# Install SquirrelMail SquirrelMail is webmail written in PHP. It uses HTML 4.0 with no JavaScript required, making it compatible across many browsers. It does not require any databases and is very easy to install and configure. It is GPL-licensed. Its main drawback is its use of frames, which is bad for accessibility. Development, unfortunately, has stalled, so a C-based replacement will be needed. ## Required Before installing squirrelmail, [opensmtpd](opensmtpd/configure) must be properly configured, [php](/Php.Install) and [[dovecot](/dovecot/install) must be installed and properly configured. Before installing squirrelmail, [opensmtpd](opensmtpd/configure) must be properly configured, [php](/Php.Install) and [[dovecot](/dovecot/install) must be installed and properly configured. Please [test](/opensmtpd/test) both sending and receiving email using another mail client before attempting to setup Squirrelmail. Download the stable version [snapshot](/https://squirrelmail.org/download.php) package (1.4.23-svn) $ ftp https://snapshots.squirrelmail.org/squirrelmail-20220205_0200-SVN.stable.tar.gz $ tar xvzf squirrelmail-20220205_0200-SVN.stable.tar.gz _Optional_: you can delete the original tarball once you are done extracting: $ rm squirrelmail-20220205_0200-SVN.stable.tar.gz Next, you want to move squirrelmail into your web documents folder. Make sure to replace `mail.example.com` with your actual domain: $ doas mv squirrelmail.stable/squirrelmail /var/www/htdocs/mail.example.com $ doas chown -R www:daemon /var/www/htdocs/mail.example.com/ **NOTE**: make sure to replace `mail.example.com` with your actual domain. If the domain does not already exist, add the subdomain mail in /var/nsd/zones/master/example.com: mail A mail AAAA 2001:db8:: Replace and 2001:db8:: with your real IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Make sure to update the serial number, then: $ doas nsd-control reload Add this to /etc/httpd.conf: server "mail.example.com" { listen on * port 80 root "/htdocs/mail.example.com/" location "/.well-known/acme-challenge/*" { root "/acme" request strip 2 } location "*.php" { fastcgi socket "/run/php-fpm.sock" root "/htdocs/mail.example.com" } directory index "index.php" connection max request body 26214400 log access "webmail_access.log" log error "webmail_error.log" } (:if false:) location "/class/*" { block return 403 } location "/config/*" { block return 403 } location "/contrib/*" { block return 403 } location "/data/*" { block return 403 } location "/doc/*" { block return 403 } location "/functions/*" { block return 403 } location "/help/*" { block return 403 } location "/include/*" { block return 403 } location "/locale/*" { block return 403 } location "/po/*" { block return 403 } (:ifend:) For SSL/TLS, we recommend you use [relayd for TLS acceleration](relayd/TLSMulti) rather than httpd's native SSL. This is so you can provide web services that do not use [[openhttpd](/openhttpd/intro). For SSL/TLS, we recommend you use [relayd for TLS acceleration](relayd/TLSMulti) rather than httpd's native SSL. This is so you can provide web services that do not use [[openhttpd](/openhttpd/intro). ## TLS with relayd When [using relayd for TLS acceleration](/relayd/TLSMulti), all that is needed are a few lines in /etc/relayd.conf: tls { keypair mail.example.com } Replace `mail.example.com` with your real domain. This provides the TLS cert for webmail. In /etc/acme-client.conf, add this block: domain mail.example.com { alternative names { example.com imap.example.com smtp.example.com pop.example.com pop3.example.com} domain key "/etc/ssl/private/mail.example.com.key" domain full chain certificate "/etc/ssl/mail.example.com.crt" sign with letsencrypt } Request the cert: $ doas acme-client -v mail.example.com Normally, the user www has no login shell for security. However, squirrelmail has this unusual perl configuration script that www needs to run. So first, we give www the default ksh shell: $ doas chsh -s /bin/ksh www Then, we switch to the user www and run the config script: $ doas su www $ cd /var/www/htdocs/mail.example.com/config $ perl conf.pl You should see the interactive menu: SquirrelMail Configuration : Read: config_default.php (1.4.0) --------------------------------------------------------- Main Menu -- 1. Organization Preferences 2. Server Settings 3. Folder Defaults 4. General Options 5. Themes 6. Address Books 7. Message of the Day (MOTD) 8. Plugins 9. Database 10. Languages D. Set pre-defined settings for specific IMAP servers C Turn color on S Save data Q Quit Command >> 2 Type 2 to edit Server Settings: Server Settings General ------- 1. Domain : mail.example.com 2. Invert Time : false 3. Sendmail or SMTP : SMTP IMAP Settings -------------- 4. IMAP Server : localhost 5. IMAP Port : 143 6. Authentication type : login 7. Secure IMAP (TLS) : false 8. Server software : dovecot 9. Delimiter : detect B. Change Sendmail Config : /usr/sbin/sendmail H. Hide IMAP Server Settings R Return to Main Menu C Turn color on S Save data Q Quit Command >> B Once you're done with configuration, save your work and quit: Command >> S Data saved in config.php Press enter to continue... Command >> Q Exiting conf.pl. You might want to test your configuration by browsing to http://your-squirrelmail-location/src/configtest.php Happy SquirrelMailing! Logout by typing ctrl+d and then disable the login shell for www: $ ^D $ doas chsh -s /sbin/nologin www Because Squirrelmail will connect to IMAP via localhost, you will need a listener for in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: listen =, 2001:db8::, Make sure to replace and 2001:db8:: with your real public IPv4 and IPv6 address. You will want to restart dovecot if you need to make the change: $ doas rcctl restart dovecot We need to create folders that squirrelmail can write data to: $ doas mkdir -p /var/www/var/local/squirrelmail/data $ doas mkdir -p /var/www/var/local/squirrelmail/attach $ doas chown -R www:daemon /var/www/var/local/squirrelmail Remember, openhttpd runs chrooted in /var/www by default, which means you will need to copy some essential system files. If it does not exist already, create /var/www/etc/resolv.conf: lookup file bind nameserver This provides information on where to lookup DNS records. You will need to [configure unbound](/unbound/configure). If it does not exist already, create /var/www/etc/hosts: localhost ::1 localhost This defines localhost to be, which is necessary since squirrelmail will query IMAP and SMTP by using localhost. Troubleshooting: ### Error opening ERROR Error opening ../data/default_pref Could not create initial preference file! /var/local/squirrelmail/data/ should be writable by user Please contact your system administrator and report this error. Go to the login page Make sure to create folders that squirrelmail can write to: $ doas mkdir -p /var/www/var/local/squirrelmail/data $ doas mkdir -p /var/www/var/local/squirrelmail/attach $ doas chown -R www:daemon /var/www/var/local/squirrelmail ### Squirrelmail cannot connect to IMAP Make sure you have a listener for in /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf: listen =, 2001:db8::, Replace and 2001:db8:: with your real IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. Afterwards, restart dovecot if any changes were made: $ doas rcctl restart dovecot If Squirrelmail cannot resolve the name localhost, make sure you have the file /var/www/etc/hosts defined (see above). ### Check logs Check /var/www/logs/error.log for additional logs for debugging. ## Sendmail Squirrelmail should be able to use sendmail instead of SMTP. However, on OpenBSD 6.9, there appears to be some issues with the replacement femail instead of sendmail. **WARNING**: This setup has errors. To setup femail: $ doas mkdir -p /var/www/etc/ Create /var/www/etc/femail.conf: smtphost= myname=mail.example.com Test if femail works $ doas chroot -u www -g daemon /var/www /bin/femail -t -fusername@mail.example.com To: other@domain.com Subject: Alpha Bravo MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii Content-Disposition: inline Charlie Delta Echo Foxtrot Type ctrl+d to end the message ## Baytuch notes ## Permissions cd /var/www/htdocs/ doas chown root:bin webmail doas find ./webmail -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \; doas find ./webmail -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; doas rm /var/www/htdocs/webmail/README doas rm /var/www/htdocs/webmail/configure ## PHP 7 compatibility fix functions/global.php (451): function sqsession_is_active() { if (session_status() === PHP_SESSION_ACTIVE) { return; } sqsession_start(); } ## Configuring doas touch /var/www/htdocs/webmail/config/config.php doas chown www:www /var/www/htdocs/webmail/config/config.php doas chmod 400 /var/www/htdocs/webmail/config/config.php ## Security (:if false:) $ doas chmod -R o-rx /var/www/htdocs/mail.example.com/ $ doas chmod -R o-rx /var/www/var/local/squirrelmail (:ifend:) [config.php.zip](/https://wiki.ircnow.org/uploads/Openbsd/config.php.zip)