tlnchan refactor - electrum - Electrum Bitcoin wallet
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   DIR commit e56e8495059d526b6151839dcf2a7caddb5a8d18
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  HTML Author: Janus <ysangkok@gmail.com>
       Date:   Mon, 21 Jan 2019 21:27:27 +0100
       lnchan refactor
       - replace undoing logic with new HTLCManager class
       - separate SENT/RECEIVED
       - move UpdateAddHtlc to lnutil
         M electrum/gui/qt/channel_details.py  |      22 +++++++++++-----------
         M electrum/gui/qt/channels_list.py    |       5 +++--
         M electrum/lnbase.py                  |      20 ++++++++++----------
         M electrum/lnchan.py                  |     465 ++++++++++++-------------------
         A electrum/lnhtlc.py                  |     159 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M electrum/lnsweep.py                 |      20 +++++++++-----------
         M electrum/lnutil.py                  |      42 +++++++++++++++++++++++--------
         M electrum/lnworker.py                |      30 ++++++++++++++++++------------
         M electrum/tests/test_lnchan.py       |     231 +++++++++++++++++++++++++------
         A electrum/tests/test_lnhtlc.py       |      95 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         M electrum/tests/test_lnutil.py       |      13 ++++++-------
       11 files changed, 705 insertions(+), 397 deletions(-)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/channel_details.py b/electrum/gui/qt/channel_details.py
       t@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ import PyQt5.QtWidgets as QtWidgets
        import PyQt5.QtCore as QtCore
        from electrum.i18n import _
       -from electrum.lnchan import UpdateAddHtlc, HTLCOwner
        from electrum.util import bh2u, format_time
       -from electrum.lnutil import format_short_channel_id, SENT, RECEIVED
       +from electrum.lnutil import format_short_channel_id, LOCAL, REMOTE, UpdateAddHtlc, Direction
       +from electrum.lnchan import htlcsum
        from electrum.lnaddr import LnAddr, lndecode
        from electrum.bitcoin import COIN
       t@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ class LinkedLabel(QtWidgets.QLabel):
        class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
       -    def make_htlc_item(self, i: UpdateAddHtlc, direction: HTLCOwner) -> HTLCItem:
       -        it = HTLCItem(_('Sent HTLC with ID {}' if SENT == direction else 'Received HTLC with ID {}').format(i.htlc_id))
       +    def make_htlc_item(self, i: UpdateAddHtlc, direction: Direction) -> HTLCItem:
       +        it = HTLCItem(_('Sent HTLC with ID {}' if Direction.SENT == direction else 'Received HTLC with ID {}').format(i.htlc_id))
                it.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('CLTV expiry')),HTLCItem(str(i.cltv_expiry))])
                it.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Payment hash')),HTLCItem(bh2u(i.payment_hash))])
       t@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
                invoice.appendRow([HTLCItem(_('Date')), HTLCItem(format_time(lnaddr.date))])
       -    def make_inflight(self, lnaddr, i: UpdateAddHtlc, direction: HTLCOwner) -> HTLCItem:
       +    def make_inflight(self, lnaddr, i: UpdateAddHtlc, direction: Direction) -> HTLCItem:
                it = self.make_htlc_item(i, direction)
                self.append_lnaddr(it, lnaddr)
                return it
       t@@ -99,23 +99,23 @@ class ChannelDetailsDialog(QtWidgets.QDialog):
                dest_mapping = self.keyname_rows[to]
                dest_mapping[payment_hash] = len(dest_mapping)
       -    ln_payment_completed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, float, HTLCOwner, UpdateAddHtlc, bytes, bytes)
       -    htlc_added = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, UpdateAddHtlc, LnAddr, HTLCOwner)
       +    ln_payment_completed = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, float, Direction, UpdateAddHtlc, bytes, bytes)
       +    htlc_added = QtCore.pyqtSignal(str, UpdateAddHtlc, LnAddr, Direction)
       -    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, UpdateAddHtlc, LnAddr, HTLCOwner)
       +    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, UpdateAddHtlc, LnAddr, Direction)
            def do_htlc_added(self, evtname, htlc, lnaddr, direction):
                mapping = self.keyname_rows['inflight']
                mapping[htlc.payment_hash] = len(mapping)
                self.folders['inflight'].appendRow(self.make_inflight(lnaddr, htlc, direction))
       -    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, float, HTLCOwner, UpdateAddHtlc, bytes, bytes)
       +    @QtCore.pyqtSlot(str, float, Direction, UpdateAddHtlc, bytes, bytes)
            def do_ln_payment_completed(self, evtname, date, direction, htlc, preimage, chan_id):
                self.move('inflight', 'settled', htlc.payment_hash)
            def update_sent_received(self):
       -        self.sent_label.setText(str(sum(self.chan.settled[SENT])))
       -        self.received_label.setText(str(sum(self.chan.settled[RECEIVED])))
       +        self.sent_label.setText(str(htlcsum(self.hm.settled_htlcs_by(LOCAL))))
       +        self.received_label.setText(str(htlcsum(self.hm.settled_htlcs_by(REMOTE))))
            def show_tx(self, link_text: str):
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/gui/qt/channels_list.py b/electrum/gui/qt/channels_list.py
       t@@ -30,8 +30,9 @@ class ChannelsList(MyTreeView):
                for subject in (REMOTE, LOCAL):
                    bal_minus_htlcs = chan.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(subject)//1000
                    label = self.parent.format_amount(bal_minus_htlcs)
       -            bal_other = chan.balance(-subject)//1000
       -            bal_minus_htlcs_other = chan.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(-subject)//1000
       +            other = subject.inverted()
       +            bal_other = chan.balance(other)//1000
       +            bal_minus_htlcs_other = chan.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(other)//1000
                    if bal_other != bal_minus_htlcs_other:
                        label += ' (+' + self.parent.format_amount(bal_other - bal_minus_htlcs_other) + ')'
                    labels[subject] = label
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnbase.py b/electrum/lnbase.py
       t@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ from .util import PrintError, bh2u, print_error, bfh, log_exceptions, list_enabl
        from .transaction import Transaction, TxOutput
        from .lnonion import (new_onion_packet, decode_onion_error, OnionFailureCode, calc_hops_data_for_payment,
                              process_onion_packet, OnionPacket, construct_onion_error, OnionRoutingFailureMessage)
       -from .lnchan import Channel, RevokeAndAck, htlcsum, UpdateAddHtlc
       -from .lnutil import (Outpoint, LocalConfig, RECEIVED,
       +from .lnchan import Channel, RevokeAndAck, htlcsum
       +from .lnutil import (Outpoint, LocalConfig, RECEIVED, UpdateAddHtlc,
                             RemoteConfig, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore,
                             funding_output_script, get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed,
                             secret_to_pubkey, LNPeerAddr, PaymentFailure, LnLocalFeatures,
       t@@ -397,20 +397,20 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
       -            to_self_delay=143,
       +            to_self_delay=9,
       -            amount_msat=initial_msat,
       +            got_sig_for_next=False,
                return local_config
       t@@ -472,7 +472,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                    max_accepted_htlcs=int.from_bytes(payload["max_accepted_htlcs"], 'big'),
                    ctn = -1,
       -            amount_msat=push_msat,
                    next_htlc_id = 0,
                    reserve_sat = remote_reserve_sat,
       t@@ -517,9 +516,11 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                # broadcast funding tx
                await self.network.broadcast_transaction(funding_tx)
                chan.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked = chan.pending_commitment(REMOTE)
       -        chan.config[REMOTE] = chan.config[REMOTE]._replace(ctn=0)
       -        chan.config[LOCAL] = chan.config[LOCAL]._replace(ctn=0, current_commitment_signature=remote_sig)
       +        chan.config[REMOTE] = chan.config[REMOTE]._replace(ctn=0, current_per_commitment_point=remote_per_commitment_point, next_per_commitment_point=None)
       +        chan.config[LOCAL] = chan.config[LOCAL]._replace(ctn=0, current_commitment_signature=remote_sig, got_sig_for_next=False)
       +        chan.set_remote_commitment()
       +        chan.set_local_commitment(chan.current_commitment(LOCAL))
                return chan
            async def on_open_channel(self, payload):
       t@@ -579,7 +580,6 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                            max_accepted_htlcs=int.from_bytes(payload['max_accepted_htlcs'], 'big'),
                            ctn = -1,
       -                    amount_msat=remote_balance_sat,
                            next_htlc_id = 0,
                            reserve_sat = remote_reserve_sat,
       t@@ -605,7 +605,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                chan.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked = chan.pending_commitment(REMOTE)
       -        chan.config[REMOTE] = chan.config[REMOTE]._replace(ctn=0)
       +        chan.config[REMOTE] = chan.config[REMOTE]._replace(ctn=0, current_per_commitment_point=payload['first_per_commitment_point'], next_per_commitment_point=None)
                chan.config[LOCAL] = chan.config[LOCAL]._replace(ctn=0, current_commitment_signature=remote_sig)
                self.lnwatcher.watch_channel(chan.get_funding_address(), chan.funding_outpoint.to_str())
       t@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ class Peer(PrintError):
                if not chan.config[LOCAL].funding_locked_received:
                    our_next_point = chan.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point
                    their_next_point = payload["next_per_commitment_point"]
       -            new_remote_state = chan.config[REMOTE]._replace(next_per_commitment_point=their_next_point, current_per_commitment_point=our_next_point)
       +            new_remote_state = chan.config[REMOTE]._replace(next_per_commitment_point=their_next_point)
                    new_local_state = chan.config[LOCAL]._replace(funding_locked_received = True)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnchan.py b/electrum/lnchan.py
       t@@ -27,24 +27,25 @@ import binascii
        import json
        from enum import Enum, auto
        from typing import Optional, Dict, List, Tuple, NamedTuple, Set, Callable, Iterable, Sequence
       -from copy import deepcopy
       +from . import ecc
        from .util import bfh, PrintError, bh2u
        from .bitcoin import TYPE_SCRIPT, TYPE_ADDRESS
        from .bitcoin import redeem_script_to_address
        from .crypto import sha256, sha256d
       -from . import ecc
       -from .lnutil import Outpoint, LocalConfig, RemoteConfig, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, ChannelConstraints, RevocationStore
       -from .lnutil import get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed
       -from .lnutil import secret_to_pubkey, derive_privkey, derive_pubkey, derive_blinded_pubkey
       -from .lnutil import sign_and_get_sig_string
       -from .lnutil import make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel, make_commitment, make_received_htlc, make_offered_htlc
       -from .lnutil import HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT, HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT
       -from .lnutil import funding_output_script, LOCAL, REMOTE, HTLCOwner, make_closing_tx, make_commitment_outputs
       -from .lnutil import ScriptHtlc, PaymentFailure, calc_onchain_fees, RemoteMisbehaving, make_htlc_output_witness_script
       +from .simple_config import get_config
        from .transaction import Transaction
       +from .lnutil import (Outpoint, LocalConfig, RemoteConfig, Keypair, OnlyPubkeyKeypair, ChannelConstraints,
       +                    get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed, secret_to_pubkey, derive_privkey, make_closing_tx,
       +                    sign_and_get_sig_string, RevocationStore, derive_blinded_pubkey, Direction, derive_pubkey,
       +                    make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel, make_commitment, make_received_htlc, make_offered_htlc,
       +                    HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT, HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT, extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan, UpdateAddHtlc,
       +                    funding_output_script, SENT, RECEIVED, LOCAL, REMOTE, HTLCOwner, make_commitment_outputs,
       +                    ScriptHtlc, PaymentFailure, calc_onchain_fees, RemoteMisbehaving, make_htlc_output_witness_script)
        from .lnsweep import create_sweeptxs_for_their_just_revoked_ctx
        from .lnsweep import create_sweeptxs_for_our_latest_ctx, create_sweeptxs_for_their_latest_ctx
       +from .lnhtlc import HTLCManager
        class ChannelJsonEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
       t@@ -83,22 +84,6 @@ class FeeUpdate(defaultdict):
                    return self.rate
                # implicit return None
       -class UpdateAddHtlc(namedtuple('UpdateAddHtlc', ['amount_msat', 'payment_hash', 'cltv_expiry', 'htlc_id'])):
       -    """
       -    This whole class body is so that if you pass a hex-string as payment_hash,
       -    it is decoded to bytes. Bytes can't be saved to disk, so we save hex-strings.
       -    """
       -    __slots__ = ()
       -    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
       -        if len(args) > 0:
       -            args = list(args)
       -            if type(args[1]) is str:
       -                args[1] = bfh(args[1])
       -            return super().__new__(cls, *args)
       -        if type(kwargs['payment_hash']) is str:
       -            kwargs['payment_hash'] = bfh(kwargs['payment_hash'])
       -        return super().__new__(cls, **kwargs)
        def decodeAll(d, local):
            for k, v in d.items():
                if k == 'revocation_store':
       t@@ -124,20 +109,6 @@ def str_bytes_dict_from_save(x):
        def str_bytes_dict_to_save(x):
            return {str(k): bh2u(v) for k, v in x.items()}
       -class HtlcChanges(NamedTuple):
       -    # ints are htlc ids
       -    adds: Dict[int, UpdateAddHtlc]
       -    settles: Set[int]
       -    fails: Set[int]
       -    locked_in: Set[int]
       -    @staticmethod
       -    def new():
       -        """
       -        Since we can't use default arguments for these types (they would be shared among instances)
       -        """
       -        return HtlcChanges({}, set(), set(), set())
        class Channel(PrintError):
            def diagnostic_name(self):
                if self.name:
       t@@ -147,7 +118,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    return super().diagnostic_name()
       -    def __init__(self, state, sweep_address = None, name = None, payment_completed : Optional[Callable[[HTLCOwner, UpdateAddHtlc, bytes], None]] = None):
       +    def __init__(self, state, sweep_address = None, name = None, payment_completed : Optional[Callable[[Direction, UpdateAddHtlc, bytes], None]] = None):
                self.preimages = {}
                if not payment_completed:
                    payment_completed = lambda this, x, y, z: None
       t@@ -179,13 +150,9 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                # we should not persist txns in this format. we should persist htlcs, and be able to derive
                # any past commitment transaction and use that instead; until then...
                self.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked = Transaction(state["remote_commitment_to_be_revoked"])
       +        self.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked.deserialize(True)
       -        self.log = {LOCAL: HtlcChanges.new(), REMOTE: HtlcChanges.new()}
       -        for strname, subject in [('remote_log', REMOTE), ('local_log', LOCAL)]:
       -            if strname not in state: continue
       -            for y in state[strname]:
       -                htlc = UpdateAddHtlc(**y)
       -                self.log[subject].adds[htlc.htlc_id] = htlc
       +        self.hm = HTLCManager(state.get('log'))
                self.name = name
       t@@ -200,23 +167,18 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                self.lnwatcher = None
       -        self.settled = {LOCAL: state.get('settled_local', []), REMOTE: state.get('settled_remote', [])}
       -        for sub in (LOCAL, REMOTE):
       -            self.log[sub].locked_in.update(self.log[sub].adds.keys())
       -        self.set_local_commitment(self.current_commitment(LOCAL))
       -        self.set_remote_commitment(self.current_commitment(REMOTE))
       +        self.local_commitment = None
       +        self.remote_commitment = None
            def set_local_commitment(self, ctx):
       +        ctn = extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan(ctx, self)
       +        assert self.signature_fits(ctx), (self.log[LOCAL])
                self.local_commitment = ctx
                if self.sweep_address is not None:
                    self.local_sweeptxs = create_sweeptxs_for_our_latest_ctx(self, self.local_commitment, self.sweep_address)
       -        self.assert_signature_fits(ctx)
       -    def set_remote_commitment(self, ctx):
       -        self.remote_commitment = ctx
       +    def set_remote_commitment(self):
       +        self.remote_commitment = self.current_commitment(REMOTE)
                if self.sweep_address is not None:
                    self.remote_sweeptxs = create_sweeptxs_for_their_latest_ctx(self, self.remote_commitment, self.sweep_address)
       t@@ -233,9 +195,9 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    raise PaymentFailure('Channel not open')
                if self.available_to_spend(LOCAL) < amount_msat:
                    raise PaymentFailure(f'Not enough local balance. Have: {self.available_to_spend(LOCAL)}, Need: {amount_msat}')
       -        if len(self.htlcs(LOCAL, only_pending=True)) + 1 > self.config[REMOTE].max_accepted_htlcs:
       +        if len(self.hm.htlcs(LOCAL)) + 1 > self.config[REMOTE].max_accepted_htlcs:
                    raise PaymentFailure('Too many HTLCs already in channel')
       -        current_htlc_sum = htlcsum(self.htlcs(LOCAL, only_pending=True))
       +        current_htlc_sum = htlcsum(self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(LOCAL, SENT)) + htlcsum(self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(LOCAL, RECEIVED))
                if current_htlc_sum + amount_msat > self.config[REMOTE].max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat:
                    raise PaymentFailure(f'HTLC value sum (sum of pending htlcs: {current_htlc_sum/1000} sat plus new htlc: {amount_msat/1000} sat) would exceed max allowed: {self.config[REMOTE].max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat/1000} sat')
                if amount_msat <= 0:  # FIXME htlc_minimum_msat
       t@@ -269,7 +231,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                assert type(htlc) is dict
                htlc = UpdateAddHtlc(**htlc, htlc_id=self.config[LOCAL].next_htlc_id)
       -        self.log[LOCAL].adds[htlc.htlc_id] = htlc
       +        self.hm.send_htlc(htlc)
                self.config[LOCAL]=self.config[LOCAL]._replace(next_htlc_id=htlc.htlc_id + 1)
                return htlc.htlc_id
       t@@ -288,8 +250,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    raise RemoteMisbehaving('Remote dipped below channel reserve.' +\
                            f' Available at remote: {self.available_to_spend(REMOTE)},' +\
                            f' HTLC amount: {htlc.amount_msat}')
       -        adds = self.log[REMOTE].adds
       -        adds[htlc.htlc_id] = htlc
       +        self.hm.recv_htlc(htlc)
                self.config[REMOTE]=self.config[REMOTE]._replace(next_htlc_id=htlc.htlc_id + 1)
                return htlc.htlc_id
       t@@ -308,7 +269,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
       -        old_logs = dict(self.lock_in_htlc_changes(LOCAL))
       +        self.hm.send_ctx()
                pending_remote_commitment = self.pending_commitment(REMOTE)
                sig_64 = sign_and_get_sig_string(pending_remote_commitment, self.config[LOCAL], self.config[REMOTE])
       t@@ -321,7 +282,8 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                for_us = False
                htlcsigs = []
       -        for we_receive, htlcs in zip([True, False], [self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, REMOTE), self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, LOCAL)]):
       +        # they sent => we receive
       +        for we_receive, htlcs in zip([True, False], [self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, SENT, ctn=self.config[REMOTE].ctn+1), self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, RECEIVED, ctn=self.config[REMOTE].ctn+1)]):
                    for htlc in htlcs:
                        _script, htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan=self,
       t@@ -337,26 +299,11 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                htlcsigs = [x[1] for x in htlcsigs]
       -        self.remote_commitment = self.pending_commitment(REMOTE)
       -        # we can't know if this message arrives.
       -        # since we shouldn't actually throw away
       -        # failed htlcs yet (or mark htlc locked in),
       -        # roll back the changes that were made
       -        self.log = old_logs
       +        # TODO should add remote_commitment here and handle
       +        # both valid ctx'es in lnwatcher at the same time...
                return sig_64, htlcsigs
       -    def lock_in_htlc_changes(self, subject):
       -        for sub in (LOCAL, REMOTE):
       -            log = self.log[sub]
       -            yield (sub, deepcopy(log))
       -            for htlc_id in log.fails:
       -                log.adds.pop(htlc_id)
       -            log.fails.clear()
       -        self.log[subject].locked_in.update(self.log[subject].adds.keys())
            def receive_new_commitment(self, sig, htlc_sigs):
                ReceiveNewCommitment process a signature for a new commitment state sent by
       t@@ -372,7 +319,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
       -        for _ in self.lock_in_htlc_changes(REMOTE): pass
       +        self.hm.recv_ctx()
                assert len(htlc_sigs) == 0 or type(htlc_sigs[0]) is bytes
       t@@ -385,16 +332,18 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                htlc_sigs_string = b''.join(htlc_sigs)
                htlc_sigs = htlc_sigs[:] # copy cause we will delete now
       -        for htlcs, we_receive in [(self.included_htlcs(LOCAL, REMOTE), True), (self.included_htlcs(LOCAL, LOCAL), False)]:
       +        ctn = self.config[LOCAL].ctn+1
       +        for htlcs, we_receive in [(self.included_htlcs(LOCAL, SENT, ctn=ctn), False), (self.included_htlcs(LOCAL, RECEIVED, ctn=ctn), True)]:
                    for htlc in htlcs:
       -                idx = self.verify_htlc(htlc, htlc_sigs, we_receive)
       +                idx = self.verify_htlc(htlc, htlc_sigs, we_receive, pending_local_commitment)
                        del htlc_sigs[idx]
                if len(htlc_sigs) != 0: # all sigs should have been popped above
                    raise Exception('failed verifying HTLC signatures: invalid amount of correct signatures')
       -            current_htlc_signatures=htlc_sigs_string)
       +            current_htlc_signatures=htlc_sigs_string,
       +            got_sig_for_next=True)
                if self.pending_fee is not None:
                    if not self.constraints.is_initiator:
       t@@ -402,15 +351,15 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    if self.constraints.is_initiator and self.pending_fee[FUNDEE_ACKED]:
                        self.pending_fee[FUNDER_SIGNED] = True
       -        self.set_local_commitment(self.pending_commitment(LOCAL))
       +        self.set_local_commitment(pending_local_commitment)
       -    def verify_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, htlc_sigs: Sequence[bytes], we_receive: bool) -> int:
       -        _, this_point, _ = self.points()
       +    def verify_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, htlc_sigs: Sequence[bytes], we_receive: bool, ctx) -> int:
       +        _, this_point, _, _ = self.points()
                _script, htlc_tx = make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan=self,
       -                                                          commit=self.pending_commitment(LOCAL),
       +                                                          commit=ctx,
                pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(htlc_tx.serialize_preimage(0)))
                remote_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(self.config[REMOTE].htlc_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
       t@@ -418,19 +367,19 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    if ecc.verify_signature(remote_htlc_pubkey, sig, pre_hash):
                        return idx
       -            raise Exception(f'failed verifying HTLC signatures: {htlc}')
       +            raise Exception(f'failed verifying HTLC signatures: {htlc}, sigs: {len(htlc_sigs)}, we_receive: {we_receive}')
       -    def get_remote_htlc_sig_for_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, we_receive: bool) -> bytes:
       +    def get_remote_htlc_sig_for_htlc(self, htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, we_receive: bool, ctx) -> bytes:
                data = self.config[LOCAL].current_htlc_signatures
                htlc_sigs = [data[i:i + 64] for i in range(0, len(data), 64)]
       -        idx = self.verify_htlc(htlc, htlc_sigs, we_receive=we_receive)
       +        idx = self.verify_htlc(htlc, htlc_sigs, we_receive=we_receive, ctx=ctx)
                remote_htlc_sig = ecc.der_sig_from_sig_string(htlc_sigs[idx]) + b'\x01'
                return remote_htlc_sig
            def revoke_current_commitment(self):
       -        last_secret, this_point, next_point = self.points()
       +        last_secret, this_point, next_point, _ = self.points()
                new_feerate = self.constraints.feerate
       t@@ -444,16 +393,18 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                        self.pending_fee = None
                        print("FEERATE CHANGE COMPLETE (initiator)")
       -        self.config[LOCAL]=self.config[LOCAL]._replace(
       -            ctn=self.config[LOCAL].ctn + 1,
       -        )
       +        assert self.config[LOCAL].got_sig_for_next
       -        # since we should not revoke our latest commitment tx,
       -        # we do not update self.local_commitment here,
       -        # it should instead be updated when we receive a new sig
       +        self.set_local_commitment(self.pending_commitment(LOCAL))
       +        ctx = self.pending_commitment(LOCAL)
       +        self.hm.send_rev()
       +        self.config[LOCAL]=self.config[LOCAL]._replace(
       +            ctn=self.config[LOCAL].ctn + 1,
       +            got_sig_for_next=False,
       +        )
       +        assert self.signature_fits(ctx)
                return RevokeAndAck(last_secret, next_point), "current htlcs"
       t@@ -466,7 +417,8 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                this_point = secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(this_secret, 'big'))
                next_secret = get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(self.config[LOCAL].per_commitment_secret_seed, RevocationStore.START_INDEX - next_small_num)
                next_point = secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(next_secret, 'big'))
       -        return last_secret, this_point, next_point
       +        last_point = secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(last_secret, 'big'))
       +        return last_secret, this_point, next_point, last_point
            def process_new_revocation_secret(self, per_commitment_secret: bytes):
                if not self.lnwatcher:
       t@@ -481,12 +433,9 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
            def receive_revocation(self, revocation) -> Tuple[int, int]:
       -        old_logs = dict(self.lock_in_htlc_changes(LOCAL))
                cur_point = self.config[REMOTE].current_per_commitment_point
                derived_point = ecc.ECPrivkey(revocation.per_commitment_secret).get_public_key_bytes(compressed=True)
                if cur_point != derived_point:
       -            self.log = old_logs
                    raise Exception('revoked secret not for current point')
                # FIXME not sure this is correct... but it seems to work
       t@@ -505,51 +454,36 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    if self.constraints.is_initiator and self.pending_fee[FUNDEE_ACKED]:
                        self.pending_fee[FUNDER_SIGNED] = True
       -        def mark_settled(subject):
       -            """
       -            find pending settlements for subject (LOCAL or REMOTE) and mark them settled, return value of settled htlcs
       -            """
       -            old_amount = htlcsum(self.htlcs(subject, False))
       -            for htlc_id in self.log[subject].settles:
       -                adds = self.log[subject].adds
       -                htlc = adds.pop(htlc_id)
       -                self.settled[subject].append(htlc.amount_msat)
       -                if subject == LOCAL:
       -                    preimage = self.preimages.pop(htlc_id)
       -                else:
       -                    preimage = None
       -                self.payment_completed(self, subject, htlc, preimage)
       -            self.log[subject].settles.clear()
       -            return old_amount - htlcsum(self.htlcs(subject, False))
       -        sent_this_batch = mark_settled(LOCAL)
       -        received_this_batch = mark_settled(REMOTE)
       +        received = self.hm.received_in_ctn(self.config[REMOTE].ctn + 1)
       +        sent = self.hm.sent_in_ctn(self.config[REMOTE].ctn + 1)
       +        for htlc in received:
       +            self.payment_completed(self, RECEIVED, htlc, None)
       +        for htlc in sent:
       +            preimage = self.preimages.pop(htlc.htlc_id)
       +            self.payment_completed(self, SENT, htlc, preimage)
       +        received_this_batch = htlcsum(received)
       +        sent_this_batch = htlcsum(sent)
                next_point = self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point
       -        print("RECEIVED", received_this_batch)
       -        print("SENT", sent_this_batch)
       +        self.hm.recv_rev()
                    ctn=self.config[REMOTE].ctn + 1,
       -            amount_msat=self.config[REMOTE].amount_msat + (sent_this_batch - received_this_batch)
       -        )
       -        self.config[LOCAL]=self.config[LOCAL]._replace(
       -            amount_msat = self.config[LOCAL].amount_msat + (received_this_batch - sent_this_batch)
                if self.pending_fee is not None:
                    if self.constraints.is_initiator:
                        self.pending_fee[FUNDEE_ACKED] = True
       -        self.set_remote_commitment(self.pending_commitment(REMOTE))
       +        self.set_remote_commitment()
                self.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked = prev_remote_commitment
                return received_this_batch, sent_this_batch
       -    def balance(self, subject):
       +    def balance(self, subject, ctn=None):
                This balance in mSAT is not including reserve and fees.
                So a node cannot actually use it's whole balance.
       t@@ -560,12 +494,15 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                commited to later when the respective commitment
                transaction as been revoked.
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
                initial = self.config[subject].initial_msat
       -        initial -= sum(self.settled[subject])
       -        initial += sum(self.settled[-subject])
       +        for direction, htlc in self.hm.settled_htlcs(subject, ctn):
       +            if direction == SENT:
       +                initial -= htlc.amount_msat
       +            else:
       +                initial += htlc.amount_msat
       -        assert initial == self.config[subject].amount_msat
                return initial
            def balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(self, subject):
       t@@ -573,48 +510,46 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                This balance in mSAT, which includes the value of
                pending outgoing HTLCs, is used in the UI.
       -        return self.balance(subject)\
       -                - htlcsum(self.log[subject].adds.values())
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        ctn = self.hm.log[subject]['ctn'] + 1
       +        return self.balance(subject, ctn)\
       +                - htlcsum(self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject, SENT, ctn))
            def available_to_spend(self, subject):
                This balance in mSAT, while technically correct, can
                not be used in the UI cause it fluctuates (commit fee)
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
                return self.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(subject)\
       -                - htlcsum(self.log[subject].adds.values())\
                        - self.config[-subject].reserve_sat * 1000\
                        - calc_onchain_fees(
                              # TODO should we include a potential new htlc, when we are called from receive_htlc?
       -                      len(list(self.included_htlcs(subject, LOCAL)) + list(self.included_htlcs(subject, REMOTE))),
       +                      len(self.included_htlcs(subject, SENT) + self.included_htlcs(subject, RECEIVED)),
       -                      True, # for_us
       -    def amounts(self):
       -        remote_settled= htlcsum(self.htlcs(REMOTE, False))
       -        local_settled= htlcsum(self.htlcs(LOCAL, False))
       -        unsettled_local = htlcsum(self.htlcs(LOCAL, True))
       -        unsettled_remote = htlcsum(self.htlcs(REMOTE, True))
       -        remote_msat = self.config[REMOTE].amount_msat -\
       -          unsettled_remote + local_settled - remote_settled
       -        local_msat = self.config[LOCAL].amount_msat -\
       -          unsettled_local + remote_settled - local_settled
       -        return remote_msat, local_msat
       -    def included_htlcs(self, subject, htlc_initiator, only_pending=True):
       +    def included_htlcs(self, subject, direction, ctn=None):
                return filter of non-dust htlcs for subjects commitment transaction, initiated by given party
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        assert type(direction) is Direction
       +        if ctn is None:
       +            ctn = self.config[subject].ctn
                feerate = self.pending_feerate(subject)
                conf = self.config[subject]
       -        weight = HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT if subject != htlc_initiator else HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT
       -        htlcs = self.htlcs(htlc_initiator, only_pending=only_pending)
       +        if (subject, direction) in [(REMOTE, RECEIVED), (LOCAL, SENT)]:
       +            weight = HTLC_SUCCESS_WEIGHT
       +        else:
       +            weight = HTLC_TIMEOUT_WEIGHT
       +        htlcs = self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject, direction, ctn=ctn)
                fee_for_htlc = lambda htlc: htlc.amount_msat // 1000 - (weight * feerate // 1000)
       -        return filter(lambda htlc: fee_for_htlc(htlc) >= conf.dust_limit_sat, htlcs)
       +        return list(filter(lambda htlc: fee_for_htlc(htlc) >= conf.dust_limit_sat, htlcs))
            def pending_feerate(self, subject):
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
                candidate = self.constraints.feerate
                if self.pending_fee is not None:
                    x = self.pending_fee.pending_feerate(subject)
       t@@ -623,81 +558,53 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                return candidate
            def pending_commitment(self, subject):
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
                this_point = self.config[REMOTE].next_per_commitment_point if subject == REMOTE else self.points()[1]
       -        return self.make_commitment(subject, this_point)
       +        ctn = self.config[subject].ctn + 1
       +        feerate = self.pending_feerate(subject)
       +        return self.make_commitment(subject, this_point, ctn, feerate, True)
            def current_commitment(self, subject):
       -        old_local_state = self.config[subject]
       -        self.config[subject]=self.config[subject]._replace(ctn=self.config[subject].ctn - 1)
       -        r = self.pending_commitment(subject)
       -        self.config[subject] = old_local_state
       -        return r
       -    def total_msat(self, sub):
       -        return sum(self.settled[sub])
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        this_point = self.config[REMOTE].current_per_commitment_point if subject == REMOTE else self.points()[3]
       +        ctn = self.config[subject].ctn
       +        feerate = self.constraints.feerate
       +        return self.make_commitment(subject, this_point, ctn, feerate, False)
       -    def htlcs(self, subject, only_pending):
       -        """
       -        only_pending: require the htlc's settlement to be pending (needs additional signatures/acks)
       -        sets returned with True and False are disjunct
       -        only_pending true:
       -           skipped if settled or failed
       -           <=>
       -           included if not settled and not failed
       -        only_pending false:
       -           skipped if not (settled or failed)
       -           <=>
       -           included if not not (settled or failed)
       -           included if settled or failed
       -        """
       -        update_log = self.log[subject]
       -        res = []
       -        for htlc in update_log.adds.values():
       -            locked_in = htlc.htlc_id in update_log.locked_in
       -            settled = htlc.htlc_id in update_log.settles
       -            failed =  htlc.htlc_id in update_log.fails
       -            if not locked_in:
       -                continue
       -            if only_pending == (settled or failed):
       -                continue
       -            res.append(htlc)
       -        return res
       +    def total_msat(self, direction):
       +        assert type(direction) is Direction
       +        sub = LOCAL if direction == SENT else REMOTE
       +        return htlcsum(self.hm.settled_htlcs_by(sub, self.config[sub].ctn))
            def settle_htlc(self, preimage, htlc_id):
                SettleHTLC attempts to settle an existing outstanding received HTLC.
       -        log = self.log[REMOTE]
       -        htlc = log.adds[htlc_id]
       +        log = self.hm.log[REMOTE]
       +        htlc = log['adds'][htlc_id]
                assert htlc.payment_hash == sha256(preimage)
       -        assert htlc_id not in log.settles
       -        log.settles.add(htlc_id)
       +        assert htlc_id not in log['settles']
       +        self.hm.send_settle(htlc_id)
                # not saving preimage because it's already saved in LNWorker.invoices
            def receive_htlc_settle(self, preimage, htlc_id):
       -        log = self.log[LOCAL]
       -        htlc = log.adds[htlc_id]
       +        log = self.hm.log[LOCAL]
       +        htlc = log['adds'][htlc_id]
                assert htlc.payment_hash == sha256(preimage)
       -        assert htlc_id not in log.settles
       +        assert htlc_id not in log['settles']
       +        self.hm.recv_settle(htlc_id)
                self.preimages[htlc_id] = preimage
       -        log.settles.add(htlc_id)
                # we don't save the preimage because we don't need to forward it anyway
            def fail_htlc(self, htlc_id):
       -        log = self.log[REMOTE]
       -        assert htlc_id not in log.fails
       -        log.fails.add(htlc_id)
       +        self.hm.send_fail(htlc_id)
            def receive_fail_htlc(self, htlc_id):
       -        log = self.log[LOCAL]
       -        assert htlc_id not in log.fails
       -        log.fails.add(htlc_id)
       +        self.hm.recv_fail(htlc_id)
            def current_height(self):
       t@@ -713,29 +620,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                    raise Exception("a fee update is already in progress")
                self.pending_fee = FeeUpdate(self, rate=feerate)
       -    def remove_uncommitted_htlcs_from_log(self, subject):
       -        """
       -        returns
       -        - the htlcs with uncommited (not locked in) htlcs removed
       -        - a list of htlc_ids that were removed
       -        """
       -        removed = []
       -        htlcs = []
       -        log = self.log[subject]
       -        for i in log.adds.values():
       -            locked_in = i.htlc_id in log.locked_in
       -            if locked_in:
       -                htlcs.append(i._asdict())
       -            else:
       -                removed.append(i.htlc_id)
       -        return htlcs, removed
            def to_save(self):
       -        # need to forget about uncommited htlcs
       -        # since we must assume they don't know about it,
       -        # if it was not acked
       -        remote_filtered, remote_removed = self.remove_uncommitted_htlcs_from_log(REMOTE)
       -        local_filtered, local_removed = self.remove_uncommitted_htlcs_from_log(LOCAL)
                to_save = {
                        "local_config": self.config[LOCAL],
                        "remote_config": self.config[REMOTE],
       t@@ -745,24 +630,10 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                        "funding_outpoint": self.funding_outpoint,
                        "node_id": self.node_id,
                        "remote_commitment_to_be_revoked": str(self.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked),
       -                "remote_log": remote_filtered,
       -                "local_log": local_filtered,
       +                "log": self.hm.to_save(),
                        "onion_keys": str_bytes_dict_to_save(self.onion_keys),
       -                "settled_local": self.settled[LOCAL],
       -                "settled_remote": self.settled[REMOTE],
                        "force_closed": self.get_state() == 'FORCE_CLOSING',
       -        # htlcs number must be monotonically increasing,
       -        # so we have to decrease the counter
       -        if len(remote_removed) != 0:
       -            assert min(remote_removed) < to_save['remote_config'].next_htlc_id
       -            to_save['remote_config'] = to_save['remote_config']._replace(next_htlc_id = min(remote_removed))
       -        if len(local_removed) != 0:
       -            assert min(local_removed) < to_save['local_config'].next_htlc_id
       -            to_save['local_config'] = to_save['local_config']._replace(next_htlc_id = min(local_removed))
                return to_save
            def serialize(self):
       t@@ -792,33 +663,49 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
            def __str__(self):
                return str(self.serialize())
       -    def make_commitment(self, subject, this_point) -> Transaction:
       -        remote_msat, local_msat = self.amounts()
       -        assert local_msat >= 0, local_msat
       -        assert remote_msat >= 0, remote_msat
       +    def make_commitment(self, subject, this_point, ctn, feerate, pending) -> Transaction:
       +        #if subject == REMOTE and not pending:
       +        #    ctn -= 1
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        other = REMOTE if LOCAL == subject else LOCAL
       +        remote_msat, local_msat = self.balance(other, ctn), self.balance(subject, ctn)
       +        received_htlcs = self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject, SENT if subject == LOCAL else RECEIVED, ctn)
       +        sent_htlcs = self.hm.htlcs_by_direction(subject, RECEIVED if subject == LOCAL else SENT, ctn)
       +        if subject != LOCAL:
       +            remote_msat -= htlcsum(received_htlcs)
       +            local_msat -= htlcsum(sent_htlcs)
       +        else:
       +            remote_msat -= htlcsum(sent_htlcs)
       +            local_msat -= htlcsum(received_htlcs)
       +        assert remote_msat >= 0
       +        assert local_msat >= 0
       +        # same htlcs as before, but now without dust.
       +        received_htlcs = self.included_htlcs(subject, SENT if subject == LOCAL else RECEIVED, ctn)
       +        sent_htlcs = self.included_htlcs(subject, RECEIVED if subject == LOCAL else SENT, ctn)
                this_config = self.config[subject]
                other_config = self.config[-subject]
                other_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_config.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
                this_htlc_pubkey = derive_pubkey(this_config.htlc_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
                other_revocation_pubkey = derive_blinded_pubkey(other_config.revocation_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
                htlcs = []  # type: List[ScriptHtlc]
       -        def append_htlc(htlc: UpdateAddHtlc, is_received_htlc: bool):
       -            htlcs.append(ScriptHtlc(make_htlc_output_witness_script(
       -                is_received_htlc=is_received_htlc,
       -                remote_revocation_pubkey=other_revocation_pubkey,
       -                remote_htlc_pubkey=other_htlc_pubkey,
       -                local_htlc_pubkey=this_htlc_pubkey,
       -                payment_hash=htlc.payment_hash,
       -                cltv_expiry=htlc.cltv_expiry), htlc))
       -        for htlc in self.included_htlcs(subject, -subject):
       -            append_htlc(htlc, is_received_htlc=True)
       -        for htlc in self.included_htlcs(subject, subject):
       -            append_htlc(htlc, is_received_htlc=False)
       -        if subject != LOCAL:
       -            remote_msat, local_msat = local_msat, remote_msat
       +        for is_received_htlc, htlc_list in zip((subject != LOCAL, subject == LOCAL), (received_htlcs, sent_htlcs)):
       +            for htlc in htlc_list:
       +                htlcs.append(ScriptHtlc(make_htlc_output_witness_script(
       +                    is_received_htlc=is_received_htlc,
       +                    remote_revocation_pubkey=other_revocation_pubkey,
       +                    remote_htlc_pubkey=other_htlc_pubkey,
       +                    local_htlc_pubkey=this_htlc_pubkey,
       +                    payment_hash=htlc.payment_hash,
       +                    cltv_expiry=htlc.cltv_expiry), htlc))
       +        onchain_fees = calc_onchain_fees(
       +            len(htlcs),
       +            feerate,
       +            self.constraints.is_initiator == (subject == LOCAL),
       +        )
                payment_pubkey = derive_pubkey(other_config.payment_basepoint.pubkey, this_point)
                return make_commitment(
       -            self.config[subject].ctn + 1,
       +            ctn,
       t@@ -832,12 +719,7 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
       -            calc_onchain_fees(
       -                len(htlcs),
       -                self.pending_feerate(subject),
       -                subject == LOCAL,
       -                self.constraints.is_initiator,
       -            ),
       +            onchain_fees,
            def get_local_index(self):
       t@@ -850,8 +732,8 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                            LOCAL:  fee_sat * 1000 if     self.constraints.is_initiator else 0,
                            REMOTE: fee_sat * 1000 if not self.constraints.is_initiator else 0,
       -                self.config[LOCAL].amount_msat,
       -                self.config[REMOTE].amount_msat,
       +                self.balance(LOCAL),
       +                self.balance(REMOTE),
                        (TYPE_SCRIPT, bh2u(local_script)),
                        (TYPE_SCRIPT, bh2u(remote_script)),
                        [], self.config[LOCAL].dust_limit_sat)
       t@@ -867,38 +749,39 @@ class Channel(PrintError):
                sig = ecc.sig_string_from_der_sig(der_sig[:-1])
                return sig, closing_tx
       -    def assert_signature_fits(self, tx):
       +    def signature_fits(self, tx):
                remote_sig = self.config[LOCAL].current_commitment_signature
       -        if remote_sig: # only None in test
       -            preimage_hex = tx.serialize_preimage(0)
       -            pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(preimage_hex))
       -            if not ecc.verify_signature(self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey, remote_sig, pre_hash):
       -                self.print_error("WARNING: commitment signature inconsistency, cannot force close")
       +        preimage_hex = tx.serialize_preimage(0)
       +        pre_hash = sha256d(bfh(preimage_hex))
       +        assert remote_sig
       +        res = ecc.verify_signature(self.config[REMOTE].multisig_key.pubkey, remote_sig, pre_hash)
       +        return res
            def force_close_tx(self):
                tx = self.local_commitment
       +        assert self.signature_fits(tx)
                tx = Transaction(str(tx))
       -        self.assert_signature_fits(tx)
                tx.sign({bh2u(self.config[LOCAL].multisig_key.pubkey): (self.config[LOCAL].multisig_key.privkey, True)})
                remote_sig = self.config[LOCAL].current_commitment_signature
       -        if remote_sig: # only None in test
       -            remote_sig = ecc.der_sig_from_sig_string(remote_sig) + b"\x01"
       -            sigs = tx._inputs[0]["signatures"]
       -            none_idx = sigs.index(None)
       -            tx.add_signature_to_txin(0, none_idx, bh2u(remote_sig))
       -            assert tx.is_complete()
       +        remote_sig = ecc.der_sig_from_sig_string(remote_sig) + b"\x01"
       +        sigs = tx._inputs[0]["signatures"]
       +        none_idx = sigs.index(None)
       +        tx.add_signature_to_txin(0, none_idx, bh2u(remote_sig))
       +        assert tx.is_complete()
                return tx
            def included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(self, htlc_initiator) -> Dict[int, List[UpdateAddHtlc]]:
                """ A map from commitment number to list of HTLCs in
                    their latest two commitment transactions.
                    The oldest might have been revoked.  """
       -        old_htlcs = list(self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, htlc_initiator, only_pending=False))
       +        assert type(htlc_initiator) is HTLCOwner
       +        direction = RECEIVED if htlc_initiator == LOCAL else SENT
       +        old_ctn = self.config[REMOTE].ctn
       +        old_htlcs  = self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, direction, ctn=old_ctn)
       -        old_logs = dict(self.lock_in_htlc_changes(LOCAL))
       -        new_htlcs = list(self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, htlc_initiator))
       -        self.log = old_logs
       +        new_ctn = self.config[REMOTE].ctn+1
       +        new_htlcs  = self.included_htlcs(REMOTE, direction, ctn=new_ctn)
       -        return {self.config[REMOTE].ctn:   old_htlcs,
       -                self.config[REMOTE].ctn+1: new_htlcs, }
       +        return {old_ctn: old_htlcs,
       +                new_ctn: new_htlcs, }
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnhtlc.py b/electrum/lnhtlc.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
       +from copy import deepcopy
       +from .lnutil import SENT, RECEIVED, LOCAL, REMOTE, HTLCOwner, UpdateAddHtlc, Direction
       +from .util import bh2u
       +class HTLCManager:
       +    def __init__(self, log=None):
       +        self.expect_sig = {SENT: False, RECEIVED: False}
       +        if log is None:
       +            initial = {'ctn': 0, 'adds': {}, 'locked_in': {}, 'settles': {}, 'fails': {}}
       +            log = {LOCAL: deepcopy(initial), REMOTE: deepcopy(initial)}
       +        else:
       +            assert type(log) is dict
       +            log = {HTLCOwner(int(x)): y for x, y in deepcopy(log).items()}
       +            for sub in (LOCAL, REMOTE):
       +                log[sub]['adds'] = {int(x): UpdateAddHtlc(*y) for x, y in log[sub]['adds'].items()}
       +                coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap = lambda x: {HTLCOwner(int(y)): z for y, z in x.items()}
       +                log[sub]['locked_in'] = {int(x): coerceHtlcOwner2IntMap(y) for x, y in log[sub]['locked_in'].items()}
       +                log[sub]['settles'] = {int(x): y for x, y in log[sub]['settles'].items()}
       +                log[sub]['fails'] = {int(x): y for x, y in log[sub]['fails'].items()}
       +        self.log = log
       +    def to_save(self):
       +        x = deepcopy(self.log)
       +        for sub in (LOCAL, REMOTE):
       +            d = {}
       +            for htlc_id, htlc in x[sub]['adds'].items():
       +                d[htlc_id] = (htlc[0], bh2u(htlc[1])) + htlc[2:]
       +            x[sub]['adds'] = d
       +        return x
       +    def send_htlc(self, htlc):
       +        htlc_id = htlc.htlc_id
       +        adds = self.log[LOCAL]['adds']
       +        assert type(adds) is not str
       +        adds[htlc_id] = htlc
       +        self.log[LOCAL]['locked_in'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: None, REMOTE: self.log[REMOTE]['ctn']+1}
       +        self.expect_sig[SENT] = True
       +        return htlc
       +    def recv_htlc(self, htlc):
       +        htlc_id = htlc.htlc_id
       +        self.log[REMOTE]['htlc_id'] = htlc_id
       +        self.log[REMOTE]['adds'][htlc_id] = htlc
       +        l = self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in'][htlc_id] = {LOCAL: self.log[LOCAL]['ctn']+1, REMOTE: None}
       +        self.expect_sig[RECEIVED] = True
       +    def send_ctx(self):
       +        next_ctn = self.log[REMOTE]['ctn'] + 1
       +        for locked_in in self.log[REMOTE]['locked_in'].values():
       +            if locked_in[REMOTE] is None:
       +                locked_in[REMOTE] = next_ctn
       +        self.expect_sig[SENT] = False
       +        #return Sig(self.pending_htlcs(REMOTE), next_ctn)
       +    def recv_ctx(self):
       +        next_ctn = self.log[LOCAL]['ctn'] + 1
       +        for locked_in in self.log[LOCAL]['locked_in'].values():
       +            if locked_in[LOCAL] is None:
       +                locked_in[LOCAL] = next_ctn
       +        self.expect_sig[SENT] = False
       +    def send_rev(self):
       +        self.log[LOCAL]['ctn'] += 1
       +    def recv_rev(self):
       +        self.log[REMOTE]['ctn'] += 1
       +        did_set_htlc_height = False
       +        for htlc_id, ctnheights in self.log[LOCAL]['locked_in'].items():
       +            if ctnheights[LOCAL] is None:
       +                did_set_htlc_height = True
       +                assert ctnheights[REMOTE] == self.log[REMOTE]['ctn']
       +                ctnheights[LOCAL] = ctnheights[REMOTE]
       +        return did_set_htlc_height
       +    def htlcs_by_direction(self, subject, direction, ctn=None):
       +        """
       +        direction is relative to subject!
       +        """
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        assert type(direction) is Direction
       +        if ctn is None:
       +            ctn = self.log[subject]['ctn']
       +        l = []
       +        if direction == SENT and subject == LOCAL:
       +            party = LOCAL
       +        elif direction == RECEIVED and subject == REMOTE:
       +            party = LOCAL
       +        else:
       +            party = REMOTE
       +        for htlc_id, ctnheights in self.log[party]['locked_in'].items():
       +            htlc_height = ctnheights[subject]
       +            if htlc_height is None:
       +                include = not self.expect_sig[RECEIVED if party == LOCAL else SENT] and ctnheights[-subject] <= ctn
       +            else:
       +                include = htlc_height <= ctn
       +            if include:
       +                settles = self.log[party]['settles']
       +                if htlc_id not in settles or settles[htlc_id] > ctn:
       +                    fails = self.log[party]['fails']
       +                    if htlc_id not in fails or fails[htlc_id] > ctn:
       +                        l.append(self.log[party]['adds'][htlc_id])
       +        return l
       +    def htlcs(self, subject, ctn=None):
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        if ctn is None:
       +            ctn = self.log[subject]['ctn']
       +        l = []
       +        l += [(SENT, x) for x in self.htlcs_by_direction(subject, SENT, ctn)]
       +        l += [(RECEIVED, x) for x in self.htlcs_by_direction(subject, RECEIVED, ctn)]
       +        return l
       +    def current_htlcs(self, subject):
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        ctn = self.log[subject]['ctn']
       +        return self.htlcs(subject, ctn)
       +    def pending_htlcs(self, subject):
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        ctn = self.log[subject]['ctn'] + 1
       +        return self.htlcs(subject, ctn)
       +    def send_settle(self, htlc_id):
       +        self.log[REMOTE]['settles'][htlc_id] = self.log[REMOTE]['ctn'] + 1
       +    def recv_settle(self, htlc_id):
       +        self.log[LOCAL]['settles'][htlc_id] = self.log[LOCAL]['ctn'] + 1
       +    def settled_htlcs_by(self, subject, ctn=None):
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        if ctn is None:
       +            ctn = self.log[subject]['ctn']
       +        return [self.log[subject]['adds'][htlc_id] for htlc_id, height in self.log[subject]['settles'].items() if height <= ctn]
       +    def settled_htlcs(self, subject, ctn=None):
       +        assert type(subject) is HTLCOwner
       +        if ctn is None:
       +            ctn = self.log[subject]['ctn']
       +        sent = [(SENT, x) for x in self.settled_htlcs_by(subject, ctn)]
       +        other = subject.inverted()
       +        received = [(RECEIVED, x) for x in self.settled_htlcs_by(other, ctn)]
       +        return sent + received
       +    def received_in_ctn(self, ctn):
       +        return [self.log[REMOTE]['adds'][htlc_id] for htlc_id, height in self.log[REMOTE]['settles'].items() if height == ctn]
       +    def sent_in_ctn(self, ctn):
       +        return [self.log[LOCAL]['adds'][htlc_id] for htlc_id, height in self.log[LOCAL]['settles'].items() if height == ctn]
       +    def send_fail(self, htlc_id):
       +        self.log[REMOTE]['fails'][htlc_id] = self.log[REMOTE]['ctn'] + 1
       +    def recv_fail(self, htlc_id):
       +        self.log[LOCAL]['fails'][htlc_id] = self.log[LOCAL]['ctn'] + 1
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnsweep.py b/electrum/lnsweep.py
       t@@ -9,15 +9,15 @@ from .bitcoin import TYPE_ADDRESS, redeem_script_to_address, dust_threshold
        from . import ecc
        from .lnutil import (make_commitment_output_to_remote_address, make_commitment_output_to_local_witness_script,
                             derive_privkey, derive_pubkey, derive_blinded_pubkey, derive_blinded_privkey,
       -                     make_htlc_tx_witness, make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel,
       +                     make_htlc_tx_witness, make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel, UpdateAddHtlc,
                             LOCAL, REMOTE, make_htlc_output_witness_script, UnknownPaymentHash,
                             get_ordered_channel_configs, privkey_to_pubkey, get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed,
       -                     RevocationStore, extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan, UnableToDeriveSecret)
       +                     RevocationStore, extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan, UnableToDeriveSecret, SENT, RECEIVED)
        from .transaction import Transaction, TxOutput, construct_witness
        from .simple_config import SimpleConfig, FEERATE_FALLBACK_STATIC_FEE
        if TYPE_CHECKING:
       -    from .lnchan import Channel, UpdateAddHtlc
       +    from .lnchan import Channel
        def maybe_create_sweeptx_for_their_ctx_to_remote(ctx: Transaction, sweep_address: str,
       t@@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ def create_sweeptxs_for_their_just_revoked_ctx(chan: 'Channel', ctx: Transaction
            ctn = extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan(ctx, chan)
            assert ctn == chan.config[REMOTE].ctn
            # received HTLCs, in their ctx
       -    received_htlcs = chan.included_htlcs(REMOTE, LOCAL, False)
       +    received_htlcs = chan.included_htlcs(REMOTE, RECEIVED, ctn)
            for htlc in received_htlcs:
                direct_sweep_tx, secondstage_sweep_tx, htlc_tx = create_sweeptx_for_htlc(htlc, is_received_htlc=True)
                if direct_sweep_tx:
       t@@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ def create_sweeptxs_for_their_just_revoked_ctx(chan: 'Channel', ctx: Transaction
                if secondstage_sweep_tx:
                    txs[htlc_tx.txid()] = secondstage_sweep_tx
            # offered HTLCs, in their ctx
       -    offered_htlcs = chan.included_htlcs(REMOTE, REMOTE, False)
       +    offered_htlcs = chan.included_htlcs(REMOTE, SENT, ctn)
            for htlc in offered_htlcs:
                direct_sweep_tx, secondstage_sweep_tx, htlc_tx = create_sweeptx_for_htlc(htlc, is_received_htlc=False)
                if direct_sweep_tx:
       t@@ -181,16 +181,14 @@ def create_sweeptxs_for_our_latest_ctx(chan: 'Channel', ctx: Transaction,
                return htlc_tx, to_wallet_tx
            # offered HTLCs, in our ctx --> "timeout"
       -    # TODO consider carefully if "included_htlcs" is what we need here
       -    offered_htlcs = list(chan.included_htlcs(LOCAL, LOCAL))  # type: List[UpdateAddHtlc]
       +    # received HTLCs, in our ctx --> "success"
       +    offered_htlcs = chan.included_htlcs(LOCAL, SENT, ctn)  # type: List[UpdateAddHtlc]
       +    received_htlcs = chan.included_htlcs(LOCAL, RECEIVED, ctn)  # type: List[UpdateAddHtlc]
            for htlc in offered_htlcs:
                htlc_tx, to_wallet_tx = create_txns_for_htlc(htlc, is_received_htlc=False)
                if htlc_tx and to_wallet_tx:
                    txs[to_wallet_tx.prevout(0)] = to_wallet_tx
                    txs[htlc_tx.prevout(0)] = htlc_tx
       -    # received HTLCs, in our ctx --> "success"
       -    # TODO consider carefully if "included_htlcs" is what we need here
       -    received_htlcs = list(chan.included_htlcs(LOCAL, REMOTE))  # type: List[UpdateAddHtlc]
            for htlc in received_htlcs:
                htlc_tx, to_wallet_tx = create_txns_for_htlc(htlc, is_received_htlc=True)
                if htlc_tx and to_wallet_tx:
       t@@ -332,7 +330,7 @@ def create_htlctx_that_spends_from_our_ctx(chan: 'Channel', our_pcp: bytes,
                                                                     cltv_expiry=0 if is_received_htlc else htlc.cltv_expiry)
       -    remote_htlc_sig = chan.get_remote_htlc_sig_for_htlc(htlc, we_receive=is_received_htlc)
       +    remote_htlc_sig = chan.get_remote_htlc_sig_for_htlc(htlc, we_receive=is_received_htlc, ctx=ctx)
            local_htlc_sig = bfh(htlc_tx.sign_txin(0, local_htlc_privkey))
            txin = htlc_tx.inputs()[0]
            witness_program = bfh(Transaction.get_preimage_script(txin))
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnutil.py b/electrum/lnutil.py
       t@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ from .lnaddr import lndecode
        from .keystore import BIP32_KeyStore
        if TYPE_CHECKING:
       -    from .lnchan import Channel, UpdateAddHtlc
       +    from .lnchan import Channel
       t@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@ OnlyPubkeyKeypair = namedtuple("OnlyPubkeyKeypair", ["pubkey"])
        class LocalConfig(NamedTuple):
            # shared channel config fields (DUPLICATED code!!)
            ctn: int
       -    amount_msat: int
            next_htlc_id: int
            payment_basepoint: 'Keypair'
            multisig_key: 'Keypair'
       t@@ -54,12 +53,12 @@ class LocalConfig(NamedTuple):
            was_announced: bool
            current_commitment_signature: Optional[bytes]
            current_htlc_signatures: List[bytes]
       +    got_sig_for_next: bool
        class RemoteConfig(NamedTuple):
            # shared channel config fields (DUPLICATED code!!)
            ctn: int
       -    amount_msat: int
            next_htlc_id: int
            payment_basepoint: 'Keypair'
            multisig_key: 'Keypair'
       t@@ -364,7 +363,7 @@ def make_htlc_tx_with_open_channel(chan: 'Channel', pcp: bytes, for_us: bool,
            # FIXME handle htlc_address collision
            # also: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/issues/448
            prevout_idx = commit.get_output_idx_from_address(htlc_address)
       -    assert prevout_idx is not None
       +    assert prevout_idx is not None, (htlc_address, commit.outputs(), extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan(commit, chan))
            htlc_tx_inputs = make_htlc_tx_inputs(
                commit.txid(), prevout_idx,
       t@@ -395,11 +394,16 @@ class HTLCOwner(IntFlag):
            LOCAL = 1
            REMOTE = -LOCAL
       -    SENT = LOCAL
       -    RECEIVED = REMOTE
       +    def inverted(self):
       +        return HTLCOwner(-self)
       +class Direction(IntFlag):
       +    SENT = 3
       +    RECEIVED = 4
       +SENT = Direction.SENT
       +RECEIVED = Direction.RECEIVED
       -SENT = HTLCOwner.SENT
        LOCAL = HTLCOwner.LOCAL
       t@@ -420,8 +424,7 @@ def make_commitment_outputs(fees_per_participant: Mapping[HTLCOwner, int], local
            c_outputs_filtered = list(filter(lambda x: x.value >= dust_limit_sat, non_htlc_outputs + htlc_outputs))
            return htlc_outputs, c_outputs_filtered
       -def calc_onchain_fees(num_htlcs, feerate, for_us, we_are_initiator):
       -    we_pay_fee = for_us == we_are_initiator
       +def calc_onchain_fees(num_htlcs, feerate, we_pay_fee):
            overall_weight = 500 + 172 * num_htlcs + 224
            fee = feerate * overall_weight
            fee = fee // 1000 * 1000
       t@@ -451,7 +454,7 @@ def make_commitment(ctn, local_funding_pubkey, remote_funding_pubkey,
            htlc_outputs, c_outputs_filtered = make_commitment_outputs(fees_per_participant, local_amount, remote_amount,
                (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, local_address), (bitcoin.TYPE_ADDRESS, remote_address), htlcs, dust_limit_sat)
       -    assert sum(x.value for x in c_outputs_filtered) <= funding_sat
       +    assert sum(x.value for x in c_outputs_filtered) <= funding_sat, (c_outputs_filtered, funding_sat)
            # create commitment tx
            tx = Transaction.from_io(c_inputs, c_outputs_filtered, locktime=locktime, version=2)
       t@@ -649,3 +652,20 @@ def format_short_channel_id(short_channel_id: Optional[bytes]):
            return str(int.from_bytes(short_channel_id[:3], 'big')) \
                + 'x' + str(int.from_bytes(short_channel_id[3:6], 'big')) \
                + 'x' + str(int.from_bytes(short_channel_id[6:], 'big'))
       +class UpdateAddHtlc(namedtuple('UpdateAddHtlc', ['amount_msat', 'payment_hash', 'cltv_expiry', 'htlc_id'])):
       +    """
       +    This whole class body is so that if you pass a hex-string as payment_hash,
       +    it is decoded to bytes. Bytes can't be saved to disk, so we save hex-strings.
       +    """
       +    __slots__ = ()
       +    def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
       +        if len(args) > 0:
       +            args = list(args)
       +            if type(args[1]) is str:
       +                args[1] = bfh(args[1])
       +            return super().__new__(cls, *args)
       +        if type(kwargs['payment_hash']) is str:
       +            kwargs['payment_hash'] = bfh(kwargs['payment_hash'])
       +        return super().__new__(cls, **kwargs)
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/lnworker.py b/electrum/lnworker.py
       t@@ -29,13 +29,14 @@ from .lntransport import LNResponderTransport
        from .lnbase import Peer
        from .lnaddr import lnencode, LnAddr, lndecode
        from .ecc import der_sig_from_sig_string
       -from .lnchan import Channel, ChannelJsonEncoder, UpdateAddHtlc
       +from .lnchan import Channel, ChannelJsonEncoder
        from .lnutil import (Outpoint, calc_short_channel_id, LNPeerAddr,
                             get_compressed_pubkey_from_bech32, extract_nodeid,
                             PaymentFailure, split_host_port, ConnStringFormatError,
                             generate_keypair, LnKeyFamily, LOCAL, REMOTE,
                             UnknownPaymentHash, MIN_FINAL_CLTV_EXPIRY_FOR_INVOICE,
       -                     NUM_MAX_EDGES_IN_PAYMENT_PATH, SENT, RECEIVED, HTLCOwner)
       +                     NUM_MAX_EDGES_IN_PAYMENT_PATH, SENT, RECEIVED, HTLCOwner,
       +                     UpdateAddHtlc, Direction)
        from .i18n import _
        from .lnrouter import RouteEdge, is_route_sane_to_use
        from .address_synchronizer import TX_HEIGHT_LOCAL
       t@@ -66,7 +67,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
            def __init__(self, wallet: 'Abstract_Wallet', network: 'Network'):
                self.wallet = wallet
                # invoices we are currently trying to pay (might be pending HTLCs on a commitment transaction)
       -        self.paying = self.wallet.storage.get('lightning_payments_inflight', {}) # type: Dict[bytes, Tuple[str, Optional[int], bytes]]
       +        self.paying = self.wallet.storage.get('lightning_payments_inflight', {}) # type: Dict[bytes, Tuple[str, Optional[int], str]]
                self.sweep_address = wallet.get_receiving_address()
                self.network = network
                self.channel_db = self.network.channel_db
       t@@ -75,12 +76,15 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                self.node_keypair = generate_keypair(self.ln_keystore, LnKeyFamily.NODE_KEY, 0)
                self.config = network.config
                self.peers = {}  # type: Dict[bytes, Peer]  # pubkey -> Peer
       +        self.invoices = wallet.storage.get('lightning_invoices', {})  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str,str]]  # RHASH -> (preimage, invoice)
                self.channels = {}  # type: Dict[bytes, Channel]
                for x in wallet.storage.get("channels", []):
                    c = Channel(x, sweep_address=self.sweep_address, payment_completed=self.payment_completed)
       -            self.channels[c.channel_id] = c
                    c.lnwatcher = network.lnwatcher
       -        self.invoices = wallet.storage.get('lightning_invoices', {})  # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str,str]]  # RHASH -> (preimage, invoice)
       +            c.get_preimage_and_invoice = self.get_invoice
       +            self.channels[c.channel_id] = c
       +            c.set_remote_commitment()
       +            c.set_local_commitment(c.current_commitment(LOCAL))
                for chan_id, chan in self.channels.items():
                    self.network.lnwatcher.watch_channel(chan.get_funding_address(), chan.funding_outpoint.to_str())
                self._last_tried_peer = {}  # LNPeerAddr -> unix timestamp
       t@@ -116,6 +120,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                    self.print_error('saved lightning gossip timestamp')
            def payment_completed(self, chan, direction, htlc, preimage):
       +        assert type(direction) is Direction
                chan_id = chan.channel_id
                if direction == SENT:
                    assert htlc.payment_hash not in self.invoices
       t@@ -166,6 +171,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                unsettled = []
                inflight = []
                for date, direction, htlc, hex_preimage, hex_chan_id in completed:
       +            direction = Direction(direction)
                    if chan_id is not None:
                        if bfh(hex_chan_id) != chan_id:
       t@@ -175,12 +181,12 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                        preimage = bfh(hex_preimage)
                    # FIXME use fromisoformat when minimum Python is 3.7
       -            settled.append((datetime.fromtimestamp(date, timezone.utc), HTLCOwner(direction), htlcobj, preimage))
       +            settled.append((datetime.fromtimestamp(date, timezone.utc), direction, htlcobj, preimage))
                for preimage, pay_req in invoices.values():
                    addr = lndecode(pay_req, expected_hrp=constants.net.SEGWIT_HRP)
                    unsettled.append((addr, bfh(preimage), pay_req))
                for pay_req, amount_sat, this_chan_id in self.paying.values():
       -            if chan_id is not None and this_chan_id != chan_id:
       +            if chan_id is not None and bfh(this_chan_id) != chan_id:
                    addr = lndecode(pay_req, expected_hrp=constants.net.SEGWIT_HRP)
                    if amount_sat is not None:
       t@@ -194,7 +200,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
            def find_htlc_for_addr(self, addr, whitelist=None):
                channels = [y for x,y in self.channels.items() if x in whitelist or whitelist is None]
                for chan in channels:
       -            for htlc in chan.log[LOCAL].adds.values():
       +            for htlc in chan.hm.log[LOCAL]['adds'].values():
                        if htlc.payment_hash == addr.paymenthash:
                            return htlc
       t@@ -319,7 +325,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                    self.print_error('they force closed', funding_outpoint)
                    encumbered_sweeptxs = chan.remote_sweeptxs
       -            self.print_error('not sure who closed', funding_outpoint)
       +            self.print_error('not sure who closed', funding_outpoint, txid)
                # sweep
                for prevout, spender in spenders.items():
       t@@ -456,7 +462,7 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                    assert False, 'Found route with short channel ID we don\'t have: ' + repr(route[0].short_channel_id)
       -        self.paying[bh2u(addr.paymenthash)] = (invoice, amount_sat, chan_id)
       +        self.paying[bh2u(addr.paymenthash)] = (invoice, amount_sat, bh2u(chan_id))
                self.wallet.storage.put('lightning_payments_inflight', self.paying)
                return addr, peer, self._pay_to_route(route, addr)
       t@@ -623,8 +629,8 @@ class LNWorker(PrintError):
                    # we output the funding_outpoint instead of the channel_id because lnd uses channel_point (funding outpoint) to identify channels
                    for channel_id, chan in self.channels.items():
                        yield {
       -                    'local_htlcs':  json.loads(encoder.encode(chan.log[LOCAL ]._asdict())),
       -                    'remote_htlcs': json.loads(encoder.encode(chan.log[REMOTE]._asdict())),
       +                    'local_htlcs':  json.loads(encoder.encode(chan.hm.log[LOCAL ])),
       +                    'remote_htlcs': json.loads(encoder.encode(chan.hm.log[REMOTE])),
                            'channel_id': bh2u(chan.short_channel_id),
                            'channel_point': chan.funding_outpoint.to_str(),
                            'state': chan.get_state(),
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/tests/test_lnchan.py b/electrum/tests/test_lnchan.py
       t@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
        import unittest
        import os
        import binascii
       +from pprint import pformat
        from electrum import bitcoin
        from electrum import lnbase
       t@@ -30,6 +31,7 @@ from electrum import lnutil
        from electrum import bip32 as bip32_utils
        from electrum.lnutil import SENT, LOCAL, REMOTE, RECEIVED
        from electrum.ecc import sig_string_from_der_sig
       +from electrum.util import set_verbosity
        one_bitcoin_in_msat = bitcoin.COIN * 1000
       t@@ -54,9 +56,8 @@ def create_channel_state(funding_txid, funding_index, funding_sat, local_feerate
                        max_htlc_value_in_flight_msat=one_bitcoin_in_msat * 5,
       -                ctn = 0,
       +                ctn = -1,
                        next_htlc_id = 0,
       -                amount_msat=remote_amount,
       t@@ -76,7 +77,6 @@ def create_channel_state(funding_txid, funding_index, funding_sat, local_feerate
                        ctn = 0,
                        next_htlc_id = 0,
       -                amount_msat=local_amount,
       t@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ def create_channel_state(funding_txid, funding_index, funding_sat, local_feerate
       +                got_sig_for_next=False,
       t@@ -105,7 +106,7 @@ def bip32(sequence):
            return k
        def create_test_channels(feerate=6000, local=None, remote=None):
       -    funding_txid = binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(32)).decode("ascii")
       +    funding_txid = binascii.hexlify(b"\x01"*32).decode("ascii")
            funding_index = 0
            funding_sat = ((local + remote) // 1000) if local is not None and remote is not None else (bitcoin.COIN * 10)
            local_amount = local if local is not None else (funding_sat * 1000 // 2)
       t@@ -117,23 +118,52 @@ def create_test_channels(feerate=6000, local=None, remote=None):
            alice_pubkeys = [lnutil.OnlyPubkeyKeypair(x.pubkey) for x in alice_privkeys]
            bob_pubkeys = [lnutil.OnlyPubkeyKeypair(x.pubkey) for x in bob_privkeys]
       -    alice_seed = os.urandom(32)
       -    bob_seed = os.urandom(32)
       +    alice_seed = b"\x01" * 32
       +    bob_seed = b"\x02" * 32
       -    alice_cur = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(alice_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX), "big"))
       -    alice_next = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(alice_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX - 1), "big"))
       -    bob_cur = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(bob_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX), "big"))
       -    bob_next = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(bob_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX - 1), "big"))
       +    alice_first = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(alice_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX), "big"))
       +    bob_first = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(bob_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX), "big"))
            alice, bob = \
       -            create_channel_state(funding_txid, funding_index, funding_sat, feerate, True, local_amount, remote_amount, alice_privkeys, bob_pubkeys, alice_seed, bob_cur, bob_next, b"\x02"*33, l_dust=200, r_dust=1300, l_csv=5, r_csv=4), name="alice"), \
       +            create_channel_state(funding_txid, funding_index, funding_sat, feerate, True, local_amount, remote_amount, alice_privkeys, bob_pubkeys, alice_seed, None, bob_first, b"\x02"*33, l_dust=200, r_dust=1300, l_csv=5, r_csv=4), name="alice"), \
       -            create_channel_state(funding_txid, funding_index, funding_sat, feerate, False, remote_amount, local_amount, bob_privkeys, alice_pubkeys, bob_seed, alice_cur, alice_next, b"\x01"*33, l_dust=1300, r_dust=200, l_csv=4, r_csv=5), name="bob")
       +            create_channel_state(funding_txid, funding_index, funding_sat, feerate, False, remote_amount, local_amount, bob_privkeys, alice_pubkeys, bob_seed, None, alice_first, b"\x01"*33, l_dust=1300, r_dust=200, l_csv=4, r_csv=5), name="bob")
       +    a_out = alice.current_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()
       +    b_out = bob.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()
       +    assert a_out == b_out, "\n" + pformat((a_out, b_out))
       +    sig_from_bob, a_htlc_sigs = bob.sign_next_commitment()
       +    sig_from_alice, b_htlc_sigs = alice.sign_next_commitment()
       +    assert len(a_htlc_sigs) == 0
       +    assert len(b_htlc_sigs) == 0
       +    alice.config[LOCAL] = alice.config[LOCAL]._replace(current_commitment_signature=sig_from_bob)
       +    bob.config[LOCAL] = bob.config[LOCAL]._replace(current_commitment_signature=sig_from_alice)
       +    alice.set_local_commitment(alice.current_commitment(LOCAL))
       +    bob.set_local_commitment(bob.current_commitment(LOCAL))
       +    alice_second = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(alice_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX - 1), "big"))
       +    bob_second = lnutil.secret_to_pubkey(int.from_bytes(lnutil.get_per_commitment_secret_from_seed(bob_seed, lnutil.RevocationStore.START_INDEX - 1), "big"))
       +    alice.config[REMOTE] = alice.config[REMOTE]._replace(next_per_commitment_point=bob_second, current_per_commitment_point=bob_first)
       +    bob.config[REMOTE] = bob.config[REMOTE]._replace(next_per_commitment_point=alice_second, current_per_commitment_point=alice_first)
       +    alice.set_remote_commitment()
       +    bob.set_remote_commitment()
       +    alice.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked = alice.remote_commitment
       +    bob.remote_commitment_to_be_revoked = bob.remote_commitment
       +    alice.config[REMOTE] = alice.config[REMOTE]._replace(ctn=0)
       +    bob.config[REMOTE] = bob.config[REMOTE]._replace(ctn=0)
            return alice, bob
        class TestFee(unittest.TestCase):
       t@@ -141,11 +171,13 @@ class TestFee(unittest.TestCase):
       -    def test_SimpleAddSettleWorkflow(self):
       +    def test_fee(self):
                alice_channel, bob_channel = create_test_channels(253, 10000000000, 5000000000)
                self.assertIn(9999817, [x[2] for x in alice_channel.local_commitment.outputs()])
        class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
       +    maxDiff = 999
            def assertOutputExistsByValue(self, tx, amt_sat):
                for typ, scr, val in tx.outputs():
                    if val == amt_sat:
       t@@ -153,6 +185,10 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
       +    @staticmethod
       +    def setUpClass():
       +        set_verbosity(True)
            def setUp(self):
                # Create a test channel which will be used for the duration of this
                # unittest. The channel will be funded evenly with Alice having 5 BTC,
       t@@ -171,12 +207,15 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                # update log. Then Alice sends this wire message over to Bob who adds
                # this htlc to his remote state update log.
                self.aliceHtlcIndex = self.alice_channel.add_htlc(self.htlc_dict)
       +        self.assertNotEqual(self.alice_channel.hm.htlcs_by_direction(REMOTE, RECEIVED, 1), set())
                before = self.bob_channel.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(REMOTE)
                beforeLocal = self.bob_channel.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(LOCAL)
                self.bobHtlcIndex = self.bob_channel.receive_htlc(self.htlc_dict)
       +        self.assertEqual(1, self.bob_channel.hm.log[LOCAL]['ctn'] + 1)
       +        self.assertNotEqual(self.bob_channel.hm.htlcs_by_direction(LOCAL, RECEIVED, 1), set())
                after  = self.bob_channel.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(REMOTE)
                afterLocal = self.bob_channel.balance_minus_outgoing_htlcs(LOCAL)
       t@@ -185,7 +224,7 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                self.bob_pending_remote_balance = after
       -        self.htlc = self.bob_channel.log[lnutil.REMOTE].adds[0]
       +        self.htlc = self.bob_channel.hm.log[REMOTE]['adds'][0]
            def test_concurrent_reversed_payment(self):
                self.htlc_dict['payment_hash'] = bitcoin.sha256(32 * b'\x02')
       t@@ -193,32 +232,65 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                bob_idx = self.bob_channel.add_htlc(self.htlc_dict)
                alice_idx = self.alice_channel.receive_htlc(self.htlc_dict)
       -        self.assertEqual(len(self.alice_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()), 3)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(self.alice_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()), 4)
            def test_SimpleAddSettleWorkflow(self):
                alice_channel, bob_channel = self.alice_channel, self.bob_channel
                htlc = self.htlc
       +        alice_out = alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()
       +        short_idx, = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(alice_out) if len(x.address) == 42]
       +        long_idx,  = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(alice_out) if len(x.address) == 62]
       +        self.assertLess(alice_out[long_idx].value, 5 * 10**8, alice_out)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_out[short_idx].value, 5 * 10**8, alice_out)
       +        alice_out = alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()
       +        short_idx, = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(alice_out) if len(x.address) == 42]
       +        long_idx,  = [idx for idx, x in enumerate(alice_out) if len(x.address) == 62]
       +        self.assertLess(alice_out[short_idx].value, 5 * 10**8)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_out[long_idx].value, 5 * 10**8)
       +        def com():
       +            return alice_channel.local_commitment
       +        self.assertTrue(alice_channel.signature_fits(com()))
       +        self.assertNotEqual(alice_channel.included_htlcs(REMOTE, RECEIVED, 1), [])
                self.assertEqual({0: [], 1: [htlc]}, alice_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(LOCAL))
       -        self.assertEqual({0: [], 1: []}, bob_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(REMOTE))
       +        self.assertNotEqual(bob_channel.included_htlcs(REMOTE, SENT, 1), [])
       +        self.assertEqual({0: [], 1: [htlc]}, bob_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(REMOTE))
                self.assertEqual({0: [], 1: []}, alice_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(REMOTE))
                self.assertEqual({0: [], 1: []}, bob_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(LOCAL))
       -        # this wouldn't work since we put None in the remote_sig
       -        # alice_channel.force_close_tx()
       +        from electrum.lnutil import extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan
       +        tx0 = str(alice_channel.force_close_tx())
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.config[LOCAL].ctn, 0)
       +        self.assertEqual(extract_ctn_from_tx_and_chan(alice_channel.force_close_tx(), alice_channel), 0)
       +        self.assertTrue(alice_channel.signature_fits(alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)))
                # Next alice commits this change by sending a signature message. Since
                # we expect the messages to be ordered, Bob will receive the HTLC we
                # just sent before he receives this signature, so the signature will
                # cover the HTLC.
                aliceSig, aliceHtlcSigs = alice_channel.sign_next_commitment()
                self.assertEqual(len(aliceHtlcSigs), 1, "alice should generate one htlc signature")
       +        self.assertTrue(alice_channel.signature_fits(com()))
       +        self.assertEqual(str(alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)), str(com()))
       +        self.assertEqual(next(iter(alice_channel.hm.pending_htlcs(REMOTE)))[0], RECEIVED)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.hm.pending_htlcs(REMOTE), bob_channel.hm.pending_htlcs(LOCAL))
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs(), bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs())
                # Bob receives this signature message, and checks that this covers the
                # state he has in his remote log. This includes the HTLC just sent
                # from Alice.
       +        self.assertTrue(bob_channel.signature_fits(bob_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)))
                bob_channel.receive_new_commitment(aliceSig, aliceHtlcSigs)
       +        self.assertTrue(bob_channel.signature_fits(bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL)))
       +        self.assertEqual(bob_channel.config[REMOTE].ctn, 0)
       +        self.assertEqual(bob_channel.included_htlcs(REMOTE, SENT, 1), [htlc])
                self.assertEqual({0: [], 1: [htlc]}, alice_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(LOCAL))
                self.assertEqual({0: [], 1: [htlc]}, bob_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(REMOTE))
       t@@ -228,31 +300,68 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                # Bob revokes his prior commitment given to him by Alice, since he now
                # has a valid signature for a newer commitment.
                bobRevocation, _ = bob_channel.revoke_current_commitment()
       +        bob_channel.serialize()
       +        self.assertTrue(bob_channel.signature_fits(bob_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)))
       -        # Bob finally send a signature for Alice's commitment transaction.
       +        # Bob finally sends a signature for Alice's commitment transaction.
                # This signature will cover the HTLC, since Bob will first send the
                # revocation just created. The revocation also acks every received
       -        # HTLC up to the point where Alice sent here signature.
       +        # HTLC up to the point where Alice sent her signature.
                bobSig, bobHtlcSigs = bob_channel.sign_next_commitment()
       +        self.assertTrue(bob_channel.signature_fits(bob_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)))
       +        self.assertEqual(len(bobHtlcSigs), 1)
       +        self.assertTrue(alice_channel.signature_fits(com()))
       +        self.assertEqual(str(alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)), str(com()))
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()), 3)
                # Alice then processes this revocation, sending her own revocation for
                # her prior commitment transaction. Alice shouldn't have any HTLCs to
                # forward since she's sending an outgoing HTLC.
       +        alice_channel.serialize()
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.remote_commitment.outputs(), alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs())
       +        self.assertTrue(alice_channel.signature_fits(com()))
       +        self.assertTrue(alice_channel.signature_fits(alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)))
       +        alice_channel.serialize()
       +        self.assertEqual(str(alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)), str(com()))
       -        # test serializing with locked_in htlc
       -        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.to_save()['local_log']), 1)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()), 2)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()), 3)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(com().outputs()), 2)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.force_close_tx().outputs()), 2)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.hm.log.keys(), set([LOCAL, REMOTE]))
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.hm.log[LOCAL]['adds']), 1)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs(),
       +                         bob_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs())
                # Alice then processes bob's signature, and since she just received
                # the revocation, she expect this signature to cover everything up to
                # the point where she sent her signature, including the HTLC.
                alice_channel.receive_new_commitment(bobSig, bobHtlcSigs)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.remote_commitment.outputs(), alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs())
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()), 3)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(com().outputs()), 3)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.force_close_tx().outputs()), 3)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.hm.log[LOCAL]['adds']), 1)
       +        alice_channel.serialize()
                tx1 = str(alice_channel.force_close_tx())
       +        self.assertNotEqual(tx0, tx1)
                # Alice then generates a revocation for bob.
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.remote_commitment.outputs(), alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs())
                aliceRevocation, _ = alice_channel.revoke_current_commitment()
       +        alice_channel.serialize()
       +        #self.assertEqual(alice_channel.remote_commitment.outputs(), alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs())
                tx2 = str(alice_channel.force_close_tx())
                # since alice already has the signature for the next one, it doesn't change her force close tx (it was already the newer one)
       t@@ -262,7 +371,9 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                # is fully locked in within both commitment transactions. Bob should
                # also be able to forward an HTLC now that the HTLC has been locked
                # into both commitment transactions.
       +        self.assertTrue(bob_channel.signature_fits(bob_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)))
       +        bob_channel.serialize()
                # At this point, both sides should have the proper number of satoshis
                # sent, and commitment height updated within their local channel
       t@@ -279,16 +390,19 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                # Both commitment transactions should have three outputs, and one of
                # them should be exactly the amount of the HTLC.
       -        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.local_commitment.outputs()), 3, "alice should have three commitment outputs, instead have %s"% len(alice_channel.local_commitment.outputs()))
       -        self.assertEqual(len(bob_channel.local_commitment.outputs()), 3, "bob should have three commitment outputs, instead have %s"% len(bob_channel.local_commitment.outputs()))
       -        self.assertOutputExistsByValue(alice_channel.local_commitment, htlc.amount_msat // 1000)
       -        self.assertOutputExistsByValue(bob_channel.local_commitment, htlc.amount_msat // 1000)
       +        alice_ctx = alice_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL)
       +        bob_ctx = bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_ctx.outputs()), 3, "alice should have three commitment outputs, instead have %s"% len(alice_ctx.outputs()))
       +        self.assertEqual(len(bob_ctx.outputs()), 3, "bob should have three commitment outputs, instead have %s"% len(bob_ctx.outputs()))
       +        self.assertOutputExistsByValue(alice_ctx, htlc.amount_msat // 1000)
       +        self.assertOutputExistsByValue(bob_ctx, htlc.amount_msat // 1000)
                # Now we'll repeat a similar exchange, this time with Bob settling the
                # HTLC once he learns of the preimage.
                preimage = self.paymentPreimage
                bob_channel.settle_htlc(preimage, self.bobHtlcIndex)
       +        #self.assertEqual(alice_channel.remote_commitment.outputs(), alice_channel.current_commitment(REMOTE).outputs())
                alice_channel.receive_htlc_settle(preimage, self.aliceHtlcIndex)
                tx3 = str(alice_channel.force_close_tx())
       t@@ -296,28 +410,43 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                self.assertEqual(tx2, tx3)
                bobSig2, bobHtlcSigs2 = bob_channel.sign_next_commitment()
       +        self.assertEqual(len(bobHtlcSigs2), 0)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.hm.htlcs_by_direction(REMOTE, RECEIVED), [htlc])
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.included_htlcs(REMOTE, RECEIVED, alice_channel.config[REMOTE].ctn), [htlc])
                self.assertEqual({1: [htlc], 2: []}, alice_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(LOCAL))
                self.assertEqual({1: [htlc], 2: []}, bob_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(REMOTE))
                self.assertEqual({1: [], 2: []}, alice_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(REMOTE))
                self.assertEqual({1: [], 2: []}, bob_channel.included_htlcs_in_their_latest_ctxs(LOCAL))
       +        alice_ctx_bob_version = bob_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()
       +        alice_ctx_alice_version = alice_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_ctx_alice_version, alice_ctx_bob_version)
                alice_channel.receive_new_commitment(bobSig2, bobHtlcSigs2)
                tx4 = str(alice_channel.force_close_tx())
                self.assertNotEqual(tx3, tx4)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_channel.balance(LOCAL), 500000000000)
       +        self.assertEqual(1, alice_channel.config[LOCAL].ctn)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.included_htlcs(LOCAL, RECEIVED, ctn=2)), 0)
                aliceRevocation2, _ = alice_channel.revoke_current_commitment()
       +        alice_channel.serialize()
                aliceSig2, aliceHtlcSigs2 = alice_channel.sign_next_commitment()
                self.assertEqual(aliceHtlcSigs2, [], "alice should generate no htlc signatures")
       +        self.assertEqual(len(bob_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()), 3)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()), 2)
                received, sent = bob_channel.receive_revocation(aliceRevocation2)
       +        bob_channel.serialize()
                self.assertEqual(received, one_bitcoin_in_msat)
                bob_channel.receive_new_commitment(aliceSig2, aliceHtlcSigs2)
                bobRevocation2, _ = bob_channel.revoke_current_commitment()
       +        bob_channel.serialize()
       +        alice_channel.serialize()
                # At this point, Bob should have 6 BTC settled, with Alice still having
                # 4 BTC. Alice's channel should show 1 BTC sent and Bob's channel
       t@@ -331,15 +460,15 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                self.assertEqual(bob_channel.current_height[LOCAL], 2, "bob has incorrect commitment height")
                self.assertEqual(alice_channel.current_height[LOCAL], 2, "alice has incorrect commitment height")
       -        # The logs of both sides should now be cleared since the entry adding
       -        # the HTLC should have been removed once both sides receive the
       -        # revocation.
       -        #self.assertEqual(alice_channel.local_update_log, [], "alice's local not updated, should be empty, has %s entries instead"% len(alice_channel.local_update_log))
       -        #self.assertEqual(alice_channel.remote_update_log, [], "alice's remote not updated, should be empty, has %s entries instead"% len(alice_channel.remote_update_log))
                self.assertEqual(self.bob_pending_remote_balance, self.alice_channel.balance(LOCAL))
                alice_channel.update_fee(100000, True)
       +        alice_outputs = alice_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()
       +        old_outputs = bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()
                bob_channel.update_fee(100000, False)
       +        new_outputs = bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()
       +        self.assertNotEqual(old_outputs, new_outputs)
       +        self.assertEqual(alice_outputs, new_outputs)
                tx5 = str(alice_channel.force_close_tx())
                # sending a fee update does not change her force close tx
       t@@ -353,10 +482,17 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                self.htlc_dict['amount_msat'] *= 5
                bob_index = bob_channel.add_htlc(self.htlc_dict)
                alice_index = alice_channel.receive_htlc(self.htlc_dict)
       -        force_state_transition(alice_channel, bob_channel)
       +        bob_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE)
       +        alice_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL)
       +        alice_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE)
       +        bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL)
       +        force_state_transition(bob_channel, alice_channel)
                alice_channel.settle_htlc(self.paymentPreimage, alice_index)
                bob_channel.receive_htlc_settle(self.paymentPreimage, bob_index)
       -        force_state_transition(alice_channel, bob_channel)
       +        force_state_transition(bob_channel, alice_channel)
                self.assertEqual(alice_channel.total_msat(SENT), one_bitcoin_in_msat, "alice satoshis sent incorrect")
                self.assertEqual(alice_channel.total_msat(RECEIVED), 5 * one_bitcoin_in_msat, "alice satoshis received incorrect")
                self.assertEqual(bob_channel.total_msat(RECEIVED), one_bitcoin_in_msat, "bob satoshis received incorrect")
       t@@ -366,8 +502,15 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
            def alice_to_bob_fee_update(self, fee=111):
       +        aoldctx = self.alice_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()
                self.alice_channel.update_fee(fee, True)
       +        anewctx = self.alice_channel.pending_commitment(REMOTE).outputs()
       +        self.assertNotEqual(aoldctx, anewctx)
       +        boldctx = self.bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()
                self.bob_channel.update_fee(fee, False)
       +        bnewctx = self.bob_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()
       +        self.assertNotEqual(boldctx, bnewctx)
       +        self.assertEqual(anewctx, bnewctx)
                return fee
            def test_UpdateFeeSenderCommits(self):
       t@@ -444,7 +587,7 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                # value 2 BTC, which should make Alice's balance negative (since she
                # has to pay a commitment fee).
                new = dict(self.htlc_dict)
       -        new['amount_msat'] *= 2
       +        new['amount_msat'] *= 2.5
                new['payment_hash'] = bitcoin.sha256(32 * b'\x04')
                with self.assertRaises(lnutil.PaymentFailure) as cm:
       t@@ -462,7 +605,6 @@ class TestChannel(unittest.TestCase):
                        from deepdiff import DeepDiff
       -                from pprint import pformat
                    except ImportError:
                    raise Exception(pformat(DeepDiff(before_signing, after_signing)))
       t@@ -549,9 +691,9 @@ class TestChanReserve(unittest.TestCase):
                force_state_transition(self.alice_channel, self.bob_channel)
                aliceSelfBalance = self.alice_channel.balance(LOCAL)\
       -                - lnchan.htlcsum(self.alice_channel.htlcs(LOCAL, True))
       +                - lnchan.htlcsum(self.alice_channel.hm.htlcs_by_direction(LOCAL, SENT))
                bobBalance = self.bob_channel.balance(REMOTE)\
       -                - lnchan.htlcsum(self.alice_channel.htlcs(REMOTE, True))
       +                - lnchan.htlcsum(self.alice_channel.hm.htlcs_by_direction(REMOTE, SENT))
                self.assertEqual(aliceSelfBalance, one_bitcoin_in_msat*4.5)
                self.assertEqual(bobBalance, one_bitcoin_in_msat*5)
                # Now let Bob try to add an HTLC. This should fail, since it will
       t@@ -647,17 +789,22 @@ class TestDust(unittest.TestCase):
                    'cltv_expiry' :  5, # also in create_test_channels
       +        old_values = [x.value for x in bob_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL).outputs() ]
                aliceHtlcIndex = alice_channel.add_htlc(htlc)
                bobHtlcIndex = bob_channel.receive_htlc(htlc)
                force_state_transition(alice_channel, bob_channel)
       -        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.local_commitment.outputs()), 3)
       -        self.assertEqual(len(bob_channel.local_commitment.outputs()), 2)
       +        alice_ctx = alice_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)
       +        bob_ctx = bob_channel.current_commitment(LOCAL)
       +        new_values = [x.value for x in bob_ctx.outputs() ]
       +        self.assertNotEqual(old_values, new_values)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_ctx.outputs()), 3)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(bob_ctx.outputs()), 2)
                default_fee = calc_static_fee(0)
                self.assertEqual(bob_channel.pending_local_fee(), default_fee + htlcAmt)
                bob_channel.settle_htlc(paymentPreimage, bobHtlcIndex)
                alice_channel.receive_htlc_settle(paymentPreimage, aliceHtlcIndex)
                force_state_transition(bob_channel, alice_channel)
       -        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.local_commitment.outputs()), 2)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(alice_channel.pending_commitment(LOCAL).outputs()), 2)
                self.assertEqual(alice_channel.total_msat(SENT) // 1000, htlcAmt)
        def force_state_transition(chanA, chanB):
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/tests/test_lnhtlc.py b/electrum/tests/test_lnhtlc.py
       t@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
       +import unittest
       +from electrum.lnutil import RECEIVED, LOCAL, REMOTE, SENT, HTLCOwner
       +from electrum.lnhtlc import HTLCManager
       +from typing import NamedTuple
       +class H(NamedTuple):
       +    owner : str
       +    htlc_id : int
       +class TestHTLCManager(unittest.TestCase):
       +    def test_race(self):
       +        A = HTLCManager()
       +        B = HTLCManager()
       +        ah0, bh0 = H('A', 0), H('B', 0)
       +        B.recv_htlc(A.send_htlc(ah0))
       +        self.assertTrue(B.expect_sig[RECEIVED])
       +        self.assertTrue(A.expect_sig[SENT])
       +        self.assertFalse(B.expect_sig[SENT])
       +        self.assertFalse(A.expect_sig[RECEIVED])
       +        self.assertEqual(B.log[REMOTE]['locked_in'][0][LOCAL], 1)
       +        A.recv_htlc(B.send_htlc(bh0))
       +        self.assertTrue(B.expect_sig[RECEIVED])
       +        self.assertTrue(A.expect_sig[SENT])
       +        self.assertTrue(A.expect_sig[SENT])
       +        self.assertTrue(B.expect_sig[RECEIVED])
       +        self.assertEqual(B.current_htlcs(LOCAL), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(A.current_htlcs(LOCAL), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(B.pending_htlcs(LOCAL), [(RECEIVED, ah0)])
       +        self.assertEqual(A.pending_htlcs(LOCAL), [(RECEIVED, bh0)])
       +        A.send_ctx()
       +        B.recv_ctx()
       +        B.send_ctx()
       +        A.recv_ctx()
       +        self.assertEqual(B.pending_htlcs(LOCAL), [(RECEIVED, ah0), (SENT, bh0)][::-1])
       +        self.assertEqual(A.pending_htlcs(LOCAL), [(RECEIVED, bh0), (SENT, ah0)][::-1])
       +        B.send_rev()
       +        A.recv_rev()
       +        A.send_rev()
       +        B.recv_rev()
       +        self.assertEqual(B.current_htlcs(LOCAL), [(RECEIVED, ah0), (SENT, bh0)][::-1])
       +        self.assertEqual(A.current_htlcs(LOCAL), [(RECEIVED, bh0), (SENT, ah0)][::-1])
       +    def test_no_race(self):
       +        A = HTLCManager()
       +        B = HTLCManager()
       +        B.recv_htlc(A.send_htlc(H('A', 0)))
       +        self.assertEqual(len(B.pending_htlcs(REMOTE)), 1)
       +        A.send_ctx()
       +        B.recv_ctx()
       +        B.send_rev()
       +        A.recv_rev()
       +        B.send_ctx()
       +        A.recv_ctx()
       +        A.send_rev()
       +        B.recv_rev()
       +        self.assertEqual(len(A.current_htlcs(LOCAL)), 1)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(B.current_htlcs(LOCAL)), 1)
       +        B.send_settle(0)
       +        A.recv_settle(0)
       +        self.assertEqual(A.htlcs_by_direction(REMOTE, RECEIVED), [H('A', 0)])
       +        self.assertNotEqual(A.current_htlcs(LOCAL), [])
       +        self.assertNotEqual(B.current_htlcs(REMOTE), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(A.pending_htlcs(LOCAL), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(B.pending_htlcs(REMOTE), [])
       +        B.send_ctx()
       +        A.recv_ctx()
       +        A.send_rev()
       +        B.recv_rev()
       +        A.send_ctx()
       +        B.recv_ctx()
       +        B.send_rev()
       +        A.recv_rev()
       +        self.assertEqual(B.current_htlcs(LOCAL), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(A.current_htlcs(LOCAL), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(A.current_htlcs(REMOTE), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(B.current_htlcs(REMOTE), [])
       +        self.assertEqual(len(A.settled_htlcs(LOCAL)), 1)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(A.sent_in_ctn(2)), 1)
       +        self.assertEqual(len(B.received_in_ctn(2)), 1)
       +    def test_settle_while_owing(self):
       +        A = HTLCManager()
       +        B = HTLCManager()
       +        B.recv_htlc(A.send_htlc(H('A', 0)))
       +        A.send_ctx()
       +        B.recv_ctx()
       +        B.send_rev()
       +        A.recv_rev()
       +        B.send_settle(0)
       +        A.recv_settle(0)
       +        self.assertEqual(B.pending_htlcs(REMOTE), [])
       +        B.send_ctx()
       +        A.recv_ctx()
       +        A.send_rev()
       +        B.recv_rev()
   DIR diff --git a/electrum/tests/test_lnutil.py b/electrum/tests/test_lnutil.py
       t@@ -6,8 +6,7 @@ from electrum.lnutil import (RevocationStore, get_per_commitment_secret_from_see
                                     make_htlc_tx_inputs, secret_to_pubkey, derive_blinded_pubkey, derive_privkey,
                                     derive_pubkey, make_htlc_tx, extract_ctn_from_tx, UnableToDeriveSecret,
                                     get_compressed_pubkey_from_bech32, split_host_port, ConnStringFormatError,
       -                             ScriptHtlc, extract_nodeid, calc_onchain_fees)
       -from electrum import lnchan
       +                             ScriptHtlc, extract_nodeid, calc_onchain_fees, UpdateAddHtlc)
        from electrum.util import bh2u, bfh
        from electrum.transaction import Transaction
       t@@ -496,7 +495,7 @@ class TestLNUtil(unittest.TestCase):
                    (1, 2000 * 1000),
                    (3, 3000 * 1000),
                    (4, 4000 * 1000)]:
       -            htlc_obj[num] = lnchan.UpdateAddHtlc(amount_msat=msat, payment_hash=bitcoin.sha256(htlc_payment_preimage[num]), cltv_expiry=None, htlc_id=None)
       +            htlc_obj[num] = UpdateAddHtlc(amount_msat=msat, payment_hash=bitcoin.sha256(htlc_payment_preimage[num]), cltv_expiry=None, htlc_id=None)
                htlcs = [ScriptHtlc(htlc[x], htlc_obj[x]) for x in range(5)]
                our_commit_tx = make_commitment(
       t@@ -506,7 +505,7 @@ class TestLNUtil(unittest.TestCase):
                    local_revocation_pubkey, local_delayedpubkey, local_delay,
                    funding_tx_id, funding_output_index, funding_amount_satoshi,
                    to_local_msat, to_remote_msat, local_dust_limit_satoshi,
       -            calc_onchain_fees(len(htlcs), local_feerate_per_kw, True, we_are_initiator=True), htlcs=htlcs)
       +            calc_onchain_fees(len(htlcs), local_feerate_per_kw, True), htlcs=htlcs)
                self.sign_and_insert_remote_sig(our_commit_tx, remote_funding_pubkey, remote_signature, local_funding_pubkey, local_funding_privkey)
                self.assertEqual(str(our_commit_tx), output_commit_tx)
       t@@ -584,7 +583,7 @@ class TestLNUtil(unittest.TestCase):
                    local_revocation_pubkey, local_delayedpubkey, local_delay,
                    funding_tx_id, funding_output_index, funding_amount_satoshi,
                    to_local_msat, to_remote_msat, local_dust_limit_satoshi,
       -            calc_onchain_fees(0, local_feerate_per_kw, True, we_are_initiator=True), htlcs=[])
       +            calc_onchain_fees(0, local_feerate_per_kw, True), htlcs=[])
                self.sign_and_insert_remote_sig(our_commit_tx, remote_funding_pubkey, remote_signature, local_funding_pubkey, local_funding_privkey)
                self.assertEqual(str(our_commit_tx), output_commit_tx)
       t@@ -603,7 +602,7 @@ class TestLNUtil(unittest.TestCase):
                    local_revocation_pubkey, local_delayedpubkey, local_delay,
                    funding_tx_id, funding_output_index, funding_amount_satoshi,
                    to_local_msat, to_remote_msat, local_dust_limit_satoshi,
       -            calc_onchain_fees(0, local_feerate_per_kw, True, we_are_initiator=True), htlcs=[])
       +            calc_onchain_fees(0, local_feerate_per_kw, True), htlcs=[])
                self.sign_and_insert_remote_sig(our_commit_tx, remote_funding_pubkey, remote_signature, local_funding_pubkey, local_funding_privkey)
                self.assertEqual(str(our_commit_tx), output_commit_tx)
       t@@ -661,7 +660,7 @@ class TestLNUtil(unittest.TestCase):
                    local_revocation_pubkey, local_delayedpubkey, local_delay,
                    funding_tx_id, funding_output_index, funding_amount_satoshi,
                    to_local_msat, to_remote_msat, local_dust_limit_satoshi,
       -            calc_onchain_fees(0, local_feerate_per_kw, True, we_are_initiator=True), htlcs=[])
       +            calc_onchain_fees(0, local_feerate_per_kw, True), htlcs=[])
                self.sign_and_insert_remote_sig(our_commit_tx, remote_funding_pubkey, remote_signature, local_funding_pubkey, local_funding_privkey)
                ref_commit_tx_str = '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'
                self.assertEqual(str(our_commit_tx), ref_commit_tx_str)