[Psi](/https://psi-im.org) is a free (as in freedom) XMPP chat app. It is fast and lightweight, and works on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It has full unicode support and easy file transfers. # Open Psi. # If you already have an existing account, click on `Accounts` -> `Manage Accounts`. # Click `Register new account`.\\ Attach:psi-accountsetup.png # You can pick a server from the list of [free XMPP servers](/xmpp/xmpp). In this example, we use `ircnow.org`. # Click `Next`.\\ Attach:psi-registeraccount.png # Choose your username and password:\\ Attach:psi-chooseusername.png # Your account has been created:\\ Attach:psi-success.png\\ Attach:psi-contacts.png