DIR Floodgap File Archives and Mirrors
       These are intended for Classic Mac OS (9.x and earlier).
       Most are PPC, but there are some 68K utilities here.
       Please don't make requests unless I've offered. Thanks.
   BIN Accelerated for PowerPC.mov.sit
   BIN AppleCompanyStore97QTVR.sit
   BIN CINEBENCH03.img.sit
   MAC CodeWriterAll.sit.hqx
   BIN FutureBASICII.sea
   BIN GaugePRO11.sit
   BIN MPW_Final.img.bin
   MAC MacsBug_6.6.3.sit.hqx
   MAC Nine11V13.sit.hqx
   BIN OS9Helper922.sit
   BIN SonnetCrescendoEnablerV31.sit
   MAC WebTVInstall.sea.hqx
   MAC draganddrop.cpt.hqx
   BIN hd_sc_setup_735-patched.sea.bin
   BIN timelord.tar.gz