This is my gopher blog , where I'll post infrequent updates
       on cool text-based old-school RPG stuff. Send comments to
       smwiz _at_ posteo _dot_ net.
  TEXT [2024-05-25] Musings on Sleep in OD&D - is it Over-Powered?
  TEXT [2024-01-22] Musings on OD&D's 50th Anniversary
  TEXT [2023-12-03] Musings on Dexterity-based Initiative
  TEXT [2023-09-10] Forgotten Gems of the OSR - LL AEC Rogues Gallery
  TEXT [2023-09-01] Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #5, the Continuing Adventures of Shal the Medium
  TEXT [2023-06-21] BFRPG Creative Commons-Licensed Editions Now in Print
  TEXT [2023-05-03] My Approach to the OD&D Elf
  TEXT [2022-12-27] Moldvay Basic D&D and Labyrinth Lord Character Generators
  TEXT [2022-12-24] White Box FMAG Character Generator
  TEXT [2022-05-23] Musings on Weapon Damage in Old-School D&D
  TEXT [2022-05-21] Musings on Experience Awards in 0e and White Box Games
  TEXT [2022-01-15] New Known Lands Play Reports
  TEXT [2021-10-16] Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #4, The Adventures of Graf the Warrior
  TEXT [2021-08-09] Forgotten Gems of the OSR - Oubliette Magazine
  TEXT [2021-07-10] Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #3, The Riches of Graf the Veteran
  TEXT [2021-06-25] Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #2, Freya vs. the Undead
  TEXT [2021-06-18] Random OD&D Dungeon Solo Play Report #1, Delth's Folly
  TEXT [2021-03-18] New Return to the Known Lands Play Reports
  TEXT [2021-03-13] Swords & Wizardry Forum Updates
  TEXT [2021-03-06] Musings on Retro B/X House Rules
  TEXT [2021-03-04] Critical Hits & Fumbles in Old-School Games
  TEXT [2020-11-21] The Elf in Holmes Basic
  TEXT [2020-11-11] Return to the Known Lands Play Reports
  TEXT [2020-10-28] Spell System Overhaul, Overhauled
  TEXT [2020-09-09] Summer Gaming
  TEXT [2020-09-01] A Quick Look at Labyrinth Lord Original Edition Characters
  TEXT [2020-07-01] Updates - Play Reports, GM & Player Resources
  TEXT [2020-05-30] Spell System Overhaul for OD&D or White Box
  TEXT [2020-04-16] In Which my 5e Group Plays White Box
  TEXT [2020-03-31] Creativity and Old-School RPGs
  TEXT [2020-03-12] Old School Gaming Forum
  TEXT [2020-03-11] More on 5e and a Bit on Gopher
  TEXT [2020-03-05] Roll vs. Role-Playing, 5e vs. Old-School Gaming
  TEXT [2020-03-02] Adventure - The Bandit Caves of Cyrus Blacknail
  TEXT [2019-08-12] Luke Crane B/X Session Reports
  TEXT [2016-01-28] Adventure - Grendel Camp
  TEXT [2016-01-21] Holmes Character Generator
  TEXT [2016-01-19] OD&D Character Generator
  TEXT [2015-09-22] Cryptworld Stats Generator
  TEXT [2015-03-28] Worm of 1000 Cuts
  TEXT [2015-02-20] Labyrinth Lord OEC Character Generator
  TEXT [2015-02-16] Swords & Wizardry White Box Character Generator
  TEXT [2015-02-14] Swords & Wizardry White Box House Rules
  TEXT [2015-02-13] Random Generators
  TEXT [2015-02-07] Welcome
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