tbugfixes and improvements from rc1 - coffin - secure lan file storage on a device
  HTML git clone git://parazyd.org/coffin.git
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit 4f1ff06e39b1edb7dc038da5b4609a5d42b36ab2
   DIR parent 285f102b38b479f81485a138875d8df782835bde
  HTML Author: parazyd <parazyd@dyne.org>
       Date:   Sun,  3 Apr 2016 20:01:56 +0200
       bugfixes and improvements from rc1
         M Makefile                            |       2 +-
         M conf/config.sh                      |      15 +++++++++++----
         M src/zlibs/features                  |      44 +++++++++++++++++++++----------
         M src/zlibs/hooks                     |      23 ++++++++++++-----------
         M src/zlibs/ttab                      |      29 +++++++++++++++++++++--------
       5 files changed, 75 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
       t@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
       +        @./conf/config.sh checkdep
                make -C src
                @./conf/config.sh gen-ssl
                @./conf/config.sh gen-init
       -        @./conf/config.sh checkdep
                make -C src install
   DIR diff --git a/conf/config.sh b/conf/config.sh
       t@@ -75,12 +75,12 @@ EOF
        apachemods() {
                if [[ $1 == "on" ]]; then
       -                mods=(ssl dav dav_fs dav_lock)
       +                mods=(ssl dav dav_fs dav_lock auth_digest)
                        for i in $mods; do
       -                        a2enmod $i
       +                        a2enmod $i # NOTE: a2en* is only on debian
                elif [[ $1 == "off" ]]; then
       -                mods=(dav_lock dav_fs dav ssl)
       +                mods=(auth_digest dav_lock dav_fs dav ssl)
                        for i in $mods; do
                                a2dismod $i
       t@@ -122,7 +122,14 @@ ckdistro() {
                # apache
                install -Dm775 -g www-data -d /etc/apache2/DAV
                [[ `grep '^DAVLockDB ' /etc/apache2/apache2.conf` ]] || {
       -                print "DAVLockDB /etc/apache2/DAV/DAVLock" >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
       +                cat << EOF >> /etc/apache2/apache2.conf
       +<Directory /media/>
       +        Options Indexes
       +        AllowOverride None
       +        Require all granted
       +DAVLockDB /etc/apache2/DAV/DAVLock
                install -Dm600 davpasswd /etc/apache2/DAV/davpasswd
                install -Dm640 apachedav /etc/apache2/sites-available/coffindav.conf
   DIR diff --git a/src/zlibs/features b/src/zlibs/features
       t@@ -6,23 +6,40 @@ create-webdav-hook() {
       -        if [[ $entry =~ webdav && -f $COFFINDOT/webdav.conf ]]; then
       +        if [[ $entry =~ webdav && -f $COFFINDOT/davpasswd ]]; then
                        act "Found WebDAV data. Setting up..."
       -                [[ -f $COFFINDOT/davpasswd ]] && {
       -                        cat $COFFINDOT/davpasswd >> $davpass
       -                        [[ $? = 0 ]] && {
       -                                rm $COFFINDOT/davpasswd
       -                                gpasswd -a www-data $undertaker # NOTE: consider standalone group
       -                                act "Added new WebDAV user"
       -                        }
       +                cat $COFFINDOT/davpasswd >> $davpass
       +                [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
       +                        die "Failed setting up WebDAV."
       +                        return 1
       +                rm $COFFINDOT/davpasswd
       +                gpasswd -a www-data $undertaker # NOTE: consider standalone group
       +                act "Added new WebDAV user"
                        sed -i -e :a -e '$d;N;2,3ba' -e 'P;D' $davconf
       -                cat $COFFINDOT/webdav.conf >> $davconf
       +#                cat $COFFINDOT/webdav.conf >> $davconf
       +                cat << EOF >> $davconf
       +                alias /${tombid} /media/${tombid}
       +                <Directory "/media/${tombid}">
       +                        Dav On
       +                        AllowOverride none
       +                        Options Indexes
       +                        AuthType Digest
       +                        AuthName WebDAV
       +                        AuthUserFile /etc/apache2/DAV/davpasswd
       +                        Require user ${undertaker}
       +                </Directory>
       +        </VirtualHost>
                        act "Wrote to $davconf"
                        /etc/init.d/apache2 reload
                        [[ $? = 0 ]] || warn "Apache is funky"
       -                rm $COFFINDOT/webdav.conf
       +#                rm $COFFINDOT/webdav.conf
                        act "Done setting up WebDAV"
                        act "No WebDAV data found"
       t@@ -47,7 +64,7 @@ delete-webdav-hook() {
        create-sshfs-hook() {
                fn create-sshfs-hook
       -        if [[ $entry =~ sshfs && -f $COFFINDOT/sshpubkey ]]; then
       +        if [[ $entry =~ sshfs && -f $COFFINDOT/$tombid.pub ]]; then
                        act "Found SSH data. Setting up..."
                        [[ -d /home/$undertaker/.ssh ]] || mkdir -p /home/$undertaker/.ssh
       t@@ -72,10 +89,9 @@ delete-sshfs-hook() {
                ckreq || return 1
       -        tempkeys="/home/$undertaker/.ssh/tempkeys"
       -        grep -v $tombid $authkeys > $tempkeys
       -        mv $tempkeys $authkeys
       +        grep -v $tombid $authkeys > $authkeys.tmp
       +        mv $authkeys.tmp $authkeys
                act "Deleted SSH data"
   DIR diff --git a/src/zlibs/hooks b/src/zlibs/hooks
       t@@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ create-new-tomb() {
                $(id $undertaker &>/dev/null)
                [[ $? = 0 ]] || {
                        warn "User $undertaker not found. Creating..."
       -                useradd -G coffin -m -s /bin/nologin $undertaker
       +                useradd -G coffin -m -s /bin/sh $undertaker
                        act "Created user $undertaker"
       t@@ -89,33 +89,34 @@ delete-tomb() {
                act "Deleting tomb"
                undertaker=${entry[(ws@:@)2]} && xxx "Undertaker: $undertaker"
       -        tombid=${entry[(ws@:@)2]} && xxx "Tombid: $tombid"
       +        tombid=${entry[(ws@:@)3]} && xxx "Tombid: $tombid"
       -        [[ $(id $undertaker &>/dev/null) ]] || {
       -                die "User $undertaker not found. Exiting..."
       -                return 1
       +        [[ $(id $undertaker) ]] || {
       +                die "User $undertaker not found. Exiting..." \
       +                        && return 1
                [[ -f $GRAVEYARD/$tombid.tomb ]] || {
       -                die "Tomb $tombid.tomb not found. Exiting..."
       -                return 1
       +                die "Tomb $tombid.tomb not found. Exiting..." \
       +                        && return 1
                [[ -f $COFFINDOT/$tombid.key ]] || {
       -                die "Key of $tombid not found. Exiting..."
       -                return 1
       +                die "Key of $tombid not found. Exiting..." \
       +                        && return 1
                [[ $? = 0 ]] && {
                        sudo -u $undertaker $TOMB slam $tombid
       +                update-tombs del
                        grep -v ${undertaker}:${tombid} $TTAB > $TTAB.tmp
       -                [[ $? = 0 ]] && mv $TTAB.tmp $TTAB && \
       +                mv $TTAB.tmp $TTAB && \
                                act "Removed from ttab"
                        grep -v ${keyhash} $TOMBPASSWD > $TOMBPASSWD.tmp
       -                [[ $? = 0 ]] && mv $TOMBPASSWD.tmp $TOMBPASSWD && \
       +                mv $TOMBPASSWD.tmp $TOMBPASSWD && \
                                chmod 600 $TOMBPASSWD && \
                                act "Removed from tombpasswd"
   DIR diff --git a/src/zlibs/ttab b/src/zlibs/ttab
       t@@ -1,5 +1,24 @@
        #!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +update-tombs() {
       +        fn update-tombs $*
       +        req=(happ)
       +        happ="$1"
       +        ckreq || return 1
       +        if [[ $happ == "add" ]]; then
       +                print "${undertaker}:${keyhash}:${keyuuid}" >> $TOMBS && \
       +                        chmod 600 $TOMBS && \
       +                        act "Added info to $TOMBS"
       +        elif [[ $happ == "del" ]]; then
       +                cp $TOMBS $TMPTOMBS
       +                grep -v "${keyhash}:${keyuuid}" $TMPTOMBS > $TOMBS && \
       +                        chmod 600 $TOMBS && \
       +                        act "Removed from $TOMBS"
       +                rm $TMPTOMBS
       +        fi
        ttab-magic() {
                fn ttab-magic
       t@@ -21,11 +40,7 @@ ttab-magic() {
                                        act "compare-key -> true"
                                        sudo -u $undertaker $TOMB slam $tombid
       -                                cp $TOMBS $TMPTOMBS
       -                                grep -v "${keyhash}:${keyuuid}" $TMPTOMBS > $TOMBS && \
       -                                        chmod 600 $TOMBS && \
       -                                        act "Updated $TOMBS"
       -                                rm $TMPTOMBS
       +                                update-tombs del
       t@@ -45,9 +60,7 @@ ttab-magic() {
                                [[ -d "/media/$tombid" ]] && {
                                        chmod g+rw /media/$tombid
       -                                print "${undertaker}:${keyhash}:${keyuuid}" >> $TOMBS && \
       -                                        chmod  600 $TOMBS && \
       -                                        act "Added info to $TOMBS"
       +                                update-tombs add