# Become an Op of Liberty! %25width=300px rfloat%25 Attach:Marketing/rosie.png You can apply to become an Op of Liberty: ## Your Reward # **Get oper power** on your team's server # **Get channel op** for your team's networks # Help [improve IRC](/ircnow/goals) # **Free hosting for [your own servers](/third/third)** such as gaming, radio stations, blogs, wikis, bots, and much more # Add a new work experience for your CV/resume # Help [improve freedom](/freedom) on the internet ## How to Apply # Learn [how to ask smart questions](/ircnow/howtoask). # Become familiar with our [goals for IRC](ircnow/goals), our [commitment to user freedom](/freedom/freedom), and the [[UNIX philosophy](/freedom/unix). # Become familiar with our [goals for IRC](ircnow/goals), our [commitment to user freedom](/freedom/freedom), and the [[UNIX philosophy](/freedom/unix). # Connect to [one of our servers](/ircnow/servers) using IRC and /join #team # Chat with our sysadmins. If they would like your help, they will mentor you and invite you to work with their team. ## Your Duties # You must commit a minimum of 5 hours per week to help your team # Help users with customer support, reporting abuse, [marketing](/marketing/marketing), documentation, and other non-coding tasks # Help with the [IRCNow Roadmap](/ircnow/roadmap) # Optionally, you can help with [third party software](/third/third) ## Your Training # Become familiar with [our network policies](/freedom/freedom) # Read up on our [goals for IRC](/Ircnow/Goals) # Read up on [IRCNow's roadmap](/Ircnow/Roadmap)