# Connect with Termius **NOTE**: Termius is **not** free software. Please consider using a [free/open source alternative](/shell/shell) that respects your rights. First, install [Termius](/https://apps.apple.com/us/app/termius-ssh-shell-console-terminal/id549039908). Open Termius. Tap `Learn more`. Attach:termius-wizard.png Don't create an account with Termius. Instead, tap `Continue without account`. Attach:termius-trial.png Tap `SSH`. Attach:termius-welcome-wizard.png Fill the server name. Replace `fruit.ircnow.org` with your server name. Attach:termius-address-port.png Fill in your username. Replace `username` with your real username. Attach:termius-username.png Type in your password. Attach:termius-password.png Tap `Done` at the top-right corner once you are done with the Quick Guide. Attach:termius-quick-guide.png Tap `Save and Connect`. Attach:termius-save-and-connect.png When a connection is first made, Termius will ask if the [SSH fingerprints](/ircnow/SSHFingerprints) are correct. Double check, then tap `Continue` if they match. Attach:termius-host-verify-fingerprints.png **WARNING**: If the fingerprints do not match, tap `Cancel` and do not connect. Please contact your sysadmin for help.