tnew protocol: the server sends serialized tx, deserialize it in the client - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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   DIR commit 4cbee7554f45ab4f7eb63b2a14b5191e290f4f24
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  HTML Author: thomasv <thomasv@gitorious>
       Date:   Sat,  3 Nov 2012 09:17:40 +0100
       new protocol: the server sends serialized tx, deserialize it in the client
         A lib/deserialize.py                  |     319 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M lib/gui_qt.py                       |      17 +++++++++--------
         M lib/verifier.py                     |      43 ++++++++++++++-----------------
         M lib/version.py                      |       2 +-
         M lib/wallet.py                       |     216 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
         M scripts/validate_tx                 |       4 ++++
       6 files changed, 505 insertions(+), 96 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/lib/deserialize.py b/lib/deserialize.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
       +# this code comes from ABE. it can probably be simplified
       +from bitcoin import public_key_to_bc_address, hash_160_to_bc_address, hash_encode
       +#import socket
       +import time
       +import struct
       +# Workalike python implementation of Bitcoin's CDataStream class.
       +import struct
       +import StringIO
       +import mmap
       +class SerializationError(Exception):
       +  """ Thrown when there's a problem deserializing or serializing """
       +class BCDataStream(object):
       +  def __init__(self):
       +    self.input = None
       +    self.read_cursor = 0
       +  def clear(self):
       +    self.input = None
       +    self.read_cursor = 0
       +  def write(self, bytes):  # Initialize with string of bytes
       +    if self.input is None:
       +      self.input = bytes
       +    else:
       +      self.input += bytes
       +  def map_file(self, file, start):  # Initialize with bytes from file
       +    self.input = mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0, access=mmap.ACCESS_READ)
       +    self.read_cursor = start
       +  def seek_file(self, position):
       +    self.read_cursor = position
       +  def close_file(self):
       +    self.input.close()
       +  def read_string(self):
       +    # Strings are encoded depending on length:
       +    # 0 to 252 :  1-byte-length followed by bytes (if any)
       +    # 253 to 65,535 : byte'253' 2-byte-length followed by bytes
       +    # 65,536 to 4,294,967,295 : byte '254' 4-byte-length followed by bytes
       +    # ... and the Bitcoin client is coded to understand:
       +    # greater than 4,294,967,295 : byte '255' 8-byte-length followed by bytes of string
       +    # ... but I don't think it actually handles any strings that big.
       +    if self.input is None:
       +      raise SerializationError("call write(bytes) before trying to deserialize")
       +    try:
       +      length = self.read_compact_size()
       +    except IndexError:
       +      raise SerializationError("attempt to read past end of buffer")
       +    return self.read_bytes(length)
       +  def write_string(self, string):
       +    # Length-encoded as with read-string
       +    self.write_compact_size(len(string))
       +    self.write(string)
       +  def read_bytes(self, length):
       +    try:
       +      result = self.input[self.read_cursor:self.read_cursor+length]
       +      self.read_cursor += length
       +      return result
       +    except IndexError:
       +      raise SerializationError("attempt to read past end of buffer")
       +    return ''
       +  def read_boolean(self): return self.read_bytes(1)[0] != chr(0)
       +  def read_int16(self): return self._read_num('<h')
       +  def read_uint16(self): return self._read_num('<H')
       +  def read_int32(self): return self._read_num('<i')
       +  def read_uint32(self): return self._read_num('<I')
       +  def read_int64(self): return self._read_num('<q')
       +  def read_uint64(self): return self._read_num('<Q')
       +  def write_boolean(self, val): return self.write(chr(1) if val else chr(0))
       +  def write_int16(self, val): return self._write_num('<h', val)
       +  def write_uint16(self, val): return self._write_num('<H', val)
       +  def write_int32(self, val): return self._write_num('<i', val)
       +  def write_uint32(self, val): return self._write_num('<I', val)
       +  def write_int64(self, val): return self._write_num('<q', val)
       +  def write_uint64(self, val): return self._write_num('<Q', val)
       +  def read_compact_size(self):
       +    size = ord(self.input[self.read_cursor])
       +    self.read_cursor += 1
       +    if size == 253:
       +      size = self._read_num('<H')
       +    elif size == 254:
       +      size = self._read_num('<I')
       +    elif size == 255:
       +      size = self._read_num('<Q')
       +    return size
       +  def write_compact_size(self, size):
       +    if size < 0:
       +      raise SerializationError("attempt to write size < 0")
       +    elif size < 253:
       +       self.write(chr(size))
       +    elif size < 2**16:
       +      self.write('\xfd')
       +      self._write_num('<H', size)
       +    elif size < 2**32:
       +      self.write('\xfe')
       +      self._write_num('<I', size)
       +    elif size < 2**64:
       +      self.write('\xff')
       +      self._write_num('<Q', size)
       +  def _read_num(self, format):
       +    (i,) = struct.unpack_from(format, self.input, self.read_cursor)
       +    self.read_cursor += struct.calcsize(format)
       +    return i
       +  def _write_num(self, format, num):
       +    s = struct.pack(format, num)
       +    self.write(s)
       +# enum-like type
       +# From the Python Cookbook, downloaded from http://code.activestate.com/recipes/67107/
       +import types, string, exceptions
       +class EnumException(exceptions.Exception):
       +    pass
       +class Enumeration:
       +    def __init__(self, name, enumList):
       +        self.__doc__ = name
       +        lookup = { }
       +        reverseLookup = { }
       +        i = 0
       +        uniqueNames = [ ]
       +        uniqueValues = [ ]
       +        for x in enumList:
       +            if type(x) == types.TupleType:
       +                x, i = x
       +            if type(x) != types.StringType:
       +                raise EnumException, "enum name is not a string: " + x
       +            if type(i) != types.IntType:
       +                raise EnumException, "enum value is not an integer: " + i
       +            if x in uniqueNames:
       +                raise EnumException, "enum name is not unique: " + x
       +            if i in uniqueValues:
       +                raise EnumException, "enum value is not unique for " + x
       +            uniqueNames.append(x)
       +            uniqueValues.append(i)
       +            lookup[x] = i
       +            reverseLookup[i] = x
       +            i = i + 1
       +        self.lookup = lookup
       +        self.reverseLookup = reverseLookup
       +    def __getattr__(self, attr):
       +        if not self.lookup.has_key(attr):
       +            raise AttributeError
       +        return self.lookup[attr]
       +    def whatis(self, value):
       +        return self.reverseLookup[value]
       +# This function comes from bitcointools, bct-LICENSE.txt.
       +def long_hex(bytes):
       +    return bytes.encode('hex_codec')
       +# This function comes from bitcointools, bct-LICENSE.txt.
       +def short_hex(bytes):
       +    t = bytes.encode('hex_codec')
       +    if len(t) < 11:
       +        return t
       +    return t[0:4]+"..."+t[-4:]
       +def parse_TxIn(vds):
       +  d = {}
       +  d['prevout_hash'] = hash_encode(vds.read_bytes(32))
       +  d['prevout_n'] = vds.read_uint32()
       +  scriptSig = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size())
       +  d['sequence'] = vds.read_uint32()
       +  d['address'] = extract_public_key(scriptSig)
       +  #d['script'] = decode_script(scriptSig)
       +  return d
       +def parse_TxOut(vds, i):
       +  d = {}
       +  d['value'] = vds.read_int64()
       +  scriptPubKey = vds.read_bytes(vds.read_compact_size())
       +  d['address'] = extract_public_key(scriptPubKey)
       +  #d['script'] = decode_script(scriptPubKey)
       +  d['raw_output_script'] = scriptPubKey.encode('hex')
       +  d['index'] = i
       +  return d
       +def parse_Transaction(vds):
       +  d = {}
       +  start = vds.read_cursor
       +  d['version'] = vds.read_int32()
       +  n_vin = vds.read_compact_size()
       +  d['inputs'] = []
       +  for i in xrange(n_vin):
       +    d['inputs'].append(parse_TxIn(vds))
       +  n_vout = vds.read_compact_size()
       +  d['outputs'] = []
       +  for i in xrange(n_vout):
       +    d['outputs'].append(parse_TxOut(vds, i))
       +  d['lockTime'] = vds.read_uint32()
       +  print d
       +  return d
       +opcodes = Enumeration("Opcodes", [
       +    ("OP_0", 0), ("OP_PUSHDATA1",76), "OP_PUSHDATA2", "OP_PUSHDATA4", "OP_1NEGATE", "OP_RESERVED",
       +    "OP_1", "OP_2", "OP_3", "OP_4", "OP_5", "OP_6", "OP_7",
       +    "OP_8", "OP_9", "OP_10", "OP_11", "OP_12", "OP_13", "OP_14", "OP_15", "OP_16",
       +    "OP_IFDUP", "OP_DEPTH", "OP_DROP", "OP_DUP", "OP_NIP", "OP_OVER", "OP_PICK", "OP_ROLL", "OP_ROT",
       +    "OP_2DIV", "OP_NEGATE", "OP_ABS", "OP_NOT", "OP_0NOTEQUAL", "OP_ADD", "OP_SUB", "OP_MUL", "OP_DIV",
       +    "OP_WITHIN", "OP_RIPEMD160", "OP_SHA1", "OP_SHA256", "OP_HASH160",
       +    ("OP_SINGLEBYTE_END", 0xF0),
       +    ("OP_DOUBLEBYTE_BEGIN", 0xF000),
       +    "OP_PUBKEY", "OP_PUBKEYHASH",
       +    ("OP_INVALIDOPCODE", 0xFFFF),
       +def script_GetOp(bytes):
       +  i = 0
       +  while i < len(bytes):
       +    vch = None
       +    opcode = ord(bytes[i])
       +    i += 1
       +    if opcode >= opcodes.OP_SINGLEBYTE_END:
       +      opcode <<= 8
       +      opcode |= ord(bytes[i])
       +      i += 1
       +    if opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
       +      nSize = opcode
       +      if opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA1:
       +        nSize = ord(bytes[i])
       +        i += 1
       +      elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA2:
       +        (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<H', bytes, i)
       +        i += 2
       +      elif opcode == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
       +        (nSize,) = struct.unpack_from('<I', bytes, i)
       +        i += 4
       +      vch = bytes[i:i+nSize]
       +      i += nSize
       +    yield (opcode, vch, i)
       +def script_GetOpName(opcode):
       +  return (opcodes.whatis(opcode)).replace("OP_", "")
       +def decode_script(bytes):
       +  result = ''
       +  for (opcode, vch, i) in script_GetOp(bytes):
       +    if len(result) > 0: result += " "
       +    if opcode <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
       +      result += "%d:"%(opcode,)
       +      result += short_hex(vch)
       +    else:
       +      result += script_GetOpName(opcode)
       +  return result
       +def match_decoded(decoded, to_match):
       +  if len(decoded) != len(to_match):
       +    return False;
       +  for i in range(len(decoded)):
       +    if to_match[i] == opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 and decoded[i][0] <= opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4:
       +      continue  # Opcodes below OP_PUSHDATA4 all just push data onto stack, and are equivalent.
       +    if to_match[i] != decoded[i][0]:
       +      return False
       +  return True
       +def extract_public_key(bytes):
       +  decoded = [ x for x in script_GetOp(bytes) ]
       +  # non-generated TxIn transactions push a signature
       +  # (seventy-something bytes) and then their public key
       +  # (65 bytes) onto the stack:
       +  match = [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4 ]
       +  if match_decoded(decoded, match):
       +    return public_key_to_bc_address(decoded[1][1])
       +  # The Genesis Block, self-payments, and pay-by-IP-address payments look like:
       +  # 65 BYTES:... CHECKSIG
       +  match = [ opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG ]
       +  if match_decoded(decoded, match):
       +    return public_key_to_bc_address(decoded[0][1])
       +  # Pay-by-Bitcoin-address TxOuts look like:
       +  match = [ opcodes.OP_DUP, opcodes.OP_HASH160, opcodes.OP_PUSHDATA4, opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY, opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG ]
       +  if match_decoded(decoded, match):
       +    return hash_160_to_bc_address(decoded[2][1])
       +  return "(None)"
   DIR diff --git a/lib/gui_qt.py b/lib/gui_qt.py
       t@@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
            def tx_details(self, tx_hash):
       -        tx = self.wallet.tx_history.get(tx_hash)
       +        tx = self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash)
                if tx['height']:
                    conf = self.wallet.verifier.get_confirmations(tx_hash)
       t@@ -371,7 +371,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
                tx_hash = str(item.toolTip(0))
       -        tx = self.wallet.tx_history.get(tx_hash)
       +        tx = self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash)
                s = self.wallet.labels.get(tx_hash)
                text = unicode( item.text(2) )
                if text: 
       t@@ -447,11 +447,12 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
                        conf = 0
                        time_str = 'pending'
                        icon = QIcon(":icons/unconfirmed.png")
       -            v = tx['value']
       +            v = self.wallet.get_tx_value(tx_hash)
                    balance += v 
                    label = self.wallet.labels.get(tx_hash)
                    is_default_label = (label == '') or (label is None)
       -            if is_default_label: label = tx['default_label']
       +            if is_default_label:
       +                label = self.wallet.get_default_label(tx_hash)
                    item = QTreeWidgetItem( [ '', time_str, label, format_satoshis(v,True,self.wallet.num_zeros), format_satoshis(balance,False,self.wallet.num_zeros)] )
                    item.setFont(2, QFont(MONOSPACE_FONT))
       t@@ -847,8 +848,9 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
                    label = self.wallet.labels.get(address,'')
                    n = 0 
                    h = self.wallet.history.get(address,[])
       -            for item in h:
       -                if not item['is_input'] : n=n+1
       +            for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
       +                tx = self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash)
       +                if tx: n += 1
                    tx = "%d "%n
                    if n==0:
       t@@ -910,7 +912,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(QMainWindow):
                    if address in alias_targets: continue
                    label = self.wallet.labels.get(address,'')
                    n = 0 
       -            for item in self.wallet.tx_history.values():
       +            for item in self.wallet.transactions.values():
                        if address in item['outputs'] : n=n+1
                    tx = "%d"%n
                    item = QTreeWidgetItem( [ address, label, tx] )
       t@@ -1595,7 +1597,6 @@ class ElectrumGui:
                    if wallet.is_found():
                        # history and addressbook
       -                wallet.update_tx_history()
                        print "Recovery successful"
   DIR diff --git a/lib/verifier.py b/lib/verifier.py
       t@@ -34,8 +34,10 @@ class WalletVerifier(threading.Thread):
                self.interface = interface
                self.transactions    = []                                 # monitored transactions
       -        self.verified_tx     = config.get('verified_tx',{})
       +        self.verified_tx     = config.get('verified_tx',{})       # height of verified tx
                self.merkle_roots    = config.get('merkle_roots',{})      # hashed by me
                self.targets         = config.get('targets',{})           # compute targets
                self.lock = threading.Lock()
                self.pending_headers = [] # headers that have not been verified
       t@@ -51,11 +53,11 @@ class WalletVerifier(threading.Thread):
                        return 0
       -    def add(self, tx):
       +    def add(self, tx_hash):
                """ add a transaction to the list of monitored transactions. """
                with self.lock:
       -            if tx not in self.transactions:
       -                self.transactions.append(tx)
       +            if tx_hash not in self.transactions:
       +                self.transactions.append(tx_hash)
            def run(self):
                requested_merkle = []
       t@@ -82,14 +84,14 @@ class WalletVerifier(threading.Thread):
                            all_chunks = True
                            print_error("downloaded all chunks")
       -            # request missing tx merkle
       -            for tx in self.transactions:
       -                if tx not in self.verified_tx:
       -                    if tx not in requested_merkle:
       -                        requested_merkle.append(tx)
       -                        self.request_merkle(tx)
       -                        #break
       +            # request missing tx
       +            if all_chunks:
       +                for tx_hash in self.transactions:
       +                    if tx_hash not in self.verified_tx:
       +                        if self.merkle_roots.get(tx_hash) is None and tx_hash not in requested_merkle:
       +                            print_error('requesting merkle', tx_hash)
       +                            self.interface.send([ ('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle',[tx_hash]) ], 'verifier')
       +                            requested_merkle.append(tx_hash)
                    # process pending headers
                    if self.pending_headers and all_chunks:
       t@@ -141,25 +143,20 @@ class WalletVerifier(threading.Thread):
                        self.pending_headers.sort(key=lambda x: x.get('block_height'))
                        # print "pending headers", map(lambda x: x.get('block_height'), self.pending_headers)
       -    def request_merkle(self, tx_hash):
       -        self.interface.send([ ('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle',[tx_hash]) ], 'verifier')
            def verify_merkle(self, tx_hash, result):
                tx_height = result.get('block_height')
                self.merkle_roots[tx_hash] = self.hash_merkle_root(result['merkle'], tx_hash, result.get('pos'))
                header = self.read_header(tx_height)
       -        if header:
       -            assert header.get('merkle_root') == self.merkle_roots[tx_hash]
       -            self.verified_tx[tx_hash] = tx_height
       -            print_error("verified %s"%tx_hash)
       -            self.config.set_key('verified_tx', self.verified_tx, True)
       +        if not header: return
       +        assert header.get('merkle_root') == self.merkle_roots[tx_hash]
       +        # we passed all the tests
       +        self.verified_tx[tx_hash] = tx_height
       +        print_error("verified %s"%tx_hash)
       +        self.config.set_key('verified_tx', self.verified_tx, True)
            def verify_chunk(self, index, hexdata):
                data = hexdata.decode('hex')
   DIR diff --git a/lib/version.py b/lib/version.py
       t@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
       -ELECTRUM_VERSION = "1.2"
       +ELECTRUM_VERSION = "1.3"
        SEED_VERSION = 4  # bump this everytime the seed generation is modified
        TRANSLATION_ID = 32150 # version of the wiki page 
   DIR diff --git a/lib/wallet.py b/lib/wallet.py
       t@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ class Wallet:
                self.addresses             = config.get('addresses', [])          # receiving addresses visible for user
                self.change_addresses      = config.get('change_addresses', [])   # addresses used as change
                self.seed                  = config.get('seed', '')               # encrypted
       -        self.history               = config.get('history',{})
                self.labels                = config.get('labels',{})              # labels for addresses and transactions
                self.aliases               = config.get('aliases', {})            # aliases for addresses
                self.authorities           = config.get('authorities', {})        # trusted addresses
       t@@ -73,10 +72,13 @@ class Wallet:
                self.receipts              = config.get('receipts',{})            # signed URIs
                self.addressbook           = config.get('contacts', [])           # outgoing addresses, for payments
                self.imported_keys         = config.get('imported_keys',{})
       +        self.history               = config.get('history',{})             # address -> list(txid, height, timestamp)
       +        self.transactions          = config.get('transactions',{})        # txid -> deserialised
                # not saved
       +        self.prevout_values = {}
       +        self.spent_outputs = []
                self.receipt = None          # next receipt
       -        self.tx_history = {}
                self.banner = ''
                # spv
       t@@ -91,14 +93,18 @@ class Wallet:
                self.lock = threading.Lock()
                self.tx_event = threading.Event()
       -        self.update_tx_history()
                if self.seed_version != SEED_VERSION:
                    raise ValueError("This wallet seed is deprecated. Please run upgrade.py for a diagnostic.")
       +        for tx_hash in self.transactions.keys():
       +            self.update_tx_outputs(tx_hash)
            def init_up_to_date(self):
                self.up_to_date = False
            def import_key(self, keypair, password):
                address, key = keypair.split(':')
                if not self.is_valid(address):
       t@@ -348,8 +354,8 @@ class Wallet:
                return (len(self.change_addresses) > 1 ) or ( len(self.addresses) > self.gap_limit )
            def fill_addressbook(self):
       -        for tx in self.tx_history.values():
       -            if tx['value']<0:
       +        for tx_hash, tx in self.transactions.items():
       +            if self.get_tx_value(tx_hash)<0:
                        for i in tx['outputs']:
                            if not self.is_mine(i) and i not in self.addressbook:
       t@@ -363,13 +369,51 @@ class Wallet:
                return flags
       +    def get_tx_value(self, tx_hash, addresses = None):
       +        # return the balance for that tx
       +        if addresses is None: addresses = self.all_addresses()
       +        v = 0
       +        d = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
       +        if not d: return 0
       +        for item in d.get('inputs'):
       +            addr = item.get('address')
       +            if addr in addresses:
       +                key = item['prevout_hash']  + ':%d'%item['prevout_n']
       +                value = self.prevout_values[ key ]
       +                v -= value
       +        for item in d.get('outputs'):
       +            addr = item.get('address')
       +            if addr in addresses: 
       +                value = item.get('value')
       +                v += value 
       +        return v
       +    def update_tx_outputs(self, tx_hash):
       +        tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
       +        for item in tx.get('outputs'):
       +            value = item.get('value')
       +            key = tx_hash+ ':%d'%item.get('index')
       +            with self.lock:
       +                self.prevout_values[key] = value 
       +        for item in tx.get('inputs'):
       +            if self.is_mine(item.get('address')):
       +                key = item['prevout_hash'] + ':%d'%item['prevout_n']
       +                self.spent_outputs.append(key)
            def get_addr_balance(self, addr):
                assert self.is_mine(addr)
                h = self.history.get(addr,[])
                c = u = 0
       -        for item in h:
       -            v = item['value']
       -            if item['height']:
       +        for tx_hash, tx_height in h:
       +            v = self.get_tx_value(tx_hash, [addr])
       +            if tx_height:
                        c += v
                        u += v
       t@@ -399,28 +443,35 @@ class Wallet:
                    if i in domain: domain.remove(i)
                for addr in domain:
       -            h = self.history.get(addr)
       -            if h is None: continue
       -            for item in h:
       -                if item.get('raw_output_script'):
       -                    coins.append( (addr,item))
       -        coins = sorted( coins, key = lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'] )
       +            h = self.history.get(addr, [])
       +            for tx_hash, tx_height, in h:
       +                tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
       +                for output in tx.get('outputs'):
       +                    if output.get('address') != addr: continue
       +                    key = tx_hash + ":%d" % output.get('index')
       +                    if key in self.spent_outputs: continue
       +                    output['tx_hash'] = tx_hash
       +                    coins.append(output)
       +        #coins = sorted( coins, key = lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'] )
                for addr in self.prioritized_addresses:
       -            h = self.history.get(addr)
       -            if h is None: continue
       -            for item in h:
       -                if item.get('raw_output_script'):
       -                    prioritized_coins.append( (addr,item))
       +            h = self.history.get(addr, [])
       +            for tx_hash, tx_height, in h:
       +                for output in tx.get('outputs'):
       +                    if output.get('address') != addr: continue
       +                    key = tx_hash + ":%d" % output.get('index')
       +                    if key in self.spent_outputs: continue
       +                    output['tx_hash'] = tx_hash
       +                    prioritized_coins.append(output)
       -        prioritized_coins = sorted( prioritized_coins, key = lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'] )
       +        #prioritized_coins = sorted( prioritized_coins, key = lambda x: x[1]['timestamp'] )
                inputs = []
                coins = prioritized_coins + coins
       -        for c in coins: 
       -            addr, item = c
       +        for item in coins: 
       +            addr = item.get('address')
                    v = item.get('value')
                    total += v
                    inputs.append((addr, v, item['tx_hash'], item['index'], item['raw_output_script'], None, None) )
       t@@ -474,35 +525,46 @@ class Wallet:
                    return s
            def get_status(self, address):
                with self.lock:
                    h = self.history.get(address)
       -        if not h:
       -            status = None
       -        else:
       -            lastpoint = h[-1]
       -            status = lastpoint['block_hash']
       -            if status == 'mempool': 
       -                status = status + ':%d'% len(h)
       -        return status
       +        if not h: return None
       +        status = ''
       +        for tx_hash, height in h:
       +            status += tx_hash + ':%d:' % height
       +        return hashlib.sha256( status ).digest().encode('hex')
       -    def receive_history_callback(self, addr, data): 
       +    def receive_tx_callback(self, tx_hash, d):
                #print "updating history for", addr
                with self.lock:
       -            self.history[addr] = data
       -            self.update_tx_history()
       +            self.transactions[tx_hash] = d
       +        if self.verifier: self.verifier.add(tx_hash)
       +        self.update_tx_outputs(tx_hash)
       +        self.save()
       +    def receive_history_callback(self, addr, hist):
       +        #print "updating history for", addr
       +        with self.lock:
       +            self.history[addr] = hist
            def get_tx_history(self):
                with self.lock:
       -            lines = self.tx_history.values()
       +            lines = self.transactions.values()
                lines = sorted(lines, key=operator.itemgetter("timestamp"))
                return lines
            def get_transactions_at_height(self, height):
                with self.lock:
       -            values = self.tx_history.values()[:]
       +            values = self.transactions.values()[:]
                out = []
                for tx in values:
       t@@ -510,42 +572,27 @@ class Wallet:
                return out
       -    def update_tx_history(self):
       -        self.tx_history= {}
       -        for addr in self.all_addresses():
       -            h = self.history.get(addr)
       -            if h is None: continue
       -            for tx in h:
       -                tx_hash = tx['tx_hash']
       -                line = self.tx_history.get(tx_hash)
       -                if not line:
       -                    self.tx_history[tx_hash] = copy.copy(tx)
       -                    line = self.tx_history.get(tx_hash)
       -                else:
       -                    line['value'] += tx['value']
       -                if line['height'] == 0:
       -                    line['timestamp'] = 1e12
       -                else:
       -                    if self.verifier: self.verifier.add(tx_hash)
       -        self.update_tx_labels()
       -    def update_tx_labels(self):
       -        for tx in self.tx_history.values():
       +    def get_default_label(self, tx_hash):
       +        tx = self.transactions.get(tx_hash)
       +        if tx:
                    default_label = ''
       -            if tx['value']<0:
       -                for o_addr in tx['outputs']:
       +            if self.get_tx_value(tx_hash)<0:
       +                for o in tx['outputs']:
       +                    o_addr = o.get('address')
                            if not self.is_mine(o_addr):
                                    default_label = self.labels[o_addr]
                                except KeyError:
                                    default_label = o_addr
       -                for o_addr in tx['outputs']:
       +                for o in tx['outputs']:
       +                    o_addr = o.get('address')
                            if self.is_mine(o_addr) and not self.is_change(o_addr):
       -                    for o_addr in tx['outputs']:
       +                    for o in tx['outputs']:
       +                        o_addr = o.get('address')
                                if self.is_mine(o_addr):
       t@@ -558,7 +605,8 @@ class Wallet:
                            except KeyError:
                                default_label = o_addr
       -            tx['default_label'] = default_label
       +        return default_label
            def mktx(self, to_address, amount, label, password, fee=None, change_addr=None, from_addr= None):
                if not self.is_valid(to_address):
       t@@ -811,6 +859,7 @@ class Wallet:
                    'frozen_addresses': self.frozen_addresses,
                    'prioritized_addresses': self.prioritized_addresses,
                    'gap_limit': self.gap_limit,
       +            'transactions': self.transactions,
                for k, v in s.items():
       t@@ -818,7 +867,9 @@ class Wallet:
            def set_verifier(self, verifier):
                self.verifier = verifier
       -        self.update_tx_history()
       +        for tx_hash in self.transactions.keys(): 
       +            self.verifier.add(tx_hash)
       t@@ -862,6 +913,7 @@ class WalletSynchronizer(threading.Thread):
            def run(self):
       +        requested_tx = []
                # wait until we are connected, in case the user is not connected
                while not self.interface.is_connected:
       t@@ -897,9 +949,28 @@ class WalletSynchronizer(threading.Thread):
                    elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_history':
                        addr = params[0]
       -                self.wallet.receive_history_callback(addr, result)
       +                hist = []
       +                # in the new protocol, we will receive a list of (tx_hash, height)
       +                for tx in result: hist.append( (tx['tx_hash'], tx['height']) )
       +                # store it
       +                self.wallet.receive_history_callback(addr, hist)
       +                # request transactions that we don't have 
       +                for tx_hash, tx_height in hist:
       +                    if self.wallet.transactions.get(tx_hash) is None and tx_hash not in requested_tx:
       +                        self.interface.send([ ('blockchain.transaction.get',[tx_hash, tx_height]) ], 'synchronizer')
       +                        requested_tx.append(tx_hash)
       +            elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.get':
       +                tx_hash = params[0]
       +                tx_height = params[1]
       +                header = self.wallet.verifier.read_header(tx_height)
       +                timestamp = header.get('timestamp')
       +                tx = result
       +                self.receive_tx(tx_hash, tx_height, timestamp, tx)
       +                requested_tx.remove(tx_hash)
                        self.was_updated = True
                    elif method == 'blockchain.transaction.broadcast':
                        self.wallet.tx_result = result
       t@@ -916,3 +987,20 @@ class WalletSynchronizer(threading.Thread):
                        self.was_updated = False
       +    def receive_tx(self, tx_hash, tx_height, timestamp, raw_tx):
       +        assert tx_hash == hash_encode(Hash(raw_tx.decode('hex')))
       +        import deserialize, BCDataStream
       +        # deserialize
       +        vds = BCDataStream.BCDataStream()
       +        vds.write(raw_tx.decode('hex'))
       +        d = deserialize.parse_Transaction(vds)
       +        d['height'] = tx_height
       +        d['tx_hash'] = tx_hash
       +        d['timestamp'] = timestamp
       +        d['default_label'] = tx_hash
       +        print d
       +        self.wallet.receive_tx_callback(tx_hash, d)
   DIR diff --git a/scripts/validate_tx b/scripts/validate_tx
       t@@ -29,6 +29,10 @@ def hash_header(res):
        def verify_tx(tx_hash):
       +    rawtx = i.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.transaction.get',[tx_hash]) ])[0]
       +    print rawtx
       +    return
            res = i.synchronous_get([ ('blockchain.transaction.get_merkle',[tx_hash]) ])[0]
            merkle_root = hash_merkle_root(res['merkle'], tx_hash, res['pos'])
            tx_height = res.get('block_height')