# Software Freedom ->Free and open source software are necessary to the liberty of a free network, so the right of the users to the network's software shall not be restricted. ->The most effective way to enslave the users is to take away their control of the software. -> We code not to enslave, but to set a network free, and to make room on the Internet for users to live in. ->Access to software is the birthright of every user. The power of the code must not rest in the hands of staff alone but in the hands of the users. ->Well trained coders, made up of the users themselves, are the best defense of a free network. In order to have a free network, we must guarantee that users have free software. This means users have: # The freedom to **use** the work # The freedom to **study** the work # The freedom to **modify** the work # The freedom to **share** the work ...for any purpose, with or without a fee, without requiring permission. All of the software on IRCNow is [free software](license/license). You have the right to use this software to create your own network, without the need to ask us for permission. For new projects, we use the [[IRCNow license](/license/ircnow) because it is the closest possible to the public domain. All of the software on IRCNow is [free software](license/license). You have the right to use this software to create your own network, without the need to ask us for permission. For new projects, we use the [[IRCNow license](/license/ircnow) because it is the closest possible to the public domain. Users need free software to create a free network that they control: a network of the users, by the users, for the users.