! NOBRDR.BSI - Eats up the screen that BORDER builds ! Needs no map statements, may be ++INCLUDEd into any BASIC program ! uses the variable n for it's loops ! 3/7/83 ske ! This is an include program for SET925 NO'BORDER: ? tab(1,1); " "; for n = 2 to 78 ? tab(1,n); " "; next n ? " "; for n = 2 to 22 ? tab(n,79); " "; next n ? tab(23,79); " "; for n = 78 to 2 step - 1 ? tab(23,n); " "; next n ? tab(23,1); " "; for n = 22 to 2 step - 1 ? tab(n,1); " "; next n ? tab(23,1); return