tUse TaskThread to simplify ThreadedButton - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: Neil Booth <kyuupichan@gmail.com>
       Date:   Sun, 17 Jan 2016 16:13:32 +0900
       Use TaskThread to simplify ThreadedButton
       And improve labels dialog
         M gui/qt/util.py                      |      40 ++++++++-----------------------
         M plugins/labels/qt.py                |      35 ++++++++++++++++---------------
       2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gui/qt/util.py b/gui/qt/util.py
       t@@ -51,41 +51,21 @@ class EnterButton(QPushButton):
        class ThreadedButton(QPushButton):
       -    def __init__(self, text, func, on_success=None, before=None):
       +    def __init__(self, text, task, on_success=None, on_error=None):
                QPushButton.__init__(self, text)
       -        self.before = before
       -        self.run_task = func
       +        self.task = task
                self.on_success = on_success
       -        self.clicked.connect(self.do_exec)
       -        self.connect(self, SIGNAL('done'), self.done)
       -        self.connect(self, SIGNAL('error'), self.on_error)
       +        self.on_error = on_error
       +        self.clicked.connect(self.run_task)
       -    def done(self):
       -        if self.on_success:
       -            self.on_success()
       -        self.setEnabled(True)
       +    def run_task(self):
       +        self.setEnabled(False)
       +        self.thread = TaskThread(self)
       +        self.thread.add(self.task, self.on_success, self.done, self.on_error)
       -    def on_error(self):
       -        QMessageBox.information(None, _("Error"), self.error)
       +    def done(self):
       -    def do_func(self):
       -        self.setEnabled(False)
       -        try:
       -            self.result = self.run_task()
       -        except BaseException as e:
       -            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout)
       -            self.error = str(e.message)
       -            self.emit(SIGNAL('error'))
       -            return
       -        self.emit(SIGNAL('done'))
       -    def do_exec(self):
       -        if self.before:
       -            self.before()
       -        t = threading.Thread(target=self.do_func)
       -        t.setDaemon(True)
       -        t.start()
       +        self.thread.stop()
        class WWLabel(QLabel):
   DIR diff --git a/plugins/labels/qt.py b/plugins/labels/qt.py
       t@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ from PyQt4.QtCore import *
        from electrum.plugins import hook
        from electrum.i18n import _
        from electrum_gui.qt import EnterButton
       -from electrum_gui.qt.util import ThreadedButton, Buttons, CancelButton
       +from electrum_gui.qt.util import ThreadedButton, Buttons
        from electrum_gui.qt.util import WindowModalDialog, OkButton
        from labels import LabelsPlugin
       t@@ -28,28 +28,29 @@ class Plugin(LabelsPlugin):
            def settings_dialog(self, window):
                wallet = window.parent().wallet
                d = WindowModalDialog(window, _("Label Settings"))
       +        hbox = QHBoxLayout()
       +        hbox.addWidget(QLabel("Label sync options:"))
       +        upload = ThreadedButton("Force upload",
       +                                partial(self.push_thread, wallet),
       +                                partial(self.done_processing, d))
       +        download = ThreadedButton("Force download",
       +                                  partial(self.pull_thread, wallet, True),
       +                                  partial(self.done_processing, d))
       +        vbox = QVBoxLayout()
       +        vbox.addWidget(upload)
       +        vbox.addWidget(download)
       +        hbox.addLayout(vbox)
                vbox = QVBoxLayout(d)
       -        layout = QGridLayout()
       -        vbox.addLayout(layout)
       -        layout.addWidget(QLabel("Label sync options: "), 2, 0)
       -        self.upload = ThreadedButton("Force upload",
       -                                     partial(self.push_thread, wallet),
       -                                     self.done_processing)
       -        layout.addWidget(self.upload, 2, 1)
       -        self.download = ThreadedButton("Force download",
       -                                       partial(self.pull_thread, wallet, True),
       -                                       self.done_processing)
       -        layout.addWidget(self.download, 2, 2)
       -        self.accept = OkButton(d, _("Done"))
       -        vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), self.accept))
       +        vbox.addLayout(hbox)
       +        vbox.addSpacing(20)
       +        vbox.addLayout(Buttons(OkButton(d)))
                return bool(d.exec_())
            def on_pulled(self, wallet):
                self.obj.emit(SIGNAL('labels_changed'), wallet)
       -    def done_processing(self):
       -        QMessageBox.information(None, _("Labels synchronised"),
       -                                _("Your labels have been synchronised."))
       +    def done_processing(self, dialog, result):
       +        dialog.show_message(_("Your labels have been synchronised."))
            def on_new_window(self, window):