tMerge pull request #3206 from ariard/kivy-addr - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
  HTML git clone https://git.parazyd.org/electrum
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
   DIR Refs
   DIR Submodules
   DIR commit 786f9ce7ff8eab6355e2908a597828205ab5489e
   DIR parent 0ecb665b95917459d17ef3f9e47bde4864a2e318
  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@electrum.org>
       Date:   Fri, 10 Nov 2017 10:56:32 +0100
       Merge pull request #3206 from ariard/kivy-addr
       kivy: replace requests tab by address tab
         M gui/kivy/main.kv                    |      54 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
         M gui/kivy/main_window.py             |      23 +++++++++++++++++++++++
         M gui/kivy/uix/screens.py             |     226 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
         A gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/address.kv  |     129 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/invoice.kv  |      24 +++++++++++++++++++++---
       5 files changed, 407 insertions(+), 49 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/main.kv b/gui/kivy/main.kv
       t@@ -191,6 +191,31 @@
                    pos: self.pos
       +        item_height: dp(42)
       +        item_width: dp(60)
       +        foreground_color: .843, .914, .972, 1
       +        cols: 1
       +        canvas.before:
       +                Color:
       +                        rgba: 0.192, .498, 0.745, 1
       +                BorderImage:
       +                        source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/card_bottom'
       +                        size: self.size
       +                        pos: self.pos
       +        item_height: dp(42)
       +        foreground_color: .843, .914, .972, 1
       +        cols: 1
       +        padding: '12dp', 0
       +        canvas.before:
       +                Color:
       +                        rgba: 0.192, .498, 0.745, 1
       +        BorderImage:
       +            source: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/card_bottom'
       +            size: self.size
       +            pos: self.pos
            size_hint: 1, None
       t@@ -238,6 +263,25 @@
                    size: self.size
                    pos: self.pos
       +        background_color: 1, .585, .878, 0
       +        halign: 'center'
       +        text_size: (self.width, None)
       +        shorten: True
       +        size_hint: 0.5, None
       +        default_text: ''
       +        text: self.default_text
       +        padding: '5dp', '5dp'
       +        height: '40dp'
       +        text_color: self.foreground_color
       +        disabled_color: 1, 1, 1, 1
       +        foreground_color: 1, 1, 1, 1
       +        canvas.before:
       +                Color:
       +                        rgba: (0.9, .498, 0.745, 1) if self.state == 'down' else self.background_color
       +                Rectangle:
       +                        size: self.size
       +                        pos: self.pos
            size_hint: 1, None
       t@@ -340,9 +384,9 @@
                    id: receive_screen
                    tab: receive_tab
       -        RequestsScreen:
       -            id: requests_screen
       -            tab: requests_tab
       +        AddressScreen:
       +            id: address_screen
       +            tab: address_tab
                    id: invoices_tab
                    text: _('Invoices')
       t@@ -360,8 +404,8 @@
                    text: _('Receive')
                    slide: 3
       -            id: requests_tab
       -            text: _('Requests')
       +            id: address_tab
       +            text: _('Address')
                    slide: 4
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/main_window.py b/gui/kivy/main_window.py
       t@@ -347,6 +347,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
                exp = req.get('exp')
                memo = req.get('memo')
                amount = req.get('amount')
       +        fund = req.get('fund')
                popup = Builder.load_file('gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/invoice.kv')
                popup.is_invoice = is_invoice
                popup.amount = amount
       t@@ -355,9 +356,24 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
                popup.description = memo if memo else ''
                popup.signature = req.get('signature', '')
                popup.status = status
       +        popup.fund = fund if fund else 0
                txid = req.get('txid')
                popup.tx_hash = txid or ''
                popup.on_open = lambda: popup.ids.output_list.update(req.get('outputs', []))
       +        popup.export = self.export_private_keys
       +        popup.open()
       +    def show_addr_details(self, req, status):
       +        from electrum.util import format_time
       +        fund = req.get('fund')
       +        isaddr = 'y'
       +        popup = Builder.load_file('gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/invoice.kv')
       +        popup.isaddr = isaddr
       +        popup.is_invoice = False
       +        popup.status = status
       +        popup.requestor = req.get('address')
       +        popup.fund = fund if fund else 0
       +        popup.export = self.export_private_keys
            def qr_dialog(self, title, data, show_text=False):
       t@@ -587,6 +603,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
                self.invoices_screen = None
                self.receive_screen = None
                self.requests_screen = None
       +        self.address_screen = None
                self.icon = "icons/electrum.png"
                self.tabs = self.root.ids['tabs']
       t@@ -924,3 +941,9 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
                    self._password_dialog = PasswordDialog()
                self._password_dialog.init(msg, callback)
       +    def export_private_keys(self, pk_label, addr):
       +        def show_private_key(addr, pk_label, password):
       +            key = str(self.wallet.export_private_key(addr, password)[0])
       +            pk_label.data = key
       +        self.protected(_("Enter your PIN code in order to decrypt your private key"), show_private_key, (addr, pk_label))
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/screens.py b/gui/kivy/uix/screens.py
       t@@ -478,65 +478,122 @@ class InvoicesScreen(CScreen):
       -class RequestsScreen(CScreen):
       -    kvname = 'requests'
       +address_icon = {
       +    'Pending' : 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/important',
       +    'Paid' : 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/confirmed'
       +class AddressScreen(CScreen):
       +    kvname = 'address'
            cards = {}
       -    def get_card(self, req):
       -        address = req['address']
       -        timestamp = req.get('time', 0)
       -        amount = req.get('amount')
       -        expiration = req.get('exp', None)
       -        status = req.get('status')
       -        signature = req.get('sig')
       -        ci = self.cards.get(address)
       +    def get_card(self, addr, search):
       +        ci = self.cards.get(addr)
                if ci is None:
                    ci = Factory.RequestItem()
                    ci.screen = self
       -            ci.address = address
       -            self.cards[address] = ci
       +            ci.address = addr
       +            ci.status = search
       +            self.cards[addr] = ci
       +        else:
       +            ci.status = search
       -        ci.memo = self.app.wallet.get_label(address)
       -        if amount:
       -            status = req.get('status')
       -            ci.status = request_text[status]
       +        ci.memo = self.app.wallet.get_label(addr)
       +        if search == 'Pending' or search == 'Paid':
       +            req = self.app.wallet.get_payment_request(addr, self.app.electrum_config)
       +            timestamp = req.get('time', 0)
       +            amount = req.get('amount')
       +            ci.icon = address_icon[search]
       +            ci.amount = self.app.format_amount_and_units(amount) if amount else _('No Amount')
       +            ci.date = format_time(timestamp)
       -            received = self.app.wallet.get_addr_received(address)
       -            ci.status = self.app.format_amount_and_units(amount)
       -        ci.icon = pr_icon[status]
       -        ci.amount = self.app.format_amount_and_units(amount) if amount else _('No Amount')
       -        ci.date = format_time(timestamp)
       +            c, u, x = self.app.wallet.get_addr_balance(addr)
       +            balance = c + u + x     
       +            ci.icon = ''
       +            ci.amount = self.app.format_amount_and_units(balance) if balance else _('No Amount')
       +            ci.date = ''
                return ci
       -    def update(self):
       -        self.menu_actions = [('Show', self.do_show), ('Details', self.do_view), ('Delete', self.do_delete)]
       -        requests_list = self.screen.ids.requests_container
       -        requests_list.clear_widgets()
       -        _list = self.app.wallet.get_sorted_requests(self.app.electrum_config) if self.app.wallet else []
       +    def generic_search(self):
       +        _list = self.ext_search(self.screen.message)
       +        search_list = self.screen.ids.search_container
       +        search_list.clear_widgets()
                for req in _list:
       -            ci = self.get_card(req)
       -            requests_list.add_widget(ci)
       +            status, conf = self.app.wallet.get_request_status(req)
       +            if status == PR_PAID:
       +                search = "Paid"
       +            elif status == PR_UNPAID:
       +                search = "Pending"
       +            else:
       +                search = ""
       +            card = self.get_card(req, search)
       +            search_list.add_widget(card)
                if not _list:
       -            msg = _('This screen shows the list of payment requests you made.')
       -            requests_list.add_widget(EmptyLabel(text=msg))
       +            msg = _('No address matching your search')
       +            search_list.add_widget(EmptyLabel(text=msg))
       +    def search(self, req):
       +        if req == 0:
       +            self.screen.addr_type = 'Change' if self.screen.addr_type == 'Receiving' else 'Receiving'
       +        if req == 1:
       +            status = { 'New' : 'Funded', 'Funded' : 'Unused', 'Unused' : 'New' }
       +            for s in status:
       +                if s == self.screen.addr_status:
       +                    self.screen.addr_status = status[s]
       +                    break
       +        if req == 2:
       +            pr_status = { 'Pending' : 'Paid', 'Paid' : 'Pending' }
       +            for s in pr_status:
       +                if s == self.screen.pr_status:
       +                    self.screen.pr_status = pr_status[s]
       +                    break
       +        search = self.screen.addr_type if req == 0 else (self.screen.addr_status if req == 1 else self.screen.pr_status)
       +        _list = self.addr_search(search)
       +        search_list = self.screen.ids.search_container
       +        search_list.clear_widgets()
       +        if _list is None:
       +            return
       +        for addr in _list:
       +            card = self.get_card(addr, search)
       +            search_list.add_widget(card)
       +    def update(self):
       +        self.menu_actions = [('Receive', self.do_show), ('Details', self.do_view)]
            def do_show(self, obj):
            def do_view(self, obj):
                req = self.app.wallet.get_payment_request(obj.address, self.app.electrum_config)
       -        status = req.get('status')
       -        amount = req.get('amount')
       -        address = req['address']
       -        if amount:
       +        if req:
       +            c, u, x = self.app.wallet.get_addr_balance(obj.address)
       +            balance = c + u + x
       +            if balance > 0:
       +                req['fund'] = balance
                    status = req.get('status')
       -            status = request_text[status]
       -        else:
       -            received_amount = self.app.wallet.get_addr_received(address)
       -            status = self.app.format_amount_and_units(received_amount)
       +            amount = req.get('amount')
       +            address = req['address']
       +            if amount:
       +                status = req.get('status')
       +                status = request_text[status]
       +            else:
       +                received_amount = self.app.wallet.get_addr_received(address)
       +                status = self.app.format_amount_and_units(received_amount)
       +            self.app.show_pr_details(req, status, False)
       -        self.app.show_pr_details(req, status, False)
       +        else:
       +            req = { 'address': obj.address, 'status' : obj.status }
       +            status = obj.status
       +            c, u, x = self.app.wallet.get_addr_balance(obj.address)
       +            balance = c + u + x
       +            if balance > 0:
       +                req['fund'] = balance
       +            self.app.show_addr_details(req, status)
            def do_delete(self, obj):
                from .dialogs.question import Question
       t@@ -547,7 +604,94 @@ class RequestsScreen(CScreen):
                d = Question(_('Delete request?'), cb)
       +    def addr_search(self, search):
       +        def get_addr_receiving(self):
       +            return self.app.wallet.receiving_addresses
       +        def get_addr_change(self):
       +            return self.app.wallet.change_addresses
       +        def get_addr_new(self):
       +            _list = list()
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.receiving_addresses:
       +                if not self.app.wallet.is_used(addr) and self.app.wallet.is_empty(addr) and addr not in self.app.wallet.receive_requests:
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.change_addresses:
       +                if not self.app.wallet.is_used(addr) and self.app.wallet.is_empty(addr):
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            return _list
       +        def get_addr_unused(self):
       +            _list = list()
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.receiving_addresses:
       +                if self.app.wallet.is_used(addr):
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.change_addresses:
       +                if self.app.wallet.is_used(addr):
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            return _list
       +        def get_addr_funded(self):
       +            _list = list()
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.receiving_addresses:
       +                c, u, x = self.app.wallet.get_addr_balance(addr)
       +                balance = c + u + x
       +                if balance > 0:
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.change_addresses:
       +                c, u, x = self.app.wallet.get_addr_balance(addr)
       +                balance = c + u + x
       +                if balance > 0:
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            return _list
       +        def get_addr_pending(self):
       +            _list = list()
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.receive_requests:
       +                status, conf = self.app.wallet.get_request_status(addr)
       +                if status == PR_UNPAID or status == PR_EXPIRED:
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            return _list
       +        def get_addr_paid(self):
       +            _list = list()
       +            for addr in self.app.wallet.receive_requests:
       +                status, conf = self.app.wallet.get_request_status(addr)
       +                if status == PR_PAID:
       +                    _list.append(addr)
       +            return _list
       +        addr_search = { 'Receiving' : get_addr_receiving, 'Change' : get_addr_change,
       +            'New' : get_addr_new, 'Unused' : get_addr_unused, 'Funded' : get_addr_funded,
       +            'Pending' : get_addr_pending, 'Paid' : get_addr_paid }
       +        for s in addr_search:
       +            if search == s:
       +                _list = addr_search[s](self)
       +        return _list
       +    def ext_search(self, search):
       +        def to_btc(amount):
       +            return str(amount / 100000000)
       +        def to_mbtc(amount):
       +            return str(amount / 100000)
       +        def to_time(time):
       +            from time import gmtime, strftime
       +            return strftime("%Y-%m-%d %M:%S", gmtime(time)) 
       +        _list = []
       +        for addr in self.app.wallet.receive_requests:
       +            r = self.app.wallet.receive_requests.get(addr)
       +            if r['memo'].find(search) >= 0 or to_btc(r['amount']).find(search) >= 0 \
       +                or to_mbtc(r['amount']).find(search) >= 0 or to_time(r['time']).find(search) >= 0:
       +                _list.append(addr)
       +        return _list
        class TabbedCarousel(Factory.TabbedPanel):
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/address.kv b/gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/address.kv
       t@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
       +#:import _ electrum_gui.kivy.i18n._
       +#:import Decimal decimal.Decimal
       +#:set btc_symbol chr(171)
       +#:set mbtc_symbol chr(187)
       +#:set font_light 'gui/kivy/data/fonts/Roboto-Condensed.ttf'
       +    text_size: self.width, None
       +    halign: 'left'
       +    valign: 'top'
       +    address: ''
       +    memo: ''
       +    amount: ''
       +    status: ''
       +    date: ''
       +    icon: ''
       +        color: .699, .699, .699, 1
       +    Image:
       +        id: icon
       +        source: root.icon
       +        size_hint: None, 1
       +        width: self.height *.54 if root.icon else 0
       +        mipmap: True
       +    BoxLayout:
       +        spacing: '8dp'
       +        height: '32dp'
       +        orientation: 'vertical'
       +        Widget
       +        RequestLabel:
       +            text: root.address
       +            shorten: True
       +        Widget
       +        RequestLabel:
       +            text: root.date + "    " + root.memo
       +            color: .699, .699, .699, 1
       +            font_size: '13sp'
       +            shorten: True
       +        Widget
       +    BoxLayout:
       +        spacing: '8dp'
       +        height: '32dp'
       +        orientation: 'vertical'
       +        Widget
       +        RequestLabel:
       +            text: root.amount
       +            halign: 'right'
       +            font_size: '15sp'
       +        Widget
       +        RequestLabel:
       +            text: root.status
       +            halign: 'right'
       +            font_size: '13sp'
       +            color: .699, .699, .699, 1 
       +    id: addr_screen
       +    name: 'address'
       +    message: ''
       +    addr_type: 'Receiving'
       +    addr_status: 'New'
       +    pr_status: 'Pending'
       +    on_message:
       +                self.parent.generic_search()
       +    BoxLayout
       +        padding: '12dp', '70dp', '12dp', '12dp'
       +        spacing: '12dp'
       +        orientation: 'vertical'
       +        size_hint: 1, 1.1
       +                BoxLayout:
       +                        spacing: '6dp'
       +                        size_hint: 1, None
       +                        orientation: 'horizontal'
       +                        AddressFilter:        
       +                                id: blue_bottom
       +                                opacity: 1
       +                                size_hint: 1, None
       +                                height: self.minimum_height
       +                                spacing: '5dp'
       +                                AddressButton:
       +                                        id: search
       +                                        text: addr_screen.addr_type 
       +                                        on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.address_screen.search(0))
       +                        AddressFilter:        
       +                                id: blue_bottom
       +                                opacity: 1
       +                                size_hint: 1, None
       +                                height: self.minimum_height
       +                                spacing: '5dp'
       +                                AddressButton:
       +                                        id: search
       +                                        text: addr_screen.addr_status
       +                                        on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.address_screen.search(1))
       +                        AddressFilter:
       +                                id: blue_bottom
       +                                opacity: 1
       +                                size_hint: 1, None
       +                                height: self.minimum_height
       +                                spacing: '5dp'
       +                                AddressButton:
       +                                        id: pending
       +                                        text: addr_screen.pr_status
       +                                        on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.address_screen.search(2))
       +                        AddressFilter:
       +                                id: blue_bottom
       +                                opacity: 1
       +                                size_hint: 1, None
       +                                height: self.minimum_height
       +                                spacing: '5dp'
       +                                canvas.before:
       +                                        Color:
       +                                                rgba: 0.9, 0.9, 0.9, 1
       +                                AddressButton:
       +                                        id: change
       +                                        text: addr_screen.message if addr_screen.message else _('Search')
       +                                        on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.description_dialog(addr_screen))
       +                ScrollView:
       +                        GridLayout:
       +                                cols: 1
       +                                id: search_container
       +                                size_hint_y: None
       +                                height: self.minimum_height
       +                                spacing: '2dp'
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/invoice.kv b/gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/invoice.kv
       t@@ -11,6 +11,9 @@ Popup:
            description: ''
            status: ''
            signature: ''
       +    isaddr: ''
       +    fund: 0
       +    pk: ''
            title: _('Invoice') if popup.is_invoice else _('Request')
            tx_hash: ''
       t@@ -28,10 +31,10 @@ Popup:
                            height: self.minimum_height
                            spacing: '10dp'
       -                        text: (_('Status') if popup.amount or popup.is_invoice else _('Amount received')) if root.status else ''
       +                        text: (_('Status') if popup.amount or popup.is_invoice or popup.isaddr == 'y' else _('Amount received')) if root.status else ''
                                value: root.status
       -                        text: _('Amount') if root.amount else ''
       +                        text: _('Request amount') if root.amount else ''
                                value: app.format_amount_and_units(root.amount) if root.amount else ''
                                text: _('Requestor') if popup.is_invoice else _('Address')
       t@@ -45,6 +48,15 @@ Popup:
                                text: _('Description') if root.description else ''
                                value: root.description
       +                    BoxLabel:
       +                        text: _('Balance') if popup.fund else ''
       +                        value: app.format_amount_and_units(root.fund) if root.fund else ''
       +                    TopLabel:
       +                        text: _('Private Key') 
       +                    RefLabel:
       +                        id: pk_label
       +                        touched: True if not self.touched else True
       +                        data: root.pk
                            text: _('Outputs') if popup.is_invoice else ''
       t@@ -65,7 +77,13 @@ Popup:
                        size_hint: 0.5, None
                        height: '48dp'
       -                size_hint: 0.5, None
       +                size_hint: 2, None
                        height: '48dp'
                        text: _('Close')
                        on_release: popup.dismiss()
       +            Button:
       +                size_hint: 2, None
       +                height: '48dp'
       +                text: _('Hide private key') if pk_label.data else _('Export private key')
       +                on_release:
       +                    setattr(pk_label, 'data', '') if pk_label.data else popup.export(pk_label, popup.requestor)