# ZNC Modules Suppose you want to install [clientbuffer](/https://github.com/CyberShadow/znc-clientbuffer/archive/master.zip), a 3rd party module. Download the source code: $ cd $ ftp https://github.com/CyberShadow/znc-clientbuffer/archive/master.zip $ unzip master.zip $ mv znc-clientbuffer-master/{Makefile,clientbuffer.cpp} znc-1.8.2/modules/ $ cd znc-1.8.2/modules/ $ gmake $ doas su mkdir /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/modules $ doas cp clientbuffer.so /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/modules/ $ doas chown -R znc:daemon /home/znc/home/znc/.znc/modules/ ## Tips Please don't use fail2ban for znc; one team tried to do it and immediately broke their web panel because fail2ban banned (which relayd uses): 20:37 help 20:37 <*fail2ban> Attempts [count]: The number of allowed failed login attempts. 20:37 <*fail2ban> Ban : Ban the specified hosts. 20:37 <*fail2ban> Help : Generate this output 20:37 <*fail2ban> List: List banned hosts. 20:37 <*fail2ban> Timeout [minutes]: The number of minutes IPs are blocked after a failed login. 20:37 <*fail2ban> Unban : Unban the specified hosts. 20:37 list 20:37 <*fail2ban> 2 20:37 unban 20:37 <*fail2ban> Unbanned: 20:37 list 20:37 <*fail2ban> No bans I had to unload the module to restore web panel access. Znc has some extra modules like tcl, python etc, if you want to active one or more of these modules for your znc the command would be ./configure.sh --enable-tcl --enable-python for help or list of the options you can use ./configure --help NB. you got to be in znc directory to issue this command.