another bug report - dwm - dynamic window manager
  HTML git clone https://git.parazyd.org/dwm
   DIR Log
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   DIR commit 1144e983949878ea75e5d40e93b063ff7d1e1150
   DIR parent 7671d03a90e83c13cd33111b25249c18c814c3d3
  HTML Author: Anselm R Garbe <garbeam@gmail.com>
       Date:   Wed, 25 Nov 2009 13:56:17 +0000
       another bug report
         M BUGS                                |       9 +++++++++
       1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/BUGS b/BUGS
       @@ -35,3 +35,12 @@ open a terminal, focus another monitor, but without moving the mouse
        pointer there
        if there is no client on the other monitor to get the focus, then the
        terminal will be unfocused but it will accept input
       +Donald Allen reported this:
       +starting emacs from dmenu in archlinux results in missing configure of emacs, but mod1-space or mod1-shift-space fix this problem. this problem is new and did not happen in 1.6 xorg servers
       +Starting emacs from xterm doesnt show this problem, he uses tag 8 for emacs