tfix #2452 - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@electrum.org>
       Date:   Thu, 29 Jun 2017 18:23:10 +0200
       fix #2452
         M gui/qt/installwizard.py             |      93 +++++++++++++++++--------------
       1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 42 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gui/qt/installwizard.py b/gui/qt/installwizard.py
       t@@ -147,63 +147,73 @@ class InstallWizard(QDialog, MessageBoxMixin, BaseWizard):
            def run_and_get_wallet(self):
       -        def on_filename():
       +        vbox = QVBoxLayout()
       +        hbox = QHBoxLayout()
       +        hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Wallet') + ':'))
       +        self.name_e = QLineEdit()
       +        hbox.addWidget(self.name_e)
       +        button = QPushButton(_('Choose...'))
       +        hbox.addWidget(button)
       +        vbox.addLayout(hbox)
       +        self.msg_label = QLabel('')
       +        vbox.addWidget(self.msg_label)
       +        hbox2 = QHBoxLayout()
       +        self.pw_e = QLineEdit('', self)
       +        self.pw_e.setFixedWidth(150)
       +        self.pw_e.setEchoMode(2)
       +        self.pw_label = QLabel(_('Password') + ':')
       +        hbox2.addWidget(self.pw_label)
       +        hbox2.addWidget(self.pw_e)
       +        hbox2.addStretch()
       +        vbox.addLayout(hbox2)
       +        self.set_layout(vbox, title=_('Electrum wallet'))
       +        def on_choose():
                    wallet_folder = os.path.dirname(self.storage.path)
                    path = unicode(QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Select your wallet file", wallet_folder))
                    if path:
       -                self.storage = WalletStorage(path)
       -                update_layout()
       -        def update_layout():
       -            name = os.path.basename(self.storage.path)
       -            vbox = QVBoxLayout()
       -            hbox = QHBoxLayout()
       -            hbox.addWidget(QLabel(_('Wallet') + ':'))
       -            self.name_e = QLineEdit(text=name)
       -            hbox.addWidget(self.name_e)
       -            button = QPushButton(_('Choose...'))
       -            button.clicked.connect(on_filename)
       -            hbox.addWidget(button)
       -            vbox.addLayout(hbox)
       -            self.pw_e = None
       -            if not self.storage.file_exists():
       -                msg = _("This file does not exist.") + '\n' \
       -                      + _("Press 'Next' to create this wallet, or chose another file.")
       -                vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
       -            elif self.storage.file_exists() and self.storage.is_encrypted():
       -                msg = _("This file is encrypted.") + '\n' + _('Enter your password or choose another file.')
       -                vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
       -                hbox2 = QHBoxLayout()
       -                self.pw_e = QLineEdit('', self)
       -                self.pw_e.setFixedWidth(150)
       -                self.pw_e.setEchoMode(2)
       -                hbox2.addWidget(QLabel(_('Password') + ':'))
       -                hbox2.addWidget(self.pw_e)
       -                hbox2.addStretch()
       -                vbox.addLayout(hbox2)
       +        def on_filename(path):
       +            try:
       +                self.storage = WalletStorage(unicode(path))
       +            except IOError:
       +                self.storage = None
       +            if self.storage:
       +                if not self.storage.file_exists():
       +                    msg =_("This file does not exist.") + '\n' \
       +                          + _("Press 'Next' to create this wallet, or choose another file.")
       +                    pw = False
       +                elif self.storage.file_exists() and self.storage.is_encrypted():
       +                    msg = _("This file is encrypted.") + '\n' + _('Enter your password or choose another file.')
       +                    pw = True
       +                else:
       +                    msg = _("Press 'Next' to open this wallet.")
       +                    pw = False
       -                msg = _("Press 'Next' to open this wallet.")
       -                vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg))
       -            self.set_layout(vbox, title=_('Electrum wallet'))
       -            if self.pw_e:
       +                msg = _('Cannot read file')
       +                pw = False
       +            self.msg_label.setText(msg)
       +            if pw:
       +                self.pw_label.show()
       +            else:
       +                self.pw_label.hide()
       +                self.pw_e.hide()
       -        while True:
       -            update_layout()
       +        button.clicked.connect(on_choose)
       +        self.name_e.textChanged.connect(on_filename)
       +        self.name_e.setText(os.path.basename(self.storage.path))
       +        while True:
                    if self.storage.file_exists() and not self.storage.is_encrypted():
                    if not self.loop.exec_():
                    if not self.storage.file_exists():
                    if self.storage.file_exists() and self.storage.is_encrypted():
                        password = unicode(self.pw_e.text())
       t@@ -217,7 +227,6 @@ class InstallWizard(QDialog, MessageBoxMixin, BaseWizard):
                            QMessageBox.information(None, _('Error'), str(e), _('OK'))
                path = self.storage.path
                if self.storage.requires_split():