tlightning: march 2018 rebase, without integration - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
  HTML git clone https://git.parazyd.org/electrum
   DIR Log
   DIR Files
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   DIR Submodules
   DIR commit ad5aac1383d2ec0117e50b1defc488798e2f8cdd
   DIR parent 9c454726f47368d9fad2614bf6dfb640ac0bf93c
  HTML Author: Janus <ysangkok@gmail.com>
       Date:   Thu, 15 Mar 2018 16:00:03 +0100
       lightning: march 2018 rebase, without integration
         M electrum/gui/kivy/main.kv           |       6 ++++++
         M electrum/gui/kivy/main_window.py    |      12 ++++++++++++
         A gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_cha… |      49 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_pay… |      68 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A gui/qt/lightning_invoice_list.py    |     147 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A lib/lightning.py                    |     912 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A protoc_lightning.sh                 |      15 +++++++++++++++
         A testserver.py                       |      21 +++++++++++++++++++++
       8 files changed, 1230 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/kivy/main.kv b/electrum/gui/kivy/main.kv
       t@@ -450,6 +450,12 @@ BoxLayout:
                            name: 'network'
                            text: _('Network')
       +                    name: 'lightning_payer_dialog'
       +                    text: _('Pay Lightning Invoice')
       +                ActionOvrButton:
       +                    name: 'lightning_channels_dialog'
       +                    text: _('Lightning Channels')
       +                ActionOvrButton:
                            name: 'settings'
                            text: _('Settings')
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/kivy/main_window.py b/electrum/gui/kivy/main_window.py
       t@@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ from electrum.util import (base_units, NoDynamicFeeEstimates, decimal_point_to_b
                                   base_unit_name_to_decimal_point, NotEnoughFunds, UnknownBaseUnit,
       +from .uix.dialogs.lightning_payer import LightningPayerDialog
       +from .uix.dialogs.lightning_channels import LightningChannelsDialog
        class ElectrumWindow(App):
       t@@ -635,6 +637,14 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
       +    def lightning_payer_dialog(self):
       +        d = LightningPayerDialog(self)
       +        d.open()
       +    def lightning_channels_dialog(self):
       +        d = LightningChannelsDialog(self)
       +        d.open()
            def popup_dialog(self, name):
                if name == 'settings':
       t@@ -652,6 +662,8 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
                        ref.data = xpub
       +        elif name.endswith("_dialog"):
       +            getattr(self, name)()
                    popup = Builder.load_file('electrum/gui/kivy/uix/ui_screens/'+name+'.kv')
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_channels.py b/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_channels.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
       +from kivy.lang import Builder
       +from kivy.factory import Factory
       +    channelId: '<channelId not set>'
       +    Label:
       +        text: root.channelId
       +    name: 'lightning_channels'
       +    BoxLayout:
       +        orientation: 'vertical'
       +        spacing: '1dp'
       +        ScrollView:
       +            GridLayout:
       +                cols: 1
       +                id: lightning_channels_container
       +                size_hint: 1, None
       +                height: self.minimum_height
       +                spacing: '2dp'
       +                padding: '12dp'
       +class LightningChannelsDialog(Factory.Popup):
       +    def __init__(self, app):
       +        super(LightningChannelsDialog, self).__init__()
       +        self.clocks = []
       +        self.app = app
       +    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
       +        super(LightningChannelsDialog, self).open(*args, **kwargs)
       +        for i in self.clocks: i.cancel()
       +        self.clocks.append(Clock.schedule_interval(self.fetch_channels, 10))
       +        self.app.wallet.lightning.subscribe(self.rpc_result_handler)
       +    def dismiss(self, *args, **kwargs):
       +        super(LightningChannelsDialog, self).dismiss(*args, **kwargs)
       +        self.app.wallet.lightning.clearSubscribers()
       +    def fetch_channels(self, dw):
       +        lightning.lightningCall(self.app.wallet.lightning, "listchannels")()
       +    def rpc_result_handler(self, res):
       +        if isinstance(res, Exception):
       +            raise res
       +        channel_cards = self.ids.lightning_channels_container
       +        channels_cards.clear_widgets()
       +        for i in res["channels"]:
       +            item = Factory.LightningChannelItem()
       +            item.screen = self
       +            item.channelId = i.channelId
       +            channel_cards.add_widget(item)
   DIR diff --git a/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_payer.py b/gui/kivy/uix/dialogs/lightning_payer.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
       +from kivy.lang import Builder
       +from kivy.factory import Factory
       +from electrum_gui.kivy.i18n import _
       +    id: s
       +    name: 'lightning_payer'
       +    invoice_data: ''
       +    BoxLayout:
       +        orientation: "vertical"
       +        BlueButton:
       +            text: s.invoice_data if s.invoice_data else _('Lightning invoice')
       +            shorten: True
       +            on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.show_info(_('Copy and paste the lightning invoice using the Paste button, or use the camera to scan a QR code.')))
       +        GridLayout:
       +            cols: 4
       +            size_hint: 1, None
       +            height: '48dp'
       +            IconButton:
       +                id: qr
       +                on_release: Clock.schedule_once(lambda dt: app.scan_qr(on_complete=s.on_lightning_qr))
       +                icon: 'atlas://gui/kivy/theming/light/camera'
       +            Button:
       +                text: _('Paste')
       +                on_release: s.do_paste()
       +            Button:
       +                text: _('Paste sample')
       +                on_release: s.do_paste_sample()
       +            Button:
       +                text: _('Clear')
       +                on_release: s.do_clear()
       +        Button:
       +            size_hint: 1, None
       +            height: '48dp'
       +            text: _('Pay pasted/scanned invoice')
       +            on_release: s.do_pay()
       +class LightningPayerDialog(Factory.Popup):
       +    def __init__(self, app):
       +        super(LightningPayerDialog, self).__init__()
       +        self.app = app
       +    def open(self, *args, **kwargs):
       +        super(LightningPayerDialog, self).open(*args, **kwargs)
       +        class FakeQtSignal:
       +            def emit(self2, data):
       +                self.app.show_info(data)
       +        class MyConsole:
       +            newResult = FakeQtSignal()
       +        self.app.wallet.lightning.setConsole(MyConsole())
       +    def dismiss(self, *args, **kwargs):
       +        super(LightningPayerDialog, self).dismiss(*args, **kwargs)
       +        self.app.wallet.lightning.setConsole(None)
       +    def do_paste_sample(self):
       +        self.invoice_data = "lnbc1pvjluezpp5qqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqqqsyqcyq5rqwzqfqypqdpl2pkx2ctnv5sxxmmwwd5kgetjypeh2ursdae8g6twvus8g6rfwvs8qun0dfjkxaq8rkx3yf5tcsyz3d73gafnh3cax9rn449d9p5uxz9ezhhypd0elx87sjle52x86fux2ypatgddc6k63n7erqz25le42c4u4ecky03ylcqca784w"
       +    def do_paste(self):
       +        contents = self.app._clipboard.paste()
       +        if not contents:
       +            self.app.show_info(_("Clipboard is empty"))
       +            return
       +        self.invoice_data = contents
       +    def do_clear(self):
       +        self.invoice_data = ""
       +    def do_pay(self):
       +        lightning.lightningCall(self.app.wallet.lightning, "sendpayment")("--pay_req=" + self.invoice_data)
       +    def on_lightning_qr(self):
       +        self.app.show_info("Lightning Invoice QR scanning not implemented") #TODO
   DIR diff --git a/gui/qt/lightning_invoice_list.py b/gui/qt/lightning_invoice_list.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,147 @@
       +# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
       +import base64
       +import binascii
       +from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtWidgets
       +from collections import OrderedDict
       +import logging
       +from electrum.lightning import lightningCall
       +mapping = {0: "r_hash", 1: "pay_req", 2: "settled"}
       +revMapp = {"r_hash": 0, "pay_req": 1, "settled": 2}
       +datatable = OrderedDict([])
       +idx = 0
       +class MyTableRow(QtWidgets.QTreeWidgetItem):
       +    def __init__(self, di):
       +        if "settled" not in di:
       +            di["settled"] = False
       +        strs = [str(di[mapping[key]]) for key in range(len(mapping))]
       +        print(strs)
       +        super(MyTableRow, self).__init__(strs)
       +        assert isinstance(di, dict)
       +        self.di = di
       +    def __getitem__(self, idx):
       +        return self.di[idx]
       +    def __setitem__(self, idx, val):
       +        self.di[idx] = val
       +        try:
       +            self.setData(revMapp[idx], QtCore.Qt.DisplayRole, '{0}'.format(val))
       +        except KeyError:
       +            logging.warning("Lightning Invoice field %s unknown", idx)
       +    def __str__(self):
       +        return str(self.di)
       +def addInvoiceRow(new):
       +    made = MyTableRow(new)
       +    datatable[new["r_hash"]] = made
       +    datatable.move_to_end(new["r_hash"], last=False)
       +    return made
       +def clickHandler(numInput, treeView, lightningRpc):
       +    amt = numInput.value()
       +    if amt < 1:
       +        print("value too small")
       +        return
       +    print("creating invoice with value {}".format(amt))
       +    global idx
       +    #obj = {
       +    #    "r_hash": binascii.hexlify((int.from_bytes(bytearray.fromhex("9500edb0994b7bc23349193486b25c82097045db641f35fa988c0e849acdec29"), "big")+idx).to_bytes(byteorder="big", length=32)).decode("ascii"),
       +    #    "pay_req": "lntb81920n1pdf258s" + str(idx),
       +    #    "settled": False
       +    #}
       +    #treeView.insertTopLevelItem(0, addInvoiceRow(obj))
       +    idx += 1
       +    lightningCall(lightningRpc, "addinvoice")("--amt=" + str(amt))
       +class LightningInvoiceList(QtWidgets.QWidget):
       +    def create_menu(self, position):
       +        menu = QtWidgets.QMenu()
       +        pay_req = self._tv.currentItem()["pay_req"]
       +        cb = QtWidgets.QApplication.instance().clipboard()
       +        def copy():
       +            print(pay_req)
       +            cb.setText(pay_req)
       +        menu.addAction("Copy payment request", copy)
       +        menu.exec_(self._tv.viewport().mapToGlobal(position))
       +    def lightningWorkerHandler(self, sourceClassName, obj):
       +        new = {}
       +        for k, v in obj.items():
       +            try:
       +                v = binascii.hexlify(base64.b64decode(v)).decode("ascii")
       +            except:
       +                pass
       +            new[k] = v
       +        try:
       +            obj = datatable[new["r_hash"]]
       +        except KeyError:
       +            print("lightning payment invoice r_hash {} unknown!".format(new["r_hash"]))
       +        else:
       +            for k, v in new.items():
       +                try:
       +                    if obj[k] != v: obj[k] = v
       +                except KeyError:
       +                    obj[k] = v
       +    def lightningRpcHandler(self, methodName, obj):
       +        if methodName != "addinvoice":
       +            print("ignoring reply {} to {}".format(obj, methodName))
       +            return
       +        self._tv.insertTopLevelItem(0, addInvoiceRow(obj))
       +    def __init__(self, parent, lightningWorker, lightningRpc):
       +        QtWidgets.QWidget.__init__(self, parent)
       +        lightningWorker.subscribe(self.lightningWorkerHandler)
       +        lightningRpc.subscribe(self.lightningRpcHandler)
       +        self._tv=QtWidgets.QTreeWidget(self)
       +        self._tv.setHeaderLabels([mapping[i] for i in range(len(mapping))])
       +        self._tv.setColumnCount(len(mapping))
       +        self._tv.setContextMenuPolicy(QtCore.Qt.CustomContextMenu)
       +        self._tv.customContextMenuRequested.connect(self.create_menu)
       +        class SatoshiCountSpinBox(QtWidgets.QSpinBox):
       +            def keyPressEvent(self2, e):
       +                super(SatoshiCountSpinBox, self2).keyPressEvent(e)
       +                if QtCore.Qt.Key_Return == e.key():
       +                    clickHandler(self2, self._tv, lightningRpc)
       +        numInput = SatoshiCountSpinBox(self)
       +        button = QtWidgets.QPushButton('Add invoice', self)
       +        button.clicked.connect(lambda: clickHandler(numInput, self._tv, lightningRpc))
       +        l=QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self)
       +        h=QtWidgets.QGridLayout(self)
       +        h.addWidget(numInput, 0, 0)
       +        h.addWidget(button, 0, 1)
       +        #h.addItem(QtWidgets.QSpacerItem(100, 200, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Preferred), 0, 2)
       +        #h.setSizePolicy(
       +        h.setColumnStretch(0, 1)
       +        h.setColumnStretch(1, 1)
       +        h.setColumnStretch(2, 2)
       +        l.addLayout(h)
       +        l.addWidget(self._tv)
       +        self.resize(2500,1000)
       +def tick():
       +  key = "9500edb0994b7bc23349193486b25c82097045db641f35fa988c0e849acdec29"
       +  if not key in datatable:
       +      return
       +  row = datatable[key]
       +  row["settled"] = not row["settled"]
       +  print("data changed")
       +if __name__=="__main__":
       +    from sys import argv, exit
       +    a=QtWidgets.QApplication(argv)
       +    w=LightningInvoiceList()
       +    w.show()
       +    w.raise_()
       +    timer = QtCore.QTimer()
       +    timer.timeout.connect(tick)
       +    timer.start(1000)
       +    exit(a.exec_())
   DIR diff --git a/lib/lightning.py b/lib/lightning.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,912 @@
       +import functools
       +import sys
       +import struct
       +import traceback
       +sys.path.insert(0, "lib/ln")
       +from .ln import rpc_pb2
       +from jsonrpclib import Server
       +from google.protobuf import json_format
       +import binascii
       +import ecdsa.util
       +import hashlib
       +from .bitcoin import EC_KEY, MySigningKey
       +from ecdsa.curves import SECP256k1
       +from . import bitcoin
       +from . import transaction
       +from . import keystore
       +import queue
       +from .util import ForeverCoroutineJob
       +import threading
       +import json
       +import base64
       +import asyncio
       +from concurrent.futures import TimeoutError
       +WALLET = None
       +NETWORK = None
       +CONFIG = None
       +locked = set()
       +machine = ""
       +#machine = ""
       +def WriteDb(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.WriteDbRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    print("writedb unimplemented", req.dbData)
       +    m = rpc_pb2.WriteDbResponse()
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +def ConfirmedBalance(json):
       +    request = rpc_pb2.ConfirmedBalanceRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, request)
       +    m = rpc_pb2.ConfirmedBalanceResponse()
       +    confs = request.confirmations
       +    #witness = request.witness  # bool
       +    m.amount = sum(WALLET.get_balance())
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +def NewAddress(json):
       +    request = rpc_pb2.NewAddressRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, request)
       +    m = rpc_pb2.NewAddressResponse()
       +    if request.type == rpc_pb2.WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH:
       +        m.address = WALLET.get_unused_address()
       +    elif request.type == rpc_pb2.NESTED_PUBKEY_HASH:
       +        assert False, "cannot handle nested-pubkey-hash address type generation yet"
       +    elif request.type == rpc_pb2.PUBKEY_HASH:
       +        assert False, "cannot handle pubkey_hash generation yet"
       +    else:
       +        assert False, "unknown address type"
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +#def FetchRootKey(json):
       +#    request = rpc_pb2.FetchRootKeyRequest()
       +#    json_format.Parse(json, request)
       +#    m = rpc_pb2.FetchRootKeyResponse()
       +#    m.rootKey = WALLET.keystore.get_private_key([151,151,151,151], None)[0]
       +#    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +#    return msg
       +cl = rpc_pb2.ListUnspentWitnessRequest
       +assert rpc_pb2.WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH is not None
       +def ListUnspentWitness(json):
       +    req = cl()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    confs = req.minConfirmations #TODO regard this
       +    unspent = WALLET.get_utxos()
       +    m = rpc_pb2.ListUnspentWitnessResponse()
       +    for utxo in unspent:
       +        # print(utxo)
       +        # example:
       +        # {'prevout_n': 0,
       +        #  'address': 'sb1qt52ccplvtpehz7qvvqft2udf2eaqvfsal08xre',
       +        #  'prevout_hash': '0d4caccd6e8a906c8ca22badf597c4dedc6dd7839f3cac3137f8f29212099882',
       +        #  'coinbase': False,
       +        #  'height': 326,
       +        #  'value': 400000000}
       +        global locked
       +        if (utxo["prevout_hash"], utxo["prevout_n"]) in locked:
       +            print("SKIPPING LOCKED OUTPOINT", utxo["prevout_hash"])
       +            continue
       +        towire = m.utxos.add()
       +        towire.addressType = rpc_pb2.WITNESS_PUBKEY_HASH
       +        towire.redeemScript = b""
       +        towire.pkScript = b""
       +        towire.witnessScript = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(
       +            bitcoin.address_to_script(utxo["address"])))
       +        towire.value = utxo["value"]
       +        towire.outPoint.hash = utxo["prevout_hash"]
       +        towire.outPoint.index = utxo["prevout_n"]
       +    return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +def LockOutpoint(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.LockOutpointRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    global locked
       +    locked.add((req.outpoint.hash, req.outpoint.index))
       +def UnlockOutpoint(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.UnlockOutpointRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    global locked
       +    # throws KeyError if not existing. Use .discard() if we do not care
       +    locked.remove((req.outpoint.hash, req.outpoint.index))
       +def ListTransactionDetails(json):
       +    global WALLET
       +    global NETWORK
       +    m = rpc_pb2.ListTransactionDetailsResponse()
       +    for tx_hash, height, conf, timestamp, delta, balance in WALLET.get_history():
       +        if height == 0:
       +          print("WARNING", tx_hash, "has zero height!")
       +        detail = m.details.add()
       +        detail.hash = tx_hash
       +        detail.value = delta
       +        detail.numConfirmations = conf
       +        detail.blockHash = NETWORK.blockchain().get_hash(height)
       +        detail.blockHeight = height
       +        detail.timestamp = timestamp
       +        detail.totalFees = 1337 # TODO
       +    return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +def FetchInputInfo(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.FetchInputInfoRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    has = req.outPoint.hash
       +    idx = req.outPoint.index
       +    txoinfo = WALLET.txo.get(has, {})
       +    m = rpc_pb2.FetchInputInfoResponse()
       +    if has in WALLET.transactions:
       +        tx = WALLET.transactions[has]
       +        m.mine = True
       +    else:
       +        tx = WALLET.get_input_tx(has)
       +        print("did not find tx with hash", has)
       +        print("tx", tx)
       +        m.mine = False
       +        return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    outputs = tx.outputs()
       +    assert {bitcoin.TYPE_SCRIPT: "SCRIPT", bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS: "ADDRESS",
       +            bitcoin.TYPE_PUBKEY: "PUBKEY"}[outputs[idx][0]] == "ADDRESS"
       +    scr = transaction.Transaction.pay_script(outputs[idx][0], outputs[idx][1])
       +    m.txOut.value = outputs[idx][2]  # type, addr, val
       +    m.txOut.pkScript = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(scr))
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +def SendOutputs(json):
       +    global NETWORK, WALLET, CONFIG
       +    req = rpc_pb2.SendOutputsRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    m = rpc_pb2.SendOutputsResponse()
       +    elecOutputs = [(bitcoin.TYPE_SCRIPT, binascii.hexlify(txout.pkScript).decode("utf-8"), txout.value) for txout in req.outputs]
       +    print("ignoring feeSatPerByte", req.feeSatPerByte) # TODO
       +    tx = None
       +    try:
       +        #                outputs,     password, config, fee
       +        tx = WALLET.mktx(elecOutputs, None,     CONFIG, 1000)
       +    except Exception as e:
       +        m.success = False
       +        m.error = str(e)
       +        m.resultHash = ""
       +        return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    suc, has = NETWORK.broadcast(tx)
       +    if not suc:
       +        m.success = False
       +        m.error = "electrum/lightning/SendOutputs: Could not broadcast: " + str(has)
       +        m.resultHash = ""
       +        return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    m.success = True
       +    m.error = ""
       +    m.resultHash = tx.txid()
       +    return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +def isSynced():
       +    global NETWORK
       +    local_height, server_height = NETWORK.get_status_value("updated")
       +    synced = server_height != 0 and NETWORK.is_up_to_date() and local_height >= server_height
       +    return synced, local_height, server_height
       +def IsSynced(json):
       +    m = rpc_pb2.IsSyncedResponse()
       +    m.synced, localHeight, _ = isSynced()
       +    block = NETWORK.blockchain().read_header(localHeight)
       +    m.lastBlockTimeStamp = block["timestamp"]
       +    return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +def SignMessage(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.SignMessageRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    m = rpc_pb2.SignMessageResponse()
       +    pri = privKeyForPubKey(req.pubKey)
       +    m.signature = pri.sign(bitcoin.Hash(req.messageToBeSigned), ecdsa.util.sigencode_der)
       +    m.error = ""
       +    m.success = True
       +    return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +def LEtobytes(x, l):
       +    if l == 2:
       +        fmt = "<H"
       +    elif l == 4:
       +        fmt = "<I"
       +    elif l == 8:
       +        fmt = "<Q"
       +    else:
       +        assert False, "invalid format for LEtobytes"
       +    return struct.pack(fmt, x)
       +def toint(x):
       +    if len(x) == 1:
       +        return ord(x)
       +    elif len(x) == 2:
       +        fmt = ">H"
       +    elif len(x) == 4:
       +        fmt = ">I"
       +    elif len(x) == 8:
       +        fmt = ">Q"
       +    else:
       +        assert False, "invalid length for toint(): " + str(len(x))
       +    return struct.unpack(fmt, x)[0]
       +class TxSigHashes(object):
       +    def __init__(self, hashOutputs=None, hashSequence=None, hashPrevOuts=None):
       +        self.hashOutputs = hashOutputs
       +        self.hashSequence = hashSequence
       +        self.hashPrevOuts = hashPrevOuts
       +class Output(object):
       +    def __init__(self, value=None, pkScript=None):
       +        assert value is not None and pkScript is not None
       +        self.value = value
       +        self.pkScript = pkScript
       +class InputScript(object):
       +    def __init__(self, scriptSig, witness):
       +        assert witness is None or type(witness[0]) is type(bytes([]))
       +        assert type(scriptSig) is type(bytes([]))
       +        self.scriptSig = scriptSig
       +        self.witness = witness
       +def tweakPrivKey(basePriv, commitTweak):
       +    tweakInt = int.from_bytes(commitTweak, byteorder="big")
       +    tweakInt += basePriv.secret # D is secret
       +    tweakInt %= SECP256k1.generator.order()
       +    return EC_KEY(tweakInt.to_bytes(32, 'big'))
       +def singleTweakBytes(commitPoint, basePoint):
       +    m = hashlib.sha256()
       +    m.update(bytearray.fromhex(commitPoint))
       +    m.update(bytearray.fromhex(basePoint))
       +    return m.digest()
       +def deriveRevocationPrivKey(revokeBasePriv, commitSecret):
       +    revokeTweakBytes = singleTweakBytes(revokeBasePriv.get_public_key(True),
       +                                        commitSecret.get_public_key(True))
       +    revokeTweakInt = int.from_bytes(revokeTweakBytes, byteorder="big")
       +    commitTweakBytes = singleTweakBytes(commitSecret.get_public_key(True),
       +                                        revokeBasePriv.get_public_key(True))
       +    commitTweakInt = int.from_bytes(commitTweakBytes, byteorder="big")
       +    revokeHalfPriv = revokeTweakInt * revokeBasePriv.secret # D is secret
       +    commitHalfPriv = commitTweakInt * commitSecret.secret
       +    revocationPriv = revokeHalfPriv + commitHalfPriv
       +    revocationPriv %= SECP256k1.generator.order()
       +    return EC_KEY(revocationPriv.to_bytes(32, byteorder="big"))
       +def maybeTweakPrivKey(signdesc, pri):
       +    if len(signdesc.singleTweak) > 0:
       +        pri2 = tweakPrivKey(pri, signdesc.singleTweak)
       +    elif len(signdesc.doubleTweak) > 0:
       +        pri2 = deriveRevocationPrivKey(pri, EC_KEY(signdesc.doubleTweak))
       +    else:
       +        pri2 = pri
       +    if pri2 != pri:
       +        have_keys = WALLET.storage.get("lightning_extra_keys", [])
       +        if pri2.secret not in have_keys:
       +            WALLET.storage.put("lightning_extra_keys", have_keys + [pri2.secret])
       +            WALLET.storage.write()
       +            print("saved new tweaked key", pri2.secret)
       +    return pri2
       +def isWitnessPubKeyHash(script):
       +    if len(script) != 2:
       +        return False
       +    haveop0 = (transaction.opcodes.OP_0 == script[0][0])
       +    haveopdata20 = (20 == script[1][0])
       +    return haveop0 and haveopdata20
       +#// calcWitnessSignatureHash computes the sighash digest of a transaction's
       +#// segwit input using the new, optimized digest calculation algorithm defined
       +#// in BIP0143: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0143.mediawiki.
       +#// This function makes use of pre-calculated sighash fragments stored within
       +#// the passed HashCache to eliminate duplicate hashing computations when
       +#// calculating the final digest, reducing the complexity from O(N^2) to O(N).
       +#// Additionally, signatures now cover the input value of the referenced unspent
       +#// output. This allows offline, or hardware wallets to compute the exact amount
       +#// being spent, in addition to the final transaction fee. In the case the
       +#// wallet if fed an invalid input amount, the real sighash will differ causing
       +#// the produced signature to be invalid.
       +def calcWitnessSignatureHash(original, sigHashes, hashType, tx, idx, amt):
       +    assert len(original) != 0
       +    decoded = transaction.deserialize(binascii.hexlify(tx).decode("utf-8"))
       +    if idx > len(decoded["inputs"]) - 1:
       +        raise Exception("invalid inputIndex")
       +    txin = decoded["inputs"][idx]
       +    #tohash = transaction.Transaction.serialize_witness(txin)
       +    sigHash = LEtobytes(decoded["version"], 4)
       +    if toint(hashType) & toint(sigHashAnyOneCanPay) == 0:
       +        sigHash += bytes(bytearray.fromhex(sigHashes.hashPrevOuts))[::-1]
       +    else:
       +        sigHash += b"\x00" * 32
       +    if toint(hashType) & toint(sigHashAnyOneCanPay) == 0 and toint(hashType) & toint(sigHashMask) != toint(sigHashSingle) and toint(hashType) & toint(sigHashMask) != toint(sigHashNone):
       +        sigHash += bytes(bytearray.fromhex(sigHashes.hashSequence))[::-1]
       +    else:
       +        sigHash += b"\x00" * 32
       +    sigHash += bytes(bytearray.fromhex(txin["prevout_hash"]))[::-1]
       +    sigHash += LEtobytes(txin["prevout_n"], 4)
       +    # byte 72
       +    subscript = list(transaction.script_GetOp(original))
       +    if isWitnessPubKeyHash(subscript):
       +        sigHash += b"\x19"
       +        sigHash += bytes([transaction.opcodes.OP_DUP])
       +        sigHash += bytes([transaction.opcodes.OP_HASH160])
       +        sigHash += b"\x14"  # 20 bytes
       +        assert len(subscript) == 2, subscript
       +        opcode, data, length = subscript[1]
       +        sigHash += data
       +        sigHash += bytes([transaction.opcodes.OP_EQUALVERIFY])
       +        sigHash += bytes([transaction.opcodes.OP_CHECKSIG])
       +    else:
       +        # For p2wsh outputs, and future outputs, the script code is
       +        # the original script, with all code separators removed,
       +        # serialized with a var int length prefix.
       +        assert len(sigHash) == 104, len(sigHash)
       +        sigHash += bytes(bytearray.fromhex(bitcoin.var_int(len(original))))
       +        assert len(sigHash) == 105, len(sigHash)
       +        sigHash += original
       +    sigHash += LEtobytes(amt, 8)
       +    sigHash += LEtobytes(txin["sequence"], 4)
       +    if toint(hashType) & toint(sigHashSingle) != toint(sigHashSingle) and toint(hashType) & toint(sigHashNone) != toint(sigHashNone):
       +        sigHash += bytes(bytearray.fromhex(sigHashes.hashOutputs))[::-1]
       +    elif toint(hashtype) & toint(sigHashMask) == toint(sigHashSingle) and idx < len(decoded["outputs"]):
       +        raise Exception("TODO 1")
       +    else:
       +        raise Exception("TODO 2")
       +    sigHash += LEtobytes(decoded["lockTime"], 4)
       +    sigHash += LEtobytes(toint(hashType), 4)
       +    return transaction.Hash(sigHash)
       +#// RawTxInWitnessSignature returns the serialized ECDA signature for the input
       +#// idx of the given transaction, with the hashType appended to it. This
       +#// function is identical to RawTxInSignature, however the signature generated
       +#// signs a new sighash digest defined in BIP0143.
       +# func RawTxInWitnessSignature(tx *MsgTx, sigHashes *TxSigHashes, idx int,
       +#  amt int64, subScript []byte, hashType SigHashType,
       +#  key *btcec.PrivateKey) ([]byte, error) {
       +def rawTxInWitnessSignature(tx, sigHashes, idx, amt, subscript, hashType, key):
       +    digest = calcWitnessSignatureHash(
       +        subscript, sigHashes, hashType, tx, idx, amt)
       +    return key.sign(digest, sigencode=ecdsa.util.sigencode_der) + hashType
       +# WitnessSignature creates an input witness stack for tx to spend BTC sent
       +# from a previous output to the owner of privKey using the p2wkh script
       +# template. The passed transaction must contain all the inputs and outputs as
       +# dictated by the passed hashType. The signature generated observes the new
       +# transaction digest algorithm defined within BIP0143.
       +def witnessSignature(tx, sigHashes, idx, amt, subscript, hashType, privKey, compress):
       +    sig = rawTxInWitnessSignature(
       +        tx, sigHashes, idx, amt, subscript, hashType, privKey)
       +    pkData = bytes(bytearray.fromhex(
       +        privKey.get_public_key(compressed=compress)))
       +    return sig, pkData
       +sigHashMask = b"\x1f"
       +sigHashAll = b"\x01"
       +sigHashNone = b"\x02"
       +sigHashSingle = b"\x03"
       +sigHashAnyOneCanPay = b"\x80"
       +test = rpc_pb2.ComputeInputScriptResponse()
       +def SignOutputRaw(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.SignOutputRawRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    #assert len(req.signDesc.pubKey) in [33, 0]
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.doubleTweak) in [32, 0]
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.sigHashes.hashPrevOuts) == 64
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.sigHashes.hashSequence) == 64
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.sigHashes.hashOutputs) == 64
       +    m = rpc_pb2.SignOutputRawResponse()
       +    m.signature = signOutputRaw(req.tx, req.signDesc)
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +def signOutputRaw(tx, signDesc):
       +    pri = derivePrivKey(signDesc.keyDescriptor)
       +    assert pri is not None
       +    pri2 = maybeTweakPrivKey(signDesc, pri)
       +    sig = rawTxInWitnessSignature(tx, signDesc.sigHashes, signDesc.inputIndex,
       +                                  signDesc.output.value, signDesc.witnessScript, sigHashAll, pri2)
       +    return sig[:len(sig) - 1]
       +async def PublishTransaction(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.PublishTransactionRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    global NETWORK
       +    tx = transaction.Transaction(binascii.hexlify(req.tx).decode("utf-8"))
       +    suc, has = await NETWORK.broadcast_async(tx)
       +    m = rpc_pb2.PublishTransactionResponse()
       +    m.success = suc
       +    m.error = str(has) if not suc else ""
       +    if m.error:
       +        print("PublishTransaction", m.error)
       +        if "Missing inputs" in m.error:
       +            print("inputs", tx.inputs())
       +    return json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +def ComputeInputScript(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.ComputeInputScriptRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    #assert len(req.signDesc.pubKey) in [33, 0]
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.doubleTweak) in [32, 0]
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.sigHashes.hashPrevOuts) == 64
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.sigHashes.hashSequence) == 64
       +    assert len(req.signDesc.sigHashes.hashOutputs) == 64
       +    # singleTweak , witnessScript variable length
       +    try:
       +        inpscr = computeInputScript(req.tx, req.signDesc)
       +    except:
       +        print("catched!")
       +        traceback.print_exc()
       +        return None
       +    m = rpc_pb2.ComputeInputScriptResponse()
       +    m.witnessScript.append(inpscr.witness[0])
       +    m.witnessScript.append(inpscr.witness[1])
       +    m.scriptSig = inpscr.scriptSig
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +def fetchPrivKey(str_address, keyLocatorFamily, keyLocatorIndex):
       +    pri = None
       +    if str_address is not None:
       +        pri, redeem_script = WALLET.export_private_key(str_address, None)
       +        if redeem_script:
       +            print("ignoring redeem script", redeem_script)
       +        typ, pri, compressed = bitcoin.deserialize_privkey(pri)
       +        if keyLocatorFamily == 0 and keyLocatorIndex == 0: return EC_KEY(pri)
       +        ks = keystore.BIP32_KeyStore({})
       +        der = "m/0'/"
       +        xtype = 'p2wpkh'
       +        ks.add_xprv_from_seed(pri, xtype, der)
       +    else:
       +        ks = WALLET.keystore
       +    if keyLocatorFamily != 0 or keyLocatorIndex != 0:
       +        pri = ks.get_private_key([1017, keyLocatorFamily, keyLocatorIndex], password=None)[0]
       +        pri = EC_KEY(pri)
       +    assert pri is not None
       +    return pri
       +def computeInputScript(tx, signdesc):
       +    typ, str_address = transaction.get_address_from_output_script(
       +        signdesc.output.pkScript)
       +    assert typ != bitcoin.TYPE_SCRIPT
       +    assert len(signdesc.keyDescriptor.pubKey) == 0
       +    pri = fetchPrivKey(str_address, signdesc.keyDescriptor.keyLocator.family, signdesc.keyDescriptor.keyLocator.index)
       +    isNestedWitness = False  # because NewAddress only does native addresses
       +    witnessProgram = None
       +    ourScriptSig = None
       +    if isNestedWitness:
       +        pub = pri.get_public_key()
       +        scr = bitcoin.hash_160(pub)
       +        witnessProgram = b"\x00\x14" + scr
       +        # \x14 is OP_20
       +        ourScriptSig = b"\x16\x00\x14" + scr
       +    else:
       +        # TODO TEST
       +        witnessProgram = signdesc.output.pkScript
       +        ourScriptSig = b""
       +        print("set empty ourScriptSig")
       +        print("witnessProgram", witnessProgram)
       +    # If a tweak (single or double) is specified, then we'll need to use
       +    # this tweak to derive the final private key to be used for signing
       +    # this output.
       +    pri2 = maybeTweakPrivKey(signdesc, pri)
       +    #
       +    # Generate a valid witness stack for the input.
       +    # TODO(roasbeef): adhere to passed HashType
       +    witnessScript, pkData = witnessSignature(tx, signdesc.sigHashes,
       +                                             signdesc.inputIndex, signdesc.output.value, witnessProgram,
       +                                             sigHashAll, pri2, True)
       +    return InputScript(witness=(witnessScript, pkData), scriptSig=ourScriptSig)
       +from collections import namedtuple
       +QueueItem = namedtuple("QueueItem", ["methodName", "args"])
       +class LightningRPC(ForeverCoroutineJob):
       +    def __init__(self):
       +        super(LightningRPC, self).__init__()
       +        self.queue = queue.Queue()
       +        self.subscribers = []
       +    # overridden
       +    async def run(self, is_running):
       +      print("RPC STARTED")
       +      while is_running():
       +        try:
       +            qitem = self.queue.get(block=False)
       +        except queue.Empty:
       +            await asyncio.sleep(1)
       +            pass
       +        else:
       +            def lightningRpcNetworkRequestThreadTarget(qitem):
       +                applyMethodName = lambda x: functools.partial(x, qitem.methodName)
       +                client = Server("http://" + machine + ":8090")
       +                argumentStrings = [str(x) for x in qitem.args]
       +                lightningSessionKey = base64.b64encode(privateKeyHash[:6]).decode("ascii")
       +                resolvedMethod = getattr(client, qitem.methodName)
       +                try:
       +                    result = resolvedMethod(lightningSessionKey, *argumentStrings)
       +                except BaseException as e:
       +                    traceback.print_exc()
       +                    for i in self.subscribers: applyMethodName(i)(e)
       +                    raise
       +                toprint = result
       +                try:
       +                    assert result["stderr"] == "" and result["returncode"] == 0, "LightningRPC detected error: " + result["stderr"]
       +                    toprint = json.loads(result["stdout"])
       +                    for i in self.subscribers: applyMethodName(i)(toprint)
       +                except BaseException as e:
       +                    traceback.print_exc()
       +                    for i in self.subscribers: applyMethodName(i)(e)
       +                if self.console:
       +                    self.console.newResult.emit(json.dumps(toprint, indent=4))
       +            threading.Thread(target=lightningRpcNetworkRequestThreadTarget, args=(qitem, )).start()
       +    def setConsole(self, console):
       +        self.console = console
       +    def subscribe(self, notifyFunction):
       +        self.subscribers.append(notifyFunction)
       +    def clearSubscribers():
       +        self.subscribers = []
       +def lightningCall(rpc, methodName):
       +    def fun(*args):
       +        rpc.queue.put(QueueItem(methodName, args))
       +    return fun
       +class LightningUI():
       +    def __init__(self, lightningGetter):
       +        self.rpc = lightningGetter
       +    def __getattr__(self, nam):
       +        synced, local, server = isSynced()
       +        if not synced:
       +            return lambda *args: "Not synced yet: local/server: {}/{}".format(local, server)
       +        return lightningCall(self.rpc(), nam)
       +privateKeyHash = None
       +class LightningWorker(ForeverCoroutineJob):
       +    def __init__(self, wallet, network, config):
       +        global privateKeyHash
       +        super(LightningWorker, self).__init__()
       +        self.server = None
       +        self.wallet = wallet
       +        self.network = network
       +        self.config = config
       +        ks = self.wallet().keystore
       +        assert hasattr(ks, "xprv"), "Wallet must have xprv, can't be e.g. imported"
       +        try:
       +            xprv = ks.get_master_private_key(None)
       +        except:
       +            raise BaseException("Could not get master private key, is the wallet password protected?")
       +        xprv, xpub = bitcoin.bip32_private_derivation(xprv, "m/", "m/152/152/152/152")
       +        tupl = bitcoin.deserialize_xprv(xprv)
       +        privKey = tupl[-1]
       +        assert type(privKey) is type(bytes([]))
       +        privateKeyHash = bitcoin.Hash(privKey)
       +        deser = bitcoin.deserialize_xpub(wallet().keystore.xpub)
       +        assert deser[0] == "p2wpkh", deser
       +        self.subscribers = []
       +    async def run(self, is_running):
       +        global WALLET, NETWORK
       +        global CONFIG
       +        wasAlreadyUpToDate = False
       +        while is_running():
       +            WALLET = self.wallet()
       +            NETWORK = self.network()
       +            CONFIG = self.config()
       +            synced, local, server = isSynced()
       +            if not synced:
       +                await asyncio.sleep(5)
       +                continue
       +            else:
       +                if not wasAlreadyUpToDate:
       +                    print("UP TO DATE FOR THE FIRST TIME")
       +                    print(NETWORK.get_status_value("updated"))
       +                wasAlreadyUpToDate = True
       +            writer = None
       +            try:
       +                reader, writer = await asyncio.wait_for(asyncio.open_connection(machine, 1080), 5)
       +                writer.write(b"MAGIC")
       +                writer.write(privateKeyHash[:6])
       +                await asyncio.wait_for(writer.drain(), 5)
       +                while is_running():
       +                    obj = await readJson(reader, is_running)
       +                    if not obj: continue
       +                    if "id" not in obj:
       +                        print("Invoice update?", obj)
       +                        for i in self.subscribers: i(obj)
       +                        continue
       +                    await asyncio.wait_for(readReqAndReply(obj, writer), 10)
       +            except:
       +                traceback.print_exc()
       +                await asyncio.sleep(5)
       +                continue
       +    def subscribe(self, notifyFunction):
       +        self.subscribers.append(functools.partial(notifyFunction, "LightningWorker"))
       +async def readJson(reader, is_running):
       +    data = b""
       +    while is_running():
       +      newlines = sum(1 if x == b"\n"[0] else 0 for x in data)
       +      if newlines > 1: print("Too many newlines in Electrum/lightning.py!", data)
       +      try:
       +        return json.loads(data)
       +      except ValueError:
       +        if data != b"": print("parse failed, data has", data)
       +        try:
       +            data += await asyncio.wait_for(reader.read(2048), 1)
       +        except TimeoutError:
       +            continue
       +async def readReqAndReply(obj, writer):
       +    methods = [
       +    # SecretKeyRing
       +    DerivePrivKey,
       +    DeriveNextKey,
       +    DeriveKey,
       +    ScalarMult
       +    # Signer / BlockchainIO
       +    ,ConfirmedBalance
       +    ,NewAddress
       +    ,ListUnspentWitness
       +    ,WriteDb
       +    ,FetchInputInfo
       +    ,ComputeInputScript
       +    ,SignOutputRaw
       +    ,PublishTransaction
       +    ,LockOutpoint
       +    ,UnlockOutpoint
       +    ,ListTransactionDetails
       +    ,SendOutputs
       +    ,IsSynced
       +    ,SignMessage]
       +    result = None
       +    found = False
       +    try:
       +        for method in methods:
       +            if method.__name__ == obj["method"]:
       +                params = obj["params"][0]
       +                print("calling method", obj["method"], "with", params)
       +                if asyncio.iscoroutinefunction(method):
       +                    result = await method(params)
       +                else:
       +                    result = method(params)
       +                found = True
       +                break
       +    except BaseException as e:
       +        traceback.print_exc()
       +        print("exception while calling method", obj["method"])
       +        writer.write(json.dumps({"id":obj["id"],"error": {"code": -32002, "message": traceback.format_exc()}}).encode("ascii") + b"\n")
       +        await writer.drain()
       +    else:
       +        if not found:
       +            # TODO assumes obj has id
       +            writer.write(json.dumps({"id":obj["id"],"error": {"code": -32601, "message": "invalid method"}}).encode("ascii") + b"\n")
       +        else:
       +            print("result was", result)
       +            if result is None:
       +                result = "{}"
       +            try:
       +                assert type({}) is type(json.loads(result))
       +            except:
       +                traceback.print_exc()
       +                print("wrong method implementation")
       +                writer.write(json.dumps({"id":obj["id"],"error": {"code": -32000, "message": "wrong return type in electrum-lightning-hub"}}).encode("ascii") + b"\n")
       +            else:
       +                writer.write(json.dumps({"id":obj["id"],"result": result}).encode("ascii") + b"\n")
       +        await writer.drain()
       +def privKeyForPubKey(pubKey):
       +    global globalIdx
       +    priv_keys = WALLET.storage.get("lightning_extra_keys", [])
       +    for i in priv_keys:
       +        candidate = EC_KEY(i.to_bytes(32, "big"))
       +        if pubkFromECKEY(candidate) == pubKey:
       +            return candidate
       +    attemptKeyIdx = globalIdx - 1
       +    while attemptKeyIdx >= 0:
       +      attemptPrivKey = fetchPrivKey(None, 9000, attemptKeyIdx)
       +      attempt = pubkFromECKEY(attemptPrivKey)
       +      if attempt == pubKey:
       +        return attemptPrivKey
       +      attemptKeyIdx -= 1
       +    adr = bitcoin.pubkey_to_address('p2wpkh', binascii.hexlify(pubKey).decode("utf-8"))
       +    pri, redeem_script = WALLET.export_private_key(adr, None)
       +    if redeem_script:
       +        print("ignoring redeem script", redeem_script)
       +    typ, pri, compressed = bitcoin.deserialize_privkey(pri)
       +    return EC_KEY(pri)
       +    #assert False, "could not find private key for pubkey {} hex={}".format(pubKey, binascii.hexlify(pubKey).decode("ascii"))
       +def derivePrivKey(keyDesc):
       +    keyDescFam = keyDesc.keyLocator.family
       +    keyDescIdx = keyDesc.keyLocator.index
       +    keyDescPubKey = keyDesc.pubKey
       +    privKey = None
       +    if len(keyDescPubKey) != 0:
       +        return privKeyForPubKey(keyDescPubKey)
       +    return fetchPrivKey(None, keyDescFam, keyDescIdx)
       +def DerivePrivKey(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.DerivePrivKeyRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    m = rpc_pb2.DerivePrivKeyResponse()
       +    m.privKey = derivePrivKey(req.keyDescriptor).secret.to_bytes(32, "big")
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +globalIdx = 0
       +def DeriveNextKey(json):
       +    global globalIdx
       +    req = rpc_pb2.DeriveNextKeyRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    family = req.keyFamily
       +    m = rpc_pb2.DeriveNextKeyResponse()
       +    # lnd leaves these unset:
       +    # source: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/pull/769/files#diff-c954f5135a8995b1a3dfa298101dd0efR160
       +    #m.keyDescriptor.keyLocator.family = 
       +    #m.keyDescriptor.keyLocator.index = 
       +    m.keyDescriptor.pubKey = pubkFromECKEY(fetchPrivKey(None, 9000, globalIdx))
       +    globalIdx += 1
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +def DeriveKey(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.DeriveKeyRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    family = req.keyLocator.family
       +    idx =  req.keyLocator.index
       +    m = rpc_pb2.DeriveKeyResponse()
       +    #lnd sets these to parameter values
       +    m.keyDescriptor.keyLocator.family = family
       +    m.keyDescriptor.keyLocator.index = index
       +    m.keyDescriptor.pubKey = pubkFromECKEY(fetchPrivKey(None, family, index))
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +#// ScalarMult performs a scalar multiplication (ECDH-like operation) between
       +#// the target key descriptor and remote public key. The output returned will be
       +#// the sha256 of the resulting shared point serialized in compressed format. If
       +#// k is our private key, and P is the public key, we perform the following
       +#// operation:
       +#//  sx := k*P s := sha256(sx.SerializeCompressed())
       +def ScalarMult(json):
       +    req = rpc_pb2.ScalarMultRequest()
       +    json_format.Parse(json, req)
       +    privKey = derivePrivKey(req.keyDescriptor)
       +    point = bitcoin.ser_to_point(req.pubKey)
       +    point = point * privKey.secret
       +    c = hashlib.sha256()
       +    c.update(bitcoin.point_to_ser(point, True))
       +    m = rpc_pb2.ScalarMultResponse()
       +    m.hashResult = c.digest()
       +    msg = json_format.MessageToJson(m)
       +    return msg
       +def pubkFromECKEY(eckey):
       +    return bytes(bytearray.fromhex(eckey.get_public_key(True))) #compressed=True
   DIR diff --git a/protoc_lightning.sh b/protoc_lightning.sh
       t@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
       +#!/bin/sh -ex
       +if [ ! -d $HOME/go/src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem ]; then
       +  # from readme in https://github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway
       +  go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-grpc-gateway
       +  go get -u github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/protoc-gen-swagger
       +  go get -u github.com/golang/protobuf/protoc-gen-go
       +if [ ! -d $HOME/go/src/github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd ]; then
       +  echo "You need an lnd with electrum-bridge (ysangkok/lnd maybe?) checked out since we implement the interface from there, and need it to generate code"
       +  exit 1
       +mkdir -p lib/ln || true
       +touch lib/__init__.py
       +~/go/bin/protoc -I$HOME/include -I$HOME/go/src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis --python_out=lib/ln $HOME/go/src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis/google/api/*.proto
       +python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I $HOME/go/src/github.com/grpc-ecosystem/grpc-gateway/third_party/googleapis --proto_path $HOME/go/src/github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/electrum-bridge --python_out=lib/ln --grpc_python_out=lib/ln ~/go/src/github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/electrum-bridge/rpc.proto
   DIR diff --git a/testserver.py b/testserver.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
       +import asyncio
       +async def handler(reader, writer):
       +    magic = await reader.read(5+6)
       +    await asyncio.sleep(5)
       +    print("in five sec!")
       +    await asyncio.sleep(5)
       +    writer.write(b'{\n  "r_preimage": "6UNoNhDZ/0awtaDTM7KuCtlYcNkNljscxMLleoJv9+o=",\n  "r_hash": "lQDtsJlLe8IzSRk0hrJcgglwRdtkHzX6mIwOhJrN7Ck=",\n  "value": "8192",\n  "settled": true,\n  "creation_date": "1519994196",\n  "settle_date": "1519994199",\n  "payment_request": "lntb81920n1pdfj325pp5k7erq3avatceq8ca43h5uulxrhw2ma3a442a7c8fxrsw059c3m3sdqqcqzysdpwv4dn2xd74lfmea3taxj6pjfxrdl42t8w7ceptgv5ds0td0ypk47llryl6t4a48x54d7mnwremgcmljced4dhwty9g3pfywr307aqpwtkzf4",\n  "expiry": "3600",\n  "cltv_expiry": "144"\n}\n'.replace(b"\n",b""))
       +    await writer.drain()
       +    print(magic)
       +async def handler2(reader, writer):
       +    while True:
       +        data = await reader.read(2048)
       +        if data != b'':
       +            writer.write(b"HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\nContent-length: 16\r\n\r\n{\"result\":\"lol\"}")
       +            await writer.drain()
       +asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.start_server(handler, "", 1080))
       +asyncio.ensure_future(asyncio.start_server(handler2, "", 8090))