tadd payment verifier and confirmations to merchant script - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@gitorious>
       Date:   Sat, 27 Oct 2012 02:57:06 +0200
       add payment verifier and confirmations to merchant script
         M scripts/merchant.py                 |      57 ++++++++++++++++---------------
       1 file changed, 29 insertions(+), 28 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/scripts/merchant.py b/scripts/merchant.py
       t@@ -51,18 +51,19 @@ omg_addresses = {}
        def electrum_input_thread(in_queue):
            while True:
       -        addr, amount = in_queue.get(True,1000000000)
       +        addr, amount, confirmations = in_queue.get(True,1000000000)
                if addr in omg_addresses: 
                    print "subscribing to ", addr
       -            omg_addresses[addr] = amount
       +            omg_addresses[addr] = {'requested':float(amount), 'confirmations':int(confirmations)}
        def electrum_output_thread(out_queue):
            while True:
       -        r = interface.responses.get(True, 100000000000)
       +        r = interface.get_response()
       +        print r
                method = r.get('method') 
                if method == 'blockchain.address.subscribe':
       t@@ -71,31 +72,31 @@ def electrum_output_thread(out_queue):
                elif method == 'blockchain.address.get_history':
                    addr = r.get('params')[0]
       -            #print "received history for", addr
       -            confirmed = unconfirmed = 0
                    h = r.get('result')
       -            if h is None:
       -                continue
       +            if h is None: continue
       +            omg_addresses[addr]['history'] = h
                    for item in h:
                        tx_hash = item.get('tx_hash')
       -                v = item['value']
       -                if v<0: continue
       -                if item['height']:
       -                    confirmed += v
       -                else:
       -                    unconfirmed += v
       -            s = (confirmed+unconfirmed)/1.e8
       -            print "balance for %s:"%addr, s
       -            amount = float(omg_addresses.get(addr))
       -            if s>=amount:
       -                out_queue.put( ('payment',addr) )
                elif method == 'blockchain.numblocks.subscribe':
       -            pass
       +            for addr in omg_addresses:
       +                h = omg_addresses[addr].get('history',[])
       +                amount = omg_addresses[addr].get('requested')
       +                confs = omg_addresses[addr].get('confirmations')
       +                val = 0
       +                for item in h:
       +                    tx_hash = item.get('tx_hash')
       +                    v = item['value']
       +                    if v<0: continue
       +                    if verifier.get_confirmations(tx_hash) >= conf:
       +                        val += v
       +                s = (val)/1.e8
       +                print "balance for %s:"%addr, s
       +                if s>=amount:
       +                    out_queue.put( ('payment',addr) )
        stopping = False
       t@@ -107,7 +108,7 @@ def do_stop():
        def do_create(conn):
            # creation
            cur = conn.cursor()
       -    cur.execute("CREATE TABLE electrum_payments (id INT PRIMARY KEY, address VARCHAR(40), amount FLOAT, received_at TIMESTAMP, expires_at TIMESTAMP, paid INT(1), processed INT(1));")
       +    cur.execute("CREATE TABLE electrum_payments (id INT PRIMARY KEY, address VARCHAR(40), amount FLOAT, confirmations INT(8), received_at TIMESTAMP, expires_at TIMESTAMP, paid INT(1), processed INT(1));")
        def process_request(i, amount, confirmations, expires_in, password):
       t@@ -167,7 +168,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
       -    verifier = WalletVerifier(interface, config)
       +    verifier = WalletVerifier(interface, {})
       t@@ -184,7 +185,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                cur = conn.cursor()
                # get a list of addresses to watch
       -        cur.execute("SELECT address, amount FROM electrum_payments WHERE paid IS NULL;")
       +        cur.execute("SELECT address, amount, confirmations FROM electrum_payments WHERE paid IS NULL;")
                data = cur.fetchall()
                for item in data: 
       t@@ -201,9 +202,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                    id = cur.fetchone()[0]
                    cur.execute("update electrum_payments set paid=1 where id=%d;"%(id))
                elif cmd == 'request':
       -            i, addr, amount, hours = params
       -            sql = "INSERT INTO electrum_payments (id, address, amount, received_at, expires_at, paid, processed)"\
       -                + " VALUES (%d, '%s', %f, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ADDTIME(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '0 %d:0:0'), NULL, NULL);"%(i, addr, amount, hours)
       +            i, addr, amount, confs, hours = params
       +            sql = "INSERT INTO electrum_payments (id, address, amount, confirmations, received_at, expires_at, paid, processed)"\
       +                + " VALUES (%d, '%s', %f, %d, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, ADDTIME(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '0 %d:0:0'), NULL, NULL);"%(i, addr, amount, confs, hours)