tfirst sketch of qt gui - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
  HTML git clone https://git.parazyd.org/electrum
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  HTML Author: thomasv <thomasv@gitorious>
       Date:   Sat, 11 Feb 2012 13:14:12 +0100
       first sketch of qt gui
         M client/electrum                     |      33 +++++++++++++++++++------------
         M client/gui.py                       |     123 +++++++++++++++----------------
         A client/gui_qt.py                    |      42 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       3 files changed, 120 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/client/electrum b/client/electrum
       t@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@ urldecode = lambda x: _ud.sub(lambda m: chr(int(m.group(1), 16)), x)
        from wallet import format_satoshis
        if __name__ == '__main__':
       -    known_commands = ['help', 'validateaddress', 'balance', 'contacts', 'create', 'payto', 'sendtx', 'password', 'newaddress', 'addresses', 'history', 'label', 'gui', 'mktx','seed','import','signmessage','verifymessage','eval']
       +    known_commands = ['help', 'validateaddress', 'balance', 'contacts', 'create', 'payto', 'sendtx', 'password', 'newaddress', 'addresses', 'history', 'label', 'mktx','seed','import','signmessage','verifymessage','eval', 'gtk','qt']
            usage = "usage: %prog [options] command args\nCommands: "+ (', '.join(known_commands))
       t@@ -44,23 +44,30 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
            parser.add_option("-s", "--fromaddr", dest="from_addr", default=None, help="set source address for payto/mktx. if it isn't in the wallet, it will ask for the private key unless supplied in the format public_key:private_key. It's not saved in the wallet.")
            parser.add_option("-c", "--changeaddr", dest="change_addr", default=None, help="set the change address for payto/mktx. default is a spare address, or the source address if it's not in the wallet")
            options, args = parser.parse_args()
       -    try:
       -        cmd = args[0]
       -    except:
       -        cmd = "gui"
       -    try:
       -        firstarg = args[1]
       -    except:
       -        firstarg = ''
            interface = Interface()
            wallet = Wallet(interface)
       -    if cmd == 'gui' or re.match('^bitcoin:', cmd):
       -        import gui
       +    cmd = args[0] if len(args) > 0 else 'gtk'
       +    firstarg = args[1] if len(args) > 1 else ''
       +    if cmd in ['gtk','qt'] or re.match('^bitcoin:', cmd):
       +        if cmd == 'qt':
       +            import gui_qt as gui
       +        else:
       +            import gui
       -        gui.init_wallet(wallet)
       +        try:
       +            found = wallet.read()
       +            if not found:
       +                gui.restore_create_dialog(wallet)
       +        except BaseException, e:
       +            show_message(e.message)
       +            exit(1)
                gui = gui.BitcoinGUI(wallet)
       t@@ -213,7 +220,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                    print "show the transaction history"
                elif cmd2 == 'label':
                    print "assign a label to an item"
       -        elif cmd2 == 'gui':
       +        elif cmd2 == 'gtk':
                    print "start the GUI"
                elif cmd2 == 'mktx':
                    print "create a signed transaction. password protected"
   DIR diff --git a/client/gui.py b/client/gui.py
       t@@ -74,81 +74,74 @@ def show_seed_dialog(wallet, password, parent):
       -def init_wallet(wallet):
       +def restore_create_dialog(wallet):
       -    try:
       -        found = wallet.read()
       -    except BaseException, e:
       -        show_message(e.message)
       -        exit(1)
       -    if not found: 
       -        # ask if the user wants to create a new wallet, or recover from a seed. 
       -        # if he wants to recover, and nothing is found, do not create wallet
       -        dialog = gtk.Dialog("electrum", parent=None, 
       -                            flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL|gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, 
       -                            buttons= ("create", 0, "restore",1, "cancel",2)  )
       +    # ask if the user wants to create a new wallet, or recover from a seed. 
       +    # if he wants to recover, and nothing is found, do not create wallet
       +    dialog = gtk.Dialog("electrum", parent=None, 
       +                        flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL|gtk.DIALOG_NO_SEPARATOR, 
       +                        buttons= ("create", 0, "restore",1, "cancel",2)  )
       -        label = gtk.Label("Wallet file not found.\nDo you want to create a new wallet,\n or to restore an existing one?"  )
       -        label.show()
       -        dialog.vbox.pack_start(label)
       -        dialog.show()
       -        r = dialog.run()
       -        dialog.destroy()
       -        if r==2:
       -            sys.exit(1)
       +    label = gtk.Label("Wallet file not found.\nDo you want to create a new wallet,\n or to restore an existing one?"  )
       +    label.show()
       +    dialog.vbox.pack_start(label)
       +    dialog.show()
       +    r = dialog.run()
       +    dialog.destroy()
       +    if r==2:
       +        sys.exit(1)
       -        is_recovery = (r==1)
       +    is_recovery = (r==1)
       -        if not is_recovery:
       +    if not is_recovery:
       -            wallet.new_seed(None)
       +        wallet.new_seed(None)
       +        # ask for the server.
       +        run_network_dialog( wallet, parent=None )
       +        # generate first key
       +        wallet.synchronize()
       -            # ask for the server.
       -            run_network_dialog( wallet, parent=None )
       +        # run a dialog indicating the seed, ask the user to remember it
       +        show_seed_dialog(wallet, None, None)
       +        #ask for password
       +        change_password_dialog(wallet, None, None)
       +    else:
       +        # ask for the server.
       +        run_network_dialog( wallet, parent=None )
       +        # ask for seed and gap.
       +        run_recovery_dialog( wallet )
       +        dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(
       +            parent = None,
       +            flags = gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, 
       +            buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, 
       +            message_format = "Please wait..."  )
       +        dialog.show()
       -            # generate first key
       +        def recover_thread( wallet, dialog ):
       +            wallet.init_mpk( wallet.seed ) # not encrypted at this point
       -            # run a dialog indicating the seed, ask the user to remember it
       -            show_seed_dialog(wallet, None, None)
       -            #ask for password
       -            change_password_dialog(wallet, None, None)
       +            if wallet.is_found():
       +                # history and addressbook
       +                wallet.update_tx_history()
       +                wallet.fill_addressbook()
       +                print "recovery successful"
       +                wallet.save()
       -        else:
       -            # ask for the server.
       -            run_network_dialog( wallet, parent=None )
       -            # ask for seed and gap.
       -            run_recovery_dialog( wallet )
       -            dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(
       -                parent = None,
       -                flags = gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, 
       -                buttons = gtk.BUTTONS_CANCEL, 
       -                message_format = "Please wait..."  )
       -            dialog.show()
       -            def recover_thread( wallet, dialog ):
       -                wallet.init_mpk( wallet.seed ) # not encrypted at this point
       -                wallet.synchronize()
       -                if wallet.is_found():
       -                    # history and addressbook
       -                    wallet.update_tx_history()
       -                    wallet.fill_addressbook()
       -                    print "recovery successful"
       -                    wallet.save()
       -                gobject.idle_add( dialog.destroy )
       -            thread.start_new_thread( recover_thread, ( wallet, dialog ) )
       -            r = dialog.run()
       -            dialog.destroy()
       -            if r==gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: sys.exit(1)
       -            if not wallet.is_found:
       -                show_message("No transactions found for this seed")
       +            gobject.idle_add( dialog.destroy )
       +        thread.start_new_thread( recover_thread, ( wallet, dialog ) )
       +        r = dialog.run()
       +        dialog.destroy()
       +        if r==gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: sys.exit(1)
       +        if not wallet.is_found:
       +            show_message("No transactions found for this seed")
        def run_recovery_dialog(wallet):
   DIR diff --git a/client/gui_qt.py b/client/gui_qt.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
       +import sys
       +from PyQt4.QtGui import *
       +import PyQt4.QtCore as QtCore
       +def restore_create_dialog(wallet):
       +    pass
       +class BitcoinWidget(QWidget):
       +    def __init__(self, wallet):
       +        super(BitcoinWidget, self).__init__()
       +        self.wallet = wallet
       +        self.initUI()
       +    def initUI(self):
       +        qbtn = QPushButton('Quit', self)
       +        qbtn.clicked.connect(QtCore.QCoreApplication.instance().quit)
       +        qbtn.resize(qbtn.sizeHint())
       +        qbtn.move(50, 50)
       +        self.setGeometry(300, 300, 250, 150)
       +        self.setWindowTitle( 'Electrum ' + self.wallet.electrum_version )
       +        self.show()
       +class BitcoinGUI():
       +    def __init__(self, wallet):
       +        self.wallet = wallet
       +    def main(self):
       +        app = QApplication(sys.argv)
       +        w = BitcoinWidget(self.wallet)
       +        app.exec_()