tlnwatcher: naive code to sweep to_local from our ctx (will not wait for timelock yet) - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: SomberNight <somber.night@protonmail.com>
       Date:   Mon,  9 Jul 2018 18:55:52 +0200
       lnwatcher: naive code to sweep to_local from our ctx (will not wait for timelock yet)
         M gui/qt/channels_list.py             |       2 ++
         M lib/lnwatcher.py                    |      89 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
       2 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gui/qt/channels_list.py b/gui/qt/channels_list.py
       t@@ -34,6 +34,8 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeWidget):
                print('ID', bh2u(channel_id))
                def close():
                    suc, msg = self.parent.wallet.lnworker.close_channel(channel_id)
       +            if not suc:
       +                print('channel close broadcast failed:', msg)
                    assert suc # TODO show error message in dialog
                menu.addAction(_("Close channel"), close)
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lnwatcher.py b/lib/lnwatcher.py
       t@@ -103,6 +103,8 @@ class LNChanCloseHandler(PrintError):
            # TODO batch sweeps
       +    # TODO sweep HTLC outputs
       +    # TODO implement nursery that waits for timelocks
            def inspect_spending_tx(self, ctx, txin_idx: int):
                chan = self.chan
                ctn = extract_ctn_from_tx(ctx, txin_idx,
       t@@ -114,22 +116,27 @@ class LNChanCloseHandler(PrintError):
                                 .format(ctx.txid(), ctn, latest_local_ctn, latest_remote_ctn))
                # see if it is a normal unilateral close by them
                if ctn == latest_remote_ctn:
       +            # note that we might also get here if this is our ctx and the ctn just happens to match
                    their_cur_pcp = chan.remote_state.current_per_commitment_point
       -            self.find_and_sweep_their_ctx_to_remote(ctx, their_cur_pcp)
       -        # see if we have a revoked secret for this ctn
       +            if their_cur_pcp is not None:
       +                self.find_and_sweep_their_ctx_to_remote(ctx, their_cur_pcp)
       +        # see if we have a revoked secret for this ctn ("breach")
                    per_commitment_secret = chan.remote_state.revocation_store.retrieve_secret(
                        RevocationStore.START_INDEX - ctn)
                except UnableToDeriveSecret:
                    self.print_error("revocation store does not have secret for ctx {}".format(ctx.txid()))
       -            # FIXME what if we closed unilaterally?
       -            #self.print_error("ctx {} is breach!! by them and we have the revocation secret. "
       -            #                 "yay, free money".format(ctx.txid()))
       +            # note that we might also get here if this is our ctx and we just happen to have
       +            # the secret for the symmetric ctn
                    their_pcp = ecc.ECPrivkey(per_commitment_secret).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
                    self.find_and_sweep_their_ctx_to_remote(ctx, their_pcp)
                    self.find_and_sweep_their_ctx_to_local(ctx, per_commitment_secret)
       -            # TODO sweep other outputs
       +        # see if it's our ctx
       +        our_per_commitment_secret = get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(
       +            chan.local_state.per_commitment_secret_seed, RevocationStore.START_INDEX - ctn)
       +        our_per_commitment_point = ecc.ECPrivkey(our_per_commitment_secret).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
       +        self.find_and_sweep_our_ctx_to_local(ctx, our_per_commitment_point)
            def find_and_sweep_their_ctx_to_remote(self, ctx, their_pcp: bytes):
                payment_bp_privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(self.chan.local_config.payment_basepoint.privkey)
       t@@ -137,17 +144,19 @@ class LNChanCloseHandler(PrintError):
                our_payment_privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey.from_secret_scalar(our_payment_privkey)
                our_payment_pubkey = our_payment_privkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
                to_remote_address = make_commitment_output_to_remote_address(our_payment_pubkey)
       -        for output_idx, (type, addr, val) in enumerate(ctx.outputs()):
       -            if type == TYPE_ADDRESS and addr == to_remote_address:
       +        for output_idx, (type_, addr, val) in enumerate(ctx.outputs()):
       +            if type_ == TYPE_ADDRESS and addr == to_remote_address:
                        self.print_error("found to_remote output paying to us: ctx {}:{}".
                                         format(ctx.txid(), output_idx))
                        #self.print_error("ctx {} is normal unilateral close by them".format(ctx.txid()))
       -        self.sweep_their_ctx_to_remote(ctx, output_idx, our_payment_privkey)
       +        sweep_tx = self.create_sweeptx_their_ctx_to_remote(ctx, output_idx, our_payment_privkey)
       +        self.network.broadcast_transaction(sweep_tx,
       +                                           lambda res: self.print_tx_broadcast_result('sweep_their_ctx_to_remote', res))
       -    def sweep_their_ctx_to_remote(self, ctx, output_idx: int, our_payment_privkey: ecc.ECPrivkey):
       +    def create_sweeptx_their_ctx_to_remote(self, ctx, output_idx: int, our_payment_privkey: ecc.ECPrivkey):
                our_payment_pubkey = our_payment_privkey.get_public_key_hex(compressed=True)
                val = ctx.outputs()[output_idx][2]
                sweep_inputs = [{
       t@@ -173,8 +182,7 @@ class LNChanCloseHandler(PrintError):
                sweep_tx.sign({our_payment_pubkey: (our_payment_privkey.get_secret_bytes(), True)})
                if not sweep_tx.is_complete():
                    raise Exception('channel close sweep tx is not complete')
       -        self.network.broadcast_transaction(sweep_tx,
       -                                           lambda res: self.print_tx_broadcast_result('sweep_their_ctx_to_remote', res))
       +        return sweep_tx
            def find_and_sweep_their_ctx_to_local(self, ctx, per_commitment_secret: bytes):
                per_commitment_point = ecc.ECPrivkey(per_commitment_secret).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
       t@@ -187,17 +195,52 @@ class LNChanCloseHandler(PrintError):
                witness_script = bh2u(lnutil.make_commitment_output_to_local_witness_script(
                    revocation_pubkey, to_self_delay, delayed_pubkey))
                to_local_address = redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', witness_script)
       -        for output_idx, (type, addr, val) in enumerate(ctx.outputs()):
       -            if type == TYPE_ADDRESS and addr == to_local_address:
       +        for output_idx, (type_, addr, val) in enumerate(ctx.outputs()):
       +            if type_ == TYPE_ADDRESS and addr == to_local_address:
                        self.print_error("found to_local output paying to them: ctx {}:{}".
                                         format(ctx.txid(), output_idx))
                    self.print_error('could not find to_local output in their ctx {}'.format(ctx.txid()))
       -        self.sweep_their_ctx_to_local(ctx, output_idx, witness_script, revocation_privkey)
       +        sweep_tx = self.create_sweeptx_ctx_to_local(ctx, output_idx, witness_script, revocation_privkey, True)
       +        self.network.broadcast_transaction(sweep_tx,
       +                                           lambda res: self.print_tx_broadcast_result('sweep_their_ctx_to_local', res))
       -    def sweep_their_ctx_to_local(self, ctx, output_idx: int, witness_script: str, revocation_privkey: bytes):
       +    def find_and_sweep_our_ctx_to_local(self, ctx, our_pcp: bytes):
       +        delayed_bp_privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(self.chan.local_config.delayed_basepoint.privkey)
       +        our_localdelayed_privkey = derive_privkey(delayed_bp_privkey.secret_scalar, our_pcp)
       +        our_localdelayed_privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey.from_secret_scalar(our_localdelayed_privkey)
       +        our_localdelayed_pubkey = our_localdelayed_privkey.get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
       +        revocation_pubkey = lnutil.derive_blinded_pubkey(self.chan.remote_config.revocation_basepoint.pubkey,
       +                                                         our_pcp)
       +        to_self_delay = self.chan.remote_config.to_self_delay
       +        witness_script = bh2u(lnutil.make_commitment_output_to_local_witness_script(
       +            revocation_pubkey, to_self_delay, our_localdelayed_pubkey))
       +        to_local_address = redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', witness_script)
       +        for output_idx, (type_, addr, val) in enumerate(ctx.outputs()):
       +            if type_ == TYPE_ADDRESS and addr == to_local_address:
       +                self.print_error("found to_local output paying to us (CSV-locked): ctx {}:{}".
       +                                 format(ctx.txid(), output_idx))
       +                break
       +        else:
       +            self.print_error('could not find to_local output in our ctx {}'.format(ctx.txid()))
       +            return
       +        # TODO if the CSV lock is still pending, this will fail
       +        sweep_tx = self.create_sweeptx_ctx_to_local(ctx, output_idx, witness_script,
       +                                                    our_localdelayed_privkey.get_secret_bytes(),
       +                                                    False, to_self_delay)
       +        self.network.broadcast_transaction(sweep_tx,
       +                                           lambda res: self.print_tx_broadcast_result('sweep_our_ctx_to_local', res))
       +    def create_sweeptx_ctx_to_local(self, ctx, output_idx: int, witness_script: str,
       +                                    privkey: bytes, is_revocation: bool, to_self_delay: int=None):
       +        """Create a txn that sweeps the 'to_local' output of a commitment
       +        transaction into our wallet.
       +        privkey: either revocation_privkey or localdelayed_privkey
       +        is_revocation: tells us which ^
       +        """
                val = ctx.outputs()[output_idx][2]
                sweep_inputs = [{
                    'scriptSig': '',
       t@@ -210,7 +253,9 @@ class LNChanCloseHandler(PrintError):
                    'coinbase': False,
                    'preimage_script': witness_script,
       -        tx_size_bytes = 200  # TODO calc size
       +        if to_self_delay is not None:
       +            sweep_inputs[0]['sequence'] = to_self_delay
       +        tx_size_bytes = 121  # approx size of to_local -> p2wpkh
                    fee = self.network.config.estimate_fee(tx_size_bytes)
                except NoDynamicFeeEstimates:
       t@@ -218,13 +263,11 @@ class LNChanCloseHandler(PrintError):
                    fee = self.network.config.estimate_fee_for_feerate(fee_per_kb, tx_size_bytes)
                sweep_outputs = [(TYPE_ADDRESS, self.wallet.get_receiving_address(), val - fee)]
                locktime = self.network.get_local_height()
       -        sweep_tx = Transaction.from_io(sweep_inputs, sweep_outputs, locktime=locktime)
       -        sweep_tx.set_rbf(True)
       -        revocation_sig = sweep_tx.sign_txin(0, revocation_privkey)
       -        witness = transaction.construct_witness([revocation_sig, 1, witness_script])
       +        sweep_tx = Transaction.from_io(sweep_inputs, sweep_outputs, locktime=locktime, version=2)
       +        sig = sweep_tx.sign_txin(0, privkey)
       +        witness = transaction.construct_witness([sig, int(is_revocation), witness_script])
                sweep_tx.inputs()[0]['witness'] = witness
       -        self.network.broadcast_transaction(sweep_tx,
       -                                           lambda res: self.print_tx_broadcast_result('sweep_their_ctx_to_local', res))
       +        return sweep_tx
            def print_tx_broadcast_result(self, name, res):
                error = res.get('error')