# Connecting on Windows ## PuTTY Download and install the latest version of [PuTTY](/https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/latest.html). # After opening PuTTY, fill in the details:\\ Attach:putty-config.png # `Host Name`: `username@example.ircnow.org` -- for example, if your username is john, and your server address is example.ircnow.org, then fill in `john@example.ircnow.org`. # `Port`: 22 # Click `Open` at the bottom. # Enter your password.\\ Attach:putty-pass.png ---- ## Built-in SSH Recent versions of Windows 10 come with ssh by default, so PuTTY is not necessary. # Right-click the Start button or press Windows+X, then select `Windows PowerShell`. # Type `ssh username@example.ircnow.org` -- replace username with your real username, and replace example.ircnow.org with your shell account server.\\ Attach:win10-ssh.png\\ Attach:win10-ssh2.png