seeing the insufferable dynamic of reality. Political policy drives up energy costs. Central banks try to drive down energy demand. Workers unable to afford the energy prices created by politicians, are then blamed for the inflation the political policy creates. Sooner or later ordinary people are going to figure out this abusive cycle.