tMerge pull request #4861 from SomberNight/blockchain_fork_ids - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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   DIR commit d062548e411b4ed60ea68428684c8cea7a40a759
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  HTML Author: ThomasV <thomasv@electrum.org>
       Date:   Wed, 28 Nov 2018 12:54:57 +0100
       Merge pull request #4861 from SomberNight/blockchain_fork_ids
       blockchain: generalise fork handling and follow most work chain
         M electrum/blockchain.py              |     291 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------
         M electrum/gui/kivy/main_window.py    |       8 +++++---
         M electrum/gui/qt/network_dialog.py   |      21 +++++++++++----------
         M electrum/interface.py               |      65 ++++++-------------------------
         M electrum/network.py                 |      38 ++++++++++++++++----------------
         M electrum/storage.py                 |       2 +-
         A electrum/tests/test_blockchain.py   |     239 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M electrum/tests/test_network.py      |      20 +++++++++++++++-----
         M electrum/tests/test_wallet.py       |       1 -
       9 files changed, 513 insertions(+), 172 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/blockchain.py b/electrum/blockchain.py
       t@@ -79,26 +79,72 @@ def hash_raw_header(header: str) -> str:
            return hash_encode(sha256d(bfh(header)))
       -blockchains = {}  # type: Dict[int, Blockchain]
       -blockchains_lock = threading.Lock()
       -def read_blockchains(config: 'SimpleConfig') -> Dict[int, 'Blockchain']:
       -    blockchains[0] = Blockchain(config, 0, None)
       +# key: blockhash hex at forkpoint
       +# the chain at some key is the best chain that includes the given hash
       +blockchains = {}  # type: Dict[str, Blockchain]
       +blockchains_lock = threading.RLock()
       +def read_blockchains(config: 'SimpleConfig'):
       +    blockchains[constants.net.GENESIS] = Blockchain(config=config,
       +                                                    forkpoint=0,
       +                                                    parent=None,
       +                                                    forkpoint_hash=constants.net.GENESIS,
       +                                                    prev_hash=None)
            fdir = os.path.join(util.get_headers_dir(config), 'forks')
       -    l = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('fork_'), os.listdir(fdir))
       -    l = sorted(l, key = lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))
       -    for filename in l:
       -        forkpoint = int(filename.split('_')[2])
       -        parent_id = int(filename.split('_')[1])
       -        b = Blockchain(config, forkpoint, parent_id)
       -        h = b.read_header(b.forkpoint)
       -        if b.parent().can_connect(h, check_height=False):
       -            blockchains[b.forkpoint] = b
       +    # files are named as: fork2_{forkpoint}_{prev_hash}_{first_hash}
       +    l = filter(lambda x: x.startswith('fork2_') and '.' not in x, os.listdir(fdir))
       +    l = sorted(l, key=lambda x: int(x.split('_')[1]))  # sort by forkpoint
       +    def delete_chain(filename, reason):
       +        util.print_error("[blockchain]", reason, filename)
       +        os.unlink(os.path.join(fdir, filename))
       +    def instantiate_chain(filename):
       +        __, forkpoint, prev_hash, first_hash = filename.split('_')
       +        forkpoint = int(forkpoint)
       +        prev_hash = (64-len(prev_hash)) * "0" + prev_hash  # left-pad with zeroes
       +        first_hash = (64-len(first_hash)) * "0" + first_hash
       +        # forks below the max checkpoint are not allowed
       +        if forkpoint <= constants.net.max_checkpoint():
       +            delete_chain(filename, "deleting fork below max checkpoint")
       +            return
       +        # find parent (sorting by forkpoint guarantees it's already instantiated)
       +        for parent in blockchains.values():
       +            if parent.check_hash(forkpoint - 1, prev_hash):
       +                break
       -            util.print_error("cannot connect", filename)
       -    return blockchains
       +            delete_chain(filename, "cannot find parent for chain")
       +            return
       +        b = Blockchain(config=config,
       +                       forkpoint=forkpoint,
       +                       parent=parent,
       +                       forkpoint_hash=first_hash,
       +                       prev_hash=prev_hash)
       +        # consistency checks
       +        h = b.read_header(b.forkpoint)
       +        if first_hash != hash_header(h):
       +            delete_chain(filename, "incorrect first hash for chain")
       +            return
       +        if not b.parent.can_connect(h, check_height=False):
       +            delete_chain(filename, "cannot connect chain to parent")
       +            return
       +        chain_id = b.get_id()
       +        assert first_hash == chain_id, (first_hash, chain_id)
       +        blockchains[chain_id] = b
       +    for filename in l:
       +        instantiate_chain(filename)
       +def get_best_chain() -> 'Blockchain':
       +    return blockchains[constants.net.GENESIS]
       +# block hash -> chain work; up to and including that block
       +_CHAINWORK_CACHE = {
       +    "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000": 0,  # virtual block at height -1
       +}  # type: Dict[str, int]
        class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
       t@@ -106,15 +152,20 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
            Manages blockchain headers and their verification
       -    def __init__(self, config: SimpleConfig, forkpoint: int, parent_id: Optional[int]):
       +    def __init__(self, config: SimpleConfig, forkpoint: int, parent: Optional['Blockchain'],
       +                 forkpoint_hash: str, prev_hash: Optional[str]):
       +        assert isinstance(forkpoint_hash, str) and len(forkpoint_hash) == 64, forkpoint_hash
       +        assert (prev_hash is None) or (isinstance(prev_hash, str) and len(prev_hash) == 64), prev_hash
       +        # assert (parent is None) == (forkpoint == 0)
       +        if 0 < forkpoint <= constants.net.max_checkpoint():
       +            raise Exception(f"cannot fork below max checkpoint. forkpoint: {forkpoint}")
                self.config = config
       -        self.forkpoint = forkpoint
       -        self.checkpoints = constants.net.CHECKPOINTS
       -        self.parent_id = parent_id
       -        assert parent_id != forkpoint
       +        self.forkpoint = forkpoint  # height of first header
       +        self.parent = parent
       +        self._forkpoint_hash = forkpoint_hash  # blockhash at forkpoint. "first hash"
       +        self._prev_hash = prev_hash  # blockhash immediately before forkpoint
                self.lock = threading.RLock()
       -        with self.lock:
       -            self.update_size()
       +        self.update_size()
            def with_lock(func):
                def func_wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs):
       t@@ -122,12 +173,13 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)
                return func_wrapper
       -    def parent(self) -> 'Blockchain':
       -        return blockchains[self.parent_id]
       +    @property
       +    def checkpoints(self):
       +        return constants.net.CHECKPOINTS
            def get_max_child(self) -> Optional[int]:
                with blockchains_lock: chains = list(blockchains.values())
       -        children = list(filter(lambda y: y.parent_id==self.forkpoint, chains))
       +        children = list(filter(lambda y: y.parent==self, chains))
                return max([x.forkpoint for x in children]) if children else None
            def get_max_forkpoint(self) -> int:
       t@@ -137,11 +189,12 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                mc = self.get_max_child()
                return mc if mc is not None else self.forkpoint
       +    @with_lock
            def get_branch_size(self) -> int:
                return self.height() - self.get_max_forkpoint() + 1
            def get_name(self) -> str:
       -        return self.get_hash(self.get_max_forkpoint()).lstrip('00')[0:10]
       +        return self.get_hash(self.get_max_forkpoint()).lstrip('0')[0:10]
            def check_header(self, header: dict) -> bool:
                header_hash = hash_header(header)
       t@@ -159,24 +212,38 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                    return False
            def fork(parent, header: dict) -> 'Blockchain':
       +        if not parent.can_connect(header, check_height=False):
       +            raise Exception("forking header does not connect to parent chain")
                forkpoint = header.get('block_height')
       -        self = Blockchain(parent.config, forkpoint, parent.forkpoint)
       +        self = Blockchain(config=parent.config,
       +                          forkpoint=forkpoint,
       +                          parent=parent,
       +                          forkpoint_hash=hash_header(header),
       +                          prev_hash=parent.get_hash(forkpoint-1))
                open(self.path(), 'w+').close()
       +        # put into global dict
       +        chain_id = self.get_id()
       +        with blockchains_lock:
       +            assert chain_id not in blockchains, (chain_id, list(blockchains))
       +            blockchains[chain_id] = self
                return self
       +    @with_lock
            def height(self) -> int:
                return self.forkpoint + self.size() - 1
       +    @with_lock
            def size(self) -> int:
       -        with self.lock:
       -            return self._size
       +        return self._size
       +    @with_lock
            def update_size(self) -> None:
                p = self.path()
                self._size = os.path.getsize(p)//HEADER_SIZE if os.path.exists(p) else 0
       -    def verify_header(self, header: dict, prev_hash: str, target: int, expected_header_hash: str=None) -> None:
       +    @classmethod
       +    def verify_header(cls, header: dict, prev_hash: str, target: int, expected_header_hash: str=None) -> None:
                _hash = hash_header(header)
                if expected_header_hash and expected_header_hash != _hash:
                    raise Exception("hash mismatches with expected: {} vs {}".format(expected_header_hash, _hash))
       t@@ -184,7 +251,7 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                    raise Exception("prev hash mismatch: %s vs %s" % (prev_hash, header.get('prev_block_hash')))
                if constants.net.TESTNET:
       -        bits = self.target_to_bits(target)
       +        bits = cls.target_to_bits(target)
                if bits != header.get('bits'):
                    raise Exception("bits mismatch: %s vs %s" % (bits, header.get('bits')))
                block_hash_as_num = int.from_bytes(bfh(_hash), byteorder='big')
       t@@ -207,21 +274,26 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                    self.verify_header(header, prev_hash, target, expected_header_hash)
                    prev_hash = hash_header(header)
       +    @with_lock
            def path(self):
                d = util.get_headers_dir(self.config)
       -        if self.parent_id is None:
       +        if self.parent is None:
                    filename = 'blockchain_headers'
       -            basename = 'fork_%d_%d' % (self.parent_id, self.forkpoint)
       +            assert self.forkpoint > 0, self.forkpoint
       +            prev_hash = self._prev_hash.lstrip('0')
       +            first_hash = self._forkpoint_hash.lstrip('0')
       +            basename = f'fork2_{self.forkpoint}_{prev_hash}_{first_hash}'
                    filename = os.path.join('forks', basename)
                return os.path.join(d, filename)
            def save_chunk(self, index: int, chunk: bytes):
       +        assert index >= 0, index
                chunk_within_checkpoint_region = index < len(self.checkpoints)
                # chunks in checkpoint region are the responsibility of the 'main chain'
       -        if chunk_within_checkpoint_region and self.parent_id is not None:
       -            main_chain = blockchains[0]
       +        if chunk_within_checkpoint_region and self.parent is not None:
       +            main_chain = get_best_chain()
                    main_chain.save_chunk(index, chunk)
       t@@ -236,18 +308,36 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                self.write(chunk, delta_bytes, truncate)
       -    @with_lock
            def swap_with_parent(self) -> None:
       -        if self.parent_id is None:
       -            return
       -        parent_branch_size = self.parent().height() - self.forkpoint + 1
       -        if parent_branch_size >= self.size():
       -            return
       -        self.print_error("swap", self.forkpoint, self.parent_id)
       -        parent_id = self.parent_id
       -        forkpoint = self.forkpoint
       -        parent = self.parent()
       +        parent_lock = self.parent.lock if self.parent is not None else threading.Lock()
       +        with parent_lock, self.lock, blockchains_lock:  # this order should not deadlock
       +            # do the swap; possibly multiple ones
       +            cnt = 0
       +            while self._swap_with_parent():
       +                cnt += 1
       +                if cnt > len(blockchains):  # make sure we are making progress
       +                    raise Exception(f'swapping fork with parent too many times: {cnt}')
       +    def _swap_with_parent(self) -> bool:
       +        """Check if this chain became stronger than its parent, and swap
       +        the underlying files if so. The Blockchain instances will keep
       +        'containing' the same headers, but their ids change and so
       +        they will be stored in different files."""
       +        if self.parent is None:
       +            return False
       +        if self.parent.get_chainwork() >= self.get_chainwork():
       +            return False
       +        self.print_error("swap", self.forkpoint, self.parent.forkpoint)
       +        parent_branch_size = self.parent.height() - self.forkpoint + 1
       +        forkpoint = self.forkpoint  # type: Optional[int]
       +        parent = self.parent  # type: Optional[Blockchain]
       +        child_old_id = self.get_id()
       +        parent_old_id = parent.get_id()
       +        # swap files
       +        # child takes parent's name
       +        # parent's new name will be something new (not child's old name)
       +        child_old_name = self.path()
                with open(self.path(), 'rb') as f:
                    my_data = f.read()
       t@@ -256,24 +346,28 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                    parent_data = f.read(parent_branch_size*HEADER_SIZE)
                self.write(parent_data, 0)
                parent.write(my_data, (forkpoint - parent.forkpoint)*HEADER_SIZE)
       -        # store file path
       -        with blockchains_lock: chains = list(blockchains.values())
       -        for b in chains:
       -            b.old_path = b.path()
                # swap parameters
       -        self.parent_id = parent.parent_id; parent.parent_id = parent_id
       -        self.forkpoint = parent.forkpoint; parent.forkpoint = forkpoint
       -        self._size = parent._size; parent._size = parent_branch_size
       -        # move files
       -        for b in chains:
       -            if b in [self, parent]: continue
       -            if b.old_path != b.path():
       -                self.print_error("renaming", b.old_path, b.path())
       -                os.rename(b.old_path, b.path())
       +        self.parent, parent.parent = parent.parent, self  # type: Optional[Blockchain], Optional[Blockchain]
       +        self.forkpoint, parent.forkpoint = parent.forkpoint, self.forkpoint
       +        self._forkpoint_hash, parent._forkpoint_hash = parent._forkpoint_hash, hash_raw_header(bh2u(parent_data[:HEADER_SIZE]))
       +        self._prev_hash, parent._prev_hash = parent._prev_hash, self._prev_hash
       +        # parent's new name
       +        try:
       +            os.rename(child_old_name, parent.path())
       +        except OSError:
       +            os.remove(parent.path())
       +            os.rename(child_old_name, parent.path())
       +        self.update_size()
       +        parent.update_size()
                # update pointers
       -        with blockchains_lock:
       -            blockchains[self.forkpoint] = self
       -            blockchains[parent.forkpoint] = parent
       +        blockchains.pop(child_old_id, None)
       +        blockchains.pop(parent_old_id, None)
       +        blockchains[self.get_id()] = self
       +        blockchains[parent.get_id()] = parent
       +        return True
       +    def get_id(self) -> str:
       +        return self._forkpoint_hash
            def assert_headers_file_available(self, path):
                if os.path.exists(path):
       t@@ -283,19 +377,19 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                    raise FileNotFoundError('Cannot find headers file but headers_dir is there. Should be at {}'.format(path))
       +    @with_lock
            def write(self, data: bytes, offset: int, truncate: bool=True) -> None:
                filename = self.path()
       -        with self.lock:
       -            self.assert_headers_file_available(filename)
       -            with open(filename, 'rb+') as f:
       -                if truncate and offset != self._size * HEADER_SIZE:
       -                    f.seek(offset)
       -                    f.truncate()
       +        self.assert_headers_file_available(filename)
       +        with open(filename, 'rb+') as f:
       +            if truncate and offset != self._size * HEADER_SIZE:
       -                f.write(data)
       -                f.flush()
       -                os.fsync(f.fileno())
       -            self.update_size()
       +                f.truncate()
       +            f.seek(offset)
       +            f.write(data)
       +            f.flush()
       +            os.fsync(f.fileno())
       +        self.update_size()
            def save_header(self, header: dict) -> None:
       t@@ -307,12 +401,12 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                self.write(data, delta*HEADER_SIZE)
       +    @with_lock
            def read_header(self, height: int) -> Optional[dict]:
       -        assert self.parent_id != self.forkpoint
                if height < 0:
                if height < self.forkpoint:
       -            return self.parent().read_header(height)
       +            return self.parent.read_header(height)
                if height > self.height():
                delta = height - self.forkpoint
       t@@ -372,16 +466,18 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                new_target = self.bits_to_target(self.target_to_bits(new_target))
                return new_target
       -    def bits_to_target(self, bits: int) -> int:
       +    @classmethod
       +    def bits_to_target(cls, bits: int) -> int:
                bitsN = (bits >> 24) & 0xff
       -        if not (bitsN >= 0x03 and bitsN <= 0x1d):
       +        if not (0x03 <= bitsN <= 0x1d):
                    raise Exception("First part of bits should be in [0x03, 0x1d]")
                bitsBase = bits & 0xffffff
       -        if not (bitsBase >= 0x8000 and bitsBase <= 0x7fffff):
       +        if not (0x8000 <= bitsBase <= 0x7fffff):
                    raise Exception("Second part of bits should be in [0x8000, 0x7fffff]")
                return bitsBase << (8 * (bitsN-3))
       -    def target_to_bits(self, target: int) -> int:
       +    @classmethod
       +    def target_to_bits(cls, target: int) -> int:
                c = ("%064x" % target)[2:]
                while c[:2] == '00' and len(c) > 6:
                    c = c[2:]
       t@@ -391,6 +487,40 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                    bitsBase >>= 8
                return bitsN << 24 | bitsBase
       +    def chainwork_of_header_at_height(self, height: int) -> int:
       +        """work done by single header at given height"""
       +        chunk_idx = height // 2016 - 1
       +        target = self.get_target(chunk_idx)
       +        work = ((2 ** 256 - target - 1) // (target + 1)) + 1
       +        return work
       +    @with_lock
       +    def get_chainwork(self, height=None) -> int:
       +        if height is None:
       +            height = max(0, self.height())
       +        if constants.net.TESTNET:
       +            # On testnet/regtest, difficulty works somewhat different.
       +            # It's out of scope to properly implement that.
       +            return height
       +        last_retarget = height // 2016 * 2016 - 1
       +        cached_height = last_retarget
       +        while _CHAINWORK_CACHE.get(self.get_hash(cached_height)) is None:
       +            if cached_height <= -1:
       +                break
       +            cached_height -= 2016
       +        assert cached_height >= -1, cached_height
       +        running_total = _CHAINWORK_CACHE[self.get_hash(cached_height)]
       +        while cached_height < last_retarget:
       +            cached_height += 2016
       +            work_in_single_header = self.chainwork_of_header_at_height(cached_height)
       +            work_in_chunk = 2016 * work_in_single_header
       +            running_total += work_in_chunk
       +            _CHAINWORK_CACHE[self.get_hash(cached_height)] = running_total
       +        cached_height += 2016
       +        work_in_single_header = self.chainwork_of_header_at_height(cached_height)
       +        work_in_last_partial_chunk = (height % 2016 + 1) * work_in_single_header
       +        return running_total + work_in_last_partial_chunk
            def can_connect(self, header: dict, check_height: bool=True) -> bool:
                if header is None:
                    return False
       t@@ -417,6 +547,7 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                return True
            def connect_chunk(self, idx: int, hexdata: str) -> bool:
       +        assert idx >= 0, idx
                    data = bfh(hexdata)
                    self.verify_chunk(idx, data)
       t@@ -424,7 +555,7 @@ class Blockchain(util.PrintError):
                    self.save_chunk(idx, data)
                    return True
                except BaseException as e:
       -            self.print_error('verify_chunk %d failed'%idx, str(e))
       +            self.print_error(f'verify_chunk idx {idx} failed: {repr(e)}')
                    return False
            def get_checkpoints(self):
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/kivy/main_window.py b/electrum/gui/kivy/main_window.py
       t@@ -126,10 +126,12 @@ class ElectrumWindow(App):
                chains = self.network.get_blockchains()
                def cb(name):
                    with blockchain.blockchains_lock: blockchain_items = list(blockchain.blockchains.items())
       -            for index, b in blockchain_items:
       +            for chain_id, b in blockchain_items:
                        if name == b.get_name():
       -                    self.network.run_from_another_thread(self.network.follow_chain_given_id(index))
       -        names = [blockchain.blockchains[b].get_name() for b in chains]
       +                    self.network.run_from_another_thread(self.network.follow_chain_given_id(chain_id))
       +        chain_objects = [blockchain.blockchains.get(chain_id) for chain_id in chains]
       +        chain_objects = filter(lambda b: b is not None, chain_objects)
       +        names = [b.get_name() for b in chain_objects]
                if len(names) > 1:
                    cur_chain = self.network.blockchain().get_name()
                    ChoiceDialog(_('Choose your chain'), names, cur_chain, cb).open()
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/network_dialog.py b/electrum/gui/qt/network_dialog.py
       t@@ -82,8 +82,8 @@ class NodesListWidget(QTreeWidget):
                    server = item.data(1, Qt.UserRole)
                    menu.addAction(_("Use as server"), lambda: self.parent.follow_server(server))
       -            index = item.data(1, Qt.UserRole)
       -            menu.addAction(_("Follow this branch"), lambda: self.parent.follow_branch(index))
       +            chain_id = item.data(1, Qt.UserRole)
       +            menu.addAction(_("Follow this branch"), lambda: self.parent.follow_branch(chain_id))
            def keyPressEvent(self, event):
       t@@ -103,22 +103,23 @@ class NodesListWidget(QTreeWidget):
                self.addChild = self.addTopLevelItem
                chains = network.get_blockchains()
                n_chains = len(chains)
       -        for k, items in chains.items():
       -            b = blockchain.blockchains[k]
       +        for chain_id, interfaces in chains.items():
       +            b = blockchain.blockchains.get(chain_id)
       +            if b is None: continue
                    name = b.get_name()
       -            if n_chains >1:
       +            if n_chains > 1:
                        x = QTreeWidgetItem([name + '@%d'%b.get_max_forkpoint(), '%d'%b.height()])
                        x.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, 1)
       -                x.setData(1, Qt.UserRole, b.forkpoint)
       +                x.setData(1, Qt.UserRole, b.get_id())
                        x = self
       -            for i in items:
       +            for i in interfaces:
                        star = ' *' if i == network.interface else ''
                        item = QTreeWidgetItem([i.host + star, '%d'%i.tip])
                        item.setData(0, Qt.UserRole, 0)
                        item.setData(1, Qt.UserRole, i.server)
       -            if n_chains>1:
       +            if n_chains > 1:
       t@@ -410,8 +411,8 @@ class NetworkChoiceLayout(object):
       -    def follow_branch(self, index):
       -        self.network.run_from_another_thread(self.network.follow_chain_given_id(index))
       +    def follow_branch(self, chain_id):
       +        self.network.run_from_another_thread(self.network.follow_chain_given_id(chain_id))
            def follow_server(self, server):
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/interface.py b/electrum/interface.py
       t@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ import ssl
        import sys
        import traceback
        import asyncio
       -from typing import Tuple, Union, List, TYPE_CHECKING
       +from typing import Tuple, Union, List, TYPE_CHECKING, Optional
        from collections import defaultdict
        import aiorpcx
       t@@ -140,14 +140,14 @@ def serialize_server(host: str, port: Union[str, int], protocol: str) -> str:
        class Interface(PrintError):
            verbosity_filter = 'i'
       -    def __init__(self, network: 'Network', server: str, config_path, proxy: dict):
       +    def __init__(self, network: 'Network', server: str, proxy: Optional[dict]):
                self.ready = asyncio.Future()
                self.got_disconnected = asyncio.Future()
                self.server = server
                self.host, self.port, self.protocol = deserialize_server(self.server)
                self.port = int(self.port)
       -        self.config_path = config_path
       -        self.cert_path = os.path.join(self.config_path, 'certs', self.host)
       +        assert network.config.path
       +        self.cert_path = os.path.join(network.config.path, 'certs', self.host)
                self.blockchain = None
                self._requested_chunks = set()
                self.network = network
       t@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@ class Interface(PrintError):
                assert self.tip_header
                chain = blockchain.check_header(self.tip_header)
                if not chain:
       -            self.blockchain = blockchain.blockchains[0]
       +            self.blockchain = blockchain.get_best_chain()
                    self.blockchain = chain
                assert self.blockchain is not None
       t@@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ class Interface(PrintError):
                # bad_header connects to good_header; bad_header itself is NOT in self.blockchain.
                bh = self.blockchain.height()
       -        assert bh >= good
       +        assert bh >= good, (bh, good)
                if bh == good:
                    height = good + 1
                    self.print_error("catching up from {}".format(height))
       t@@ -510,53 +510,12 @@ class Interface(PrintError):
                # this is a new fork we don't yet have
                height = bad + 1
       -        branch = blockchain.blockchains.get(bad)
       -        if branch is not None:
       -            # Conflict!! As our fork handling is not completely general,
       -            # we need to delete another fork to save this one.
       -            # Note: This could be a potential DOS vector against Electrum.
       -            # However, mining blocks that satisfy the difficulty requirements
       -            # is assumed to be expensive; especially as forks below the max
       -            # checkpoint are ignored.
       -            self.print_error("new fork at bad height {}. conflict!!".format(bad))
       -            assert self.blockchain != branch
       -            ismocking = type(branch) is dict
       -            if ismocking:
       -                self.print_error("TODO replace blockchain")
       -                return 'fork_conflict', height
       -            self.print_error('forkpoint conflicts with existing fork', branch.path())
       -            self._raise_if_fork_conflicts_with_default_server(branch)
       -            await self._disconnect_from_interfaces_on_conflicting_blockchain(branch)
       -            branch.write(b'', 0)
       -            branch.save_header(bad_header)
       -            self.blockchain = branch
       -            return 'fork_conflict', height
       -        else:
       -            # No conflict. Just save the new fork.
       -            self.print_error("new fork at bad height {}. NO conflict.".format(bad))
       -            forkfun = self.blockchain.fork if 'mock' not in bad_header else bad_header['mock']['fork']
       -            b = forkfun(bad_header)
       -            with blockchain.blockchains_lock:
       -                assert bad not in blockchain.blockchains, (bad, list(blockchain.blockchains))
       -                blockchain.blockchains[bad] = b
       -            self.blockchain = b
       -            assert b.forkpoint == bad
       -            return 'fork_noconflict', height
       -    def _raise_if_fork_conflicts_with_default_server(self, chain_to_delete: Blockchain) -> None:
       -        main_interface = self.network.interface
       -        if not main_interface: return
       -        if main_interface == self: return
       -        chain_of_default_server = main_interface.blockchain
       -        if not chain_of_default_server: return
       -        if chain_to_delete == chain_of_default_server:
       -            raise GracefulDisconnect('refusing to overwrite blockchain of default server')
       -    async def _disconnect_from_interfaces_on_conflicting_blockchain(self, chain: Blockchain) -> None:
       -        ifaces = await self.network.disconnect_from_interfaces_on_given_blockchain(chain)
       -        if not ifaces: return
       -        servers = [interface.server for interface in ifaces]
       -        self.print_error("forcing disconnect of other interfaces: {}".format(servers))
       +        self.print_error(f"new fork at bad height {bad}")
       +        forkfun = self.blockchain.fork if 'mock' not in bad_header else bad_header['mock']['fork']
       +        b = forkfun(bad_header)  # type: Blockchain
       +        self.blockchain = b
       +        assert b.forkpoint == bad
       +        return 'fork', height
            async def _search_headers_backwards(self, height, header):
                async def iterate():
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/network.py b/electrum/network.py
       t@@ -177,10 +177,10 @@ class Network(PrintError):
                if config is None:
                    config = {}  # Do not use mutables as default values!
                self.config = SimpleConfig(config) if isinstance(config, dict) else config  # type: SimpleConfig
       -        blockchain.blockchains = blockchain.read_blockchains(self.config)
       -        self.print_error("blockchains", list(blockchain.blockchains))
       +        blockchain.read_blockchains(self.config)
       +        self.print_error("blockchains", list(map(lambda b: b.forkpoint, blockchain.blockchains.values())))
                self._blockchain_preferred_block = self.config.get('blockchain_preferred_block', None)  # type: Optional[Dict]
       -        self._blockchain_index = 0
       +        self._blockchain = blockchain.get_best_chain()
                # Server for addresses and transactions
                self.default_server = self.config.get('server', None)
                # Sanitize default server
       t@@ -559,17 +559,24 @@ class Network(PrintError):
                    filtered = list(filter(lambda iface: iface.blockchain.check_hash(pref_height, pref_hash),
                    if filtered:
       +                self.print_error("switching to preferred fork")
                        chosen_iface = random.choice(filtered)
                        await self.switch_to_interface(chosen_iface.server)
       -        # try to switch to longest chain
       -        if self.blockchain().parent_id is None:
       -            return  # already on longest chain
       -        filtered = list(filter(lambda iface: iface.blockchain.parent_id is None,
       +            else:
       +                self.print_error("tried to switch to preferred fork but no interfaces are on it")
       +        # try to switch to best chain
       +        if self.blockchain().parent is None:
       +            return  # already on best chain
       +        filtered = list(filter(lambda iface: iface.blockchain.parent is None,
                if filtered:
       +            self.print_error("switching to best chain")
                    chosen_iface = random.choice(filtered)
                    await self.switch_to_interface(chosen_iface.server)
       +        else:
       +            # FIXME switch to best available?
       +            self.print_error("tried to switch to best chain but no interfaces are on it")
            async def switch_to_interface(self, server: str):
                """Switch to server as our main interface. If no connection exists,
       t@@ -637,7 +644,7 @@ class Network(PrintError):
            @ignore_exceptions  # do not kill main_taskgroup
            async def _run_new_interface(self, server):
       -        interface = Interface(self, server, self.config.path, self.proxy)
       +        interface = Interface(self, server, self.proxy)
                timeout = 10 if not self.proxy else 20
                    await asyncio.wait_for(interface.ready, timeout)
       t@@ -661,7 +668,7 @@ class Network(PrintError):
            async def _init_headers_file(self):
       -        b = blockchain.blockchains[0]
       +        b = blockchain.get_best_chain()
                filename = b.path()
                length = HEADER_SIZE * len(constants.net.CHECKPOINTS) * 2016
                if not os.path.exists(filename) or os.path.getsize(filename) < length:
       t@@ -739,8 +746,8 @@ class Network(PrintError):
            def blockchain(self) -> Blockchain:
                interface = self.interface
                if interface and interface.blockchain is not None:
       -            self._blockchain_index = interface.blockchain.forkpoint
       -        return blockchain.blockchains[self._blockchain_index]
       +            self._blockchain = interface.blockchain
       +        return self._blockchain
            def get_blockchains(self):
                out = {}  # blockchain_id -> list(interfaces)
       t@@ -752,13 +759,6 @@ class Network(PrintError):
                        out[chain_id] = r
                return out
       -    async def disconnect_from_interfaces_on_given_blockchain(self, chain: Blockchain) -> Sequence[Interface]:
       -        chain_id = chain.forkpoint
       -        ifaces = self.get_blockchains().get(chain_id) or []
       -        for interface in ifaces:
       -            await self.connection_down(interface.server)
       -        return ifaces
            def _set_preferred_chain(self, chain: Blockchain):
                height = chain.get_max_forkpoint()
                header_hash = chain.get_hash(height)
       t@@ -768,7 +768,7 @@ class Network(PrintError):
                self.config.set_key('blockchain_preferred_block', self._blockchain_preferred_block)
       -    async def follow_chain_given_id(self, chain_id: int) -> None:
       +    async def follow_chain_given_id(self, chain_id: str) -> None:
                bc = blockchain.blockchains.get(chain_id)
                if not bc:
                    raise Exception('blockchain {} not found'.format(chain_id))
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/storage.py b/electrum/storage.py
       t@@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ class JsonDB(PrintError):
                # perform atomic write on POSIX systems
                    os.rename(temp_path, self.path)
       -        except:
       +        except OSError:
                    os.rename(temp_path, self.path)
                os.chmod(self.path, mode)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/tests/test_blockchain.py b/electrum/tests/test_blockchain.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
       +import shutil
       +import tempfile
       +import os
       +from electrum import constants, blockchain
       +from electrum.simple_config import SimpleConfig
       +from electrum.blockchain import Blockchain, deserialize_header, hash_header
       +from electrum.util import bh2u, bfh, make_dir
       +from . import SequentialTestCase
       +class TestBlockchain(SequentialTestCase):
       +    HEADERS = {
       +        'A': deserialize_header(bfh("0100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003ba3edfd7a7b12b27ac72c3e67768f617fc81bc3888a51323a9fb8aa4b1e5e4adae5494dffff7f2002000000"), 0),
       +        'B': deserialize_header(bfh("0000002006226e46111a0b59caaf126043eb5bbf28c34f3a5e332a1fc7b2b73cf188910f186c8dfd970a4545f79916bc1d75c9d00432f57c89209bf3bb115b7612848f509c25f45bffff7f2000000000"), 1),
       +        'C': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020686bdfc6a3db73d5d93e8c9663a720a26ecb1ef20eb05af11b36cdbc57c19f7ebf2cbf153013a1c54abaf70e95198fcef2f3059cc6b4d0f7e876808e7d24d11cc825f45bffff7f2000000000"), 2),
       +        'D': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020122baa14f3ef54985ae546d1611559e3f487bd2a0f46e8dbb52fbacc9e237972e71019d7feecd9b8596eca9a67032c5f4641b23b5d731dc393e37de7f9c2f299e725f45bffff7f2000000000"), 3),
       +        'E': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020f8016f7ef3a17d557afe05d4ea7ab6bde1b2247b7643896c1b63d43a1598b747a3586da94c71753f27c075f57f44faf913c31177a0957bbda42e7699e3a2141aed25f45bffff7f2001000000"), 4),
       +        'F': deserialize_header(bfh("000000201d589c6643c1d121d73b0573e5ee58ab575b8fdf16d507e7e915c5fbfbbfd05e7aee1d692d1615c3bdf52c291032144ce9e3b258a473c17c745047f3431ff8e2ee25f45bffff7f2000000000"), 5),
       +        'O': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020b833ed46eea01d4c980f59feee44a66aa1162748b6801029565d1466790c405c3a141ce635cbb1cd2b3a4fcdd0a3380517845ba41736c82a79cab535d31128066526f45bffff7f2001000000"), 6),
       +        'P': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020abe8e119d1877c9dc0dc502d1a253fb9a67967c57732d2f71ee0280e8381ff0a9690c2fe7c1a4450c74dc908fe94dd96c3b0637d51475e9e06a78e944a0c7fe28126f45bffff7f2000000000"), 7),
       +        'Q': deserialize_header(bfh("000000202ce41d94eb70e1518bc1f72523f84a903f9705d967481e324876e1f8cf4d3452148be228a4c3f2061bafe7efdfc4a8d5a94759464b9b5c619994d45dfcaf49e1a126f45bffff7f2000000000"), 8),
       +        'R': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020552755b6c59f3d51e361d16281842a4e166007799665b5daed86a063dd89857415681cb2d00ff889193f6a68a93f5096aeb2d84ca0af6185a462555822552221a626f45bffff7f2000000000"), 9),
       +        'S': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020a13a491cbefc93cd1bb1938f19957e22a134faf14c7dee951c45533e2c750f239dc087fc977b06c24a69c682d1afd1020e6dc1f087571ccec66310a786e1548fab26f45bffff7f2000000000"), 10),
       +        'T': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020dbf3a9b55dfefbaf8b6e43a89cf833fa2e208bbc0c1c5d76c0d71b9e4a65337803b243756c25053253aeda309604363460a3911015929e68705bd89dff6fe064b026f45bffff7f2002000000"), 11),
       +        'U': deserialize_header(bfh("000000203d0932b3b0c78eccb39a595a28ae4a7c966388648d7783fd1305ec8d40d4fe5fd67cb902a7d807cee7676cb543feec3e053aa824d5dfb528d5b94f9760313d9db726f45bffff7f2001000000"), 12),
       +        'G': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020b833ed46eea01d4c980f59feee44a66aa1162748b6801029565d1466790c405c3a141ce635cbb1cd2b3a4fcdd0a3380517845ba41736c82a79cab535d31128066928f45bffff7f2001000000"), 6),
       +        'H': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020e19e687f6e7f83ca394c114144dbbbc4f3f9c9450f66331a125413702a2e1a719690c2fe7c1a4450c74dc908fe94dd96c3b0637d51475e9e06a78e944a0c7fe26a28f45bffff7f2002000000"), 7),
       +        'I': deserialize_header(bfh("0000002009dcb3b158293c89d7cf7ceeb513add122ebc3880a850f47afbb2747f5e48c54148be228a4c3f2061bafe7efdfc4a8d5a94759464b9b5c619994d45dfcaf49e16a28f45bffff7f2000000000"), 8),
       +        'J': deserialize_header(bfh("000000206a65f3bdd3374a5a6c4538008ba0b0a560b8566291f9ef4280ab877627a1742815681cb2d00ff889193f6a68a93f5096aeb2d84ca0af6185a462555822552221c928f45bffff7f2000000000"), 9),
       +        'K': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020bb3b421653548991998f96f8ba486b652fdb07ca16e9cee30ece033547cd1a6e9dc087fc977b06c24a69c682d1afd1020e6dc1f087571ccec66310a786e1548fca28f45bffff7f2000000000"), 10),
       +        'L': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020c391d74d37c24a130f4bf4737932bdf9e206dd4fad22860ec5408978eb55d46303b243756c25053253aeda309604363460a3911015929e68705bd89dff6fe064ca28f45bffff7f2000000000"), 11),
       +        'M': deserialize_header(bfh("000000206a65f3bdd3374a5a6c4538008ba0b0a560b8566291f9ef4280ab877627a1742815681cb2d00ff889193f6a68a93f5096aeb2d84ca0af6185a4625558225522214229f45bffff7f2000000000"), 9),
       +        'N': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020383dab38b57f98aa9b4f0d5ff868bc674b4828d76766bf048296f4c45fff680a9dc087fc977b06c24a69c682d1afd1020e6dc1f087571ccec66310a786e1548f4329f45bffff7f2003000000"), 10),
       +        'X': deserialize_header(bfh("0000002067f1857f54b7fef732cb4940f7d1b339472b3514660711a820330fd09d8fba6b03b243756c25053253aeda309604363460a3911015929e68705bd89dff6fe0649b29f45bffff7f2002000000"), 11),
       +        'Y': deserialize_header(bfh("00000020db33c9768a9e5f7c37d0f09aad88d48165946c87d08f7d63793f07b5c08c527fd67cb902a7d807cee7676cb543feec3e053aa824d5dfb528d5b94f9760313d9d9b29f45bffff7f2000000000"), 12),
       +        'Z': deserialize_header(bfh("0000002047822b67940e337fda38be6f13390b3596e4dea2549250256879722073824e7f0f2596c29203f8a0f71ae94193092dc8f113be3dbee4579f1e649fa3d6dcc38c622ef45bffff7f2003000000"), 13),
       +    }
       +    # tree of headers:
       +    #                                            - M <- N <- X <- Y <- Z
       +    #                                          /
       +    #                             - G <- H <- I <- J <- K <- L
       +    #                           /
       +    # A <- B <- C <- D <- E <- F <- O <- P <- Q <- R <- S <- T <- U
       +    @classmethod
       +    def setUpClass(cls):
       +        super().setUpClass()
       +        constants.set_regtest()
       +    @classmethod
       +    def tearDownClass(cls):
       +        super().tearDownClass()
       +        constants.set_mainnet()
       +    def setUp(self):
       +        super().setUp()
       +        self.data_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
       +        make_dir(os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'forks'))
       +        self.config = SimpleConfig({'electrum_path': self.data_dir})
       +        blockchain.blockchains = {}
       +    def tearDown(self):
       +        super().tearDown()
       +        shutil.rmtree(self.data_dir)
       +    def _append_header(self, chain: Blockchain, header: dict):
       +        self.assertTrue(chain.can_connect(header))
       +        chain.save_header(header)
       +    def test_forking_and_swapping(self):
       +        blockchain.blockchains[constants.net.GENESIS] = chain_u = Blockchain(
       +            config=self.config, forkpoint=0, parent=None,
       +            forkpoint_hash=constants.net.GENESIS, prev_hash=None)
       +        open(chain_u.path(), 'w+').close()
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['A'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['B'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['C'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['D'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['E'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['F'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['O'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['P'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['Q'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['R'])
       +        chain_l = chain_u.fork(self.HEADERS['G'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['H'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['I'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['J'])
       +        # do checks
       +        self.assertEqual(2, len(blockchain.blockchains))
       +        self.assertEqual(1, len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks"))))
       +        self.assertEqual(0, chain_u.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_u.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(constants.net.GENESIS, chain_u._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_u._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "blockchain_headers"), chain_u.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(10 * 80, os.stat(chain_u.path()).st_size)
       +        self.assertEqual(6, chain_l.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(chain_u, chain_l.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['G']), chain_l._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['F']), chain_l._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks", "fork2_6_5c400c7966145d56291080b6482716a16aa644eefe590f984c1da0ee46ed33b8_711a2e2a701354121a33660f45c9f9f3c4bbdb4441114c39ca837f6e7f689ee1"), chain_l.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(4 * 80, os.stat(chain_l.path()).st_size)
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['K'])
       +        # chains were swapped, do checks
       +        self.assertEqual(2, len(blockchain.blockchains))
       +        self.assertEqual(1, len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks"))))
       +        self.assertEqual(6, chain_u.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(chain_l, chain_u.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['O']), chain_u._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['F']), chain_u._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks", "fork2_6_5c400c7966145d56291080b6482716a16aa644eefe590f984c1da0ee46ed33b8_aff81830e28e01ef7d23277c56779a6b93f251a2d50dcc09d7c87d119e1e8ab"), chain_u.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(4 * 80, os.stat(chain_u.path()).st_size)
       +        self.assertEqual(0, chain_l.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_l.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(constants.net.GENESIS, chain_l._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_l._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "blockchain_headers"), chain_l.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(11 * 80, os.stat(chain_l.path()).st_size)
       +        for b in (chain_u, chain_l):
       +            self.assertTrue(all([b.can_connect(b.read_header(i), False) for i in range(b.height())]))
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['S'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['T'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['U'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['L'])
       +        chain_z = chain_l.fork(self.HEADERS['M'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_z, self.HEADERS['N'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_z, self.HEADERS['X'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_z, self.HEADERS['Y'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_z, self.HEADERS['Z'])
       +        # chain_z became best chain, do checks
       +        self.assertEqual(3, len(blockchain.blockchains))
       +        self.assertEqual(2, len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks"))))
       +        self.assertEqual(0, chain_z.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_z.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(constants.net.GENESIS, chain_z._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_z._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "blockchain_headers"), chain_z.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(14 * 80, os.stat(chain_z.path()).st_size)
       +        self.assertEqual(9, chain_l.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(chain_z, chain_l.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['J']), chain_l._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['I']), chain_l._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks", "fork2_9_2874a1277687ab8042eff9916256b860a5b0a08b0038456c5a4a37d3bdf3656a_6e1acd473503ce0ee3cee916ca07db2f656b48baf8968f999189545316423bbb"), chain_l.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(3 * 80, os.stat(chain_l.path()).st_size)
       +        self.assertEqual(6, chain_u.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(chain_z, chain_u.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['O']), chain_u._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['F']), chain_u._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks", "fork2_6_5c400c7966145d56291080b6482716a16aa644eefe590f984c1da0ee46ed33b8_aff81830e28e01ef7d23277c56779a6b93f251a2d50dcc09d7c87d119e1e8ab"), chain_u.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(7 * 80, os.stat(chain_u.path()).st_size)
       +        for b in (chain_u, chain_l, chain_z):
       +            self.assertTrue(all([b.can_connect(b.read_header(i), False) for i in range(b.height())]))
       +        self.assertEqual(constants.net.GENESIS, chain_z.get_hash(0))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['F']), chain_z.get_hash(5))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['G']), chain_z.get_hash(6))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['I']), chain_z.get_hash(8))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['M']), chain_z.get_hash(9))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['Z']), chain_z.get_hash(13))
       +    def test_doing_multiple_swaps_after_single_new_header(self):
       +        blockchain.blockchains[constants.net.GENESIS] = chain_u = Blockchain(
       +            config=self.config, forkpoint=0, parent=None,
       +            forkpoint_hash=constants.net.GENESIS, prev_hash=None)
       +        open(chain_u.path(), 'w+').close()
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['A'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['B'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['C'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['D'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['E'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['F'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['O'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['P'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['Q'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['R'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_u, self.HEADERS['S'])
       +        self.assertEqual(1, len(blockchain.blockchains))
       +        self.assertEqual(0, len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks"))))
       +        chain_l = chain_u.fork(self.HEADERS['G'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['H'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['I'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['J'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_l, self.HEADERS['K'])
       +        # now chain_u is best chain, but it's tied with chain_l
       +        self.assertEqual(2, len(blockchain.blockchains))
       +        self.assertEqual(1, len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks"))))
       +        chain_z = chain_l.fork(self.HEADERS['M'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_z, self.HEADERS['N'])
       +        self._append_header(chain_z, self.HEADERS['X'])
       +        self.assertEqual(3, len(blockchain.blockchains))
       +        self.assertEqual(2, len(os.listdir(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks"))))
       +        # chain_z became best chain, do checks
       +        self.assertEqual(0, chain_z.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_z.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(constants.net.GENESIS, chain_z._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(None, chain_z._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "blockchain_headers"), chain_z.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(12 * 80, os.stat(chain_z.path()).st_size)
       +        self.assertEqual(9, chain_l.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(chain_z, chain_l.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['J']), chain_l._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['I']), chain_l._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks", "fork2_9_2874a1277687ab8042eff9916256b860a5b0a08b0038456c5a4a37d3bdf3656a_6e1acd473503ce0ee3cee916ca07db2f656b48baf8968f999189545316423bbb"), chain_l.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(2 * 80, os.stat(chain_l.path()).st_size)
       +        self.assertEqual(6, chain_u.forkpoint)
       +        self.assertEqual(chain_z, chain_u.parent)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['O']), chain_u._forkpoint_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['F']), chain_u._prev_hash)
       +        self.assertEqual(os.path.join(self.data_dir, "forks", "fork2_6_5c400c7966145d56291080b6482716a16aa644eefe590f984c1da0ee46ed33b8_aff81830e28e01ef7d23277c56779a6b93f251a2d50dcc09d7c87d119e1e8ab"), chain_u.path())
       +        self.assertEqual(5 * 80, os.stat(chain_u.path()).st_size)
       +        self.assertEqual(constants.net.GENESIS, chain_z.get_hash(0))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['F']), chain_z.get_hash(5))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['G']), chain_z.get_hash(6))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['I']), chain_z.get_hash(8))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['M']), chain_z.get_hash(9))
       +        self.assertEqual(hash_header(self.HEADERS['X']), chain_z.get_hash(11))
       +        for b in (chain_u, chain_l, chain_z):
       +            self.assertTrue(all([b.can_connect(b.read_header(i), False) for i in range(b.height())]))
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/tests/test_network.py b/electrum/tests/test_network.py
       t@@ -6,6 +6,9 @@ from electrum import constants
        from electrum.simple_config import SimpleConfig
        from electrum import blockchain
        from electrum.interface import Interface
       +from electrum.crypto import sha256
       +from electrum.util import bh2u
        class MockTaskGroup:
            async def spawn(self, x): return
       t@@ -17,10 +20,14 @@ class MockNetwork:
        class MockInterface(Interface):
            def __init__(self, config):
                self.config = config
       -        super().__init__(MockNetwork(), 'mock-server:50000:t', self.config.electrum_path(), None)
       +        network = MockNetwork()
       +        network.config = config
       +        super().__init__(network, 'mock-server:50000:t', None)
                self.q = asyncio.Queue()
       -        self.blockchain = blockchain.Blockchain(self.config, 2002, None)
       +        self.blockchain = blockchain.Blockchain(config=self.config, forkpoint=0,
       +                                                parent=None, forkpoint_hash=constants.net.GENESIS, prev_hash=None)
                self.tip = 12
       +        self.blockchain._size = self.tip + 1
            async def get_block_header(self, height, assert_mode):
                assert self.q.qsize() > 0, (height, assert_mode)
                item = await self.q.get()
       t@@ -56,7 +63,7 @@ class TestNetwork(unittest.TestCase):
                self.interface.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 5, 'mock': {'binary':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
                self.interface.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 6, 'mock': {'binary':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
                ifa = self.interface
       -        self.assertEqual(('fork_noconflict', 8), asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(8, next_height=7)))
       +        self.assertEqual(('fork', 8), asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(8, next_height=7)))
                self.assertEqual(self.interface.q.qsize(), 0)
            def test_fork_conflict(self):
       t@@ -70,7 +77,7 @@ class TestNetwork(unittest.TestCase):
                self.interface.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 5, 'mock': {'binary':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
                self.interface.q.put_nowait({'block_height': 6, 'mock': {'binary':1,'check':lambda x: True, 'connect': lambda x: True}})
                ifa = self.interface
       -        self.assertEqual(('fork_conflict', 8), asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(8, next_height=7)))
       +        self.assertEqual(('fork', 8), asyncio.get_event_loop().run_until_complete(ifa.sync_until(8, next_height=7)))
                self.assertEqual(self.interface.q.qsize(), 0)
            def test_can_connect_during_backward(self):
       t@@ -87,7 +94,10 @@ class TestNetwork(unittest.TestCase):
                self.assertEqual(self.interface.q.qsize(), 0)
            def mock_fork(self, bad_header):
       -        return blockchain.Blockchain(self.config, bad_header['block_height'], None)
       +        forkpoint = bad_header['block_height']
       +        b = blockchain.Blockchain(config=self.config, forkpoint=forkpoint, parent=None,
       +                                  forkpoint_hash=bh2u(sha256(str(forkpoint))), prev_hash=bh2u(sha256(str(forkpoint-1))))
       +        return b
            def test_chain_false_during_binary(self):
                blockchain.blockchains = {}
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/tests/test_wallet.py b/electrum/tests/test_wallet.py
       t@@ -71,7 +71,6 @@ class TestWalletStorage(WalletTestCase):
                    storage.put(key, value)
       -        contents = ""
                with open(self.wallet_path, "r") as f:
                    contents = f.read()
                self.assertEqual(some_dict, json.loads(contents))