tadd option to disable dnssec - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@gitorious>
       Date:   Sun, 31 May 2015 16:43:27 +0200
       add option to disable dnssec
         M lib/commands.py                     |      44 ++++++++++++++++---------------
         M lib/util.py                         |      10 ++++++----
         M plugins/openalias.py                |      27 +++++++++++++++++++++------
       3 files changed, 50 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/lib/commands.py b/lib/commands.py
       t@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ register_command('decodetx',           0, 0, 0, ['tx'], [], 'Decode serialized t
        register_command('getprivatekeys',     0, 1, 1, ['address'], [], 'Get the private keys of an address', 'Address must be in wallet.')
        register_command('dumpprivkeys',       0, 1, 1, [], [], 'Dump private keys from your wallet', '')
        register_command('freeze',             0, 1, 0, ['address'], [], 'Freeze address', 'Freeze the funds at one of your wallet\'s addresses')
       -register_command('getalias',           0, 0, 0, ['key'], [], 'Retrieve alias', 'Lookup in your list of contacts, and for an OpenAlias DNS record')
       +register_command('getalias',           0, 0, 0, ['key'], ['nocheck'], 'Retrieve alias', 'Lookup in your list of contacts, and for an OpenAlias DNS record')
        register_command('getbalance',         1, 1, 0, [], [], 'Return the balance of your wallet', '')
        register_command('getservers',         1, 0, 0, [], [], 'Return the list of available servers', '')
        register_command('getaddressbalance',  1, 0, 0, ['address'], [], 'Return the balance of an address', '')
       t@@ -83,10 +83,10 @@ register_command('listaddresses',      0, 1, 0, [], ['show_all', 'show_labels', 
                         'List wallet addresses', 'Returns your list of addresses.')
        register_command('listunspent',        1, 1, 0, [], [], 'List unspent outputs', 'Returns the list of unspent transaction outputs in your wallet.')
        register_command('getaddressunspent',  1, 0, 0, ['address'], [], 'Returns the list of unspent inputs for an address', '')
       -register_command('mktx',               0, 1, 1, ['address', 'amount'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr'], 'Create signed transaction', '')
       -register_command('payto',              1, 1, 1, ['address', 'amount'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr'], 'Create and broadcast a transaction.', '')
       -register_command('mktx_csv',           0, 1, 1, ['csv_file'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr'], 'Create a signed transaction', '')
       -register_command('payto_csv',          1, 1, 1, ['csv_file'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr'], 'Create and broadcast a transaction.', '')
       +register_command('mktx',               0, 1, 1, ['address', 'amount'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr', 'nocheck'], 'Create signed transaction', '')
       +register_command('payto',              1, 1, 1, ['address', 'amount'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr', 'nocheck'], 'Create and broadcast a transaction.', '')
       +register_command('mktx_csv',           0, 1, 1, ['csv_file'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr', 'nocheck'], 'Create a signed transaction', '')
       +register_command('payto_csv',          1, 1, 1, ['csv_file'], ['tx_fee', 'from_addr', 'change_addr', 'nocheck'], 'Create and broadcast a transaction.', '')
        register_command('password',           0, 1, 1, [], [], 'Change your password', '')
        register_command('restore',            1, 1, 0, [], ['gap_limit', 'mpk', 'concealed'], 'Restore a wallet from seed', '')
        register_command('searchcontacts',     0, 1, 0, ['query'], [], 'Search through contacts, return matching entries', '')
       t@@ -137,6 +137,7 @@ command_options = {
            'funded':      (None, "--funded",      False, "Show only funded addresses"),
            'show_balance':("-b", "--balance",     False, "Show the balances of listed addresses"),
            'show_labels': ("-l", "--labels",      False, "Show the labels of listed addresses"),
       +    'nocheck':     (None, "--nocheck",     False, "Do not verify aliases"),
            'tx_fee':      ("-f", "--fee",         None,  "Transaction fee (in BTC)"),
            'from_addr':   ("-F", "--from",        None,  "Source address. If it isn't in the wallet, it will ask for the private key unless supplied in the format public_key:private_key. It's not saved in the wallet."),
            'change_addr': ("-c", "--change",      None,  "Change address. Default is a spare address, or the source address if it's not in the wallet"),
       t@@ -427,13 +428,14 @@ class Commands:
            def verifymessage(self, address, signature, message):
                return bitcoin.verify_message(address, signature, message)
       -    def _mktx(self, outputs, fee=None, change_addr=None, domain=None):
       -        change_addr = None if change_addr is None else self.contacts.resolve(change_addr)
       -        domain = None if domain is None else map(self.contacts.resolve, domain)
       +    def _mktx(self, outputs, fee=None, change_addr=None, domain=None, nocheck=False):
       +        resolver = lambda x: None if x is None else self.contacts.resolve(x, nocheck)['address']
       +        change_addr = resolver(change_addr)
       +        domain = None if domain is None else map(resolver, domain)
                fee = None if fee is None else int(100000000*Decimal(fee))
                final_outputs = []
                for address, amount in outputs:
       -            address = self.contacts.resolve(address)
       +            address = resolver(address)
                    #assert self.wallet.is_mine(address)
                    if amount == '!':
                        assert len(outputs) == 1
       t@@ -464,28 +466,28 @@ class Commands:
                        outputs.append((address, amount))
                return outputs
       -    def mktx(self, to_address, amount, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None):
       +    def mktx(self, to_address, amount, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False):
                domain = [from_addr] if from_addr else None
       -        tx = self._mktx([(to_address, amount)], fee, change_addr, domain)
       +        tx = self._mktx([(to_address, amount)], fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck)
                return tx
       -    def mktx_csv(self, path, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None):
       +    def mktx_csv(self, path, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False):
                domain = [from_addr] if from_addr else None
                outputs = self._read_csv(path)
       -        tx = self._mktx(outputs, fee, change_addr, domain)
       +        tx = self._mktx(outputs, fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck)
                return tx
       -    def payto(self, to_address, amount, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None):
       +    def payto(self, to_address, amount, fee=None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False):
                domain = [from_addr] if from_addr else None
       -        tx = self._mktx([(to_address, amount)], fee, change_addr, domain)
       -        r, h = self.wallet.sendtx( tx )
       +        tx = self._mktx([(to_address, amount)], fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck)
       +        r, h = self.wallet.sendtx(tx)
                return h
       -    def payto_csv(self, path, fee = None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None):
       +    def payto_csv(self, path, fee = None, from_addr=None, change_addr=None, nocheck=False):
                domain = [from_addr] if from_addr else None
                outputs = self._read_csv(path)
       -        tx = self._mktx(outputs, fee, change_addr, domain)
       -        r, h = self.wallet.sendtx( tx )
       +        tx = self._mktx(outputs, fee, change_addr, domain, nocheck)
       +        r, h = self.wallet.sendtx(tx)
                return h
            def history(self):
       t@@ -509,8 +511,8 @@ class Commands:
            def listcontacts(self):
                return self.contacts
       -    def getalias(self, key):
       -        return self.contacts.resolve(key)
       +    def getalias(self, key, nocheck=False):
       +        return self.contacts.resolve(key, nocheck)
            def searchcontacts(self, query):
                results = {}
   DIR diff --git a/lib/util.py b/lib/util.py
       t@@ -467,18 +467,20 @@ import bitcoin
        from plugins import run_hook
        class Contacts(StoreDict):
            def __init__(self, config):
                StoreDict.__init__(self, config, 'contacts')
       -    def resolve(self, k):
       +    def resolve(self, k, nocheck=False):
                if bitcoin.is_address(k):
       -            return k
       +            return {'address':k, 'type':'address'}
                if k in self.keys():
                    _type, addr = self[k]
                    if _type == 'address':
       -                return addr
       +                return {'address':addr, 'type':'contact'}
                out = run_hook('resolve_address', k)
                if out:
       +            if not nocheck and out.get('validated') is False:
       +                raise Exception("cannot validate alias")
                    return out
                raise Exception("invalid Bitcoin address", k)
   DIR diff --git a/plugins/openalias.py b/plugins/openalias.py
       t@@ -181,7 +181,22 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
            def resolve_address(self, url):
       -        return self.resolve(url)[0]
       +        data = self.resolve(url)
       +        if not data:
       +            return
       +        address, name = data
       +        try:
       +            validated = self.validate_dnssec(url)
       +        except:
       +            validated = False
       +            traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr)
       +        return {
       +            'address': address,
       +            'name': name,
       +            'type': 'openalias',
       +            'validated': validated
       +        }
            def resolve(self, url):
                '''Resolve OpenAlias address using url.'''
       t@@ -244,7 +259,7 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                    response = dns.query.udp(query, ns, 3)
                    if response.rcode() != dns.rcode.NOERROR:
                        self.print_error("query error")
       -                return 0
       +                return False
                    if len(response.authority) > 0:
                        rrset = response.authority[0]
       t@@ -262,14 +277,14 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                    response = dns.query.udp(query, ns, 3)
                    if response.rcode() != 0:
                        self.print_error("query error")
       -                return 0
       +                return False
                    # answer should contain two RRSET: DNSKEY and RRSIG(DNSKEY)
                    answer = response.answer
                    if len(answer) != 2:
                        self.print_error("answer error", answer)
       -                return 0
       +                return False
                    # the DNSKEY should be self signed, validate it
                    name = dns.name.from_text(sub)
       t@@ -277,6 +292,6 @@ class Plugin(BasePlugin):
                        dns.dnssec.validate(answer[0], answer[1], {name: answer[0]})
                    except dns.dnssec.ValidationFailure:
                        self.print_error("validation error")
       -                return 0
       +                return False
       -        return 1
       +        return True