tecc.py: properly handle point at infinity - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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       Date:   Sat, 16 Jun 2018 06:34:03 +0200
       ecc.py: properly handle point at infinity
         M lib/ecc.py                          |      33 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
         M lib/tests/test_bitcoin.py           |      26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/lib/ecc.py b/lib/ecc.py
       t@@ -49,6 +49,10 @@ def generator():
            return ECPubkey.from_point(generator_secp256k1)
       +def point_at_infinity():
       +    return ECPubkey(None)
        def sig_string_from_der_sig(der_sig, order=CURVE_ORDER):
            r, s = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_der(der_sig, order)
            return ecdsa.util.sigencode_string(r, s, order)
       t@@ -83,6 +87,8 @@ def point_to_ser(P, compressed=True) -> bytes:
                x, y = P
                x, y = P.x(), P.y()
       +    if x is None or y is None:  # infinity
       +        return None
            if compressed:
                return bfh(('%02x' % (2+(y&1))) + ('%064x' % x))
            return bfh('04'+('%064x' % x)+('%064x' % y))
       t@@ -115,7 +121,10 @@ def ser_to_point(ser: bytes) -> (int, int):
        def _ser_to_python_ecdsa_point(ser: bytes) -> ecdsa.ellipticcurve.Point:
            x, y = ser_to_point(ser)
       -    return Point(curve_secp256k1, x, y, CURVE_ORDER)
       +    try:
       +        return Point(curve_secp256k1, x, y, CURVE_ORDER)
       +    except:
       +        raise InvalidECPointException()
        class InvalidECPointException(Exception):
       t@@ -166,12 +175,19 @@ class _MySigningKey(ecdsa.SigningKey):
                return r, s
       +class _PubkeyForPointAtInfinity:
       +    point = ecdsa.ellipticcurve.INFINITY
        class ECPubkey(object):
            def __init__(self, b: bytes):
       -        assert_bytes(b)
       -        point = _ser_to_python_ecdsa_point(b)
       -        self._pubkey = ecdsa.ecdsa.Public_key(generator_secp256k1, point)
       +        if b is not None:
       +            assert_bytes(b)
       +            point = _ser_to_python_ecdsa_point(b)
       +            self._pubkey = ecdsa.ecdsa.Public_key(generator_secp256k1, point)
       +        else:
       +            self._pubkey = _PubkeyForPointAtInfinity()
            def from_sig_string(cls, sig_string: bytes, recid: int, msg_hash: bytes):
       t@@ -205,6 +221,7 @@ class ECPubkey(object):
                return ECPubkey(_bytes)
            def get_public_key_bytes(self, compressed=True):
       +        if self.is_at_infinity(): raise Exception('point is at infinity')
                return point_to_ser(self.point(), compressed)
            def get_public_key_hex(self, compressed=True):
       t@@ -229,7 +246,8 @@ class ECPubkey(object):
                return self.from_point(ecdsa_point)
            def __eq__(self, other):
       -        return self.get_public_key_bytes() == other.get_public_key_bytes()
       +        return self._pubkey.point.x() == other._pubkey.point.x() \
       +                and self._pubkey.point.y() == other._pubkey.point.y()
            def __ne__(self, other):
                return not (self == other)
       t@@ -275,6 +293,9 @@ class ECPubkey(object):
            def order(cls):
                return CURVE_ORDER
       +    def is_at_infinity(self):
       +        return self == point_at_infinity()
        def msg_magic(message: bytes) -> bytes:
            from .bitcoin import var_int
       t@@ -318,7 +339,7 @@ class ECPrivkey(ECPubkey):
                    raise Exception('unexpected size for secret. should be 32 bytes, not {}'.format(len(privkey_bytes)))
                secret = string_to_number(privkey_bytes)
                if not is_secret_within_curve_range(secret):
       -            raise Exception('Invalid secret scalar (not within curve order)')
       +            raise InvalidECPointException('Invalid secret scalar (not within curve order)')
                self.secret_scalar = secret
                point = generator_secp256k1 * secret
   DIR diff --git a/lib/tests/test_bitcoin.py b/lib/tests/test_bitcoin.py
       t@@ -126,6 +126,32 @@ class Test_bitcoin(SequentialTestCase):
                eck.verify_message_for_address(signature, message)
       +    def test_ecc_sanity(self):
       +        G = ecc.generator()
       +        n = G.order()
       +        self.assertEqual(ecc.CURVE_ORDER, n)
       +        inf = n * G
       +        self.assertEqual(ecc.point_at_infinity(), inf)
       +        self.assertTrue(inf.is_at_infinity())
       +        self.assertFalse(G.is_at_infinity())
       +        self.assertEqual(11 * G, 7 * G + 4 * G)
       +        self.assertEqual((n + 2) * G, 2 * G)
       +        self.assertEqual((n - 2) * G, -2 * G)
       +        A = (n - 2) * G
       +        B = (n - 1) * G
       +        C = n * G
       +        D = (n + 1) * G
       +        self.assertFalse(A.is_at_infinity())
       +        self.assertFalse(B.is_at_infinity())
       +        self.assertTrue(C.is_at_infinity())
       +        self.assertTrue((C * 5).is_at_infinity())
       +        self.assertFalse(D.is_at_infinity())
       +        self.assertEqual(inf, C)
       +        self.assertEqual(inf, A + 2 * G)
       +        self.assertEqual(inf, D + (-1) * G)
       +        self.assertNotEqual(A, B)
       +    @needs_test_with_all_ecc_implementations
            def test_msg_signing(self):
                msg1 = b'Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks'
                msg2 = b'Electrum'