tkivy: simplify fee dialog - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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       Date:   Sun,  4 Mar 2018 10:29:56 +0100
       kivy: simplify fee dialog
         M gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/fee_dialog.py  |      51 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
       1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/fee_dialog.py b/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/fee_dialog.py
       t@@ -20,8 +20,9 @@ Builder.load_string('''
                        text: _('Method') + ':'
       -                text: _('Mempool based') if root.method == 2 else _('ETA based') if root.method == 1 else _('Static')
       +                text: _('Mempool') if root.method == 2 else _('ETA') if root.method == 1 else _('Static')
                        background_color: (0,0,0,0)
       +                bold: True
                            root.method  = (root.method + 1) % 3
       t@@ -30,25 +31,26 @@ Builder.load_string('''
                    orientation: 'horizontal'
                    size_hint: 1, 0.5
       -                text: _('Target') + ':'
       +                text: (_('Target') if root.method > 0 else _('Fee')) + ':'
                        id: fee_target
                        text: ''
       -        BoxLayout:
       -            orientation: 'horizontal'
       -            size_hint: 1, 0.5
       -            Label:
       -                text: (_('Current rate') if root.method > 0 else _('Estimate')) + ':'
       -            Label:
       -                id: fee_estimate
       -                text: ''
                    id: slider
                    range: 0, 4
                    step: 1
                    on_value: root.on_slider(self.value)
       -            size_hint: 1, 1
       +            size_hint: 1, 0.5
       +        BoxLayout:
       +            orientation: 'horizontal'
       +            size_hint: 1, 0.5
       +            TopLabel:
       +                id: fee_estimate
       +                text: ''
       +                font_size: '14dp'
       +        Widget:
       +            size_hint: 1, 0.5
                    orientation: 'horizontal'
                    size_hint: 1, 0.5
       t@@ -81,10 +83,23 @@ class FeeDialog(Factory.Popup):
            def update_text(self):
       -        value = int(self.ids.slider.value)
       -        target, estimate = self.get_fee_text(value)
       +        pos = int(self.ids.slider.value)
       +        dynfees, mempool = self.get_method()
       +        if self.method == 2:
       +            fee_rate = self.config.depth_to_fee(pos)
       +            target, estimate = self.config.get_fee_text(pos, dynfees, mempool, fee_rate)
       +            msg = 'In the current network conditions, in order to be positioned %s, a transaction will require a fee of %s.' % (target, estimate)
       +        elif self.method == 1:
       +            fee_rate = self.config.eta_to_fee(pos)
       +            target, estimate = self.config.get_fee_text(pos, dynfees, mempool, fee_rate)
       +            msg = 'In the last few days, transactions that confirmed %s usually paid a fee of at least %s.' % (target.lower(), estimate)
       +        else:
       +            fee_rate = self.config.static_fee(pos)
       +            target, estimate = self.config.get_fee_text(pos, dynfees, True, fee_rate)
       +            msg = 'In the current network conditions, a transaction paying %s would be positioned %s.' % (target, estimate)
                self.ids.fee_target.text = target
       -        self.ids.fee_estimate.text = estimate
       +        self.ids.fee_estimate.text = msg
            def get_method(self):
                dynfees = self.method > 0
       t@@ -99,14 +114,6 @@ class FeeDialog(Factory.Popup):
                slider.step = 1
                slider.value = pos
       -    def get_fee_text(self, pos):
       -        dynfees, mempool = self.get_method()
       -        if dynfees:
       -            fee_rate = self.config.depth_to_fee(pos) if mempool else self.config.eta_to_fee(pos)
       -        else:
       -            fee_rate = self.config.static_fee(pos)
       -        return self.config.get_fee_text(pos, dynfees, mempool, fee_rate)
            def on_ok(self):
                value = int(self.ids.slider.value)
                dynfees, mempool = self.get_method()