==> Ansi test files <==
        This is a collection of text files to test various aspects of 
        ansi terminal control character drawing. I found these quite
        useful whilst developing ansi capabilities for gopher/gemini
        ==> Simple 16 color test
       This is a simple 16 color fg/bg test.
  TEXT  16colortest.txt
       i ==> Simple indexed color test null.host 1
  TEXT  indexed_color_test.txt
        ==> Simple rgb color test
  TEXT  rgb_color_test.txt
        ==> Cursor move and font effects
       Writes a line, moves the cursor up twice, writes another line.
       If cursor move is broken, the second line will apear below the first o
       instead of vice-versa. Also tests bold/light/italic font drawing.
  TEXT  cursor_move_and_font_effects
        ==> Persistence test
       Sets colors, draws test, then sets a different color without
       resetting. If only setting the fg color without a reset, the
       previous bg color should persist. This catches subtle bugs in 
       color set's overwriting previous colors.
  TEXT  persistence_test.txt
        ==> panther.txt
       A classic ansi art file. If your client can render this without issue
       you know it's got to be good ;) (I don't think any current clients
       I've tried actually pull this off!)
  TEXT  panther.txt
       How did your client score?
                         Gophered by Gophernicus/3.0.1 on FreeBSD/amd64 14.0