# Poor User's Almanack Poor User's illustrated, lessons for the young and old on industry, temperance, frugality, IRC & UNIX. To administer a free and independent network run by the users themselves. ## IRC Chat Room Hang out with us on our IRC training channel at [irc.ircnow.org/#wheel](ircs://irc.ircnow.org/#wheel). ## Mailing Lists [IRCNow Mailing Lists](/lists/ircnow) ## Training - [Code of Honor](/minutemin/code) - [My Server](minutemin/server) - [Call of Duty](/minutemin/duty) - [Good Questions](/minutemin/questions) - [Progress](Minutemin/Progress) - [Medals](/medals/intro) - [Team](/team/welcome) - [Testing sysadmin](team/testing) - [Servers' Rights](/servers/rights) - [Announce](/team/announce) - [Dogfood](ircnow/dogfood) - [IRC Networks](/team/networks) - [Congress Procedure](congress/procedure) - [Historic Documents](/congress/documents) - [Milestones](/ircnow/milestones) - [IRCNow Roadmap 2021](/ircnow/roadmap2021) - [IRCNow Roadmap 2022](/ircnow/roadmap2022) - [IRCNow Roadmap 2023](/ircnow/roadmap2023) - [Status of the Union 2022](/ircnow/status2022) - [Deployment Procedure](/CodeForce/Deploy) - [Abuse Code](/abuse/code) - [Target Markets](/ambassador/markets) - [Metrics](ircnow/metrics) - [NSF](/ircnow/nsf) - [Digital New Deal](/ircnow/newdeal) - [Daughters of Liberty](/ircnow/daughtersofliberty) - [Ellis Island](/netizen/ellisisland) ## Civics ### Netizenship - [New User's Welcome](/user/welcome) - [Become a Netizen](/netizen/become) - [Netizen Rights](/netizen/rights) ### Independence - [Self-Admin](/freedom/selfadmin) - [Declaration](/freedom/independence) - [Freedom to Fork](/freedom/fork) - [Constitution & Bill of Rights](/ircnow/constitution) ### Liberty - [Religious Liberty](/freedom/religion) - [No Central Censor](freedom/firstamendment) - [Software Freedom](/freedom/software) - [Privacy](/freedom/privacy) ### Opportunity - [Free Homestead VPS](/freedom/homestead) - [Made on IRC](/freedom/madeonirc) - [Unix Work Ethic](/freedom/unix) - [The Startup Dream](/freedom/startupdream) ### Justice - [Open For Everyone](/freedom/openforeveryone) - [Due Process](freedom/dueprocess) - [Checks and Balances](/freedom/checks) - [Rule by Law](/freedom/rulebylaw) ### Union - [Federation](freedom/federation) - [United We Serve](/freedom/union) - [Universal Access](/freedom/universal) ## OpenBSD - [Introduction](/openbsd/intro) ### Virtual Machines - [Configure VMM](/vmm/configure) - [VMM Install Guide](vmm/install) - [VMM User Guide](/vmctl/usage) - [VMM Linux Guide](/vmm/linux) - [Debian ISO](/vmm/debianiso) - [Debian Install](/vmm/debianinstall) - [VMM Debian Guide](/vmm/debian) - [Optimize VMM](vmm/optimize) - [VMM Ubuntu](/vmm/ubuntu) - [Buyvm Guide](/openbsd/buyvm) - [Devuan Iso](vmm/devuaniso) - [Devuan install](/vmm/devuan-iso) - [VMM Alpine Guide](/vmm/alpine) - [VMM Arch Guide](/vmm/arch) - [VMM Plan 9](/vmm/plan9) - [vmm router](vmm/router) - [VMM home router](/vmm/homerouter) ### Bare Metal - Dell - Supermicro - [BeagleBone Black](/openbsd/bbb) ### Upgrade - [OpenBSD 6.7 Upgrade](/openbsd/upgrade67) - [OpenBSD 6.8 Upgrade](/openbsd/upgrade68) - [OpenBSD 6.9 Upgrade](/openbsd/upgrade69) ### Sysupgrade - [OpenBSD 6.8 Sysupgrade](/openbsd/sysupgrade68) - [OpenBSD 6.9 Sysupgrade](/openbsd/sysupgrade69) - [OpenBSD 7.0 Sysupgrade](/openbsd/sysupgrade70) - [OpenBSD 7.1 Sysupgrade](/openbsd/sysupgrade71) ### Install - [OpenBSD 6.7 Install](/openbsd/install67) - [OpenBSD 6.8 Install](/openbsd/install68) - [OpenBSD 6.9 Install](/openbsd/install69) - [OpenBSD 7.0 Install](/openbsd/install70) - [OpenBSD 7.1 Install](/openbsd/install71) - [OpenBSD Ramdisk Install](/openbsd/bsdrd) ### Other - [Single User Mode](/openbsd/resetpassword) - [OpenBSD Books](/openbsd/books) ## Networking - [TCP/IP](/tcpip/overview) - [IPv4](ipv4/overview) - [IPv6](/ipv6/overview) - [sockets](/tcpip/sockets) - [Netmasks](/openbsd/netmask) - [TCP/IP ports](/tcpip/ports) - [BuyVM IPv6](/buyvm/ipv6) - [Anycast Addresses](/openbsd/anycast) ### Configure - [Static Networking](/hostnameif/static) - [Static Networking v2](/hostnameif/static-v2) - [Change Static Network](/ifconfig/change) - [My IP address](/ip/myaddress) - [ifconfig](/ifconfig) - [route](/almanack/route) - [route usage](/route/usage) - [wifi](/openbsd/wifi) - [dhcpd](/dhcpd/configure) - [npppd](openbsd/npppd) - [pppoe](/openbsd/pppoe) - [ntpd](/ntpd/configure) - [dhclient](/dhclient/configure) ## Firewall - [Packet Filter](/openbsd/pf) - [PF Guide](pf/guide) - [PF for Stable](/openbsd/pfstable) - [PF for Testing](/openbsd/pftesting) - [pfbadhost](/openbsd/pfbadhost) - [DDoS Defense](/ddos/intro) - [SSDP attack](/openbsd/ssdp) - [TCP ack flood](/openbsd/ackflood) - [TCP reset flood](/openbsd/rstflood) - [SYN Flood](/openbsd/synflood) - [HTTP Flood](/openbsd/httpflood) - [NTP Amplification](/openbsd/ntpamplification) - [UDP Flood](/openbsd/udpflood) - [amplification attack](/openbsd/amplification) ## Troubleshooting ### Network Layer - [ping](/openbsd/ping) - [tcpdump](/openbsd/tcpdump) - [netcat](/netcat/usage) - [netcat IRC](/netcat/irc) - [netcat HTTP](/netcat/http) - [send mail with netcat](/netcat/smtp) ### Application - [Telnet HTTP](/telnet/http) - [OpenSSL HTTP](/openssl/http) - [OpenSSL IMAP](/openssl/imap) - [OpenSSL SMTP](/openssl/smtp) - [Check OpenSSL certs](openssl/check) - [openssl encrypt file](/openssl/encryptfile) ## Routing - [bgpd configuration](/bgpd/configure) ## DNS - [DNS Overview](/dns/overview) - [DNS Records](/dns/records) - [FQDN](/dns/fqdn) - [Name Registrars](/dns/registrars) - [vhost](/dns/vhost) - [FreeDNS vhosts](/vhost/freedns) - [IRCNow vhosts](/vhost/ircnow) ## Authoritative - [nsd](/nsd/configure) - [nsd master slave](/nsd/masterslave) - [Troubleshoot Nsd](/nsd/troubleshoot) - [rDNS](/dns/rdns) - [Zone File](/dns/zonefile) - [NSD Zone file](/nsd/zone) - [delphinusdnsd](/openbsd/delphinusdnsd) - [DNS for Mail](/dns/mail) - [SPF Records](/dns/spf) - [DKIM Records](/dns/dkim) - [DMARC Records](/dns/dmarc) - [ipv6 rDNS](/dns/ipv6rdns) - [ipv4 rDNS](/dns/ipv4rdns) ## Caching - [unbound](/unbound/configure) - [Using host](host/usage) - [Using dig](/dig/usage) - [unbound adblock](/openbsd/unboundadblock) - [DNS Blacklists](/unbound/blacklists) - [rbldns](/rbldnsd/install) - [BIND resolver](/dns/bind_resolver) ## Cryptography ### Signing - [Verify GPG signatures](/gpg/verify) - netpgp - [Verify signify](/signify/verify) ### Encryption - [duplicity](/duplicity/usage) ### VPNs - [Configure iked](/iked/configure) - [VPN clients](/vpn/vpn) - [iked new config](/iked/newconfig) - [My IP Address](/vpn/myipaddress) ### Tor - [torsocks](/tor/torsocks) - [Hidden Services](/tor/hidden) - [IRC with Tor](/tor/irc) ### TLS - [TLS Overview](/tls/overview) - [TLS Intro](/tls/intro) - [Certificate Authorities](/tls/ca) - [acme-client](/acme-client/configure) - [Automating acme-client](/acme-client/cron) - [relayd TLS Acceleration](/relayd/acceleration) - [relayd TLS Acceleration Multi](/relayd/tlsmulti) - [Let's Encrypt Expired Cert](/letsencrypt/expired) - [acme-client Automation](/acme-client/autorenew) - [Dehydrated Setup](/dehydrated/configure) - [Acme.sh Setup](/acmesh/configure) ### SSH - [sshd](/sshd/configure) - [ssh](/ssh/client) - [SSH keys](/ssh/fingerprints) - [SSH backdoor](/openbsd/sshbackdoor) - [Disable Password](/sshd/disablepassword) - [Creating ssh keys](/openssh/keygen) - [OpenSSH 2FA with S/key](/openssh/skey) - [Two-FactorAuth](/openbsd/two-factorauth) - [SSH Drawterm](/openbsd/drawtermssh) ### File Transfer - [chrooted sftp](/openbsd/sftp) - [FTP server](/ftpd/configure) - [bittorrent server](/torrent/configure) ## Version Control #### CVS - [anoncvs](/cvs/anoncvs) - [CVS intro](/cvs/intro) - [cvsweb](/cvs/cvsweb) - [Create CVS Repos](/cvs/repo) - [CVS Guide](/cvs/guide) #### pastebin - [Install paster](/paster/install) - [Install fiche](/fiche/install) ## [Web](/openbsd/www) - [OpenHTTPd](/openhttpd/configure) - [OpenHTTPd Hosting](/openhttpd/hosting) - [HTTP open proxies](/openbsd/httpopenproxy) - [Perl for OpenHTTPd](/openhttpd/perl) - [php](/openbsd/php) - [OpenHTTPd TLS](/openhttpd/tls) - [OpenHTTPd website](openhttpd/website) - [OpenHTTPd with C CGI](/openhttpd/cgi) - [OpenHTTPd chroot](/openhttpd/chroot) ## Applications ### PHP - [dokuwiki](/openbsd/dokuwiki) - [pmwiki](/pmwiki/install) - [simpleurl](/pmwiki/simpleurl) - [SquirrelMail](/squirrelmail/install) - [Install RoundCube](/roundcube/install) - [Wordpress](/wordpress/install) - [OSCommerce](/openbsd/oscommerce) - [cumulus clips](/openbsd/cumulusclips) - [fluxbb](/openbsd/fluxbb) - [Question2Answer](/openbsd/question2answer) - [h5ai](/openbsd/h5ai) - [mana](/openbsd/manna) - [EasyApp](openbsd/easyapp) ### NodeJS - [install](/nodejs/install) ### C - [cgit](/openbsd/cgit) - [stagit](/stagit/install) - [Got repo](/got/repo) - [gotweb](gotweb/install) - [Using Got](/got/usage) - [got server](/got/server) - [Got mirror](/got/mirror) ## Database - [Mariadb](/mariadb/install) ## IRC ### Guides - [IRC101](/irc/guide) - [Channel Op Guide](/irc/chanop) - [Oper Guide](/ngircd/oper) - [Services Guide](/irc/services) - [IRC Clients](/irc/clients) - [IRC made easy](/irc/easy) - [HostServ Rules](/hostserv/rules) - [unrealircd](/unrealircd/install) ### Bouncers - [Install ZNC](/znc/install) - [Install ZNC (chroot)](znc/chroot) - [ZNC admin](/znc/admin) - [ZNC Support](/znc/support) - [ZNC modules](/openbsd/zncmodules) - [ZNC Patch](/znc/patch) - [Using ZNC](/znc/usage) - [ZNC webpanel (relayd)](/znc/relayd) - [ZNC I18n](Znc/I18n) - [Troubleshoot ZNC](/znc/troubleshoot) - [Debugging ZNC](/znc/debug) - [ZNC Defense](/debate/zncdefense) - [ZNC Flaws](/debate/zncflaws) - [Install Soju (with and without chroot)](/soju/install) - [PsyBNC](/psybnc/install) ### ILines - [old ilines](/openbsd/ilines) - [new ilines](/ambassador/ilines) ### IRCv3 - [IRCv3 Defense](/debate/ircv3defense) ### Ident - [identd](/openbsd/identd) - [oidentd install](/oidentd/install) - [oidentd for znc](/oidentd/znc) - [Changing ident](/oidentd/changeident) ### Clients - [ii](openbsd/ii) - [sic](/openbsd/sic) ### Servers - [ngircd install](ngircd/install) - [ngircd link](/ngircd/link) - [ngircd ssl](/ngircd/ssl) - [hopm](hopm/install) - [acopm](/openbsd/acopm) - [Test hopm](/hopm/telnet) ### Services - [achurch](achurch/install) - [anope](/anope/install) - [atheme](/atheme/install) ### Relays - [pylink](/pylink/install) - [chroot pylink](pylink/chroot) - [bitlbee install](/bitlbee/install) - [matterbridge](/openbsd/matterbridge) ### Bots #### Eggdrop - [Install eggdrop 1.8.4](/eggdrop184/install) - [Install eggdrop 1.9.1](/eggdrop191/install) - [Install eggdrop 1.9.3](/eggdrop193/install) - [Identify with NickServ](/eggdrop/nickserv) - [tcltls](/openbsd/tcltls) #### Channel - [chroot wraith](/wraith/chroot) #### Custom - [biblebot](openbsd/biblebot) - [botnow](/botnow/install) - [ircrelayd](/openbsd/ircrelayd) ## Languages ### Perl - [CPAN](/openbsd/cpan) ### Korn - [unix101](/unix101/unix101) - [unix101 challenge](/unix101/wechall) ### C - [c101](/c101/c101) - [Why Not C](/debate/whynotc) ## Mail ### OpenSMTPd - [opensmtpd](/opensmtpd/configure) - [opensmtpd relay](/openbsd/opensmtpd-relay) - [opensmtpd-2](/openbsd/opensmtpd-2) - [Mail Open Proxy](/openbsd/mailopenproxy) - [Troubleshooting OpenSMTPd](/opensmtpd/troubleshoot) - [Open Mail Relay](/opensmtpd/openrelay) - [Test opensmtpd](/opensmtpd/test) ### [DNS for Mail](/dns/mail) - [SPF Records](/dns/spf) - [DKIM Records](/dns/dkim) - [DMARC Records](/dns/dmarc) - [spamd](/rspamd/configure) ### Mail - [dovecot](/dovecot/install) - [mlmmj](/mlmmj/install) - [mlmmj-archivist](/mlmmj-archivist/install) ### Clients - [mutt](/mutt/connect) - [fdm](/openbsd/fdm) ## System Admin ### Disks - [Adding a New Disk](/openbsd/newdisk) - [fdisk](/openbsd/fdisk) - [fdisk usage](/fdisk/usage) - [disklabel](/openbsd/disklabel) - [Growfs partition](/openbsd/growfs) ### [pkg](openbsd/pkg) - pkglocatedb - [ports](/openbsd/ports) - [pkg_add check update](/pkgadd/checkupdates) ### Utilities - [sudo, doas](/doas/configure) - [syspatch](/syspatch/syspatch) - [cron](/openbsd/cron) - [rcctl](/rcctl/rcctl) - [adduser](/openbsd/adduser) - [symbolic links](/ln/intro) - [tmux Config](/tmux/config) - [tmux share](/tmux/share) - [XTerm](/openbsd/XTerm) ### [Backups](/openbsd/backups) - [dump](/openbsd/dump) - [restore](/openbsd/restore) - [openrsync](/openrsync/usage) - [rsync usage](/rsync/usage) ### Other - [iplookup](/openbsd/iplookup) - [vi](openbsd/vi) - [mg](/openbsd/mg) - [base64](/openbsd/base64) - [Chinese](/openbsd/uim) - [Editing crontab](/crontab/edit) - [ps process](/ps/usage) - [Sending signals with kill](/kill/usage) - [Intro to Vi](/vi/intro) - [vipw](/openbsd/vipw) - [tar usage](/tar/usage) - [rcctl](/openbsd/rcctl) - [syslogd](/syslogd/configure) - [Remote syslogd](/syslogd/remote) ## Shell - [ksh for bash users](/ksh/bash) - [Redirection with Pipes](/ksh/redirection) - [autocomplete for ksh](/ksh/autocomplete) ## Games ### Chess - [Chess Books](/chess/reading) - [chessgogi](/chess/chessgogi) - [tournament](/chess/tournament) - [limitsbot](/chess/limitsbot) - [Install FICS](/fics/install) ### Misc - [FreeCiv](/openbsd/freeciv) - [OpenTTD](/openbsd/openttd) ## Olympics - [IRCNow Olympics](/olympics/games) ## Math - [reading](/math/reading) ## Science - [Shell Labs](/shelllabs/intro) - [reading](/shelllabs/reading) - [quotes](/shelllabs/quotes) ## Camping [Camping Gear](/camping/gear) ## Minetest - [Minetest](/openbsd/minetest) - [Adding Arenas](/minetest/addingarenas) - [Server Locations](/minetest/serverlocations) - [Texture Style Guide](/minetest/texturestyle) - [Updating the Game](/minetest/updating) - [World Backup](/minetest/worldbackup) ## Documents ### LaTeX - [TexLive](/texlive/install) - [Sinhala](/texlive/sinhala) ## Audio/Video ### SIP - [asterisk](/asterisk/install) ### Media - ImageMagick - vorbis - sndiod - [concat audio files](/sox/concat) - [ffmpeg](/openbsd/ffmpeg) - [record audio](/parec/record) - [Record Audio](/openbsd/recordaudio) - [record screen with ffmpeg](/ffmpeg/recordscreen) - icecast ## News - [leafnode](/leafnode/install) - [Web News Install](/webnews/install) - [News clients](/gazette/gazette) - [INN](/openbsd/inn) ## Gopher - [gopher](/openbsd/gopher) - [gophernicus](/openbsd/gophernicus) - [geomyidae](/openbsd/geomyidae) - [Bucky Install](/bucky/install) ## Alt Social Media - [prosody](/prosody/install) - [biboumi](/biboumi/install) - matrix - fediverse - [gomuks](/gomuks/install) - [akkoma](/akkoma/install) ## Misc [ISCABBS](/iscabbs/iscabbs) ## [Hosting](/hosting/hosting) - [Hosting Providers](/hosting/providers) - [OpenHTTPd Hosting](/openhttpd/hosting) ## [Security](/openbsd/security) ### Hardening - [chroot](/chroot/intro) - [Password Mgmt](/password/management) - [Password Hashes](/password/hashes) - [Password Schemes](/password/schemes) - [MITM: Man in the Middle](/mitm/intro) - [Phishing](/openbsd/phishing) ### Other - [Denial of Service](/openbsd/dos) - [Spam](/openbsd/spam) - [0days](/openbsd/0days) - [Rootkits](/openbsd/rootkits) - [pledge](/pledge/intro) - [unveil](/unveil/intro) - [Database Permissions](/openbsd/databaseperms) - [Secure web apps](/openbsd/secureweb) - [Trust](/openbsd/trust) - [Default Deny](/openbsd/defaultdeny) - [login.conf](/openbsd/loginconf) - [Intrusion detection system](/openbsd/ids) - [setuid binaries](/openbsd/setuid) - [system accounting](/openbsd/sa) - [file quotas](/openbsd/quota) - [File Permissions](/openbsd/filepermissions) - [Shell Accounts](/openbsd/shell) - [Policing Guide](/police/intro) - [Police fingerprints](/police/fingerprints) - [oath-toolkit](/openbsd/oath-toolkit) - [doxing defense](/doxing/defense) - [Team security](/team/security) ## Sheriff - [Sherif](/sheriff/intro) ## Desktop - [Install XFCE](/xfce/install) - [Configure FVWM](/fvwm/configure) - [Configure XDefaults](/xdefaults/configure) - [Touchpad](/synclient/configure) - [Install TigerVNC](tigervnc/install) - [TigerVNC with SSH](/tigervnc/ssh) ## Android - [Install F-Droid](/fdroid/install) ## VMM - OpenBSD - Linux - Plan9front - NetBSD - DragonflyBSD ## Plan 9 - [9 intro](/9/9) - [Plan9 Shells](/9/shell) - [9 Install](/9/install) - [partdisk](/9/partdisk) - [Plan 9 ini](/9/plan9ini) - [9/JSDrawterm](9/drawterm) - [9 Links](/9/links) - [9 Showcase](/9/shocase) - [rcpu](/9/rcpu) - [9 101](/9/101) - [9 bootcamp](9/bootcamp) - [9paste](/9/9paste) - [9: Independent](/9/independent) - [9 Cheatsheet](/9/cheatsheet) - [sysupdate](/9/sysupdate) - [3rd party packages](/9/packages) - [Customize rio](/rio/customize) - [ssh](/9/ssh) - [mouse chording](/9/chording) - [netcat](/9/netcat) - [9gridchan](/9/9gridchan) - [9 Ideas](/9/ideas) - [cloud9p](/cloud9p/roadmap) - [audio](/9/audio) ## Linux - [reading](/linux/reading) ## Unix - [History of UNIX](/unix/history) - [Exhibit](/unix/exhibit) - [reading](/unix/reading) - [SIMH install](/simh/install) ## Historical Articles - [dkimproxy](/openbsd/dkimproxy) - [OpenSMTPd](/openbsd/opensmtpd) - [rbldns](/openbsd/rbldns) - [Ops Bootcamp](/opsofliberty/bootcamp)