## Installation $ doas pkg_add gotweb Add this block to /etc/httpd.conf: types { include "/usr/share/misc/mime.types" } server "gotweb.example.com" { listen on * port 80 root "/htdocs" location "/cgi-bin/*" { root "/" fastcgi } location "/*" { directory index "gotweb/index.html" } } ## Configuration $ doas mkdir -p /var/www/etc Inside `/var/www/etc/gotweb.conf`: got_repos_path "/got/public" got_www_path "/gotweb" got_max_commits_display 1000 got_site_name "Made on IRCNow" got_site_owner "IRCNow" got_logo_url "https://got.ircnow.org" got_site_link "repos" got_logo "madeonirc128x128.png" Upload your logo to `/var/www/htdocs/gotweb`: $ cd /var/www/htdocs/gotweb $ doas ftp https://wiki.ircnow.org/uploads/Marketing/madeonirc128x128.png $ doas chown root:bin madeonirc128x128.png gotweb needs write permissions: $ doas chown www:daemon /var/www/got/tmp/ you'll need to have these running: $ doas rcctl enable httpd slowcgi $ doas rcctl start httpd slowcgi ### Import repos $ doas chown -R $USER:daemon /var/www/got/public/ $ openrsync -a --delete --rsync-path=openrsync /var/git/ /var/www/got/public/ ## Cronjobs Periodically you need to sync your repos: $ crontab -e @daily openrsync -a --delete --rsync-path=openrsync /var/git/ /var/www/got/public/