! SPIRAL.BAS ! This tries to build a spiral from the center of the screen ! Feb. 23, 1980 ske messin around when he should be workin ! 1 Jan 87 new graphics codes.... rrm...MCMA/AM ! 11 Jan 87 corrected so words print correctly on Wyse-50 RMC [ROBT/AM] START: on error goto WRAPUP R = 12 ! locates the center row C = 36 ! locates the starting column HORIZ = 5 ! start printing more horizontal than vertical VERT = 0 ? TAB(-1,0);TAB(-1,29); !cursor off PRINT TAB(-1,23); ! set graphics mode on FOR I=1 TO 24 FOR J=1 TO 79 PRINT TAB(-1,49); !solid block char NEXT J PRINT NEXT I ? TAB(-1,24); ! graphics mode off temporarily [RMC] ? TAB(R,C);"THE END";! print the words ? TAB(-1,32); ! reverse video ? TAB(-1,23) ! graphics mode back on [RMC] C = C + 7 GOTO DOWN RIGHT: PRINT TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,38); !top left HORIZ = HORIZ + 3 FOR RT = 1 TO HORIZ C = C + 1 ? TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,46); !horiz line NEXT RT IF C = 79 THEN GOTO QUIT DOWN: ? TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,39); !top right VERT = VERT + 1 FOR DOWN = 1 TO VERT R = R + 1 ? TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,47); !vert line NEXT DOWN IF R = 24 THEN GOTO QUIT LEFT: ? TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,41); !bottom right HORIZ = HORIZ + 3 FOR LT = 1 TO HORIZ C = C - 1 ? TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,46); !horiz line NEXT LT UP: ? TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,40); !bot left VERT = VERT + 1 FOR UP = 1 TO VERT R = R - 1 ? TAB(R,C);TAB(-1,47); !vert line NEXT UP GOTO RIGHT QUIT: PRINT TAB(-1,24);TAB(-1,28); ! EXIT GRAPHICS MODE & CURSOR ON PRINT TAB(-1,33); ! normal video PRINT TAB(24,1);TAB(-1,10); ! clear to end of screen END WRAPUP: RESUME QUIT