tsubmarine swaps: add forward swaps - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@electrum.org>
       Date:   Thu, 21 May 2020 10:36:22 +0200
       submarine swaps: add forward swaps
         M electrum/commands.py                |       6 ++++++
         M electrum/submarine_swaps.py         |      88 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
       2 files changed, 91 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/commands.py b/electrum/commands.py
       t@@ -1100,6 +1100,12 @@ class Commands:
                """ return the local watchtower's ctn of channel. used in regtests """
                return await self.network.local_watchtower.sweepstore.get_ctn(channel_point, None)
       +    @command('wnp')
       +    async def submarine_swap(self, amount, password=None, wallet: Abstract_Wallet = None):
       +        from .submarine_swaps import submarine_swap
       +        amount_sat = satoshis(amount)
       +        return await submarine_swap(amount_sat, wallet, self.network, password)
            async def reverse_swap(self, amount, wallet: Abstract_Wallet = None):
                from .submarine_swaps import reverse_swap
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/submarine_swaps.py b/electrum/submarine_swaps.py
       t@@ -3,17 +3,33 @@ import json
        import os
        from .crypto import sha256, hash_160
        from .ecc import ECPrivkey
       -from .bitcoin import address_to_script, script_to_p2wsh, opcodes
       +from .bitcoin import address_to_script, script_to_p2wsh, redeem_script_to_address, opcodes
        from .transaction import TxOutpoint, PartialTxInput, PartialTxOutput, PartialTransaction, construct_witness
        from .transaction import script_GetOp, match_script_against_template, OPPushDataGeneric, OPPushDataPubkey
        from .transaction import Transaction
        from .util import log_exceptions
        API_URL = 'http://ecdsa.org:9001'
       +    opcodes.OP_HASH160,
       +    OPPushDataGeneric(lambda x: x == 20),
       +    opcodes.OP_EQUAL,
       +    opcodes.OP_IF,
       +    OPPushDataPubkey,
       +    opcodes.OP_ELSE,
       +    OPPushDataGeneric(None),
       +    opcodes.OP_CHECKLOCKTIMEVERIFY,
       +    opcodes.OP_DROP,
       +    OPPushDataPubkey,
       +    opcodes.OP_ENDIF,
       +    opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG
       t@@ -78,6 +94,72 @@ async def claim_swap(key, wallet):
       +async def submarine_swap(amount_sat, wallet: 'Abstract_Wallet', network: 'Network', password):
       +    # 
       +    lnworker = wallet.lnworker
       +    privkey = os.urandom(32)
       +    pubkey = ECPrivkey(privkey).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
       +    key = await lnworker._add_request_coro(amount_sat, 'swap', expiry=3600)
       +    request = wallet.get_request(key)
       +    invoice = request['invoice']
       +    lnaddr = lnworker._check_invoice(invoice, amount_sat)
       +    payment_hash = lnaddr.paymenthash
       +    preimage = lnworker.get_preimage(payment_hash)
       +    request_data = {
       +        "type": "submarine",
       +        "pairId": "BTC/BTC",
       +        "orderSide": "sell",
       +        "invoice": invoice,
       +        "refundPublicKey": pubkey.hex()
       +    }
       +    response = await network._send_http_on_proxy(
       +        'post',
       +        API_URL + '/createswap',
       +        json=request_data,
       +        timeout=30)
       +    data = json.loads(response)
       +    response_id = data["id"]
       +    zeroconf = data["acceptZeroConf"]
       +    onchain_amount = data["expectedAmount"]
       +    locktime = data["timeoutBlockHeight"],
       +    lockup_address = data["address"]
       +    redeem_script = data["redeemScript"]
       +    print(data)
       +    # verify redeem_script is built with our pubkey and preimage
       +    redeem_script = bytes.fromhex(redeem_script)
       +    parsed_script = [x for x in script_GetOp(redeem_script)]
       +    assert match_script_against_template(redeem_script, WITNESS_TEMPLATE_SWAP)
       +    #assert script_to_p2wsh(redeem_script.hex()) == lockup_address
       +    assert redeem_script_to_address('p2wsh-p2sh', redeem_script.hex()) == lockup_address 
       +    assert hash_160(preimage) == parsed_script[1][1]
       +    assert pubkey == parsed_script[9][1]
       +    # verify that we will have enought time to get our tx confirmed
       +    cltv = int.from_bytes(parsed_script[6][1], byteorder='little')
       +    assert cltv - network.get_local_height() == 140
       +    # save swap data in wallet in case we need a refund
       +    data['privkey'] = privkey.hex()
       +    data['preimage'] = preimage.hex()
       +    swaps = wallet.db.get_dict('submarine_swaps')
       +    swaps[response_id] = data
       +    # todo: add callback to lnwatcher (with cltv)
       +    #callback = lambda: _claim_refund(lnworker, lockup_address, redeem_script, preimage, privkey, onchain_amount, address)
       +    #lnworker.lnwatcher.add_callback(lockup_address, callback)
       +    # pay onchain. must not be RBF
       +    outputs = [PartialTxOutput.from_address_and_value(lockup_address, onchain_amount)]
       +    tx = wallet.create_transaction(outputs=outputs, rbf=False, password=password)
       +    await network.broadcast_transaction(tx)
       +    #
       +    attempt = await lnworker.await_payment(payment_hash)
       +    return {
       +        'id':response_id,
       +        'success':attempt.success,
       +    }
        async def reverse_swap(amount_sat, wallet: 'Abstract_Wallet', network: 'Network'):
            privkey = os.urandom(32)
            pubkey = ECPrivkey(privkey).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
       t@@ -107,7 +189,7 @@ async def reverse_swap(amount_sat, wallet: 'Abstract_Wallet', network: 'Network'
            # verify redeem_script is built with our pubkey and preimage
            redeem_script = bytes.fromhex(redeem_script)
            parsed_script = [x for x in script_GetOp(redeem_script)]
       -    assert match_script_against_template(redeem_script, WITNESS_TEMPLATE_SWAP)
       +    assert match_script_against_template(redeem_script, WITNESS_TEMPLATE_REVERSE_SWAP)
            assert script_to_p2wsh(redeem_script.hex()) == lockup_address
            assert hash_160(preimage) == parsed_script[5][1]
            assert pubkey == parsed_script[7][1]