tadd acer chromebook - arm-sdk - os build toolkit for various embedded devices
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       Date:   Thu, 13 Oct 2016 10:05:47 +0200
       add acer chromebook
         A boards/chromebook-acer.sh           |     329 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       1 file changed, 329 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/boards/chromebook-acer.sh b/boards/chromebook-acer.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,329 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +# Copyright (c) 2016 Dyne.org Foundation
       +# arm-sdk is written and maintained by Ivan J. <parazyd@dyne.org>
       +# This file is part of arm-sdk
       +# This source code is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
       +# (at your option) any later version.
       +# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +# GNU General Public License for more details.
       +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       +# along with this source code. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
       +## kernel build script for Acer Chromebook boards
       +## settings & config
       +vars+=(device_name arch size parted_type parted_boot parted_root inittab)
       +vars+=(gitkernel gitbranch)
       +arrs+=(gpt_root gpt_boot)
       +gpt_boot=(8192 32768)
       +extra_packages+=(abootimg cgpt fake-hwclock u-boot-tools)
       +extra_packages+=(vboot-utils vboot-kernel-utils)
       +extra_packages+=(laptop-mode-tools usbutils)
       +prebuild() {
       +        fn prebuild
       +        req=(device_name strapdir)
       +        ckreq || return 1
       +        notice "executing $device_name prebuild"
       +        enablessh
       +        write-fstab
       +        copy-zram-init
       +        mkdir -p $R/tmp/kernels/$device_name
       +postbuild() {
       +        fn postbuild
       +        notice "executing $device_name postbuild"
       +        ## {{{ yo dawg i heard you like hacks
       +        ## lid switch
       +        notice "yo dawg i heard you like hacks"
       +        act "writing 99-tegra-lid-switch.rules"
       +        cat << EOF | sudo tee ${strapdir}/etc/udev/rules.d/99-tegra-lid-switch.rules ${TEEVERBOSE}
       +ACTION=="remove", GOTO="tegra_lid_switch_end"
       +SUBSYSTEM=="input", KERNEL=="event*", SUBSYSTEMS=="platform", KERNELS=="gpio-keys.4", TAG+="power-switch"
       +        ## hack in a hack
       +        act "writing hide-emmc-partitions.rules"
       +        cat << EOF | sudo tee ${strapdir}/etc/udev/rules.d/99-hide-emmc-partitions.rules ${TEEVERBOSE}
       +KERNEL=="mmcblk0*", ENV{UDISKS_IGNORE}="1"
       +        ## nvidia device nodes
       +        act "writing nvrm.rules"
       +        cat << EOF | sudo tee ${strapdir}/lib/udev/rules.d/51-nvrm.rules ${TEEVERBOSE}
       +KERNEL=="knvmap", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhdcp1", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-as-gpu", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-ctrl", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-ctrl-gpu", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-dbg-gpu", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-gpu", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-msenc", GROUP="video", MODE=0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-prof-gpu", GROUP="video", MODE=0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-tsec", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvhost-vic", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="nvmap", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="tegra_dc_0", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="tegra_dc_1", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +KERNEL=="tegra_dc_ctrl", GROUP="video", MODE="0660"
       +        sudo mkdir -p ${strapdir}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
       +        act "writing synaptics-chromebook.conf (xorg)"
       +        cat <<EOF | sudo tee ${strapdir}/etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-synaptics-chromebook.conf ${TEEVERBOSE}
       +Section "InputClass"
       +        Identifier "touchpad"
       +        MatchIsTouchpad "on"
       +        Driver "synaptics"
       +        Option "TapButton1"    "1"
       +        Option "TapButton2"    "3"
       +        Option "TapButton3"    "2"
       +        Option "FingerLow"     "15"
       +        Option "FingerHigh"    "20"
       +        Option "FingerPress"   "256"
       +        ## }}}
       +        notice "grabbing some coreboot stuff"
       +        #clone-git "https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/coreboot" "$R/tmp/chromiumos-coreboot"
       +        git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromiumos/third_party/coreboot $R/tmp/chromiumos-coreboot
       +        pushd $R/tmp/chromiumos-coreboot
       +                notice "copying coreboot tegra"
       +                git checkout 071167b667685c26106641e6899984c7bd91e84b
       +                make GCC_PREFIX=${compiler} -C src/soc/nvidia/tegra124/lp0 || zerr
       +                sudo mkdir -p $strapdir/lib/firmware/tegra12x
       +                sudo cp -f $CPVERBOSE src/soc/nvidia/tegra124/lp0/tegra_lp0_resume.fw $strapdir/lib/firmware/tegra/12x/
       +        popd
       +        sudo dd if=$workdir/kernel.bin of=$bootpart || { die "unable to dd to $bootpart"; zerr }
       +        postbuild-clean
       +build_kernel_armhf() {
       +        fn build_kernel_armhf
       +        req=(R arch device_name gitkernel gitbranch MAKEOPTS)
       +        req+=(strapdir)
       +        req+=(loopdevice)
       +        ckreq || return 1
       +        notice "building $arch kernel"
       +        prebuild || zerr
       +        get-kernel-sources
       +        pushd $R/tmp/kernels/$device_name/${device_name}-linux
       +                #WIFIVERSION="-3.8" make exynos_defconfig || zerr
       +                copy-kernel-config
       +                mkdir -p firmware/nvidia/tegra124/
       +                cp -f $R/extra/chromebook-acer/xusb.bin firmware/nvidia/tegra124/
       +                WIFIVERSION="-3.8" make $MAKEOPTS || zerr
       +                WIFIVERSION="-3.8" make $MAKEOPTS dtbs || zerr
       +                sudo -E PATH="$PATH" \
       +                        WIFIVERSION="-3.8" \
       +                        make INSTALL_MOD_PATH=$strapdir modules_install || zerr
       +        popd
       +        sudo rm -rf $strapdir/lib/firmware
       +        get-kernel-firmware
       +        sudo cp $CPVERBOSE -ra $R/tmp/linux-firmware $strapdir/lib/firmware
       +        pushd $R/tmp/kernels/$device_name/${device_name}-linux/arch/arm/boot
       +        ## {{{ kernel-nyan.its
       +        cat << EOF | sudo tee kernel-nyan.its
       +/ {
       +        description = "Chrome OS kernel image with one or more FDT blobs";
       +        #address-cells = <1>;
       +        images {
       +                kernel@1{
       +                        description = "kernel";
       +                        data = /incbin/("zImage");
       +                        type = "kernel_noload";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        os = "linux";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        load = <0>;
       +                        entry = <0>;
       +                };
       +                fdt@1{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-big-rev0_2.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-big-rev0_2.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +                fdt@2{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-big-rev3_7.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-big-rev3_7.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +                fdt@3{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-big-rev8_9.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-big-rev8_9.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +                fdt@4{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-blaze.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-blaze.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +                fdt@5{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-rev0.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-rev0.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +                fdt@6{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-rev1.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-rev1.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +                fdt@7{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-kitty-rev0_3.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-kitty-rev0_3.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +                fdt@8{
       +                        description = "tegra124-nyan-kitty-rev8.dtb";
       +                        data = /incbin/("dts/tegra124-nyan-kitty-rev8.dtb");
       +                        type = "flat_dt";
       +                        arch = "arm";
       +                        compression = "none";
       +                        hash@1{
       +                                algo = "sha1";
       +                        };
       +                };
       +        };
       +        configurations {
       +                default = "conf@1";
       +                conf@1{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@1";
       +                };
       +                conf@2{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@2";
       +                };
       +                conf@3{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@3";
       +                };
       +                conf@4{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@4";
       +                };
       +                conf@5{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@5";
       +                };
       +                conf@6{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@6";
       +                };
       +                conf@7{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@7";
       +                };
       +                conf@8{
       +                        kernel = "kernel@1";
       +                        fdt = "fdt@8";
       +                };
       +        };
       +        ## }}}
       +        notice "making kernel-nyan image"
       +        mkimage -f kernel-nyan.its nyan-big-kernel || zerr
       +        print "noinitrd console=tty1 quiet root=PARTUUID=%U/PARTNROFF=1 rootwait rw lsm.module_locking=0 net.ifnames=0 rootfstype=ext4" > cmdline
       +        sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=bootloader.bin bs=512 count=1 || { die "unable to dd bootloader"; zerr }
       +        vbutil_kernel --arch arm --pack $workdir/kernel.bin \
       +                --keyblock /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel.keyblock \
       +                --signprivate /usr/share/vboot/devkeys/kernel_data_key.vbprivk \
       +                --version 1 \
       +                --config cmdline \
       +                --bootloader bootloader.bin \
       +                --vmlinuz nyan-big-kernel || zerr
       +        popd
       +        pushd $R/tmp/kernels/$device_name/${device_name}-linux
       +                make mrproper
       +                #WIFIVERSION="-3.8" make exynos_defconfig || zerr
       +                copy-kernel-config
       +                sudo -E PATH="$PATH" \
       +                        WIFIVERSION="-3.8" \
       +                        make modules_prepare || zerr
       +        popd
       +        postbuild || zerr