          \ /.__.\ /  A few amateur write ups in
           \ `--` /   polish, that I liked many
            `)  ('    years ago.
         ,  /::::\  ,
        _|  ';::;'  |_  Note: These files are
       (::)   ||   (::) encoded using UTF-8.   _.
        "|    ||    |"   You might need to   _(:)
         '.   ||   .'   explicitely switch  /::\
           '._||_.'  your browser to UTF-8  \::/
            /::::\   for a better reading  /:::\
            \::::/   experience.          _\:::/
             /::::\_.._  _.._  _.._  _.._/::::\
                   `""`  `""`  `""`  `""`
  TEXT balwan-utf8.txt
  TEXT balwan.txt
  TEXT haslo-utf8.txt
  TEXT haslo.txt
  TEXT krzeslak-utf8.txt
  TEXT krzeslak.txt
  TEXT lec-utf8.txt
  TEXT lec.txt
  TEXT pozegnan-utf8.txt
  TEXT pozegnan.txt
  TEXT sendbajt-utf8.txt
  TEXT sendbajt.txt
  TEXT widzecie-utf8.txt
  TEXT widzecie.txt