Author: Anonymous Unix Wizard stac ====== $ sed -nE '1{h;b;};$!{G;x;};${G;p;}' file.txt Explanation: simple tac (print a file from the last line upwards) Acronybanner ============== $ banner `echo "My Personal Acronybanner " | sed -E 's/([1-9a-zA-z])[-a-zA-Z]+ /\1/g'` Explanation: Make a banner acronym from a string given as input. Comment: Slightly modified to create the logo of the U1FFF. Put a space after the last word ;) snl ===== $ cat file.txt | sed "=" | sed -n "N;s/\n/ /;p;d;" Explanation: number lines in a file when you don't have nl(1) Comment: the stuff after "\n/" is actually a TAB.