DSK2:[100,106] ^BASIC Graphics^ ^BORDER BAS^ 2 -Draws screen border ^DRAW BAS^ 12 -Extremely useless doodle program ^DRAW RUN^ 6 -Extremely useless doodle program ^GEARS BAS^ 8 -AMIGOS graph drawing program - reqs graphic terminal ^GEARS DAT^ 1 -Associate file for GEARS.BAS ^GEARS DOC^ 7 -Documentation for GEARS.BAS ^NOBRDR BAS^ -Erase screen border drawn with BORDER.BAS ^PETALS BAS^ 14 - draws "petals" to the screen ^SPIRAL BAS^ 5 - draws "spiral" to the screen ^SPIRAL RUN^ 2 -Draws "spiral" to the screen ^XMAS BAS^ 16 -Terminal christmas card ^XMAS RUN^ 14 -Terminal christmas card ^XMAS2 BAS^ 5 -Terminal christmas card ^XMAS2 RUN^ 2 -Terminal christmas card ^XMAS2 SCR^ 4 -Screen for XMAS2.BAS .