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       My Phlog. Enjoy (or not). Dates are in %d-%m-%Y
       Warning: My texts could offend. If you are politically-correctly inclined,
       you might get triggered. Read at your own risk.
   DIR On corona, working from home, and government tyrrany. (02-06-2022)
   DIR My thoughts on Brexit (23-12-2019)
   DIR I switched away from github (14-05-2019)
   DIR What I think of Ryzen... (06-05-2019)
   DIR The trouble with dlive... (23-04-2019)
   DIR On religion, or the lack thereof (16-04-2019)
   DIR Article 13 (15-04-2019)
   DIR Just another sunday (14-04-2019)
   DIR First Phlog! (13-04-2019)
   DIR Home
                                Gophered by Gophernicus/120+ on FreeBSD/amd64 14.1