tsqlite in lnrouter: lnpeer: introduce _gossip_loop for gossip handling separated from message handling - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: Janus <ysangkok@gmail.com>
       Date:   Thu, 21 Feb 2019 18:55:12 +0100
       sqlite in lnrouter: lnpeer: introduce _gossip_loop for gossip handling separated from message handling
         M electrum/lnpeer.py                  |      48 ++++++++++++++++----------------
         M electrum/lnrouter.py                |      16 +++++++++++++++-
         M electrum/tests/test_lnpeer.py       |       6 +++---
       3 files changed, 42 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnpeer.py b/electrum/lnpeer.py
       t@@ -59,7 +59,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                self.node_anns = []
                self.chan_anns = []
                self.chan_upds = []
       -        self.last_chan_db_upd = time.time()
                self.transport = transport
                self.pubkey = pubkey
                self.lnworker = lnworker
       t@@ -209,15 +208,31 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
            async def main_loop(self):
       -        """
       -        This is used in LNWorker and is necessary so that we don't kill the main
       -        task group. It is not merged with _main_loop, so that we can test if the
       -        correct exceptions are getting thrown using _main_loop.
       -        """
       -        await self._main_loop()
       +        async with aiorpcx.TaskGroup() as group:
       +            await group.spawn(self._gossip_loop())
       +            await group.spawn(self._message_loop())
       -    async def _main_loop(self):
       -        """This is separate from main_loop for the tests."""
       +    async def _gossip_loop(self):
       +        await self.initialized.wait()
       +        while True:
       +            await asyncio.sleep(5)
       +            if self.node_anns:
       +                self.channel_db.on_node_announcement(self.node_anns)
       +                self.node_anns = []
       +            if self.chan_anns:
       +                self.channel_db.on_channel_announcement(self.chan_anns)
       +                self.chan_anns = []
       +            if self.chan_upds:
       +                self.channel_db.on_channel_update(self.chan_upds)
       +                self.chan_upds = []
       +            need_to_get = self.channel_db.missing_short_chan_ids() #type: Set[int]
       +            if need_to_get and not self.receiving_channels:
       +                self.print_error('QUERYING SHORT CHANNEL IDS; missing', len(need_to_get), 'channels')
       +                zlibencoded = zlib.compress(bfh(''.join(need_to_get)))
       +                self.send_message('query_short_channel_ids', chain_hash=bytes.fromhex(bitcoin.rev_hex(constants.net.GENESIS)), len=1+len(zlibencoded), encoded_short_ids=b'\x01' + zlibencoded)
       +                self.receiving_channels = True
       +    async def _message_loop(self):
                    await asyncio.wait_for(self.initialize(), 10)
                except (OSError, asyncio.TimeoutError, HandshakeFailed) as e:
       t@@ -227,21 +242,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                async for msg in self.transport.read_messages():
                    await asyncio.sleep(.01)
       -            if time.time() - self.last_chan_db_upd > 5:
       -                self.last_chan_db_upd = time.time()
       -                self.channel_db.on_node_announcement(self.node_anns)
       -                self.node_anns = []
       -                self.channel_db.on_channel_announcement(self.chan_anns)
       -                self.chan_anns = []
       -                self.channel_db.on_channel_update(self.chan_upds)
       -                self.chan_upds = []
       -                need_to_get = self.channel_db.missing_short_chan_ids() #type: Set[int]
       -                if need_to_get and not self.receiving_channels:
       -                    self.print_error('QUERYING SHORT CHANNEL IDS; ', len(need_to_get))
       -                    zlibencoded = zlib.compress(b"".join(x.to_bytes(byteorder='big', length=8) for x in need_to_get))
       -                    self.send_message('query_short_channel_ids', chain_hash=bytes.fromhex(bitcoin.rev_hex(constants.net.GENESIS)), len=1+len(zlibencoded), encoded_short_ids=b'\x01' + zlibencoded)
       -                    self.receiving_channels = True
            def on_reply_short_channel_ids_end(self, payload):
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnrouter.py b/electrum/lnrouter.py
       t@@ -347,7 +347,19 @@ class ChannelDB:
            def missing_short_chan_ids(self) -> Set[int]:
                expr = not_(Policy.short_channel_id.in_(DBSession.query(ChannelInfo.short_channel_id)))
       -        return set(DBSession.query(Policy.short_channel_id).filter(expr).all())
       +        chan_ids_from_policy = set(x[0] for x in DBSession.query(Policy.short_channel_id).filter(expr).all())
       +        if chan_ids_from_policy:
       +            return chan_ids_from_policy
       +        # fetch channels for node_ids missing in node_info. that will also give us node_announcement
       +        expr = not_(ChannelInfo.node1_id.in_(DBSession.query(NodeInfo.node_id)))
       +        chan_ids_from_id1 = set(x[0] for x in DBSession.query(ChannelInfo.short_channel_id).filter(expr).all())
       +        if chan_ids_from_id1:
       +            return chan_ids_from_id1
       +        expr = not_(ChannelInfo.node2_id.in_(DBSession.query(NodeInfo.node_id)))
       +        chan_ids_from_id2 = set(x[0] for x in DBSession.query(ChannelInfo.short_channel_id).filter(expr).all())
       +        if chan_ids_from_id2:
       +            return chan_ids_from_id2
       +        return set()
            def add_verified_channel_info(self, short_id, capacity):
                # called from lnchannelverifier
       t@@ -390,6 +402,8 @@ class ChannelDB:
                    if constants.net.rev_genesis_bytes() != msg_payload['chain_hash']:
                    channel_info = channel_infos.get(short_channel_id)
       +            if not channel_info:
       +                continue
                    channel_info.on_channel_update(msg_payload, trusted=trusted)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/tests/test_lnpeer.py b/electrum/tests/test_lnpeer.py
       t@@ -173,7 +173,7 @@ class TestPeer(unittest.TestCase):
                p1 = Peer(mock_lnworker, b"\x00" * 33, mock_transport, request_initial_sync=False)
                mock_lnworker.peer = p1
                with self.assertRaises(LightningPeerConnectionClosed):
       -            run(asyncio.wait_for(p1._main_loop(), 1))
       +            run(asyncio.wait_for(p1._message_loop(), 1))
            def prepare_peers(self):
                k1, k2 = keypair(), keypair()
       t@@ -231,7 +231,7 @@ class TestPeer(unittest.TestCase):
                    print("HTLC ADDED")
                    self.assertEqual(await fut, 'Payment received')
       -        gath = asyncio.gather(pay(), p1._main_loop(), p2._main_loop())
       +        gath = asyncio.gather(pay(), p1._message_loop(), p2._message_loop())
                with self.assertRaises(asyncio.CancelledError):
       t@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ class TestPeer(unittest.TestCase):
                # AssertionError is ok since we shouldn't use old routes, and the
                # route finding should fail when channel is closed
                with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
       -            run(asyncio.gather(w1._pay_to_route(route, addr, pay_req), p1._main_loop(), p2._main_loop()))
       +            run(asyncio.gather(w1._pay_to_route(route, addr, pay_req), p1._message_loop(), p2._message_loop()))
        def run(coro):
            return asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(coro)