Early in the days of the OSR, blogs were a central resource for ideas and fan-made creations, ripe pickings for overworked GMs. Many of the early blogs are still online including Strange Stones, a self-described "nerdy RPG blog" [0]. From 2010-2015, the blog author, Venomous Pao, posted lists of pre-generated LL AEC characters and adventuring parties [1], then collected them in a single PDF, available to anyone for free [2]. The rogues gallery is as one would expect – lists of pre-generated characters but with lots of flavor, including unique head gear. The adventuring parties are a nice touch, useful for wandering encounters. Although some of the adventuring parties are of higher level, all of the pre-generated characters are 1st level. There are over 100 characters representing all of the LL AEC classes, as well as multi-classes, and 12 adventuring parties. It really is a great resource. [0]: https://www.strangestones.com/ [1]: https://www.strangestones.com/llaec-rogues-gallery/ [2]: https://www.strangestones.com/download/2872/?tmstv=1694380337