tClean up more of the exchange_rate.py mess - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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       Date:   Fri,  4 Sep 2015 22:36:52 +0900
       Clean up more of the exchange_rate.py mess
         M plugins/exchange_rate.py            |     356 +++++++++++++++----------------
       1 file changed, 176 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/plugins/exchange_rate.py b/plugins/exchange_rate.py
       t@@ -2,7 +2,9 @@ from PyQt4.QtGui import *
        from PyQt4.QtCore import *
        import datetime
       +import inspect
        import requests
       +import sys
        import threading
        import time
        from decimal import Decimal
       t@@ -14,26 +16,132 @@ from electrum.util import ThreadJob
        from electrum_gui.qt.util import *
        from electrum_gui.qt.amountedit import AmountEdit
       +class ExchangeBase:
       +    def get_json(self, site, get_string):
       +        response = requests.request('GET', 'https://' + site + get_string,
       +                                    headers={'User-Agent' : 'Electrum'})
       +        return response.json()
       +    def name():
       +        return self.__class__.__name__
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        return {}
       +    def history_ccys(self):
       +        return []
       +    def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr):
       +        return {}
       +class BitcoinAverage(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('api.bitcoinaverage.com', '/ticker/global/all')
       +        return dict([(r, Decimal(jsonresp[r]['last']))
       +                     for r in json if r != 'timestamp'])
       +class BitcoinVenezuela(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('api.bitcoinvenezuela.com', '/')
       +        return dict([(r, Decimal(json['BTC'][r]))
       +                     for r in json['BTC']])
       +    def history_ccys(self):
       +        return ['ARS', 'VEF']
       +    def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr):
       +        return self.get_json('api.bitcoinvenezuela.com',
       +                             "/historical/index.php?coin=BTC")[ccy +'_BTC']
       +class BTCParalelo(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('btcparalelo.com', '/api/price')
       +        return {'VEF': Decimal(json['price'])}
       +class Bitcurex(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('pln.bitcurex.com', '/data/ticker.json')
       +        pln_price = json['last']
       +        return {'PLN': Decimal(pln_price)}
       +class Bitmarket(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('www.bitmarket.pl', '/json/BTCPLN/ticker.json')
       +        return {'PLN': Decimal(json['last'])}
       +class BitPay(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('bitpay.com', '/api/rates')
       +        return dict([(r['code'], Decimal(r['rate'])) for r in json])
       +class Blockchain(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('blockchain.info', '/ticker')
       +        return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['15m'])) for r in json])
       +class BTCChina(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('data.btcchina.com', '/data/ticker')
       +        return {'CNY': Decimal(json['ticker']['last'])}
       +class CaVirtEx(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('www.cavirtex.com', '/api/CAD/ticker.json')
       +        return {'CAD': Decimal(json['last'])}
       +class Coinbase(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('coinbase.com',
       +                             '/api/v1/currencies/exchange_rates')
       +        return dict([(r[7:].upper(), Decimal(json[r]))
       +                     for r in json if r.startswith('btc_to_')])
       +class CoinDesk(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        dicts = self.get_json('api.coindesk.com',
       +                              '/v1/bpi/supported-currencies.json')
       +        json = self.get_json('api.coindesk.com',
       +                             '/v1/bpi/currentprice/%s.json' % ccy)
       +        ccys = [d['currency'] for d in dicts]
       +        result = dict.fromkeys(ccys)
       +        result[ccy] = Decimal(json['bpi'][ccy]['rate'])
       +        return result
       +    def history_ccys(self):
       +        return ['USD']
       +    def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr):
       +        return self.get_json('api.coindesk.com',
       +                             "/v1/bpi/historical/close.json?start="
       +                             + minstr + "&end=" + maxstr)
       +class itBit(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        ccys = ['USD', 'EUR', 'SGD']
       +        json = self.get_json('api.itbit.com', '/v1/markets/XBT%s/ticker' % ccy)
       +        result = dict.fromkeys(ccys)
       +        result[ccy] = Decimal(json['lastPrice'])
       +        return result
       +class LocalBitcoins(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('localbitcoins.com',
       +                             '/bitcoinaverage/ticker-all-currencies/')
       +        return dict([(r, Decimal(json[r]['rates']['last'])) for r in json])
       +class Winkdex(ExchangeBase):
       +    def update(self, ccy):
       +        json = self.get_json('winkdex.com', '/api/v0/price')
       +        return {'USD': Decimal(winkresp['price'] / 100.0)}
       +    def history_ccys(self):
       +        return ['USD']
       +    def historical_rates(self, ccy, minstr, maxstr):
       +        json = self.get_json('winkdex.com',
       +                             "/api/v0/series?start_time=1342915200")
       +        return json['series'][0]['results']
       -EXCHANGES = ["BitcoinAverage",
       -             "BitcoinVenezuela",
       -             "BTCParalelo",
       -             "Bitcurex",
       -             "Bitmarket",
       -             "BitPay",
       -             "Blockchain",
       -             "BTCChina",
       -             "CaVirtEx",
       -             "Coinbase",
       -             "CoinDesk",
       -             "itBit",
       -             "LocalBitcoins",
       -             "Winkdex"]
       -EXCH_SUPPORT_HIST = [("CoinDesk", "USD"),
       -                     ("Winkdex", "USD"),
       -                     ("BitcoinVenezuela", "ARS"),
       -                     ("BitcoinVenezuela", "VEF")]
        class Exchanger(ThreadJob):
       t@@ -43,28 +151,13 @@ class Exchanger(ThreadJob):
                self.timeout = 0
            def get_json(self, site, get_string):
       -        resp = requests.request('GET', 'https://' + site + get_string, headers={"User-Agent":"Electrum"})
       +        resp = requests.request('GET', 'https://' + site + get_string,
       +                                headers={"User-Agent":"Electrum"})
                return resp.json()
            def update_rate(self):
       -        update_rates = {
       -            "BitcoinAverage": self.update_ba,
       -            "BitcoinVenezuela": self.update_bv,
       -            "BTCParalelo": self.update_bpl,
       -            "Bitcurex": self.update_bx,
       -            "Bitmarket": self.update_bm,
       -            "BitPay": self.update_bp,
       -            "Blockchain": self.update_bc,
       -            "BTCChina": self.update_CNY,
       -            "CaVirtEx": self.update_cv,
       -            "CoinDesk": self.update_cd,
       -            "Coinbase": self.update_cb,
       -            "itBit": self.update_ib,
       -            "LocalBitcoins": self.update_lb,
       -            "Winkdex": self.update_wd,
       -        }
       -            rates = update_rates[self.parent.exchange]()
       +            rates = self.parent.exchange.update(self.parent.fiat_unit())
                except Exception as e:
                    rates = {}
       t@@ -77,93 +170,36 @@ class Exchanger(ThreadJob):
                    self.timeout = time.time() + 150
       -    def update_cd(self):
       -        resp_currencies = self.get_json('api.coindesk.com', "/v1/bpi/supported-currencies.json")
       -        quote_currencies = {}
       -        for cur in resp_currencies:
       -            quote_currencies[str(cur["currency"])] = 0.0
       -        current_cur = self.parent.config.get("currency", "EUR")
       -        if current_cur in quote_currencies:
       -            resp_rate = self.get_json('api.coindesk.com', "/v1/bpi/currentprice/" + str(current_cur) + ".json")
       -            quote_currencies[str(current_cur)] = Decimal(str(resp_rate["bpi"][str(current_cur)]["rate_float"]))
       -        return quote_currencies
       -    def update_ib(self):
       -        available_currencies = ["USD", "EUR", "SGD"]
       -        quote_currencies = {}
       -        for cur in available_currencies:
       -            quote_currencies[cur] = 0.0
       -        current_cur = self.parent.config.get("currency", "EUR")
       -        if current_cur in available_currencies:
       -            resp_rate = self.get_json('api.itbit.com', "/v1/markets/XBT" + str(current_cur) + "/ticker")
       -            quote_currencies[str(current_cur)] = Decimal(str(resp_rate["lastPrice"]))
       -        return quote_currencies
       -    def update_wd(self):
       -        winkresp = self.get_json('winkdex.com', "/api/v0/price")
       -        return {"USD": Decimal(str(winkresp["price"]))/Decimal("100.0")}
       -    def update_cv(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('www.cavirtex.com', "/api/CAD/ticker.json")
       -        cadprice = jsonresp["last"]
       -        return {"CAD": Decimal(str(cadprice))}
       -    def update_bm(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('www.bitmarket.pl', "/json/BTCPLN/ticker.json")
       -        pln_price = jsonresp["last"]
       -        return {"PLN": Decimal(str(pln_price))}
       -    def update_bx(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('pln.bitcurex.com', "/data/ticker.json")
       -        pln_price = jsonresp["last"]
       -        return {"PLN": Decimal(str(pln_price))}
       -    def update_CNY(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('data.btcchina.com', "/data/ticker")
       -        cnyprice = jsonresp["ticker"]["last"]
       -        return {"CNY": Decimal(str(cnyprice))}
       -    def update_bp(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('bitpay.com', "/api/rates")
       -        return dict([(str(r["code"]), Decimal(r["rate"])) for r in jsonresp])
       -    def update_cb(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('coinbase.com', "/api/v1/currencies/exchange_rates")
       -        return dict([(r[7:].upper(), Decimal(str(jsonresp[r]))) for r in jsonresp if r.startswith("btc_to_")])
       -    def update_bc(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('blockchain.info', "/ticker")
       -        return dict([(r, Decimal(str(jsonresp[r]["15m"]))) for r in jsonresp])
       -    def update_lb(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('localbitcoins.com', "/bitcoinaverage/ticker-all-currencies/")
       -        return dict([(r, Decimal(jsonresp[r]["rates"]["last"])) for r in jsonresp])
       -    def update_bv(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('api.bitcoinvenezuela.com', "/")
       -        return dict([(r, Decimal(jsonresp["BTC"][r])) for r in jsonresp["BTC"]])
       -    def update_bpl(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('btcparalelo.com', "/api/price")
       -        return {"VEF": Decimal(jsonresp["price"])}
       -    def update_ba(self):
       -        jsonresp = self.get_json('api.bitcoinaverage.com', "/ticker/global/all")
       -        return dict([(r, Decimal(jsonresp[r]["last"])) for r in jsonresp if not r == "timestamp"])
        class Plugin(BasePlugin):
            def __init__(self, parent, config, name):
                BasePlugin.__init__(self, parent, config, name)
       -        self.exchange = self.config.get('use_exchange', "Blockchain")
       +        is_exchange = lambda obj: (inspect.isclass(obj)
       +                                   and issubclass(obj, ExchangeBase))
       +        self.exchanges = dict(inspect.getmembers(sys.modules[__name__],
       +                                                 is_exchange))
       +        self.network = None
       +        self.set_exchange(self.config_exchange())
                self.currencies = [self.fiat_unit()]
                self.exchanger = Exchanger(self)
                self.resp_hist = {}
                self.btc_rate = Decimal("0.0")
       -        self.network = None
                self.wallet_tx_list = {}
       +    def config_exchange(self):
       +        return self.config.get('use_exchange', 'Blockchain')
       +    def config_history(self):
       +        return self.config.get('history_rates', 'unchecked') != 'unchecked'
       +    def set_exchange(self, name):
       +        class_ = self.exchanges.get(name) or self.exchanges.values()[0]
       +        name = class_.__name__
       +        self.print_error("using exchange", name)
       +        if self.config_exchange() != name:
       +            self.config.set_key('use_exchange', name, True)
       +        self.exchange = class_()
            def set_network(self, network):
                if network != self.network:
       t@@ -201,7 +237,7 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                '''Returns None, or the exchange rate as a Decimal'''
                rate = self.exchanger.quotes.get(self.fiat_unit())
                if rate:
       -            return Decimal(str(rate))
       +            return Decimal(rate)
            def get_fiat_balance_text(self, btc_balance, r):
       t@@ -258,7 +294,7 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                '''Request historic rates for all wallets for which they haven't yet
                been requested
       -        if self.config.get('history_rates') != "checked":
       +        if not self.config_history():
                all_txs = {}
                new = False
       t@@ -282,35 +318,11 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
            def request_historical_rates(self, tx_list):
                    mintimestr = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(int(min(tx_list.items(), key=lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'])[1]['timestamp'])).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
       +            maxtimestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
       +            self.resp_hist = self.exchange.historical_rates(
       +                self.fiat_unit(), mintimestr, maxtimestr)
                except Exception:
       -        maxtimestr = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
       -        if self.exchange == "CoinDesk":
       -            try:
       -                self.resp_hist = self.exchanger.get_json('api.coindesk.com', "/v1/bpi/historical/close.json?start=" + mintimestr + "&end=" + maxtimestr)
       -            except Exception:
       -                return
       -        elif self.exchange == "Winkdex":
       -            try:
       -                self.resp_hist = self.exchanger.get_json('winkdex.com', "/api/v0/series?start_time=1342915200")['series'][0]['results']
       -            except Exception:
       -                return
       -        elif self.exchange == "BitcoinVenezuela":
       -            cur_currency = self.fiat_unit()
       -            if cur_currency == "VEF":
       -                try:
       -                    self.resp_hist = self.exchanger.get_json('api.bitcoinvenezuela.com', "/historical/index.php?coin=BTC")['VEF_BTC']
       -                except Exception:
       -                    return
       -            elif cur_currency == "ARS":
       -                try:
       -                    self.resp_hist = self.exchanger.get_json('api.bitcoinvenezuela.com', "/historical/index.php?coin=BTC")['ARS_BTC']
       -                except Exception:
       -                    return
       -            else:
       -                return
                for window in self.parent.windows:
       t@@ -332,6 +344,7 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                window.history_list.setHeaderLabels([ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance'), _('Fiat Amount')] )
                root = window.history_list.invisibleRootItem()
                childcount = root.childCount()
       +        exchange = self.exchange.__class__.__name__
                for i in range(childcount):
                    item = root.child(i)
       t@@ -343,13 +356,13 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                    tx_time = int(tx_info['timestamp'])
                    tx_value = Decimal(str(tx_info['value'])) / COIN
       -            if self.exchange == "CoinDesk":
       +            if exchange == "CoinDesk":
                        tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                            tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (tx_value * Decimal(self.resp_hist['bpi'][tx_time_str]), "USD")
                        except KeyError:
                            tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(str(tx_info['value']))/COIN , "USD")
       -            elif self.exchange == "Winkdex":
       +            elif exchange == "Winkdex":
                        tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') + "T16:00:00-04:00"
                            tx_rate = self.resp_hist[[x['timestamp'] for x in self.resp_hist].index(tx_time_str)]['price']
       t@@ -358,7 +371,7 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                            tx_fiat_val = "%.2f %s" % (self.btc_rate * Decimal(tx_info['value'])/COIN , "USD")
                        except KeyError:
                            tx_fiat_val = _("No data")
       -            elif self.exchange == "BitcoinVenezuela":
       +            elif exchange == "BitcoinVenezuela":
                        tx_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(tx_time).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
                            num = self.resp_hist[tx_time_str].replace(',','')
       t@@ -390,50 +403,36 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('History Rates: ')), 2, 0)
                combo = QComboBox()
                combo_ex = QComboBox()
       -        combo_ex.addItems(EXCHANGES)
       -        combo_ex.setCurrentIndex(combo_ex.findText(self.exchange))
       +        combo_ex.addItems(self.exchanges.keys())
       +        combo_ex.setCurrentIndex(combo_ex.findText(self.config_exchange()))
                hist_checkbox = QCheckBox()
       -        hist_checkbox.setEnabled(False)
       -        hist_checkbox.setChecked(self.config.get('history_rates', 'unchecked') != 'unchecked')
                ok_button = QPushButton(_("OK"))
       +        def hist_checkbox_update():
       +            hist_checkbox.setEnabled(self.fiat_unit() in
       +                                     self.exchange.history_ccys())
       +            hist_checkbox.setChecked(self.config_history())
                def on_change(x):
       -                cur_request = str(self.currencies[x])
       +                ccy = str(self.currencies[x])
                    except Exception:
       -            if cur_request != self.fiat_unit():
       -                self.config.set_key('currency', cur_request, True)
       -                if (self.exchange, cur_request) in EXCH_SUPPORT_HIST:
       -                    hist_checkbox.setEnabled(True)
       -                else:
       -                    disable_check()
       +            if ccy != self.fiat_unit():
       +                self.config.set_key('currency', ccy, True)
       +                hist_checkbox_update()
                        for window in self.parent.windows:
       -                try:
       -                    self.fiat_button
       -                except:
       -                    pass
       -                else:
       -                    self.fiat_button.setText(cur_request)
       -        def disable_check():
       -            hist_checkbox.setChecked(False)
       -            hist_checkbox.setEnabled(False)
                def on_change_ex(exchange):
                    exchange = str(exchange)
       -            if exchange != self.exchange:
       -                self.exchange = exchange
       -                self.config.set_key('use_exchange', exchange, True)
       +            if exchange != self.exchange.__name__:
       +                self.set_exchange(exchange)
                        self.currencies = []
       -                self.timeout = 0
       -                cur_currency = self.fiat_unit()
       -                if (exchange, cur_currency) in EXCH_SUPPORT_HIST:
       -                    hist_checkbox.setEnabled(True)
       -                else:
       -                    disable_check()
       +                self.exchanger.timeout = 0
       +                hist_checkbox_update()
                        for window in self.parent.windows:
       t@@ -448,9 +447,6 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                            window.history_list.setHeaderLabels( [ '', '', _('Date'), _('Description') , _('Amount'), _('Balance')] )
       -        def set_hist_check(hist_checkbox):
       -            hist_checkbox.setEnabled(self.exchange in ["CoinDesk", "Winkdex", "BitcoinVenezuela"])
                def set_currencies(combo):
       t@@ -471,8 +467,8 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                        self.timeout = 0
       +        hist_checkbox_update()
       -        set_hist_check(hist_checkbox)