treuse existing transaction dialog instead of duplicating it - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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       Date:   Thu, 12 Jun 2014 21:57:58 +0200
       reuse existing transaction dialog instead of duplicating it
         M plugins/qrscanner.py                |      79 ++++---------------------------
       1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/plugins/qrscanner.py b/plugins/qrscanner.py
       t@@ -153,76 +153,12 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
            def read_raw_qr(self):
                qrcode = self.scan_qr()
       -        if qrcode:
       -            tx = self.win.tx_from_text(qrcode)
       -            if tx:
       -                self.create_transaction_details_window(tx)
       -    def create_transaction_details_window(self, tx):            
       -        dialog = QDialog(self.win)
       -        dialog.setMinimumWidth(500)
       -        dialog.setWindowTitle(_('Process Offline transaction'))
       -        dialog.setModal(1)
       -        l = QGridLayout()
       -        dialog.setLayout(l)
       -        l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Transaction status:")), 3,0)
       -        l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Actions")), 4,0)
       -        if tx.is_complete == False:
       -            l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Unsigned")), 3,1)
       -            if self.win.wallet.seed :
       -                b = QPushButton("Sign transaction")
       -                b.clicked.connect(lambda: self.sign_raw_transaction(tx, tx.inputs, dialog))
       -                l.addWidget(b, 4, 1)
       -            else:
       -                l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Wallet is de-seeded, can't sign.")), 4,1)
       -        else:
       -            l.addWidget(QLabel(_("Signed")), 3,1)
       -            b = QPushButton("Broadcast transaction")
       -            def broadcast(tx):
       -                result, result_message = self.win.wallet.sendtx( tx )
       -                if result:
       -                    self.win.show_message(_("Transaction successfully sent:")+' %s' % (result_message))
       -                    if dialog:
       -                        dialog.done(0)
       -                else:
       -                    self.win.show_message(_("There was a problem sending your transaction:") + '\n %s' % (result_message))
       -            b.clicked.connect(lambda: broadcast( tx ))
       -            l.addWidget(b,4,1)
       -        closeButton = QPushButton(_("Close"))
       -        closeButton.clicked.connect(lambda: dialog.done(0))
       -        l.addWidget(closeButton, 4,2)
       -        dialog.exec_()
       -    def do_protect(self, func, args):
       -        if self.win.wallet.use_encryption:
       -            password = self.win.password_dialog()
       -            if not password:
       -                return
       -        else:
       -            password = None
       -        if args != (False,):
       -            args = (self,) + args + (password,)
       -        else:
       -            args = (self,password)
       -        apply( func, args)
       -    def protected(func):
       -        return lambda s, *args: s.do_protect(func, args)
       -    @protected
       -    def sign_raw_transaction(self, tx, input_info, dialog ="", password = ""):
       -        try:
       -            self.win.wallet.signrawtransaction(tx, input_info, [], password)
       -            txtext = json.dumps(tx.as_dict()).replace(' ', '')
       -            self.show_tx_qrcode(txtext, 'Signed Transaction')
       -        except Exception as e:
       -            self.win.show_message(str(e))
       +        if not qrcode:
       +            return
       +        tx = self.win.tx_from_text(qrcode)
       +        if not tx:
       +            return
       +        self.win.show_transaction(tx)
            def fill_from_qr(self):
       t@@ -325,6 +261,9 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
        def parse_uri(uri):
       +    if not uri:
       +        return {}
            if ':' not in uri:
                # It's just an address (not BIP21)
                return {'address': uri}