tupgrade to type 2 wallet - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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  HTML Author: thomasv <thomasv@gitorious>
       Date:   Thu, 15 Dec 2011 15:41:50 +0100
       upgrade to type 2 wallet
         M client/electrum.py                  |     230 ++++++++++++++++++-------------
         M client/gui.py                       |      22 ++++++++++++----------
         M client/upgrade.py                   |      67 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++-----
         M client/version.py                   |       3 ++-
       4 files changed, 202 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/client/electrum.py b/client/electrum.py
       t@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
        import sys, base64, os, re, hashlib, socket, getpass, copy, operator, ast
        from decimal import Decimal
       +from ecdsa.util import string_to_number
            import ecdsa  
       t@@ -215,8 +216,7 @@ class InvalidPassword(Exception):
       -SEED_VERSION = 3  # bump this everytime the seed generation is modified
       -from version import ELECTRUM_VERSION
       +from version import ELECTRUM_VERSION, SEED_VERSION
        class Wallet:
       t@@ -230,13 +230,13 @@ class Wallet:
                self.port = 50000
                self.fee = 50000
                self.servers = ['ecdsa.org','electrum.novit.ro']  # list of default servers
       +        self.master_public_key = None
                # saved fields
                self.use_encryption = False
       -        self.addresses = []
       +        self.addresses = []          # receiving addresses visible for user
       +        self.change_addresses = []   # addresses used as change
                self.seed = ''               # encrypted
       -        self.private_keys = repr([]) # encrypted
       -        self.change_addresses = []   # index of addresses used as change
                self.status = {}             # current status of addresses
                self.history = {}
                self.labels = {}             # labels for addresses and transactions
       t@@ -262,25 +262,31 @@ class Wallet:
                    elif "LOCALAPPDATA" in os.environ:
                        wallet_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"], 'Electrum' )
                    elif "APPDATA" in os.environ:
       -                wallet_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["APPDATA"],  'Electrum' )
       +                wallet_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["APPDATA"], 'Electrum' )
                        raise BaseException("No home directory found in environment variables.")
                    if not os.path.exists( wallet_dir ): os.mkdir( wallet_dir )
       -            self.path = os.path.join( wallet_dir, 'electrum.dat')
       +            self.path = os.path.join( wallet_dir, 'electrum.dat' )
            def new_seed(self, password):
                seed = "%032x"%ecdsa.util.randrange( pow(2,128) )
       -        self.seed = wallet.pw_encode( seed, password)
       +        self.init_mpk(seed)
       +        # encrypt
       +        self.seed = wallet.pw_encode( seed, password )
       +    def init_mpk(self,seed):
       +        # public key
       +        curve = SECP256k1
       +        secexp = self.stretch_key(seed)
       +        master_private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent( secexp, curve = SECP256k1 )
       +        self.master_public_key = master_private_key.get_verifying_key().to_string()
            def is_mine(self, address):
       -        return address in self.addresses
       +        return address in self.addresses or address in self.change_addresses
            def is_change(self, address):
       -        if not self.is_mine(address): 
       -            return False
       -        k = self.addresses.index(address)
       -        return k in self.change_addresses
       +        return address in self.change_addresses
            def is_valid(self,addr):
                ADDRESS_RE = re.compile('[1-9A-HJ-NP-Za-km-z]{26,}\\Z')
       t@@ -288,43 +294,61 @@ class Wallet:
                h = bc_address_to_hash_160(addr)
                return addr == hash_160_to_bc_address(h)
       -    def create_new_address(self, for_change, password):
       -        seed = self.pw_decode( self.seed, password)
       -        # strenghtening
       +    def stretch_key(self,seed):
                oldseed = seed
                for i in range(100000):
       -            seed = hashlib.sha512(seed + oldseed).digest()
       -        i = len( self.addresses ) - len(self.change_addresses) if not for_change else len(self.change_addresses)
       -        seed = Hash( "%d:%d:"%(i,for_change) + seed )
       +            seed = hashlib.sha256(seed + oldseed).digest()
       +        return string_to_number( seed )
       +    def get_sequence(self,n,for_change):
       +        return string_to_number( Hash( "%d:%d:"%(n,for_change) + self.master_public_key ) )
       +    def get_private_key2(self, address, password):
       +        """  Privatekey(type,n) = Master_private_key + H(n|S|type)  """
       +        if address in self.addresses:
       +            n = self.addresses.index(address)
       +            for_change = False
       +        elif address in self.change_addresses:
       +            n = self.change_addresses.index(address)
       +            for_change = True
       +        else:
       +            raise BaseException("unknown address")
       +        seed = self.pw_decode( self.seed, password)
       +        secexp = self.stretch_key(seed)
                order = generator_secp256k1.order()
       -        secexp = ecdsa.util.randrange_from_seed__trytryagain( seed, order )
       -        secret = SecretToASecret( ('%064x' % secexp).decode('hex') )
       -        private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent( secexp, curve = SECP256k1 )
       -        public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key()
       -        address = public_key_to_bc_address( '04'.decode('hex') + public_key.to_string() )
       -        try:
       -            private_keys = ast.literal_eval( self.pw_decode( self.private_keys, password) )
       -            private_keys.append(secret)
       -        except:
       -            raise InvalidPassword("")
       -        self.private_keys = self.pw_encode( repr(private_keys), password)
       -        self.addresses.append(address)
       -        if for_change: self.change_addresses.append( len(self.addresses) - 1 )
       -        self.history[address] = []
       -        self.status[address] = None
       -        self.save()
       -        return address
       +        privkey_number = ( secexp + self.get_sequence(n,for_change) ) % order
       +        private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent( privkey_number, curve = SECP256k1 )
       +        # sanity check
       +        #public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key()
       +        #assert address == public_key_to_bc_address( '04'.decode('hex') + public_key.to_string() )
       +        return private_key
       -    def recover(self, password):
       -        seed = self.pw_decode( self.seed, password)
       +    def create_new_address2(self, for_change):
       +        """   Publickey(type,n) = Master_public_key + H(n|S|type)*point  """
       +        curve = SECP256k1
       +        n = len(self.change_addresses) if for_change else len(self.addresses)
       +        z = self.get_sequence(n,for_change)
       +        master_public_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_string( self.master_public_key, curve = SECP256k1 )
       +        pubkey_point = master_public_key.pubkey.point + z*curve.generator
       +        public_key2 = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point( pubkey_point, curve = SECP256k1 )
       +        address = public_key_to_bc_address( '04'.decode('hex') + public_key2.to_string() )
       +        if for_change:
       +            self.change_addresses.append(address)
       +        else:
       +            self.addresses.append(address)
       +        self.save()
       +        return address
       +    def recover(self):
                # todo: recover receiving addresses from tx
                is_found = False
                while True:
       -            addr = self.create_new_address(True, password)
       +            addr = self.create_new_address2(True)
                    self.history[addr] = h = self.retrieve_history(addr)
                    self.status[addr] = h[-1]['blk_hash'] if h else None
       -            #print "recovering", addr
       +            print "recovering", addr
                    if self.status[addr] is not None: 
                        is_found = True
       t@@ -332,10 +356,10 @@ class Wallet:
                num_gap = 0
                while True:
       -            addr = self.create_new_address(False, password)
       +            addr = self.create_new_address2(False)
                    self.history[addr] = h = self.retrieve_history(addr)
                    self.status[addr] = h[-1]['blk_hash'] if h else None
       -            #print "recovering", addr
       +            print "recovering", addr
                    if self.status[addr] is None:
                        num_gap += 1
                        if num_gap == self.gap_limit: break
       t@@ -345,12 +369,9 @@ class Wallet:
                if not is_found: return False
       -        # remove limit-1 addresses. [ this is ok, because change addresses are at the beginning of the list]
       +        # remove limit-1 addresses.
                n = self.gap_limit
                self.addresses = self.addresses[:-n]
       -        private_keys = ast.literal_eval( self.pw_decode( self.private_keys, password))
       -        private_keys = private_keys[:-n]
       -        self.private_keys = self.pw_encode( repr(private_keys), password)
                # history and addressbook
       t@@ -364,12 +385,24 @@ class Wallet:
                return True
            def save(self):
       -        s = repr( (self.seed_version, self.use_encryption, self.fee, self.host, self.port, self.blocks,
       -                   self.seed, self.addresses, self.private_keys, 
       -                   self.change_addresses, self.status, self.history, 
       -                   self.labels, self.addressbook) )
       +        s = {
       +            'seed_version':self.seed_version,
       +            'use_encryption':self.use_encryption,
       +            'master_public_key': self.master_public_key,
       +            'fee':self.fee,
       +            'host':self.host,
       +            'port':self.port,
       +            'blocks':self.blocks,
       +            'seed':self.seed,
       +            'addresses':self.addresses,
       +            'change_addresses':self.change_addresses,
       +            'status':self.status,
       +            'history':self.history, 
       +            'labels':self.labels,
       +            'contacts':self.addressbook
       +            }
                f = open(self.path,"w")
       -        f.write(s)
       +        f.write( repr(s) )
            def read(self):
       t@@ -380,32 +413,41 @@ class Wallet:
                    return False
       -            sequence = ast.literal_eval( data )
       -            (self.seed_version, self.use_encryption, self.fee, self.host, self.port, self.blocks, 
       -             self.seed, self.addresses, self.private_keys, 
       -             self.change_addresses, self.status, self.history, 
       -             self.labels, self.addressbook) = sequence
       -            self.fee = int(self.fee)
       +            d = ast.literal_eval( data )
       +            self.seed_version = d.get('seed_version')
       +            self.master_public_key = d.get('master_public_key')
       +            self.use_encryption = d.get('use_encryption')
       +            self.fee = int( d.get('fee') )
       +            self.host = d.get('host')
       +            self.port = d.get('port')
       +            self.blocks = d.get('blocks')
       +            self.seed = d.get('seed')
       +            self.addresses = d.get('addresses')
       +            self.change_addresses = d.get('change_addresses')
       +            self.status = d.get('status')
       +            self.history = d.get('history')
       +            self.labels = d.get('labels')
       +            self.addressbook = d.get('contacts')
       -            # it is safer to exit immediately
       -            print "Error; could not parse wallet."
       -            exit(1)
       +            raise BaseException("Error; could not parse wallet. If this is an old wallet format, please use upgrade.py.",0)
                if self.seed_version != SEED_VERSION:
       -            raise BaseException("Seed version mismatch.\nPlease move your balance to a new wallet.\nSee the release notes for more information.")
       +            raise BaseException("""Seed version mismatch: your wallet seed is deprecated.
       +Please create a new wallet, and send your coins to the new wallet.
       +We apologize for the inconvenience. We try to keep this kind of upgrades as rare as possible.
       +See the release notes for more information.""",1)
                return True
       -    def get_new_address(self, password):
       +    def get_new_address(self):
                n = 0 
                for addr in self.addresses[-self.gap_limit:]:
       -            if self.history[addr] == []: 
       +            if not self.history.get(addr): 
                        n = n + 1
                if n < self.gap_limit:
       -            try:
       -                new_address = self.create_new_address(False, password)
       -            except InvalidPassword:
       -                return False, "wrong password"
       -            self.save()
       +            new_address = self.create_new_address2(False)
       +            self.history[new_address] = [] #get from server
                    return True, new_address
                    return False, "The last %d addresses in your list have never been used. You should use them first, or increase the allowed gap size in your preferences. "%self.gap_limit
       t@@ -516,19 +558,17 @@ class Wallet:
                    inputs = []
                return inputs, total, fee
       -    def choose_tx_outputs( self, to_addr, amount, fee, total, password ):
       +    def choose_tx_outputs( self, to_addr, amount, fee, total ):
                outputs = [ (to_addr, amount) ]
                change_amount = total - ( amount + fee )
                if change_amount != 0:
                    # first look for unused change addresses 
       -            for addr in self.addresses:
       -                i = self.addresses.index(addr)
       -                if i not in self.change_addresses: continue
       +            for addr in self.change_addresses:
                        if self.history.get(addr): continue
                        change_address = addr
       -                change_address = self.create_new_address(True, password)
       +                change_address = self.create_new_address2(True)
                        print "new change address", change_address
                    outputs.append( (change_address,  change_amount) )
                return outputs
       t@@ -537,7 +577,7 @@ class Wallet:
                s_inputs = []
                for i in range(len(inputs)):
                    addr, v, p_hash, p_pos, p_scriptPubKey, _, _ = inputs[i]
       -            private_key = self.get_private_key(addr, password)
       +            private_key = self.get_private_key2(addr, password)
                    public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key()
                    pubkey = public_key.to_string()
                    tx = filter( raw_tx( inputs, outputs, for_sig = i ) )
       t@@ -556,24 +596,15 @@ class Wallet:
            def pw_decode(self, s, password):
                if password:
                    secret = Hash(password)
       -            return DecodeAES(secret, s)
       +            d = DecodeAES(secret, s)
       +            try:
       +                d.decode('hex')
       +            except:
       +                raise InvalidPassword()
       +            return d
                    return s
       -    def get_private_key( self, addr, password ):
       -        try:
       -            private_keys = ast.literal_eval( self.pw_decode( self.private_keys, password ) )
       -        except:
       -            raise InvalidPassword("")
       -        k = self.addresses.index(addr)
       -        secret = private_keys[k]
       -        b = ASecretToSecret(secret)
       -        secexp = int( b.encode('hex'), 16)
       -        private_key = ecdsa.SigningKey.from_secret_exponent( secexp, curve=SECP256k1 )
       -        public_key = private_key.get_verifying_key()
       -        assert addr == public_key_to_bc_address( chr(4) + public_key.to_string() )
       -        return private_key
            def get_tx_history(self):
                lines = self.tx_history.values()
                lines = sorted(lines, key=operator.itemgetter("nTime"))
       t@@ -623,7 +654,7 @@ class Wallet:
                inputs, total, fee = wallet.choose_tx_inputs( amount, fee )
                if not inputs: return False, "Not enough funds %d %d"%(total, fee)
       -            outputs = wallet.choose_tx_outputs( to_address, amount, fee, total, password )
       +            outputs = wallet.choose_tx_outputs( to_address, amount, fee, total )
                    s_inputs = wallet.sign_inputs( inputs, outputs, password )
                except InvalidPassword:
                    return False, "Wrong password"
       t@@ -648,7 +679,7 @@ class Wallet:
        from optparse import OptionParser
        if __name__ == '__main__':
       -    known_commands = ['help', 'validateaddress', 'balance', 'contacts', 'create', 'payto', 'sendtx', 'password', 'newaddress', 'addresses', 'history', 'label', 'gui', 'mktx','seed']
       +    known_commands = ['help', 'validateaddress', 'balance', 'contacts', 'create', 'payto', 'sendtx', 'password', 'newaddress', 'addresses', 'history', 'label', 'gui', 'mktx','seed','t2']
            usage = "usage: %prog [options] command args\nCommands: "+ (', '.join(known_commands))
       t@@ -713,7 +744,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                    gap = raw_input("gap limit (default 5):")
                    if gap: wallet.gap_limit = int(gap)
                    print "recovering wallet..."
       -            r = wallet.recover(password)
       +            r = wallet.recover()
                    if r:
                        print "recovery successful"
       t@@ -724,7 +755,7 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                    print "Your seed is", wallet.seed
                    print "Please store it safely"
                    # generate first key
       -            wallet.create_new_address(False, None)
       +            wallet.create_new_address2(False)
            # check syntax
            if cmd in ['payto', 'mktx']:
       t@@ -738,13 +769,13 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                    cmd = 'help'
            # open session
       -    if cmd not in ['password', 'mktx', 'history', 'label','contacts','help','validateaddress']:
       +    if cmd not in ['password', 'mktx', 'history', 'label', 'contacts', 'help', 'validateaddress']:
            # commands needing password
       -    if cmd in ['payto', 'password', 'newaddress','mktx','seed'] or ( cmd=='addresses' and options.show_keys):
       +    if cmd in ['payto', 'password', 'mktx', 'seed' ] or ( cmd=='addresses' and options.show_keys):
                password = getpass.getpass('Password:') if wallet.use_encryption else None
            if cmd=='help':
       t@@ -790,6 +821,9 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                addr = args[1]
                print wallet.is_valid(addr)
       +    elif cmd == 't2':
       +        wallet.create_t2_address(password)
            elif cmd == 'balance':
                c, u = wallet.get_balance()
                if u:
       t@@ -861,19 +895,18 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                    print h 
       -    elif cmd=='sendtx':
       +    elif cmd == 'sendtx':
                tx = args[1]
                r, h = wallet.sendtx( tx )
                print h
            elif cmd == 'newaddress':
       -        s, a = wallet.get_new_address(password)
       +        s, a = wallet.get_new_address()
                print a
            elif cmd == 'password':
                    seed = wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password)
       -            private_keys = ast.literal_eval( wallet.pw_decode( wallet.private_keys, password) )
                    print "sorry"
       t@@ -881,7 +914,6 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                if new_password == getpass.getpass('Confirm new password:'):
                    wallet.use_encryption = (new_password != '')
                    wallet.seed = wallet.pw_encode( seed, new_password)
       -            wallet.private_keys = wallet.pw_encode( repr( private_keys ), new_password)
                    print "error: mismatch"
   DIR diff --git a/client/gui.py b/client/gui.py
       t@@ -64,7 +64,6 @@ def show_seed_dialog(wallet, password, parent):
            import mnemonic
                seed = wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password)
       -        private_keys = ast.literal_eval( wallet.pw_decode( wallet.private_keys, password) )
                show_message("Incorrect password")
       t@@ -85,8 +84,13 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
                found = wallet.read()
            except BaseException, e:
       -        show_message(e.message)
       +        show_message(e.args[0])
       +        if e.args[1] == 0: exit(1)
                found = 1
       +    except:
       +        exit()
            if not found: 
                # ask if the user wants to create a new wallet, or recover from a seed. 
       t@@ -114,7 +118,7 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
                    run_settings_dialog(wallet, is_create=True, is_recovery=False, parent=None)
                    # generate first key
       -            wallet.create_new_address(False, None)
       +            wallet.create_new_address2(False)
                    # run a dialog indicating the seed, ask the user to remember it
                    show_seed_dialog(wallet, None, None)
       t@@ -133,13 +137,14 @@ def init_wallet(wallet):
                        message_format = "Please wait..."  )
       -            def recover_thread( wallet, dialog, password ):
       -                wallet.is_found = wallet.recover( password )
       +            def recover_thread( wallet, dialog ):
       +                wallet.init_mpk( wallet.seed ) # not encrypted at this point
       +                wallet.is_found = wallet.recover()
                        if wallet.is_found:
                        gobject.idle_add( dialog.destroy )
       -            thread.start_new_thread( recover_thread, ( wallet, dialog, None ) ) # no password
       +            thread.start_new_thread( recover_thread, ( wallet, dialog ) )
                    r = dialog.run()
                    if r==gtk.RESPONSE_CANCEL: sys.exit(1)
       t@@ -354,7 +359,6 @@ def change_password_dialog(wallet, parent, icon):
                seed = wallet.pw_decode( wallet.seed, password)
       -        private_keys = ast.literal_eval( wallet.pw_decode( wallet.private_keys, password) )
                show_message("Incorrect password")
       t@@ -365,7 +369,6 @@ def change_password_dialog(wallet, parent, icon):
            wallet.use_encryption = (new_password != '')
            wallet.seed = wallet.pw_encode( seed, new_password)
       -    wallet.private_keys = wallet.pw_encode( repr( private_keys ), new_password)
            if icon:
       t@@ -1020,8 +1023,7 @@ class BitcoinGUI:
       -                password = password_dialog() if self.wallet.use_encryption else None
       -                success, ret = self.wallet.get_new_address(password)
       +                success, ret = self.wallet.get_new_address()
                        self.update_session = True # we created a new address
                        if success:
                            address = ret
   DIR diff --git a/client/upgrade.py b/client/upgrade.py
       t@@ -1,9 +1,12 @@
       -import electrum, getpass, base64,ast,sys
       +import electrum, getpass, base64,ast,sys,os
       +from version import SEED_VERSION
        def upgrade_wallet(wallet):
       -    if wallet.version == 1 and wallet.use_encryption:
       +    print "walet path:",wallet.path
       +    print "seed version:", wallet.seed_version
       +    if wallet.seed_version == 1 and wallet.use_encryption:
                # version 1 used pycrypto for wallet encryption
                import Crypto
                from Crypto.Cipher import AES
       t@@ -27,21 +30,65 @@ def upgrade_wallet(wallet):
                wallet.private_keys = wallet.pw_encode( repr( private_keys ), password)
                print "upgraded to version 2"
       -    if wallet.version < 3:
       -        print """
       -Your wallet is deprecated; its generation seed will not work with versions 0.31 and above.
       -In order to upgrade, you need to create a new wallet (you may use your current seed), and
       -to send your bitcoins to the new wallet.
       +        exit(1)
       -We apologize for the inconvenience. We try to keep this kind of upgrades as rare as possible.
       +    if wallet.seed_version < SEED_VERSION:
       +        print """Note: your wallet seed is deprecated. Please create a new wallet, and move your coins to the new wallet."""
        if __name__ == "__main__":
                path = sys.argv[1]
       -        path = None
       +        # backward compatibility: look for wallet file in the default data directory
       +        if "HOME" in os.environ:
       +            wallet_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["HOME"], '.electrum')
       +        elif "LOCALAPPDATA" in os.environ:
       +            wallet_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["LOCALAPPDATA"], 'Electrum' )
       +        elif "APPDATA" in os.environ:
       +            wallet_dir = os.path.join( os.environ["APPDATA"],  'Electrum' )
       +        else:
       +            raise BaseException("No home directory found in environment variables.")
       +        path = os.path.join( wallet_dir, 'electrum.dat')
       +    try:
       +        f = open(path,"r")
       +        data = f.read()
       +        f.close()
       +    except:
       +        print "file not found", path
       +        exit(1)
       +    try:
       +        x = ast.literal_eval(data)
       +    except:
       +        print "error: could not parse wallet"
       +        exit(1)
       +    if type(x) == tuple:
       +        seed_version, use_encryption, fee, host, port, blocks, seed, addresses, private_keys, change_addresses, status, history, labels, addressbook = x
       +        s = {
       +            'seed_version':seed_version,
       +            'use_encryption':use_encryption,
       +            'master_public_key':None,
       +            'fee':fee,
       +            'host':host,
       +            'port':port,
       +            'blocks':blocks,
       +            'seed':seed,
       +            'addresses':addresses,
       +            'change_addresses':change_addresses,
       +            'status':status,
       +            'history':history, 
       +            'labels':labels,
       +            'contacts':addressbook
       +            }
       +        f = open(path,"w")
       +        f.write( repr(s) )
       +        f.close()
       +        print "wallet format was upgraded."
       +        exit(1)
            wallet = electrum.Wallet(path)
                found = wallet.read()
   DIR diff --git a/client/version.py b/client/version.py
       t@@ -1 +1,2 @@
       -ELECTRUM_VERSION = "0.33"
       +ELECTRUM_VERSION = "0.34"
       +SEED_VERSION = 4  # bump this everytime the seed generation is modified