tredeem htlc outputs of our local commitment transaction back to wallet - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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       Date:   Mon, 22 Oct 2018 18:57:51 +0200
       redeem htlc outputs of our local commitment transaction back to wallet
         M electrum/lnbase.py                  |       6 +-----
         M electrum/lnchan.py                  |     134 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
         M electrum/lnutil.py                  |      18 +++++++++++-------
         M electrum/lnwatcher.py               |      78 ++++++++++++++++++++-----------
       4 files changed, 162 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnbase.py b/electrum/lnbase.py
       t@@ -939,6 +939,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                # create onion packet
                final_cltv = self.network.get_local_height() + min_final_cltv_expiry
                hops_data, amount_msat, cltv = calc_hops_data_for_payment(route, amount_msat, final_cltv)
       +        assert final_cltv <= cltv, (final_cltv, cltv)
                secret_key = os.urandom(32)
                onion = new_onion_packet([x.node_id for x in route], secret_key, hops_data, associated_data=payment_hash)
       t@@ -973,11 +974,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
            def on_commitment_signed(self, payload):
                self.print_error("commitment_signed", payload)
                channel_id = payload['channel_id']
       -        chan = self.channels[channel_id]
       -        chan.config[LOCAL]=chan.config[LOCAL]._replace(
       -            current_commitment_signature=payload['signature'],
       -            current_htlc_signatures=payload['htlc_signature'])
       -        self.lnworker.save_channel(chan)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnchan.py b/electrum/lnchan.py
       t@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ from collections import namedtuple, defaultdict
        import binascii
        import json
        from enum import Enum, auto
       -from typing import Optional, Mapping, List
       +from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Tuple
        from .util import bfh, PrintError, bh2u
        from .bitcoin import Hash, TYPE_SCRIPT, TYPE_ADDRESS
       t@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from .lnutil import Outpoint, LocalConfig, RemoteConfig, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeyp
        from .lnutil import get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed
        from .lnutil import make_commitment_output_to_remote_address, make_commitment_output_to_local_witness_script
        from .lnutil import secret_to_pubkey, derive_privkey, derive_pubkey, derive_blinded_pubkey, derive_blinded_privkey
       -from .lnutil import sign_and_get_sig_string
       +from .lnutil import sign_and_get_sig_string, privkey_to_pubkey, make_htlc_tx_witness
        from .lnutil import make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel, make_commitment, make_received_htlc, make_offered_htlc
        from .lnutil import HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT, HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT
        from .lnutil import funding_output_script, LOCAL, REMOTE, HTLCOwner, make_closing_tx, make_outputs
       t@@ -129,8 +129,8 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                self.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked = Transaction(state["remote_commitment_to_be_revoked"])
                template = lambda: {
       -            'adds': {}, # type: Mapping[HTLC_ID, UpdateAddHtlc]
       -            'settles': [], # type: List[HTLC_ID]
       +            'adds': {}, # Dict[HTLC_ID, UpdateAddHtlc]
       +            'settles': [], # List[HTLC_ID]
                self.log = {LOCAL: template(), REMOTE: template()}
                for strname, subject in [('remote_log', REMOTE), ('local_log', LOCAL)]:
       t@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                for we_receive, htlcs in zip([True, False], [self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, REMOTE), self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, LOCAL)]):
                    for htlc in htlcs:
                        args = [self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point, for_us, we_receive, pending_remote_commitment, htlc]
       -                htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(self, *args)
       +                _script, htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(self, *args)
                        sig = bfh(htlc_tx.sign_txin(0, their_remote_htlc_privkey))
                        htlc_sig = ecc.sig_string_from_der_sig(sig[:-1])
                        htlcsigs.append((pending_remote_commitment.htlc_output_indices[htlc.payment_hash], htlc_sig))
       t@@ -286,22 +286,20 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                if not ecc.verify_signature(self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey, sig, pre_hash):
                    raise Exception('failed verifying signature of our updated commitment transaction: ' + bh2u(sig) + ' preimage is ' + preimage_hex)
       -        _, this_point, _ = self.points
       +        htlc_sigs_string = b''.join(htlc_sigs)
       +        htlc_sigs = htlc_sigs[:] # copy cause we will delete now
                for htlcs, we_receive in [(self.included_htlcs(LOCAL, REMOTE), True), (self.included_htlcs(LOCAL, LOCAL), False)]:
                    for htlc in htlcs:
       -                htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(self, this_point, True, we_receive, pending_local_commitment, htlc)
       -                pre_hash = Hash(bfh(htlc_tx.serialize_preimage(0)))
       -                remote_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(self.config[REMOTE].htlc_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
       -                for idx, sig in enumerate(htlc_sigs):
       -                    if ecc.verify_signature(remote_htlc_pubkey, sig, pre_hash):
       -                        del htlc_sigs[idx]
       -                        break
       -                else:
       -                    raise Exception(f'failed verifying HTLC signatures: {htlc}')
       +                idx = self.verify_htlc(htlc, htlc_sigs, we_receive)
       +                del htlc_sigs[idx]
                if len(htlc_sigs) != 0: # all sigs should have been popped above
                    raise Exception('failed verifying HTLC signatures: invalid amount of correct signatures')
       +        self.config[LOCAL]=self.config[LOCAL]._replace(
       +            current_commitment_signature=sig,
       +            current_htlc_signatures=htlc_sigs_string)
                for pending_fee in self.fee_mgr:
                    if not self.constraints.is_initiator:
                        pending_fee[FUNDEE_SIGNED] = True
       t@@ -310,6 +308,16 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                self.process_new_offchain_ctx(pending_local_commitment, ours=True)
       +    def verify_htlc(self, htlc, htlc_sigs, we_receive):
       +        _, this_point, _ = self.points
       +        _script, htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(self, this_point, True, we_receive, self.pending_local_commitment, htlc)
       +        pre_hash = Hash(bfh(htlc_tx.serialize_preimage(0)))
       +        remote_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(self.config[REMOTE].htlc_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
       +        for idx, sig in enumerate(htlc_sigs):
       +            if ecc.verify_signature(remote_htlc_pubkey, sig, pre_hash):
       +                return idx
       +        else:
       +            raise Exception(f'failed verifying HTLC signatures: {htlc}')
            def revoke_current_commitment(self):
       t@@ -372,12 +380,14 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    our_per_commitment_secret = get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(
                        self.config[LOCAL].per_commitment_secret_seed, RevocationStore.START_INDEX - ctn)
                    our_cur_pcp = ecc.ECPrivkey(our_per_commitment_secret).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
       -            encumbered_sweeptx = maybe_create_sweeptx_for_our_ctx_to_local(self, ctx, our_cur_pcp, self.sweep_address)
       +            encumbered_sweeptxs = create_sweeptxs_for_our_ctx(self, ctx, our_cur_pcp, self.sweep_address)
                    their_cur_pcp = self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point
       -            encumbered_sweeptx = maybe_create_sweeptx_for_their_ctx_to_remote(self, ctx, their_cur_pcp, self.sweep_address)
       -        if encumbered_sweeptx:
       -            self.lnwatcher.add_sweep_tx(outpoint, ctx.txid(), encumbered_sweeptx.to_json())
       +            encumbered_sweeptxs = [(None, maybe_create_sweeptx_for_their_ctx_to_remote(self, ctx, their_cur_pcp, self.sweep_address))]
       +        for prev_txid, encumbered_tx in encumbered_sweeptxs:
       +            if prev_txid is None:
       +                prev_txid = ctx.txid()
       +            self.lnwatcher.add_sweep_tx(outpoint, prev_txid, encumbered_tx.to_json())
            def process_new_revocation_secret(self, per_commitment_secret: bytes):
                if not self.lnwatcher:
       t@@ -739,7 +749,7 @@ def maybe_create_sweeptx_for_their_ctx_to_remote(chan, ctx, their_pcp: bytes,
       -    return EncumberedTransaction(sweep_tx, csv_delay=0)
       +    return EncumberedTransaction('their_ctx_to_remote', sweep_tx, csv_delay=0, cltv_expiry=0)
        def maybe_create_sweeptx_for_their_ctx_to_local(chan, ctx, per_commitment_secret: bytes,
       t@@ -766,11 +776,11 @@ def maybe_create_sweeptx_for_their_ctx_to_local(chan, ctx, per_commitment_secret
       -    return EncumberedTransaction(sweep_tx, csv_delay=0)
       +    return EncumberedTransaction('their_ctx_to_local', sweep_tx, csv_delay=0, cltv_expiry=0)
       -def maybe_create_sweeptx_for_our_ctx_to_local(chan, ctx, our_pcp: bytes,
       -                                              sweep_address) -> Optional[EncumberedTransaction]:
       +def create_sweeptxs_for_our_ctx(chan, ctx, our_pcp: bytes, sweep_address) \
       +                                                        -> List[Tuple[Optional[str],EncumberedTransaction]]:
            assert isinstance(our_pcp, bytes)
            delayed_bp_privkey = ecc.ECPrivkey(chan.config[LOCAL].delayed_basepoint.privkey)
            our_localdelayed_privkey = derive_privkey(delayed_bp_privkey.secret_scalar, our_pcp)
       t@@ -782,21 +792,77 @@ def maybe_create_sweeptx_for_our_ctx_to_local(chan, ctx, our_pcp: bytes,
            witness_script = bh2u(make_commitment_output_to_local_witness_script(
                revocation_pubkey, to_self_delay, our_localdelayed_pubkey))
            to_local_address = redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh', witness_script)
       +    txs = []
            for output_idx, o in enumerate(ctx.outputs()):
                if o.type == TYPE_ADDRESS and o.address == to_local_address:
       +            sweep_tx = create_sweeptx_ctx_to_local(address=sweep_address,
       +                                                   ctx=ctx,
       +                                                   output_idx=output_idx,
       +                                                   witness_script=witness_script,
       +                                                   privkey=our_localdelayed_privkey.get_secret_bytes(),
       +                                                   is_revocation=False,
       +                                                   to_self_delay=to_self_delay)
       +            txs.append((None, EncumberedTransaction('our_ctx_to_local', sweep_tx, csv_delay=to_self_delay, cltv_expiry=0)))
       -    else:
       -        return None
       -    sweep_tx = create_sweeptx_ctx_to_local(address=sweep_address,
       -                                           ctx=ctx,
       -                                           output_idx=output_idx,
       -                                           witness_script=witness_script,
       -                                           privkey=our_localdelayed_privkey.get_secret_bytes(),
       -                                           is_revocation=False,
       -                                           to_self_delay=to_self_delay)
       -    return EncumberedTransaction(sweep_tx, csv_delay=to_self_delay)
       +    # TODO htlc successes
       +    htlcs = list(chan.included_htlcs(LOCAL, LOCAL)) # timeouts
       +    for htlc in htlcs:
       +        witness_script, htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(
       +            chan,
       +            our_pcp,
       +            True, # for_us
       +            False, # we_receive
       +            ctx, htlc)
       +        data = chan.config[LOCAL].current_htlc_signatures
       +        htlc_sigs = [data[i:i+64] for i in range(0, len(data), 64)]
       +        idx = chan.verify_htlc(htlc, htlc_sigs, False)
       +        remote_htlc_sig = ecc.der_sig_from_sig_string(htlc_sigs[idx]) + b'\x01'
       +        remote_revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(chan.config[REMOTE].revocation_basepoint.pubkey, our_pcp)
       +        remote_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(chan.config[REMOTE].htlc_basepoint.pubkey, our_pcp)
       +        local_htlc_key = derive_privkey(
       +            int.from_bytes(chan.config[LOCAL].htlc_basepoint.privkey, 'big'),
       +            our_pcp).to_bytes(32, 'big')
       +        program = make_offered_htlc(remote_revocation_pubkey, remote_htlc_pubkey, privkey_to_pubkey(local_htlc_key), htlc.payment_hash)
       +        local_htlc_sig = bfh(htlc_tx.sign_txin(0, local_htlc_key))
       +        htlc_tx.inputs()[0]['witness'] = bh2u(make_htlc_tx_witness(remote_htlc_sig, local_htlc_sig, b'', program))
       +        tx_size_bytes = 999  # TODO
       +        fee_per_kb = FEERATE_FALLBACK_STATIC_FEE
       +        fee = SimpleConfig.estimate_fee_for_feerate(fee_per_kb, tx_size_bytes)
       +        second_stage_outputs = [TxOutput(TYPE_ADDRESS, chan.sweep_address, htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - fee)]
       +        assert to_self_delay is not None
       +        second_stage_inputs = [{
       +            'scriptSig': '',
       +            'type': 'p2wsh',
       +            'signatures': [],
       +            'num_sig': 0,
       +            'prevout_n': 0,
       +            'prevout_hash': htlc_tx.txid(),
       +            'value': htlc_tx.outputs()[0].value,
       +            'coinbase': False,
       +            'preimage_script': bh2u(witness_script),
       +            'sequence': to_self_delay,
       +        }]
       +        tx = Transaction.from_io(second_stage_inputs, second_stage_outputs, version=2)
       +        local_delaykey = derive_privkey(
       +            int.from_bytes(chan.config[LOCAL].delayed_basepoint.privkey, 'big'),
       +            our_pcp).to_bytes(32, 'big')
       +        assert local_delaykey == our_localdelayed_privkey.get_secret_bytes()
       +        witness = construct_witness([bfh(tx.sign_txin(0, local_delaykey)), 0, witness_script])
       +        tx.inputs()[0]['witness'] = witness
       +        assert tx.is_complete()
       +        txs.append((htlc_tx.txid(), EncumberedTransaction(f'second_stage_to_wallet_{bh2u(htlc.payment_hash)}', tx, csv_delay=to_self_delay, cltv_expiry=0)))
       +        txs.append((ctx.txid(), EncumberedTransaction(f'our_ctx_htlc_tx_{bh2u(htlc.payment_hash)}', htlc_tx, csv_delay=0, cltv_expiry=htlc.cltv_expiry)))
       +    return txs
        def create_sweeptx_their_ctx_to_remote(address, ctx, output_idx: int, our_payment_privkey: ecc.ECPrivkey,
                                               fee_per_kb: int=None) -> Transaction:
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnutil.py b/electrum/lnutil.py
       t@@ -173,8 +173,8 @@ def derive_pubkey(basepoint: bytes, per_commitment_point: bytes) -> bytes:
        def derive_privkey(secret: int, per_commitment_point: bytes) -> int:
            assert type(secret) is int
       -    basepoint = secret_to_pubkey(secret)
       -    basepoint = secret + ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint))
       +    basepoint_bytes = secret_to_pubkey(secret)
       +    basepoint = secret + ecc.string_to_number(sha256(per_commitment_point + basepoint_bytes))
            basepoint %= CURVE_ORDER
            return basepoint
       t@@ -212,7 +212,7 @@ def make_htlc_tx_output(amount_msat, local_feerate, revocationpubkey, local_dela
            final_amount_sat = (amount_msat - fee) // 1000
            assert final_amount_sat > 0, final_amount_sat
            output = TxOutput(bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, p2wsh, final_amount_sat)
       -    return output
       +    return script, output
        def make_htlc_tx_witness(remotehtlcsig, localhtlcsig, payment_preimage, witness_script):
            assert type(remotehtlcsig) is bytes
       t@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@ def make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan, pcp, for_us, we_receive, commit, htlc):
            # HTLC-success for the HTLC spending from a received HTLC output
            # if we do not receive, and the commitment tx is not for us, they receive, so it is also an HTLC-success
            is_htlc_success = for_us == we_receive
       -    htlc_tx_output = make_htlc_tx_output(
       +    script, htlc_tx_output = make_htlc_tx_output(
                amount_msat = amount_msat,
                local_feerate = chan.pending_feerate(LOCAL if for_us else REMOTE),
       t@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ def make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan, pcp, for_us, we_receive, commit, htlc):
            if is_htlc_success:
                cltv_expiry = 0
            htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx(cltv_expiry, inputs=htlc_tx_inputs, output=htlc_tx_output)
       -    return htlc_tx
       +    return script, htlc_tx
        def make_funding_input(local_funding_pubkey: bytes, remote_funding_pubkey: bytes,
                payment_basepoint: bytes, remote_payment_basepoint: bytes,
       t@@ -598,12 +598,16 @@ def generate_keypair(ln_keystore: BIP32_KeyStore, key_family: LnKeyFamily, index
            return Keypair(*ln_keystore.get_keypair([key_family, 0, index], None))
       -class EncumberedTransaction(NamedTuple("EncumberedTransaction", [('tx', Transaction),
       -                                                                 ('csv_delay', Optional[int])])):
       +class EncumberedTransaction(NamedTuple("EncumberedTransaction", [('name', str),
       +                                                                 ('tx', Transaction),
       +                                                                 ('csv_delay', int),
       +                                                                 ('cltv_expiry', int),])):
            def to_json(self) -> dict:
                return {
       +            'name': self.name,
                    'tx': str(self.tx),
                    'csv_delay': self.csv_delay,
       +            'cltv_expiry': self.cltv_expiry,
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnwatcher.py b/electrum/lnwatcher.py
       t@@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ class LNWatcher(PrintError):
                self.lock = threading.RLock()
                self.watched_addresses = set()
                self.channel_info = storage.get('channel_info', {})  # access with 'lock'
       -        # TODO structure will need to change when we handle HTLCs......
       -        # [funding_outpoint_str][ctx_txid] -> set of EncumberedTransaction
       +        # [funding_outpoint_str][prev_txid] -> set of EncumberedTransaction
       +        # prev_txid is the txid of a tx that is watched for confirmations
                # access with 'lock'
                self.sweepstore = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(set))
                for funding_outpoint, ctxs in storage.get('sweepstore', {}).items():
       -            for ctx_txid, set_of_txns in ctxs.items():
       +            for txid, set_of_txns in ctxs.items():
                        for e_tx in set_of_txns:
                            e_tx2 = EncumberedTransaction.from_json(e_tx)
       -                    self.sweepstore[funding_outpoint][ctx_txid].add(e_tx2)
       +                    self.sweepstore[funding_outpoint][txid].add(e_tx2)
                                               ['network_updated', 'blockchain_updated', 'verified', 'wallet_updated'])
       t@@ -85,8 +85,8 @@ class LNWatcher(PrintError):
                    sweepstore = {}
                    for funding_outpoint, ctxs in self.sweepstore.items():
                        sweepstore[funding_outpoint] = {}
       -                for ctx_txid, set_of_txns in ctxs.items():
       -                    sweepstore[funding_outpoint][ctx_txid] = [e_tx.to_json() for e_tx in set_of_txns]
       +                for prev_txid, set_of_txns in ctxs.items():
       +                    sweepstore[funding_outpoint][prev_txid] = [e_tx.to_json() for e_tx in set_of_txns]
                    storage.put('sweepstore', sweepstore)
       t@@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ class LNWatcher(PrintError):
                # only care about confirmed and verified ctxs. TODO is this necessary?
                if conf == 0:
       -        keep_watching_this = await self.inspect_ctx_candidate(funding_outpoint, ctx_candidate)
       +        keep_watching_this = await self.inspect_tx_candidate(funding_outpoint, ctx_candidate)
                if not keep_watching_this:
       t@@ -142,55 +142,77 @@ class LNWatcher(PrintError):
                # TODO delete channel from watcher_db
       -    async def inspect_ctx_candidate(self, funding_outpoint, ctx):
       +    async def inspect_tx_candidate(self, funding_outpoint, prev_tx):
                """Returns True iff found any not-deeply-spent outputs that we could
                potentially sweep at some point."""
       -        # make sure we are subscribed to all outputs of ctx
       +        # make sure we are subscribed to all outputs of tx
                not_yet_watching = False
       -        for o in ctx.outputs():
       +        for o in prev_tx.outputs():
                    if o.address not in self.watched_addresses:
                        not_yet_watching = True
                if not_yet_watching:
                    return True
                # get all possible responses we have
       -        ctx_txid = ctx.txid()
       +        prev_txid = prev_tx.txid()
                with self.lock:
       -            encumbered_sweep_txns = self.sweepstore[funding_outpoint][ctx_txid]
       +            encumbered_sweep_txns = self.sweepstore[funding_outpoint][prev_txid]
                if len(encumbered_sweep_txns) == 0:
       -            # no useful response for this channel close..
       -            if self.get_tx_mined_status(ctx_txid) == TX_MINED_STATUS_DEEP:
       -                self.print_error("channel close detected for {}. but can't sweep anything :(".format(funding_outpoint))
       +            if self.get_tx_mined_status(prev_txid) == TX_MINED_STATUS_DEEP:
                        return False
                # check if any response applies
                keep_watching_this = False
                local_height = self.network.get_local_height()
       -        for e_tx in encumbered_sweep_txns:
       +        txs_to_add = []
       +        for e_tx in list(encumbered_sweep_txns):
                    conflicts = self.addr_sync.get_conflicting_transactions(e_tx.tx.txid(), e_tx.tx, include_self=True)
                    conflict_mined_status = self.get_deepest_tx_mined_status_for_txids(conflicts)
                    if conflict_mined_status != TX_MINED_STATUS_DEEP:
                        keep_watching_this = True
                    if conflict_mined_status == TX_MINED_STATUS_FREE:
       -                tx_height = self.addr_sync.get_tx_height(ctx_txid).height
       +                tx_height = self.addr_sync.get_tx_height(prev_txid).height
                        num_conf = local_height - tx_height + 1
       -                if num_conf >= e_tx.csv_delay:
       -                    try:
       -                        await self.network.broadcast_transaction(e_tx.tx)
       -                    except Exception as e:
       -                        self.print_error('broadcast: {}, {}'.format('failure', repr(e)))
       +                broadcast = True
       +                if e_tx.cltv_expiry:
       +                    if local_height > e_tx.cltv_expiry:
       +                        self.print_error('CLTV ({} > {}) fulfilled'.format(local_height, e_tx.cltv_expiry))
       -                        self.print_error('broadcast: {}'.format('success'))
       -                else:
       -                    self.print_error('waiting for CSV ({} < {}) for funding outpoint {} and ctx {}'
       -                                     .format(num_conf, e_tx.csv_delay, funding_outpoint, ctx.txid()))
       +                        self.print_error('waiting for CLTV ({} > {}) for funding outpoint {} and tx {}'
       +                                         .format(local_height, e_tx.cltv_expiry, funding_outpoint, prev_tx.txid()))
       +                        broadcast = False
       +                if e_tx.csv_delay:
       +                    if num_conf < e_tx.csv_delay:
       +                        self.print_error('waiting for CSV ({} >= {}) for funding outpoint {} and tx {}'
       +                                         .format(num_conf, e_tx.csv_delay, funding_outpoint, prev_tx.txid()))
       +                        broadcast = False
       +                if broadcast:
       +                    await self.broadcast_or_log(e_tx)
       +            else:
       +                # not mined or in mempool
       +                keep_watching_this |= await self.inspect_tx_candidate(funding_outpoint, e_tx.tx)
                return keep_watching_this
       +    async def broadcast_or_log(self, e_tx):
       +        try:
       +            txid = await self.network.broadcast_transaction(e_tx.tx)
       +        except Exception as e:
       +            self.print_error(f'broadcast: {e_tx.name}: failure: {repr(e)}')
       +        else:
       +            self.print_error(f'broadcast: {e_tx.name}: success. txid: {txid}')
       +            return True
       +        return False
       -    def add_sweep_tx(self, funding_outpoint: str, ctx_txid: str, sweeptx):
       +    def add_sweep_tx(self, funding_outpoint: str, prev_txid: str, sweeptx):
                encumbered_sweeptx = EncumberedTransaction.from_json(sweeptx)
                with self.lock:
       -            self.sweepstore[funding_outpoint][ctx_txid].add(encumbered_sweeptx)
       +            tx_set = self.sweepstore[funding_outpoint][prev_txid]
       +            if encumbered_sweeptx in tx_set:
       +                return False
       +            tx_set.add(encumbered_sweeptx)
       +        return True
            def get_tx_mined_status(self, txid: str):
                if not txid: