matterbrige is a bridge written in go, with support of many protocols and chat programs. in this guide, we will create a bridge from IRC to Telegram. !!configuartion first, download matterbridge binary from author's github $ ftp **Note**: due to a bug in newer version which lead to segfault, 1.20 is used afterwards, create a bot at @botfather in telegram, choose a name for it and disable group privacy, add it to your supergroup and make IRCchannel. then fire up your editor and edit `matterbridge.toml` [irc.ircbridge] Server="" Nick="BotNick" first line defines a new bridge with name `ircbridge`, second line sets server and port to connect and last line sets BotNick for our bot **Note**: currently, only plain-text is supported for IRC. [telegram.telebridge] Token="" first line will adds another bridge and replace in second line with your bot token. [gateway] name="gateway" enable=true [[gateway.inout]] account="irc.ircgateway" channel="#channel" [[gateway.inout]] account="telegram.telegateway" channel="-10012345678" in first three lines defined our gateway with name "gateway", in next lines we have defined our IRC channel ( #channel) with irc.ircgateway bridge and our supergroup with telegateway. replace #channel and -10012345678 as your needs, note that telegram supergroups require -100 before their id. then run `chmod +x matterbridge-1.20.0-openbsd-64bit` and `./matterbridge-1.20.0-openbsd-64bit` !!configuration file [irc.ircbridge] Server="" Nick="BotNick" [telegram.telebridge] Token="" [gateway] name="gateway" enable=true [[gateway.inout]] account="irc.ircgateway" channel="#channel" [[gateway.inout]] account="telegram.telegateway" channel="-10012345678" !!troubleshooting sometimes running matterbridge with `-d` can help. if you can send messages from IRC to telegram, but messages won't come from telegram to IRC, chances are you've not disabled group privacy in botfather.