tkivy: gui improvements - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
  HTML git clone https://git.parazyd.org/electrum
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   DIR commit 96a685a765a673402da4aaddb9bfaf9148f52f4f
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  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@electrum.org>
       Date:   Wed, 12 Jul 2017 17:23:21 +0200
       kivy: gui improvements
         M gui/kivy/main_window.py             |       8 +++++---
         M gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/network.kv  |      33 ++++++++++++++++---------------
       2 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/main_window.py b/gui/kivy/main_window.py
       t@@ -80,6 +80,7 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
            num_nodes = NumericProperty(0)
            server_host = StringProperty('')
            server_port = StringProperty('')
       +    blockchain_name = StringProperty('')
            auto_connect = BooleanProperty(False)
            def on_auto_connect(self, instance, x):
       t@@ -593,18 +594,19 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
                if len(self.network.blockchains)>1:
                    msg = self.network.get_blockchain_name(self.network.blockchain())
       -            msg = _('Genesis block')
       +            msg = _('Genesis')
                return msg
            def blockchain_info(self):
                if len(self.network.blockchains)>1:
                    checkpoint = self.network.get_checkpoint()
       -            msg = _('Chain split detected at block %d')%checkpoint
       +            msg = _('Fork detected at block %d')%checkpoint
       -            msg = _('No chain split detected')
       +            msg = _('The blockchain appears to be one')
                return msg
            def on_network(self, event, *args):
       +        self.blockchain_name = self.blockchain_status()
                if self.network.interface:
                    self.server_host = self.network.interface.host
                if event == 'updated':
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/network.kv b/gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/network.kv
       t@@ -14,40 +14,41 @@ Popup:
                            value: _("%d connections.")% app.num_nodes if app.num_nodes else _("Not connected")
                            title: _("Status") + ': ' + self.value
                            description: _("Connections with Electrum servers")
       -                    action: lambda x: x
       +                    action: lambda x: None
                            title: _("Server") + ': ' + app.server_host
       -                    description: _("Server used to request your history.")
       +                    description: _("Server used to query your history.")
                            action: lambda x: app.popup_dialog('server')
       +                    proxy: app.proxy_config.get('mode')
       +                    host: app.proxy_config.get('host')
       +                    port: app.proxy_config.get('port')
       +                    title: _("Proxy") + ': ' + ((self.host +':' + self.port) if self.proxy else _('None'))
       +                    description: _('Proxy configuration')
       +                    action: lambda x: app.popup_dialog('proxy')
       +                CardSeparator
       +                SettingsItem:
                            title: _("Auto-connect") + ': ' + ('ON' if app.auto_connect else 'OFF')
       -                    description: _("Find a server automatically")
       +                    description: _("Select your server automatically")
                            action: app.toggle_auto_connect
                            value: "%d blocks" % app.num_blocks
                            title: _("Blockchain") + ': ' + self.value
       -                    description: _("Verified block headers.")
       +                    description: _('Verified block headers')
                            action: lambda x: x
       -                    title: _("Checkpoint") + ': ' + app.blockchain_status()
       -                    description: app.blockchain_info()
       +                    title: app.blockchain_info()
       +                    fork_description: (_('You are following branch') if app.auto_connect else _("Your server is on branch")) + ' ' + app.blockchain_name
       +                    description: _('Everything is fine') if self.disabled else self.fork_description
                            action: app.choose_blockchain_dialog
       -                CardSeparator
       -                SettingsItem:
       -                    proxy: app.proxy_config.get('mode')
       -                    host: app.proxy_config.get('host')
       -                    port: app.proxy_config.get('port')
       -                    title: _("Proxy") + ': ' + ((self.host +':' + self.port) if self.proxy else _('None'))
       -                    description: _('Proxy configuration')
       -                    action: lambda x: app.popup_dialog('proxy')
       +                    disabled: len(app.network.blockchains) == 1