VCFMW19 happened. It was fun. I uploaded pictures here: gopher:// I combined the .MOV files into a clip here: I should have made more pictures.... or brought a device for taking pictures, or video, or acquired a retro device for doing so while there. Mistakes were made. I should have picked up more stuff. But I was very busy. AJ from Forgotten Machines had the brilliant idea to put part of his exhibit on a cart, which, when the venue closed and they kicked us out, he just casually rolled out of the venue and into the hotel lounge to continue debugging until the wee hours of the morning. That was so clever, and so much fun. I met a lot of wonderful people there, including some SDF'ers and people from fedi. Before I packed everything up for the show, I tested each and every single display, verified it worked, put it in a bin. When I arrived on friday, I removed the displays from the bins, hooked them up, and everything was broken! AAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa I spent all of friday frantically trying to fix things, and I probably was not a pleasant person to be around at that time. Trying to write down config files in a loud, crowded venue with people all around,.. yeah... that was rough. But thankfully everything worked out in the end. By saturday afternoon everything was working. I was right next to Richard Thomson from Terminals wiki and the Computer Graphics Museum. That was fun. He messed around with my Honeywell terminal a bit. I will upload the terminal details I have on here on the wiki at some point. I don't really have the time or energy or desire to write up a proper retrospective like I usually do,... the whole AI stuff has kind of killed my desire to write much of anything online anymore, and I have a lot of unpacking left to do, but anyway... Later! :)